Phaatonn, London UK
Rush is still terrible.
Maybe making 100b to absorb projectiles?
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
To me worst thing about warrior is their special ability “adrenaline”. Lets do some comparison with other special abilities:
Guardian (Virtues): burning, regen, aegis, heal on demand, aegis on demand for all team, when traited virtues are even more godly, stability, remove conditions…
Elementalist (Attunement): extra 10 skills, bunch of buffs on swap attunement, 10 extra skills (this deserve second mention)
Ranger (Pet): extra unit, extra skills, when traited pet takes condis…
Thief (Steal): insta tp to target, extra skill, when traited do dmg, enter in stealth….
Engi (belt kits): extra 4 skills, 4 different kits that are 5 skills each, bunch of buffs on swap kit
Mesmer (Illusions): extra 4 skills, phantasms + clones… bunch of effects with them…
Necro (DS): extra life pool, extra very strong 5 skills, lots of traited bonuses…
Ok now lets take one example of Warrior special ability:
Strike your foe with an uppercut and gain fury.
Damage Damage: 480
Level 1 adrenaline: 5 s
Level 2 adrenaline: 10 s
Level 3 adrenaline: 15 s
Range: 150
So its one skill that do pathetic dmg, need 3/4 of a second to hit and give u 15 second of fury if u got full adrenaline bar. Compare this to any other class and u get picture. Ok maybe I picked worst adrenaline skill, but still its one skill. Also on top of this, compared to other classes where traits complement their special ability, warriors is very opposite. Grandmaster traits related to adrenaline = do not use adrenaline skills.
While playing warrior in pvp I felt that they lack skills. If I would compare them to engis or ele, as an engi u never run out of options. After u use your pistol skills, u go back to some of kit, then u get extra 4 belt skills and by the time u done that your cd are ready again. As warrior, u use your skills which have high cds anyways and then u are walking sandbag. Not only is this weak but its also boring.
My suggestion for warriors:
- rework adrenaline skills, maybe add another skill for each weapon so we have at least 2 skills. Change those boring passive traits into something that makes u wanna use adrenaline skills.
- maybe add another utility tree for warriors similar to engi kits. I feel like warrior utilities are pathetic compared to other classes.
Here is my suggestion:
1) Move Hundred Blades to Adrenaline skill.
2) Remove Arching Blade
3) Insert a new parry skill that blocks one attack similar to Mace 2. If block is successful then damage and immobilize one target (or targets?) infront of you. Alternatively damage and put 20 stack vulnerability on the target for 4 seconds.
(edited by Geff.1930)
If 100b ever gets moved to F1, I’m done with Warrior.
Having 100b on F1 would render GS useless. Warrior would lose so many combos if 100b was set to F1.
Arcing Blade is fine, could probably replace the Fury with Torment stacks.
In all seriousness, GREATSWORD IS PERFECTLY FINE THE WAY IT IS. It just needs a quality of life changes to the skill rush.
I think 100b on burst would make some sense, the current burst is pretty lackluster and unexciting. I feel awesome when I’m going to burst with an axe or hammer…when using the GS I’m just looking for another weapon to swap to.
I think 100b on burst would make some sense, the current burst is pretty lackluster and unexciting. I feel awesome when I’m going to burst with an axe or hammer…when using the GS I’m just looking for another weapon to swap to.
No, it doesn’t make sense, at all. If 100b was F1, you can say goodbye to Skull Crack into 100b swap combos, which is one of our only tpvp viable builds right now with GS.
You’re just making GS a clunky weapon like Hammer if you put 100b on F1.
Also one of the reasons GS is so good is because 100b ISN’T a F1 skill!
I meant Arcing.
Sorry, in a meeting.
My bad.
That still makes no sense and has nothing to do with rush anymore, which is the topic at hand here.
Nods, that’s just an animation change, which is possible.
Just, while we’re talking about it, I’m also just thinking about the weapon overall, how it performs in all game types, strengths, weaknesses, what would happen with adjustments, etc.
Sorry to brainstorm w/ the community in an effort to be more transparent. My bad!
