Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Dave Pare.2069

Dave Pare.2069


There are a lot of counters to this, though. You’re looking at maybe having three different conditions on you maximum at a given time, depending on the pet. Every class should be using some kind of condition purge. Just by looking at the classes, here’s what we can assume:
(sorry for cutting but message was too long)

I assume you’re talking from a “hot join” prospective because all the counters you listed for each class will never be seen in a single build in a tPvP match and for some classes (ele for example) is just impossible to have all the benefits you listed in only one build.

Warrior: no one uses GS in tPvP for good reasons, it offers you great mobility but it is very underperforming in comparison to other class weapons. Bull charge is another skill never used, telegraphed, easy to dodge and hard to land. Immunity to condis lasts 10 sec and do not include all forms of CC and if you spam your immobilizes on a warrior in berserker stance you just deserve to be killed; warrior can cleanse condis too but you don’t need anymore all your immobilize duration, now you just need 1-2 sec so I don’t care if someone cleanse my immobilize after 1 sec if that is all I need for my entire RF. Projectile reflection on block? Can surprise you the first time if you don’t know warrior is running that trait but the second time you face him you simply stop shooting when warrior blocks or swap weapon.

Thief: hard to defeat as a power ranger but not impossible at all. Everyone knows that a good way to counter thieves is through soft cc due to the fact that they have very little condi cleanse and are really squishy. As i said early i don’t care anymore if my immobilize or stun lasts only for 30% of its duration due to cleansing: all i need is 1 sec to land 90% of my entire RF (and on a thief that’s 8-9 k). I’m not saying that’s easy, I still think that in a Power Ranger vs Thief matchup thief is most likely the winner; from my prospevtive it will be easier to deal with bursty opponent now that I have a burst too.

Mesmer: this is the class that scares me the most: it’s very hard to counter with a single target damage build. At least now I would be able to deal a good amount of damage in the 2 seconds the mesmer is not stealthed, dodging, teleporting or using a clone to body-block.

Engi: another tough opponent but not unbeatable: he has lots of tools to use but is very susceptible to CC, at least with the current builds used in tPvP. The only build that could bother a Power Ranger is the turret build, which is a super overrated build: hard to beat in a 1v1 scenario for most classes but easely bursted down in every other situation.

Necromancer: no, this is not hard. With a bit of intelligence is not impossible at all: usually necros has 1 or no brak stun, 1 condi cleanse, no stability other than elites. If you find yourself agaist a lich form you do as all other classes do: you burst him down in 10 sec, you pop your invul/stealth/block and run or you die.

Guardian: a bunker is just long to kill as it is for everyone; a dps guardian is another story: it is hard to defeat due to his gap closing tools but if you can evade or just survive the first burst you’re in a good position to claim your victory, as it is for most other zerker characters, without counting the fact that a dps guardian has no stab.

Ele: the only problem here is the fact that eles nowadays do deacent damage but are practically unkillable in the short period; this means that a bursty and squishy character like Power Ranger after patch (thieves and mesmers too) will always have a hard time against them.

Anyway, all said so far is from a 1v1 prospective but there is a team with you playing. If you’re playing the zerker/roamer/damage dealer whatever and you find yourself 1v1 often then you’re playing it wrong: the only character that should mostly 1v1 people is the back point defender or at least the person that covers your close point (warriors and eles excel in this role); you as a power character should be where the damage is needed which means teamfights or helping teammates in fights to the sidepoints. There are very few cases that force you to 1v1 people and if you put yourself in that situation willingly you’re not doing what’s best for your team.

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


So?!… What professions are you guys gonna talk about on next skill bar?

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Frenk.5917


So?!… What professions are you guys gonna talk about on next skill bar?

BTW, is it coming this week?

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

It is this week.

All is vain.

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


yeah.. in 2 days and still no info about it…

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015

We’ll be posting the information very soon. Rest assured, there will be a Ready Up this Friday.

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Marcos.3690


We’ll be posting the information very soon. Rest assured, there will be a Ready Up this Friday.

I hope you guys talk about what’s anet working on. We have had literally zero information since the feature pach which was many months ago

Ready Up - Episode 18, 7/25 @ Noon PDT

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


We’ll be posting the information very soon. Rest assured, there will be a Ready Up this Friday.

I hope you guys talk about what’s anet working on. We have had literally zero information since the feature pach which was many months ago

Worry not! in September they will tell us what they are working on!
on a tweet… 2h after the patch.