PvP - Full of anger and insuling...
If you don’t want to block and get the feeling there’s no getting through those people, the sarcasm/irony advice is the best. Just agree with everything they say or just say the same thing every time, ala “woo hoo”, or “Thanks!”, or some other random thing. The key is really to get them to rage harder so they get tired of it. Note this only for those with thick skin, but quite fun.
Troll dem, whispers of sarcasm and irony are your deadly weapons, mon! You’ll make them jump on their seats and call moms. And you’ll have some fun while waiting for queues to pop.
They block you before they will whisper you.
Tho they rage-ask you questions and even laugh that you do not respond to them because you’re scared-noob.This is so accurate lmao
That whisper-block combo is the worst, lol. You don’t get the satisfaction of a snappy comeback, and spend the remainder of the match feeling like George in that one Seinfeld episode (‘The jerk store called, they’re running out of YOU!’).
Which is why you put yourself in offline mode and avoid jerk store moment. I mean those really really suck.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Which is why you put yourself in offline mode and avoid jerk store moment. I mean those really really suck.
They can always mail you.
y lol…the bad guys…if u like bad guys ok its ur decision..personally i dont like criminals and people who cant behave and prefer hurting people than helping ^^
but u r right..a megaserver for new player will be nice…and they can decide when they r ready for the normal server….so they can learn the game without beeing flammed when they do mistakes
Bad Boy, Bad Boys, what cha gonna do, what cha going do when they come for you!
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian
You should be able to report players for playing badly in rated and trust me it should be a low standard but come on. How many times am I supposed to accept someone spawning and going to far point solo and dieing horribly without ever neutralizing the point once and then putting us in uneven fights for the next minute or two. Even after I ask nicely after it happens a couple of times but you better bet by the fifth time straight I am going to say something and it won’t be that pleasant.
How many matches are they going to cost people by going 2 or 3 to chief or Svanir to start leaving there teammates to get run over at keep? Even after outlining the split to start in chat? The fact of the matter is the vast majority of the time people rage its because of bs mistakes people make. I could care less if people lose even fights. But to not know simple rotations and splits to start the various maps you have no right to play rated not knowing those things when there is unrated and arena to learn. You will cause your team mates to be in totally uneven unfun fights all match long. It’s 100% totally unfair to experienced players to not know the basics (or care) and jump into rated play.
(edited by brannigan.9831)
How many matches are they going to cost people by going 2 or 3 to chief or Svanir to start leaving there teammates to get run over at keep? Even after outlining the split to start in chat? The fact of the matter is the vast majority of the time people rage its because of bs mistakes people make. I could care less if people lose even fights. But to not know simple rotations and splits to start the various maps you have no right to play rated not knowing those things when there is unrated and arena to learn. You will cause your team mates to be in totally uneven unfun fights all match long. It’s 100% totally unfair to experienced players to not know the basics (or care) and jump into rated play.
I’ve told off people for going for Svanir at the start of the match too, your frustration is understandable, but that’s no excuse for the abuse some people are throwing at their teammates. You know why there’s so many noobs around? Because most people quit after 10 matches cause they get sick of the people in pvp.
Besides, it’s not really their fault if ANet put marginal objectives not worth going for on their maps. That’s just bad design. At least the bosses on Niflhel are worth getting sometimes – the side-buffs at Temple are so marginal it’s ALWAYS a waste of time to cap them! And it’s not like you know what they do if you’re new, and even if you hover over the buff to see, it’s not like you can calculate on the fly how many kills you’re likely to get for the duration of the buff and whether the extra points will be worth it. You can’t figure it out except by playing dozens of matches on that map! So it’s not really a “BS mistake” if they’re going and doing what they think the game designer wanted them to do – it’s intuitively the logical thing to do. It takes a lot of experience to get to know the game better than its designers!
You know why there’s so many noobs around? Because most people quit after 10 matches cause they get sick of the people in pvp.
if i can make noobs quit ranked with verbal abuse that’s a good thing imo. as it is now i’d rather have a 20 min que than to have to watch my 4 kittened teammates lose the game for me.
blablabla white knight in shining armor blabla
if people have no idea how to play they shouldn’t be playing ranked. period.
(edited by zaced.7948)
Ye its unfortunate that people will be kittenty like that sometimes. The thing is, this is pvp though. PvP in any game brings out the competetive side of people which isn’t so pretty. Just ignore them.