Hehehe … ownt. So very well put. People cry for more transparency, and they just QQ while you’re answering one of their pleas (about transparency) and offering up an idea where personally I think 100B as a burst would be a good melee option. Why? Even if blind, it’s going to land a hit somewhere and use that adrenaline to proc cleansing ire.
Is that not the idea that was behind this, I assume? Having Arcing slice on the main bar would allow for more fury uptime much more easily, too, and could be an overall buff.
But of course … too busy being mad at about anything and everything to akshully discuss. I’m not even a warrior, and I’m seeing some potential benefits here. Hell, being a burst skill it could actually be buffed in someway, be it either damage or add a short duration snare to it. Just please, no stun, warriors have enough of those as it is IMO.
Wait a second, isn’t Warriors Flurry the same concept as 100b? So warrior would have two burst skills that are exactly the same?
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
We wouldn’t be able to play mace/shield + Greatsword anymore: if 100 blades is a burst, we wouldn’t be able to chain it with skull crack. Or we could, but that would deal much less damage.
And I don’t think this kind of build is bad or cheesy: against many enemies you have to wait for the perfect strike, to make sure you can take them down quickly in almost a single burst. And Skull crack is hard to land.
What you try to do is try to stick to an enemy with a melee weapon (mace) that has 0 mobility, going through their stunbreaks. I think the warrior deserves to be REWARDED if the manages to get the enemy with a heavy burst.
This to say I don’t think the build deserves a nerf.
Soo… please, DON’T do it!
But thanks for your attention.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
I’m not a Warrior, so my opinion means little, but I think the GS’s main damage output should be mostly through HB, and yes, that skill should be moved to Burst. Meanwhile, I think the 5 mainbar skills should see their damage decreased, with the main purpose of building up a situation where the HB burst can be used most optimally, like arcing’s fury, might-stacking, even extra adrenaline gain; or by having more utility.
PvErs probably don’t want to waste their adrenaline because of the traits. If GS’s main damage output was based on adrenaline, and every other skill had the main purpose to build up for that, PvErs would have to choose between maximing their GS damage, or using their passive damage boost traits. They wouldn’t be able to do both at the same time, like they do now.
Burst: HB
Auto-attack chain: Less damage, add vulnerability or might-stacking on final hit so that HB can benefit from it.
Arcing Slice: Lower the cooldown to 8s, less damage, 4s of fury. Why 4s? So that HB (which lasts a bit more than 3s) or other bursts can fully benefit from it, while preventing perma-fury.
Whirling Attack: Less damage, evade and mobility are fine. Maybe add Torment to punish HB kiting, or Cripple while adding Torment to Bladetrail?
Bladetrail: Fine as it is to make HB hit.
Rush: Less damage, add 1s of daze or stun. Why? First, it doesn’t works on pve’s bosses evil grin, so warrior gets to suffer as much as any other profession in pve. Equality to everyone. Second, to add more utility to this weapon while HB is not being used. Third, if it’s a stun, it’ll help set up the HB burst.
Again, I’m not a warrior. This is pure theorycrafting. It might be a bad one at that. But the main points are: 1) make pvers choose between passive adrenaline damage boost traits or GS’s main source of damage; 2) Add some slight extra utility to the weapon.
I have no idea how mace/ axe builds are in pve, nor am I aware of what their problems are.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
If you want to improve mobility just change stomp to a 900 yard leap that AE knocksdown instead of AE knocksback. It’s been suggested several times on the Warrior forum.
As for rush, I still don’t understand why this skill works the way it does when Swoop seems to be far more reliable and the skills are effectively the same overall. Are you concerned that Rush would be too powerful if it wasn’t affected by movement impairing effects?
Now as for the talk on making 100b a burst move, I don’t understand the point behind this? Are we under the impression 100b is too powerful? Because I can’t remember the last time people complained about it. Is the concern arcing slice is awful? Because it is… fury isn’t that hard to come by.
Are we under the impression 100b is too powerful? Because I can’t remember the last time people complained about it. Is the concern arcing slice is awful? Because it is… fury isn’t that hard to come by.
J. Sharp’s goals are probably to make GS a fair weapon both in a pve environment and a pvp one. The way the current GS works, it is too strong in one and too weak in the other.
