Simple question : HOW?
Here is a clear case of Anet over-thinking things that are obvious.
If they can’t even see the logic of putting a brand new player BELOW the average MMR, then I’m not sure why I’m commenting…it’s probably pointless to use common sense and rational thought processes in this discussion.
Almost NOBODY new to PvP will be even an average player. Not only do they have to learn their character’s abilities and synergies…they have to learn all the strategies related to capture the flag and the different maps.
If this were a simple game like Checkers, then MAYBE you could get away with that lazy argument of new players being average. Otherwise…To say that new players “belong” in the average pool is just insulting your own game’s complexity and/or embarrassing the logic of your decisions.
Forget about logic…from a financial standpoint, what is more likely to make someone quit the game?
a) A new player getting steam rolled and feeling useless to his team while being matched with much more experienced players who are also miserable?….or
b) An outlier new player with excellent skill still having to prove themselves with a little slower progression?
Most other games force you to level a character before even competing with experienced players in PvP. It’s great that GW2 doesn’t make you do that. However, denying that there is any learning curve justifying a lower than average MMR for new player is sheer folly.
This isn’t the world’s first mmo. I gave my StarCraft pro friend a basic Mesmer build I theory crafted and he did just fine on his f2p account in pvp. There is alot of synergy with traits thru pve exposure.
Conquest == cod domination. This game mode is not an anet invention. Very easy to have prior experience to this game mode to be on par with an avg player.
Lastly this dev is a developer, who I doubt is making a single extra cent reading this forum and posting to it. If I were to make a guess this is someone who genuinely wants to give you and me the best exp possible. Show some respect to someone going out of their way.
The score from the opening post on this thread is how every single match is. It doesn’t matter how much you play. You will be on one side or the other of that. This whole “the better people will move up much faster” line Anet is pushing is patently false. Queue times in Emerald Hell are already worse than they were last season. At least last season you could reasonably expect both teams to be able to score over 100.
There are three avenues I see that can be taken:
I have a fourth avenue for you.
New players start with an MMR very close to the average of the player base
Don’t let new players start so close to the average of the player base.
^^^ This absolutely.
The combination of putting new players and average players (the majority of your player base) on one team. Then matching them against teams made up of higher only MMR players (so they can move up quicker) is creating a very lopsided PVP environment.
Average Teams don’t get matched against higher MMR teams only. Average means, there are as much higher as lower MMR players, so they can get matched against both (and against similar MMR as well of course).
Average Teams don’t get matched against higher MMR teams only. Average means, there are as much higher as lower MMR players, so they can get matched against both (and against similar MMR as well of course).
You’re missing the bit about new players who know very little about PVP being allocated AVERAGE MMR hence the team might be average MMR but the skill level has been diluted too much.