(edited by Abimes.9726)
PvP New Reward tracks : Give your Opinion.
Pretty happy with reward tracks – new rewards sound fine as well.
If I had a top 5 suggested changes they would be:
1- Remove tomes of knowledge
2- Remove tomes of knowledge
3- Remove tomes of knowledge
4- Remove tomes of knowledge
5 -Remove tomes of knowledge
Yeah, less tomes of knowledge, more useful stuff. I would also appreciate more gold and karma from SPvP, as it lags so far behind PvE that its not even funny… I mean, they want people to play it, and I’m sure more people would if it was actually worth doing.
They really make the Black Lion Keys sound like a good change. But the reality is that you gain maybe 10 keys for your account. You most likely end up with a bunch of fairly useless boosters (especially for PvP only players), and a few scraps which you either throw away or permanently block a spot in your bank unless you buy more with real money.
Sorry there would be absolutely nothing wrong with having a single key in each reward tracks. The chests don’t give that much good loot. Not a weekly lockout. 1 key per reward track… it would still be basically impossible to get for example every black lion weapon that way. Hell it would still be near impossible to get all weapons from a single design line if it is just 1 key per track.
Keys are a mass product. You needed incredible amount of them to get anything meaningful, yet anet threats them as if they are precursors…
MASIVE disappointment.
1. Mist Champs – they are the must. If this mode will ever become good pvp mode, then obtaining them in track or whatever else farmable method is a game design must.
Minis are just a trash for me.
2. New rank finishers – i saw new dragon, it is just bad…. Overall idea pretty dissapointing
3. Shards of glory – this track may be usefull, but i guess it will be a trash. It depends how fast you can obtain sog through other playmodes. I guess on past experience that time needed to get 2 sog will be 10X higher than pve and beacause of that this track will be just a trash.
Black lion keys – no comment on that, there is another topic especially for that exciting reward.
Summary, they have problem with calculating time needed to obtain rewards in pvp in comparison to pve. And i see that nothing could change it.
i’d like to at least be able to exchange them for something valuable. But tomes are realy useless for pvp players but i can understand casual pvp players like them. I think we should be able to exchange these if you got to much of them ( like i told you i wasted tons of them creating / deleting level 80 chars , and i still have more than 500 of them.)
@ Style
“Summary, they have problem with calculating time needed to obtain rewards in pvp in comparison to pve.”
I have to agree with this one @100%
Thanks for the feedback.
(edited by Abimes.9726)
we’re replacing two of the four transmutation stones on each reward track with Shards of Glory.
Please, don’t do this. If you want to replace something in all reward track,s it should be tomes of knowledge not transmutation charges ._.
a reward track focused on charges would be dope.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Maybe less of those useless boxes that never drop anything useful.
I hope that the new rank based unlocked tracks will either include the old rank based skins that you could once earn (Stalwart, tribal, etc) or this means that they’ll someday add new tracks that are rank based unlocks to get these skins back.
And I’m very curious to see what a “Jungle Shark” looks like. Maybe a Shark jumping the jungle? (In Maguuma Wastes Shark jumps you.) >.>
How many charges do you guys have? Just curious to see where I stand relative to other pvpers. I have 89
@trytonian Yeti
I have 22 , I think right now , but i use a lot of them since i try to make 2 full Ascended gear sets on all professions with themed looks (and i like to changes things from time to time). I don’t know about other players.
(edited by Abimes.9726)