And I do think that HB feels like a Burst skill. Spending adrenaline to use it would also make it more satisfying to use, and add a “cost” for using it, that it currently lacks in pve (the activation cost only means anything in pvp). It just feels like a cheap overpowered skill in pve at the moment.
Another possibility, is to add a “frenzy” effect into HB, where the warrior suffers more damage while doing it, and changing Arcing Slice to make it a very reliable way to make HB hit at the cost of adrenaline. Or Arcing Slice could be changed to a non-attack skill that would add some sort of quickness and extra defense, especially while HB-ing, which would make, purely from a pve’s point of view, pvers want to spend their adrenaline if they don’t want to die while using HB.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
I don’t think changing 100b to burst skill is a good idea. As already mentioned, it’ld destroy a couple setup combos, like Skull Crack→100b or Flurry→100b. For one, I like those. Don’t want to be forced once again into taking Bullscharge/Bolas + Frenzy just to land 100b.
I also don’t like idea of holding onto Arcing Slice either. It’s the worst burst skill there is. The only time I use it is when I need quick condi removal/endurance return – so for the perks associated with using burst skill, not for usefulness of the skill itself. I don’t see how moving it to weapon skill would make it better, IMO it’ld just be a wasted skill slot – just like Axe #4 (which does pretty much same thing as Arcing Slice).
No, I think there’s need for more serious changes than simply moving skills around.
Here are changes I suggested for GS in my other thread.
- Greatsword
I see Greatsword as mobile weapon – being all over the place, going in and out of meele range while providing constant AoE pressure. I should be able to feel the momentum of this giant weapon. Due to its size it should be able to hit larger area than one-handed meele weapons, but it’s unability of performing precise strikes should cause a slight damage penalty.
Decrease damage of all skills by 10-15%
Increase hit radius of all skills from 130 to 180-200.F1 – Shockwave (New Skill) – Shoot a wave of energy that damages and knocks down foes in line.
Cooldown – 10s
Cast Time – 0.75s
Damage – 50% of Eviscerate damage, scaling with adrenaline level
Range – 400/500/600 (scaling with adrenaline level)
Knockdown – 0.5s
Combo Finisher – Physical ProjectileF2 – Sandstorm (New Skill) – Spin in place, disturbing dust beneath your feet, blinding and weakening nearby foes.
Cooldown – 15s
Cast Time – 1s, self root while casting
Damage – 100/250/450 (scaling with adrenaline level)
Blind – 3s (reapplies every 2 seconds)
Weakness – 4s
Radius: 180
Duration – 3/4/5s (scaling with adrenaline level)
Combo Field – Smoke#1 – Increase vulnerability duration on first two attacks to 10 seconds, increase damage on final strike by 15%
#2 – Rename to Bladestorm. Replace skill with Guardian’s Whirling Wrath mechanic, working only in meele range (remove the projectile part), reduce damage by 30% from original 100b. Increase base cooldown to 10 seconds.
#3 – It’s fine.
#4 – Revert to the state before ‘reverse bladetrail’ removal or increase angle at which skill activates to 180-270 degrees. Currently skill often fails when trying to attack a target outside 90 degree angle in front of character.
#5 – Rename to ‘Dash’. Instead of trying to improve current animation (which often fails even after recent changes), simply replace it with something that already works – Swoop mechanic from Ranger’s GS.
BTW Jonathan, if you havent already, please check link in my sig for my full Warrior brainstorm thread.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Weapon should be viable on its own. While mace/shield+gs might be nice combo its just too similiar to frenzy-bull-lol-hb combo. If we have to pair mace to make gs work, its does mean theres a problem with weapon, in this case with gs.
I would like arcing slide to deal actually similiar damage to evi+some utility and get rid of hb than leaving it the way it is, a counterblow similiar to gs ranger will be far better
I’m not a Warrior, so my opinion means little, but I think the GS’s main damage output should be mostly through HB, and yes, that skill should be moved to Burst. Meanwhile, I think the 5 mainbar skills should see their damage decreased, with the main purpose of building up a situation where the HB burst can be used most optimally, like arcing’s fury, might-stacking, even extra adrenaline gain; or by having more utility.