Ye its unfortunate that people will be kittenty like that sometimes. The thing is, this is pvp though. PvP in any game brings out the competetive side of people which isn’t so pretty. Just ignore them.
There is a difference in being competitive, and being foul.
But the more i read this post i realize how little ppl actually care about ppl in general…
Im reading posts in this Thread that genuinely makes me sad for humanity in general, i wonder… before it was normal to say GG and shake hands and be generally friendly after and end game, but now we get a surge of ppl without any morals or etics running around screaming only becaus their sitting with their face infront of a screen looking at pixels.
is this really okay?? do you guys seriously think verbally abusing ppl will get you somewhere, how would you react in real, would you vebally abuse if you were standing infront of someone….????
maybe a 12 year old kid or a 50 year old man the enjoys the leisure of a good game ??
think about it, behavior like this cannot last and i do really hope one day that anet will clean up in this, it is not okay in any way to think like this.
before it was normal to say GG and shake hands
gg means “good game”. why would anyone say that if the game was horribly bad?
would you vebally abuse if you were standing infront of someone….????
yes, if it gets me what i want i would use any means to get it. verbally, physically, whatever. as i said before: if i can improve the gameplay of someone even if it’s just a random information sticking because he remembers me abusing him verbally ("omg, this guy flamed me hard because i didn’t rotate like he said …. hmh … rotate like he said … ") that’s better than being nice and have 0 of the information sticking. usually you get completely ignored if you don’t attack someone.
someone that enjoys the “leisure” of a good game has nothing to do in ranked. that is a area you play to win.
the moment anet bans the abusive (because competitive) players they lose their competitive base. then it really will be just 3-4 teams playing against each other in tournaments over and over again.
(edited by zaced.7948)
before it was normal to say GG and shake hands
gg means “good game”. why would anyone say that if the game was horribly bad?
It is called having manners.
But i guess an expression like that is not valid anymore becaus….. Thuglife ???
My point here would be that it wouldn’t hurt to be polite, i wouldn’t hurt to have a friendly attitude towards others.
It will however hurt the other way around, but nobody cares because its all on the Internet, and if you don’t see someone crying its okay….sad.
before it was normal to say GG and shake hands
gg means “good game”. why would anyone say that if the game was horribly bad?
It is called having manners.
But i guess an expression like that is not valid anymore becaus….. Thuglife ???
no thuglife here. just basic expectations. i have the decency to play unrated until i am confident i know at least the basics of the gameplay. i expect others to have that decency, too. isn’t that also good manners? ideally experienced players would not have to bother with clueless people and therefore the average amount of anger built up would be a lot less. but anet decided it’s a good idea to have complete scrubs be able to ruin the game experience of competitive players in ranked. not only that, they break the matchmaking (which wasn’t that good but many times better before) and throw experienced players into one pot with clueless people, ideally with a team composition that is hopeless from the first second on. every other game has either some sort of requirement to enter ranked games or a league system. oh, and a matchmaking that doesn’t seem to look for the worst matchup possible.
@nocturnus: you should probably read what others have written. you would make the conclusion that what you say has been taken apart a few times already.
also there is a funny little button that looks like a pen. it gives you magical powers to not have to make multiple posts after another.
(edited by zaced.7948)
It’s on arena net to police its community. Pretty much any large group will turn toxic if it’s not moderated. Unpleasant people will drive pleasant people away, so over time you only have unpleasant folks and people who’re willing to put up with their crap.
If anet hired a few interns to go through block reports and handed out serious bans for being toxic, the problem would probably get better. I expect there’s a lot of middle-of-the-road people that will be polite if others are polite, and jerks if others are jerks.
I have not Enjoyed PvP since they made all the changes. I think removing a place for solo minded and casual players to go is a mistake. Since then, if it’s not someone with a bad attitude ruining the match, then I am competing against premade teams.
I log in from time to time to see what it’s like in hopes I will enjoy myself again, and I usually just log out after a match or two. I Don’t like it and I have done exactly what you are supposed to do when something stops being fun. Stop giving it your time. I suggest everyone else who is unhappy do the same. That’s all they see. Metrics.
I can’t see how these changes are helping the pvp population. I hope Anet is reading and taking note. It’s the only reason I wasted my time with this post.
