Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: LesGrossman.1295


So today, I played around 12 solo queue games, 7 of them were 4v5 and resulted in losses. How does this happen? Why isnt there a ready check before a match, or if the 5th doesnt connect, the match should not continue and you should be placed back in queue. I really want to rise in solo queue as I find it very enjoyable but i cbf play anymore due to constant ragefilling 4v5’s.


Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Krayiss.4926


ya we need more threads about this because nothing is being said last we heard they were happy with the dishonor system.

Necro 10/30/0/0/30 7/26

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


They have been multiple threads with solutions to this….Can we get a dev response or at least acknowledgment that this is an issue for some?

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


must not be important considering the active tPVP population is probably like 0.05%
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Iplaytokill.1674


inb4 dev response;

Hey guys,

We agree with you. This has been something that has been greatly discussed and is definitely on our radar. There isn’t a time frame set yet, but I just just wanted to let you know it is something we are looking to change for the future. Sorry I can’t give more details at this time.


We are aware of this and are taking steps to mitigate this type of play.

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: amyzzz.2395


ANet, please give us alart sound for que-pop and don’t start the match if both team have 5th on next(17th?) patch.

I said it to Nightmare(ANet dev which I saw on 4v5 solo que match). He said “Thanks for feed back
So I believe they’ll fix it on 17th patch.

Because it’s real easy to fix. I’m not pro-programmer but I know it’s real easy work.

Amyzzz – Elementalist

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: amyzzz.2395


BTW I have one more question.
I forecast solo arena’s match making isn’t shuffle with 10ppl of rates. is this right?
it’s looks like group of solo arena is made by 5ppl of close rate. not 2groups(10ppl) of close rate. so low rate team will be versus high rate team when population of solo arena is low(ex. asian time zone)

If it is right, you need fix it ANet.

Amyzzz – Elementalist

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: deda.8302


I feel our pain whole arena thing is bad design,ppl should confirm before ported to match ,we dont have an option to avoid match once rooster is made.
Also we should be able to see rooster ,not the names of pleyers but character to avoid multiple classes in same team.
Yesterday i had 24 matches from which i had 18!! with 2-3 thiefs + ele or mesmer in my team
By some miracle we were pitted, in 7out of 18games we played, against 2 gard 2 necro and engi /ranger team,i may play this game rest of my life but i dont c chance for wining against any1 with this set up.
If they dont give us visable class rooster, system should at least calculate average stats (mainly here i mean power cond dmg and toughnes)and then make teams…
there should be an option
match starts in 1 min: accept-decline
then we would c much less 4vs5 games
and leavers -quiters should be heavylz punished

(edited by deda.8302)

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Freeelancer.2860


I can only speak from my own experience which is that I don’t really encounter too many of any abnormalities that people mention in these kinds of threads…

Yes, there are leavers now and then, and yes there are AFK’ers as well, and yes there are noobs and completely imbalanced teams (due to randomness), but in ~80 matches I’ve played so far in soloq, maybe 20 of them were abnormal in one way or another, and half of those were under somewhat understandable conditions (for example team giving up when the score is 300:50).

Again, speaking from my own experience.

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


My personal experience is that very few games start 4 v5 like under 10%. What does happen though fairly often is people leave if they get in an early 100 point+ hole or are basically just afk for most of the match.

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


It’s been happening a lot, and honestly it’s a 95% lose rate unless you have 4 great players in the team.

They need to drastically up the punish rate so that those people are negated from the equation. Either that, or pull someone else in if the game decides that it will be a 4v5.

Nothing is more annoying when you get a combo of:

1 – a 15 min queue time
2 – skyhammer or spirit watch
3 – end up with a 4v5 along with the above

It’s so discouraging to play this way…the only motivation I’ve been able to find is to farm all of my champion titles…if nothing changes after that, I might as well not pvp anymore because there is literally nothing fun left in pvp, definitely not with this meta.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: Aereniel.7356


Nothing is more annoying when you get a combo of:

1 – a 15 min queue time
2 – skyhammer or spirit watch
3 – end up with a 4v5 along with the above

I enjoyed four Skyhammers back to back today. Felt like jumping off the cliff after the fourth pop. There’s only so much gimmicky kitten a person can take.

But yeah, uneven starts need to be fixed yesterday. There really is no excuse for not having a proper ready check system, which disbands teams and puts people back in the queue if teams are uneven at game start. Not having this rudimentary feature compromises the whole queue system and the leaderboard with it. I’m sure feature parity is a familiar concept at ANet – just look at the top pvp games out there and copy shamelessly. No need to reinvent the wheel here.

Speaking of the leaderboard in general, why on earth does the match making keep building stacked teams? Leaderboard-ranked players all in one team versus unraked or 800+ ranked people in the other team? You either faceroll or get rolled depending on which team you end up in, and genuinely competitive games are few and far between. This has been going on for as long as solo queue has been out, with no fix.

Been here since launch
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games