Snowball Mayhem - PvP Match

Snowball Mayhem - PvP Match

in PvP

Posted by: Demarca.4062


People love ‘Capture the Flag’

Why is this not a full time PvP match? (with normal class/skills) This would be an amazing map for a basic 5v5.

You could even tweak it so the victory scenarios are:
First team to 500 points wins.
Cap the ‘gift’ or ‘object’ gives 250 points.
10 points per person killed, (similar to ‘Courtyard’).

This point system would prioritize the capping of the gift, rather than to simply zerg/grudge-match each other down. (‘Nike’ Warriors = OP unless stunned/immob’ed)

TBH, I dearly ‘miss’ this type of gameplay… ala Warhammer: Scenarios.

(edited by Demarca.4062)

Snowball Mayhem - PvP Match

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Wow I guess I’ve been playing spirit watch all wrong … Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]