Yak’s Bend.
Ye its unfortunate that people will be kittenty like that sometimes. The thing is, this is pvp though. PvP in any game brings out the competetive side of people which isn’t so pretty. Just ignore them.
There is a difference in being competitive, and being foul.
But the more i read this post i realize how little ppl actually care about ppl in general…Im reading posts in this Thread that genuinely makes me sad for humanity in general, i wonder… before it was normal to say GG and shake hands and be generally friendly after and end game, but now we get a surge of ppl without any morals or etics running around screaming only becaus their sitting with their face infront of a screen looking at pixels.
is this really okay?? do you guys seriously think verbally abusing ppl will get you somewhere, how would you react in real, would you vebally abuse if you were standing infront of someone….????
maybe a 12 year old kid or a 50 year old man the enjoys the leisure of a good game ??
think about it, behavior like this cannot last and i do really hope one day that anet will clean up in this, it is not okay in any way to think like this.
Yes but competitive environments can become pretty fowl. It always happens, I never encouraged it, I just said that if you go into a competitive environment in any game, you will find people like that.
Also, this is the internet. People have the leisure of being much more nasty because they are just nameless, faceless, trolls.
It’s on arena net to police its community. Pretty much any large group will turn toxic if it’s not moderated. Unpleasant people will drive pleasant people away, so over time you only have unpleasant folks and people who’re willing to put up with their crap.
The fact that responsibility for acting like angry children can be so casually placed on those not acting like children is a pretty scathing commentary on the state of PvP gaming communities, in my opinion.
However, a system like DotA has that lets you commend/“report” players based on their attitude could go a ways. Those systems may be potentially abuse-able, but if you hit the sweet spot that punishes players who are reported too often for being cancerous (whether it’s longer queues, votes presented to a team that allows them to skip that person in the queue based on them having a laundry list of negative reports and no positive ones, etc.), the bar will probably be raised at least somewhat.
It’s disappointing to know that people can’t just be decent human beings without the threat of punishment, but such is life. Until then, either have fun with those getting ultra angry, or ignore them however possible. If you really enjoy playing the game, don’t let some lame humans keep you from doing something you enjoy.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
i usually go with my guild..and we r all friends so they r fine
…problem are the enemies..or when i go alone..
if i block daily 5 player my b-list gets full…
I call BS. We all play this game and none of get so many people spamming us hate chat that there are 5 blocks per day. If that is true – then listen to the people…they are trying to tell you to quit sucking. Grow so thick skin, shave off the insults from the statements and see if there is a theme to their arguments.
It takes 2 to get an argument going! People are allowed to tell you to stop being a tool and chasing far if you keep sucking at it. If you keep chasing far and sucking – maybe you should listen up. Buck up, get your head in the game and fix your error. If you are so effected by the way they say something to you….over the internet….in a video game, then maybe you should work on your Zen Place too. Clearly, you are letting other people pixels effect your day in a negative way.
If you are at the point where 5…count them 5! people are getting blocked by you per day…then you are the problem, not them.
TL:DR It takes 2 to get an argument going. Buck Up, quit letting pixels ruin your day
1 on this, it does’nt matter whether your rank is 50+. look on the other side of the coin. and Yes people might get very aggressive but i’ve seen people who don’t know what to do yet playing rank. mostly getting their points by merely farming
look on the other side of the coin. and Yes people might get very aggressive but i’ve seen people who don’t know what to do yet playing rank. mostly getting their points by merely farming
don’t waste your breath. dem shiny nice people are completely immune to understanding that most people are angry for a very good reason.
btt: if people without any understanding of the mechanics in pvp demand to be tolerated in ranked then i demand for my anger at their presence to be tolerated as well. you can’t have the good without the bad. tze, spoiled kids these days …
Ye its unfortunate that people will be kittenty like that sometimes. The thing is, this is pvp though. PvP in any game brings out the competetive side of people which isn’t so pretty. Just ignore them.
There is a difference in being competitive, and being foul.