PvErs probably don’t want to waste their adrenaline because of the traits. If GS’s main damage output was based on adrenaline, and every other skill had the main purpose to build up for that, PvErs would have to choose between maximing their GS damage, or using their passive damage boost traits. They wouldn’t be able to do both at the same time, like they do now.
Burst: HB
Auto-attack chain: Less damage, add vulnerability or might-stacking on final hit so that HB can benefit from it.
Arcing Slice: Lower the cooldown to 8s, less damage, 4s of fury. Why 4s? So that HB (which lasts a bit more than 3s) or other bursts can fully benefit from it, while preventing perma-fury.
Whirling Attack: Less damage, evade and mobility are fine. Maybe add Torment to punish HB kiting, or Cripple while adding Torment to Bladetrail?
Bladetrail: Fine as it is to make HB hit.
Rush: Less damage, add 1s of daze or stun. Why? First, it doesn’t works on pve’s bosses evil grin, so warrior gets to suffer as much as any other profession in pve. Equality to everyone. Second, to add more utility to this weapon while HB is not being used. Third, if it’s a stun, it’ll help set up the HB burst.Again, I’m not a warrior. This is pure theorycrafting. It might be a bad one at that. But the main points are: 1) make pvers choose between passive adrenaline damage boost traits or GS’s main source of damage; 2) Add some slight extra utility to the weapon.
I have no idea how mace/ axe builds are in pve, nor am I aware of what their problems are.
There’s just a problem: this is not for pve, and you are not a warrior. If I’d have to balance elementalist even without playing one, you would tremble. (stability? FORGET IT. Heals and damage with the same weapon? FORGET IT)
I don’t want to be nerfed in pvp because you want it nerfed in pve.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think 100b on burst would make some sense, the current burst is pretty lackluster and unexciting. I feel awesome when I’m going to burst with an axe or hammer…when using the GS I’m just looking for another weapon to swap to.
No, it doesn’t make sense, at all. If 100b was F1, you can say goodbye to Skull Crack into 100b swap combos, which is one of our only tpvp viable builds right now with GS.
You’re just making GS a clunky weapon like Hammer if you put 100b on F1.
Also one of the reasons GS is so good is because 100b ISN’T a F1 skill!
Flavor and fun wise it makes perfect sense, there isn’t anything to say they couldn’t adjust the ability on the bar/100b accordingly.
Weapon should be viable on its own. While mace/shield+gs might be nice combo its just too similiar to frenzy-bull-lol-hb combo. If we have to pair mace to make gs work, its does mean theres a problem with weapon, in this case with gs.
I would like arcing slide to deal actually similiar damage to evi+some utility and get rid of hb than leaving it the way it is, a counterblow similiar to gs ranger will be far better
It’s called synergy. And you can’t kill someone only with that combo: you deal around 10k-15k damage. This means you’ll have to finish the enemy off with someone else.
And it’s a bit harder: you don’t have gap closers to help you.
And it’s on a different level: it’s on a low cooldown and less aggressive: you have to bait the stunbreak to make it work. And is more built around survivability.
Don’t misunderstand me: I think the build is almost fine. I like the idea and I like the fact I have to wait for the perfect opportunity to attack (weapon timer off cooldown, enemy close, no block, stunbreak used, stability ready to go).
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think 100b on burst would make some sense, the current burst is pretty lackluster and unexciting. I feel awesome when I’m going to burst with an axe or hammer…when using the GS I’m just looking for another weapon to swap to.
No, it doesn’t make sense, at all. If 100b was F1, you can say goodbye to Skull Crack into 100b swap combos, which is one of our only tpvp viable builds right now with GS.
You’re just making GS a clunky weapon like Hammer if you put 100b on F1.
Also one of the reasons GS is so good is because 100b ISN’T a F1 skill!
Flavor and fun wise it makes perfect sense, there isn’t anything to say they couldn’t adjust the ability on the bar/100b accordingly.
Yeah. Fun for the ones who kill warrior in pvp.XD
Thanks to aftercasts, even with gap closers warriors can’t stick to anything in open field: when I play my engi, i REALLY need to just walk away to make sure I don’t get killed.
because he doesn’t know it himself
There’s just a problem: this is not for pve, and you are not a warrior. If I’d have to balance elementalist even without playing one, you would tremble. (stability? FORGET IT. Heals and damage with the same weapon? FORGET IT)
I don’t want to be nerfed in pvp because you want it nerfed in pve.
