Roles for classes

Roles for classes

in PvP

Posted by: Cryformercy.3056


Hello there!
Wanted to get more idea of which classes do what job in pvp. Was reading topic about bad and a good thief, so there kinda had question ā€“ who do what? Iā€™m playing with reaper so what would be my role, should I be defending homes or be the one who jumps right into the fight? And what about the other classes ? Of course that depends on the build your are running with, but well I guess there is still some basic idea.
Thank you!

Roles for classes

in PvP

Posted by: albostan.6719


Outnumbering fights, killing low health targets, decap, kite around, stealth allies
Role: Roamer

Warrior (depending what you play)
Teamplayer, good 1v1 class, quick burst output, interrupt heal, rez etc.
Role: DMG dealer

Engineer (scrapper)
Team support (condi cleans dmg reduction heal), can take 1v1s, can hold points, double rez, stealth allies
Role: Support

Elementalist (auramancer/tempest)
Currently main role as healer, interrupt heal rez, chill enemies, apply boons & auras, can hold points
Role: Healer

Necromancer (reaper) currently only in combo with ele strong
Teamfight, heavy condition burst / or high normal dps output, boon corruption, dmg dealer / condition dealer, can take certain 1v1s
Role: Team fighter, DMG dealer

Revenant (herald)
High mobility, high survivability, dmg dealer, chase low targets, apply boons (might fury protection swift), fast rez
Role: Roamer

Ranger (druid)
High healing power (heal output for allies CA), good mobility, can hold points, double rez + stealth, quick fast bursts, can take 1v1s, can hold points
Role: Support / Healer

Guardian (dragonhunter)
High range dmg output, provides good CC, team support with virtues, traps can be used for dps,
can be played as burn guardian (not strong on high tier)
Role: DMG dealer / point holder

Mesmer (chronomancer)
Good mobility, can use double moa (instant kill on targets with good teamwork), portal for decap or life save, condition bursts, good CC, can take most 1v1s
Role: Condition roamer

Basically there is no bunker or point holder but some professions like DH, druid and scrapper are better for those situations.

Roles for classes

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

uh, what? current tempest is the #1 point holder.

Team Deathmatch for PvP ā€“ Raise the AoE cap for WvW ā€“ More unique events for PvE

Roles for classes

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Tempest holding a point by themselves is a giant waste.

Roles for classes

in PvP

Posted by: Cryformercy.3056


albostan.6719 thank you for detailed answer, this helps alot