But the more i read this post i realize how little ppl actually care about ppl in general…Im reading posts in this Thread that genuinely makes me sad for humanity in general, i wonder… before it was normal to say GG and shake hands and be generally friendly after and end game, but now we get a surge of ppl without any morals or etics running around screaming only becaus their sitting with their face infront of a screen looking at pixels.
is this really okay?? do you guys seriously think verbally abusing ppl will get you somewhere, how would you react in real, would you vebally abuse if you were standing infront of someone….????
maybe a 12 year old kid or a 50 year old man the enjoys the leisure of a good game ??
think about it, behavior like this cannot last and i do really hope one day that anet will clean up in this, it is not okay in any way to think like this.Yes but competitive environments can become pretty fowl. It always happens, I never encouraged it, I just said that if you go into a competitive environment in any game, you will find people like that.
Also, this is the internet. People have the leisure of being much more nasty because they are just nameless, faceless, trolls.
Yes i have to agree with you, i know the competitive enviroment brings bad ppl, and i am aware that they are high and mighty only becaus of the internet filter.
What im dissapointed about is the fact that just becaus its been going on like this for a while, all of a sudden it is okay to be malign.
What im hoping for is that anet will eventually take a stand on this and start throwing those ,who doesnt seem to have any sort of morals, out of the game.
And i hope they will do this before the toxicity destroys this game for ppl that actually want to play it as a game.
@zaced there where a million ways you could “teach” me about the edit post button, but you chose to talk down to me. You see that proves my point even further, did i learn anything from it ?? Yes i did. Did i learn what you inteded to come across with?? No not at all
(edited by Nocturnus.6872)
Those who start swearing and insulting fo no reason are my favourite kind of players. I troll them so hard after, they rage 100% , so i end up laughing and having fun :P
don’t waste your breath. dem shiny nice people are completely immune to understanding that most people are angry for a very good reason.
For me..the problem is..i play not the best but good enough to call myself a pvp player…i listen to every advice (except if i see a better thing, bcs im also able to use my brain in a good way)
And i get insulted out of nothing by an enemie….i was saying nothing at all in the map chat…or doing anything bad to the enemie (except fighting the match)….so whats the reason for this?
I completly agree that it is annoying to play with not experienced player bcs they expect a thief to keep standing on a point while they (bunker) run all over the place to chase the enemie running around the point, and i cant attack good bcs i need to get the point……but all of this is no reason to think everyone who make 1 small mistake is an unexperienced player and start shouting out of nothing
before it was normal to say GG and shake hands
gg means “good game”. why would anyone say that if the game was horribly bad?
would you vebally abuse if you were standing infront of someone….????
yes, if it gets me what i want i would use any means to get it. verbally, physically, whatever. as i said before: if i can improve the gameplay of someone even if it’s just a random information sticking because he remembers me abusing him verbally ("omg, this guy flamed me hard because i didn’t rotate like he said …. hmh … rotate like he said … ")
Actually..when someone shout at me ..i dont listen to it..i ignore it…bcs a shouting person is always the loser bcs he got no convincing statment so he need to shout.
And also it hurt me a lot and not to get more hurt i ignore that person and forget everthing he/she said
But if someone tell me something in nice way…at least without bad words in it….i think of it and do what they say if i come to the conclusion that its the rigth thing (bcs there r also some unexperienced player shouting around)
Those who start swearing and insulting fo no reason are my favourite kind of players. I troll them so hard after, they rage 100% , so i end up laughing and having fun :P
Once i was thinking the same like u (and its the best way to protect oneselfs)
the problem is..this makes them rage on others..who did nothing..and then these rage again…its a never ending story
I dont want just protect myself..i want protect everyone who want play the game to have fun….and i really hope A-net will read this post and do something
And btw…
i guess you all knows those guys keeping insulting and stay AFK at start just for “not carrying the whole team” even at a score difference of 30 cause we’re all so noob.
.. and you cant do anything because hey keep writing – they dont get a dc.
its so f** annoying. ):
Everyone who dont trust me when i say im not a noob , try to pm me ingame (if i didnt blocked u already) and u can see it with ur own eyes
moony, what you don’t consider is that you’re an amazingly small minority. the vast majority simply ignores everything they are told and keeps on doing whatever they deem right however destructive it is to their team. in the end it comes down to simple psychology and on average flaming is a more efficient way to hammer some sense into people because negative events trigger a much more memorable reaction in human brains.
I agree that excessive language abuse is totally unacceptable. However, if your experiencing this situation more often than others, then look back and see the root cause of the problem.