I know, I know. My suggestions were just food for thought for a possible change in playstyle. Ideas that can be considered, expanded, polished, changed, etc. They didn’t take balance much into equation because, as you said, I’m not a Warrior.
There’s just a problem: this is not for pve, and you are not a warrior. If I’d have to balance elementalist even without playing one, you would tremble. (stability? FORGET IT. Heals and damage with the same weapon? FORGET IT)
I don’t want to be nerfed in pvp because you want it nerfed in pve.
I know, I know. My suggestions were just food for thought for a possible change in playstyle. Ideas that can be considered, expanded, polished, changed, etc. They didn’t take balance much into equation because, as you said, I’m not a Warrior.
Yeah, sorry, I overreacted a bit. What I mean is that 100b alone can’t be the main source of damage for greatsword in pvp, especially if it’s a burst.
However, from my experience, rush works better now. It might be just an impresson, though.
because he doesn’t know it himself
All I want is more interesting mechanics that actually synergize well with weapon skills.
Replace ‘Apply Confusion on Interrupt’ with ‘Apply Vulnerability on Interrupt’
Small things like that, that just make a lot more sense.
It wouldn’t hurt to also have weapon skills that compete with the flexibility over classes have. Rangers just got a stealth on a 12 sec weapon cd.
Not saying we need stealth, but mechanics like that are what makes a class strong.
(edited by Defektive.7283)
Moving 100b to a burst ability would be a terrible idea as it would ruin a lot of the synergy we have with other weapon sets.
As for arcing slice, the ability is slow to land, does weak damage, and gives a buff we already have decent access to. If you want to make the ability worthwhile consider giving it something along the lines of a faster animation, longer range, evade frames, multiple boons, unblockable, short term daze etc etc. Any one or combination of those would do a great deal for making the ability worthwhile without swapping abilities around.
Moving 100b the way it currently works to a burst skill would kill Flurry or Skull Crack setup builds. However, making 100b more like a pistol whip, without the evade effect, and lowering it’s casting time and damage(not too much, it would still be doing more damage, since it’s not spammable, would be on 10 sec cd, and would require resource for using it). Having 1 sec stun on it, and 2 1/2 secs cast time, or something like that would be much better I think. You wouldn’t be rooted for too long, it would go well with quickness, and it now has some utility added to it, which is always nice for raising skill cap and opening more options for interesting builds.
I also agree that Rush animation should just be changed to something like Swoop, and added leap finisher to it, while keeping it on the same cooldown. You are probably never going to fix it anyway, so why would you spend resources on fixing broken skill, when you already have one working perfectly on other profession.
I’d like to see Arcing Slice totally erased. It has very little utility, simply because warriors can have high fury uptime without traiting for it too much, so it would only be used for the damage part, which dumbs down the gameplay. With added 1 sec stun on 100b, I don’t think another root on <10sec cd would be a good option . I’ve seen other players asking for another whirl, so that could be a good one I think.
Also, bare in mind that GS shouldn’t become a control weapon, and that 1sec stun would be there just for a little self reliance, and perhaps for interrupting your opponents.
Saw someone post the idea but arcing slice to give retal could be interesting idea. I think honestly GS is fine just rush needs to be more reliable. Arcing Slice can be used on the run I think it should be a horizontal strike that cleaves and just change the boon received with another effect maybe even condition damage.
Something like based on adrenaline level you cause 4,5,6 stacks of bleeding give it a base duration of 6 seconds maybe throw on a might stack or 2 with that so people not fully specced condi can set it up so they can get some good damage out of those bleeds. This would give GS possible condition damage builds for people who like to experiment.
Really I think the main issue with arcing slice is the fact that it gives fury which most warriors don’t really need because of SOR. Just change the effect you get for landing it to something more meaningful and I think people will actually use the burst.
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
I think Rush has better potential in the burst slot than HB, but the telegraph in the animation still needs work, because it is still too easy to sidestep.