On the other hand people, let’s try to be more constructive in our criticism. Everyone starts from something. Let’s not prevent other players from experiencing the fun of it. However, if your always being paired up with the same MOTHERF$@#% and despite all your efforts of teaching still does the same thing. Then it’s up to you
(edited by mishkamba.6358)
I would suggest also better pvp tutorials for beginner or player who r not sure how things work.
Also it will help if there r some hot joins without some r80 guys who kill everything in 1 second x) and the same…some hot joins without bad player…..and ranked arena should be enterable after something like a quest where people learn everything about pvp and the maps..so they dont run around not knowing what to do
At the end of the day ppl should also realize, this is just a game.
Sit back relax and enjoy yourself, teach a person how to play by taking him under your wing, instead of abusing him in team or say. Who knows next time you need a m8 for something there just may be a person willing to help you instead of saying to go kitten yourself
You know why there’s so many noobs around? Because most people quit after 10 matches cause they get sick of the people in pvp.
if i can make noobs quit ranked with verbal abuse that’s a good thing imo. as it is now i’d rather have a 20 min que than to have to watch my 4 kittened teammates lose the game for me.
That would be awesome. Maybe it’ll just be you playing in the end. Then you’ll be happy.
Also, since you’ve had less than 250 games by December 16th, I’m sure there’s a lot of people who’d consider you a noob as well.
blablabla white knight in shining armor blabla
if people have no idea how to play they shouldn’t be playing ranked. period.
My point was they think they DO know how to play: they see an objective, they go for it. It makes sense, you’d think you’d be helping your team. It’s bad design that the objectives are so marginal your time is better spent elsewhere. But I’m sure you know better, so I nominate you for pvp commissioner so you get to decide who plays and who doesn’t.
3 parts for that one:
part 1 – no technical solution in sight
It is simply impossible for a moderator (or program) to track every written sentence to double-check it for insulting content before it gets submitted. A program is simply not capable of filtering them properly (except for buzzwords), and there are WAY too few moderators out there to check all posts preemptively. And the staff we have is actually occupied with looking into tickets and hunting down bots/hackers.
part 2 – deal with insults on your own
As you rightfully have stated already, pvp easily cooks up emotions, therefore it is only natural that people vent. If they vent on you, you can always block them, report them for verbal abuse, or – the most straight forward option – ignore them. A post can only be referred to as insult if you take it as one (still, not everything you perceive as insult is an actual one), so it is up to you to discard it for yourself and stand above it. Learn to ignore them, take your amusement out of it, or try to calm the person down respectfully (a flamewar is not considered “respectfully”).
part 3 – This is a game, kids don’t care, deal with it.
The End.
Everyone who dont trust me when i say im not a noob , try to pm me ingame (if i didnt blocked u already) and u can see it with ur own eyes
@Moony What is your in-game name? I’ll play with you.
Also, are you talking about Hotjoin or Unranked? Or do you play ranked?
Quinn Wintersnight, Guardian
I must admit I am guilty of this sometimes. I am lucky if I get a half an hour to play everyday, and I get really frustrated when I see people in my RANKED game who genuinely shouldn’t be there. People that don’t even attempt to stomp down players, make countless poor decisions, fight in mid nowhere near a node, wander around aimlessly, keyboard turn, repeatedly run to die at far point, not playing defense on a node, leaving me (thief) to defend a node, and the list goes on. I understand it takes time to develop good pvp skills, and that’s why there is practice and unranked matchmaking. If you haven’t really come close to mastering your class please stay out of RANKED match making.
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
Unfortunately, when you are on a map like that, it is often best to just accept that those kind of players will never play with the good of their team in mind and that constructive communication is impossible.
Once you have determined that, it’s, unfortunately, best to just turn map and say chat off for the duration of the match. While it seems counterproductive to teamwork, with people like this, no communication is actually the better path to take.
To be honest I think most of the smack talking losers are pretty low level and rank. The higher I climb ranks and levels, the less junk in chat I see. In fact, for the last few weeks the pvp has been surprisingly pleasant.
I was the ‘’ coward at the canon’’ lol
Won the match and was the top scorer.. x) kittened fruitcakes.
Ah, Skyhammer. A map where anyone can win, and idiots refuse to adapt.
Since the discussion in this thread has derailed and is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.