My suggestion would be to make Rush the burst (modify it to have higher single target damage at high adren levels), and toss Arcing Slice into the 5 hole and rework Arcing into something that provides more utility to a group. Perhaps tweak it to be kitten AoE Fury, or make it a short range (300 or so) leap finish with a shorter cast. The GS set for Warrior can be balanced to a point that the mobility it provides is stupid strong, because it is so susceptible to snares.
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
How about combining Arcing with Rush ? I think those skills would work very good together as a single skill. You rush to your opponent and hit him with an uppercut. Maybe you could add a push back effect ? If you combine those 2 skill together and move 100B to Burst, will leave a slot open for a new skill. Maybe a new skill that will make you perform a flip smashing the GS to your opponent causing a knockdown/Daze?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5?
I do not think will change anything by moving it from 2 to 5. If you however reduce the CD on 100B and place it on 5, in my opinion will only change the rotation to be used more often.
WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
Well, if 100B went to burst, then i think you have to change the way it works and remove it´s rooting effect. Maybe you can take the effect from good old “Gladiators Defence” by blocking and reflecting a % of incoming damage to it´s source ?.
Just a bit of brainstorming.
(edited by Seed.5467)
How about making rush the same mechanic as the sun mechanic in the airship map. That you have to press it 1x to activate it and a 2nd time to hit it. So you can choose how far u want to go.
How about making rush the same mechanic as the sun mechanic in the airship map. That you have to press it 1x to activate it and a 2nd time to hit it. So you can choose how far u want to go.
That’s a pretty good suggestion, imo.
I think the arcing slash-100b switch would be nice, at least we would see gs warriors use AS…maybe XD
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
I think the arcing slash-100b switch would be nice, at least we would see gs warriors use AS…maybe XD
No: you’d see many warriors NOT using GS anymore.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Make Rush into an evade and the animation similar to bull’s rush ending with a thrust (maybe re-use final thrust animation). Make GS4 into riposte. Make Arcing Slice destroy boons based on adrenaline.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
But actually, thinking about it more, Arcing/Rush/100b. All those could be moved, but what would it do?
What if the CD on 100B was reduced and it moved to 5? WHat would happen if 100B went to burst and Arcing went main bar?
Heres a better idea. Change 100B to whirling blades, have it aoe like #5 with an offhand axe, have a buff where the player is immune to blinds. This frees up people having to rely on stun locking and trying to 100B. This also gives players the option of still being able to move away from the damage, so you dont have people screaming its OP. Slightly reduce the overall damage by 5-10%. With doing this you might see people playing a bit differently instead of almost every warrior doing bulls charge, frenzy, endure pain and 100b.
No thank you on changing 100 Blades. All this would do is destroy the synergy it has with Mace/Shield currently. This would be an unneeded change that would just hurt the class further imo.
No thank you on changing 100 Blades. All this would do is destroy the synergy it has with Mace/Shield currently. This would be an unneeded change that would just hurt the class further imo.
Yeah 100b is fine lol. I don’t know how this topic got strayed away from the point of Rush being bad and F1 + GS 4 also being useless. Make them better, don’t go changing the whole GS when the other skills are fine.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
Rush could use some animation polish or upgrades, F1 needs to be better or more interesting. Everything else on GS is fine.
No thank you on changing 100 Blades. All this would do is destroy the synergy it has with Mace/Shield currently. This would be an unneeded change that would just hurt the class further imo.
I wonder what if someone want to pair gs with something else than this gimmick build?
Not everyone love to standing in one place like a mo. for over 3sec and carry mace/shield to make a single skill work
No thank you on changing 100 Blades. All this would do is destroy the synergy it has with Mace/Shield currently. This would be an unneeded change that would just hurt the class further imo.
I wonder what if someone want to pair gs with something else than this gimmick build?
Not everyone love to standing in one place like a mo. for over 3sec and carry mace/shield to make a single skill work
You don’t like to stand in one place for over 3 sec? then don’t play it, either it being F1 or not, you still have to stand there for 3 sec non the less. don’t play the weapon is the best choice for you. Oh, you don’t want a mace shield for the gimmick build? try hammer, and i’ve also paired GS with LB, Axe/shield, Sword/shield, if you didn’t know these things exist.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Since when is utilizing weapon synergies and comboing abilities a gimmick? I think it’s good design. Your strongest dps should require comboing or teamwork to make full use imo.
Mace, sword, hammer, and LB can all be combo’d with 100b. Making 100b a burst would kill 3 of those synergies though. Seems like a step down.
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Cleansing Ire, Building Momentum + one hit burst skill = profit. Pve wise as well, saved me alot during lupis, shaman.
i do admit that the damage isn’t that great, but the fury sure is good as an additional effect, fury is not that easy to attain by warrior tbh, for 18 seconds we dont have fury, more when you dont have signet cd-20%, only if you run fgj sor build..which probably no one uses in tpvp. and the additional fury is great to fill that gap since now most of the pvp builds dont need to sit on adrenaline.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Since when is utilizing weapon synergies and comboing abilities a gimmick? I think it’s good design. Your strongest dps should require comboing or teamwork to make full use imo.
Mace, sword, hammer, and LB can all be combo’d with 100b. Making 100b a burst would kill 3 of those synergies though. Seems like a step down.
Anyone with a teleport/stun break and some brain will null that gimmick.
in my opinion putting hundred blade as a burst skill would not be a good idea unless major changes were done to the skill.
Arcing Slice just needs a complete revamp. maybe something like
Whirling Swords - A whirlwind of swords surrounds you, dealing damage and applying cripple to foes within the radius (5 second duration), you also take 10% less damage.
Bloody Strike - Extend your sword, stab your foe and pull him back to you. Deals 1.5x the damage and knocks down crippled foes for 1 second. (900 Range)
Shattering Earth - Plant your sword into the ground, immobilizing all foes for 1 second within the radius and hitting them with a blast of earth.
Chilling Blades - Dash to your opponent with blinding speed, dealing damage and chilling your opponent for 2 seconds. If your opponent has 3 or more boons, inflict 25% more damage and an extra second of chill.
Rush just needs to be tweaked, if they still want to keep the concept of dashing towards an opponent, they should do that but give us an activation option so we can control when it actually hits instead of relying on faulty AI.
I think the arcing slash-100b switch would be nice, at least we would see gs warriors use AS…maybe XD
No: you’d see many warriors NOT using GS anymore.XD
Thank you, It feels like all these people don’t even know what they are talking about when they say they want to swap HB for Arcing slakitten
’s like these kids want GS nerfed.
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Cleansing Ire, Building Momentum + one hit burst skill = profit. Pve wise as well, saved me alot during lupis, shaman.
i do admit that the damage isn’t that great, but the fury sure is good as an additional effect, fury is not that easy to attain by warrior tbh, for 18 seconds we dont have fury, more when you dont have signet cd-20%, only if you run fgj sor build..which probably no one uses in tpvp. and the additional fury is great to fill that gap since now most of the pvp builds dont need to sit on adrenaline.
Gonna have to disagree here. If you’re in PvE and you use burst for arcing slice, you just lost what is it ~15% dps until adrenaline fills back up. Great justice, and elite will about keep you perma in fury considering if you have 1 other warrior or any other class that can apply fury.
In PvP, it’s just awful xD
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Cleansing Ire, Building Momentum + one hit burst skill = profit. Pve wise as well, saved me alot during lupis, shaman.
i do admit that the damage isn’t that great, but the fury sure is good as an additional effect, fury is not that easy to attain by warrior tbh, for 18 seconds we dont have fury, more when you dont have signet cd-20%, only if you run fgj sor build..which probably no one uses in tpvp. and the additional fury is great to fill that gap since now most of the pvp builds dont need to sit on adrenaline.
Gonna have to disagree here. If you’re in PvE and you use burst for arcing slice, you just lost what is it ~15% dps until adrenaline fills back up. Great justice, and elite will about keep you perma in fury considering if you have 1 other warrior or any other class that can apply fury.
In PvP, it’s just awful xD
as i said, fury is an ADDITIONAL EFFECT, i never said that we don’t have good fury in PvE, i did say TPVP when i was talking that part, if you clearly didn’t see it.
i like how you ignore a MAJORITY of my comment and misunderstood the rest
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
(edited by Lighter.5631)
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Cleansing Ire, Building Momentum + one hit burst skill = profit. Pve wise as well, saved me alot during lupis, shaman.
i do admit that the damage isn’t that great, but the fury sure is good as an additional effect, fury is not that easy to attain by warrior tbh, for 18 seconds we dont have fury, more when you dont have signet cd-20%, only if you run fgj sor build..which probably no one uses in tpvp. and the additional fury is great to fill that gap since now most of the pvp builds dont need to sit on adrenaline.
Gonna have to disagree here. If you’re in PvE and you use burst for arcing slice, you just lost what is it ~15% dps until adrenaline fills back up. Great justice, and elite will about keep you perma in fury considering if you have 1 other warrior or any other class that can apply fury.
In PvP, it’s just awful xD
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the bane of the Warrior class. Berserker’s Power. A trait so powerful that it’s not worth using any of your burst skills to maintain a flat 15% damage increase. Not even Eviscerate. Sure i’ll press less buttons and do more damge, why not? That’s good trait design. Not. Move 100b to burst and Warriors will just start auto attacking to do max damage. OH WAIT THEY ALREADY DO! Sorry it just makes me mad that this is what Warriors have become in PvE. Which is a shame because Warrior has come a long way in PvP.
On topic. Rush needs to be more like Charge/Intervene from WoW. Shorter distance, but faster. Not quite as fast as Bulls Charge, but faster than the current Rush. Simply running away and you can avoid the damage from Rush. The animation just takes too long, and sometimes it bugs out and you become a sitting duck.
When I read about Siezmic Leap replacing Stomp I was thinking that it would replace the normal skill Stomp and not the juggernaut version. Now that would have been amazing for mace main hand users.
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
Only If 100B: Now you can move while doing 100B (no longer roots) and Reflects projectiles while channeling the skill. Or You combine 100B with a 4 sec immobilize so that warrior can land it on bads and pros can still get away by clearing a condi.
Rush change the animation to swoop.
Arcing slice is now a leap skill Similar to sword #2. So you leap in the air then arcing slice down on the enemy. That gives GS 3 move skills to make it still usefull since by doing what you proposed would nerf GS badly.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
Maybe 100B becomes the burst and Rush moves to the main bar?
Only If 100B: Now you can move while doing 100B (no longer roots) and Reflects projectiles while channeling the skill. Or You combine 100B with a 4 sec immobilize so that warrior can land it on bads and pros can still get away by clearing a condi.
Rush change the animation to swoop.
Arcing slice is now a leap skill. Similar to Sword #2 So you leap in the air then arcing slice down on the enemy. That gives GS 3 move skills to make it still usefull since by doing what you proposed would nerf GS badly.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Who uses arcing slice? Damage output is not good, and fury is easy to attain on the warrior. If you move it to main bar it’ll get used more, but it will definitely need some work. The animation takes too long, and it misses a lot. Not viable for pvp, or pve.
The animation is the biggest downfall. It’ll never be feasible regardless of how it’s changed until it gets ironed out. If it ever does, I think it’d be interesting if arcing slice did something other than give adrenaline. Maybe give it some retaliation or have it apply some confusion.
Cleansing Ire, Building Momentum + one hit burst skill = profit. Pve wise as well, saved me alot during lupis, shaman.
i do admit that the damage isn’t that great, but the fury sure is good as an additional effect, fury is not that easy to attain by warrior tbh, for 18 seconds we dont have fury, more when you dont have signet cd-20%, only if you run fgj sor build..which probably no one uses in tpvp. and the additional fury is great to fill that gap since now most of the pvp builds dont need to sit on adrenaline.
Gonna have to disagree here. If you’re in PvE and you use burst for arcing slice, you just lost what is it ~15% dps until adrenaline fills back up. Great justice, and elite will about keep you perma in fury considering if you have 1 other warrior or any other class that can apply fury.
In PvP, it’s just awful xD
as i said, fury is an ADDITIONAL EFFECT, i never said that we don’t have good fury in PvE, i did say TPVP when i was talking that part, if you clearly didn’t see it.
i like how you ignore a majority of my comment and misunderstood the rest
OK! I’ll take your word at it mate, no need to get all yelly……’s just a forum.
@Copen, totally agree with you about the zerker war.