Some Advice for the haters and complainers
This is what Anet doesn’t want, they don’t want every single person playing this game to always shift to whats considered OP, they want this game to be as diverse as possible, although it may not always seem like it.
Here is where you are wrong. If Anet wanted to have such diversity, they wouldn’t overnerf and overbuff a couple of professions as they have been doing for a long time. If anet wanted to achieve the closest possible of diversity, they would work on balance to bring the most professions as possible to the meta, instead of only 3 or 4 out of 9.
They have been doing lazy patches trying to fix symptoms instead of the real problem. As long as they keep doing that, will keep destroying the diversity. It is way past time to the devs to sit down, learn how professions works, split pvp and pve and go review all the skills, traits, sigils, amulets, weapons from core to elite and bring an harmony and balance between them instead of silly fixes that only annoys players.
A good player who have the best game interest in mind, will drop any vendetta or silly biased hatred over a profession just because counters theirs and will claim for a balanced game where all or almost all professions are viable to play.
That’s what some has been doing, the overnerfs were unnecessary and poor handled. Instead of shaving the boon spam, they buff necros; bunker meta was boring, get rid of any single bunker amulet and buff damage from already high damage dealing professions. They announce the new diamond skin but “forgets” to include an important detail it only works when struck. People complain about the lack of viability of different builds, like in case bunker ele, they nerf bunker ele giving absolutely nothing to make up for it. They said the elite specs wouldn’t be stronger than the core but here we are. It is lazy, it is bad and it is making the credibility of this game go down the drain.
People don’t want to drop their professions because, in a certain way, anet said: let’s trash that profession now for, at least 4 months, make it hardly playable. We want things to be balanced and fair and be able to play with the professions we like, not what anet decided to overbuff for the time being to stay competitive.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
This is what Anet doesn’t want, they don’t want every single person playing this game to always shift to whats considered OP, they want this game to be as diverse as possible, although it may not always seem like it.
Here is where you are wrong. If Anet wanted to have such diversity, they wouldn’t overnerf and overbuff a couple of professions as they have been doing for a long time. If anet wanted to achieve the closest possible of diversity, they would work on balance to bring the most professions as possible to the meta, instead of only 3 or 4 out of 9.
They have been doing lazy patches trying to fix symptoms instead of the real problem. As long as they keep doing that, will keep destroying the diversity. It is way past time to the devs to sit down, learn how professions works, split pvp and pve and go review all the skills, traits, sigils, amulets, weapons from core to elite and bring an harmony and balance between them instead of silly fixes that only annoys players.
A good player who have the best game interest in mind, will drop any vendetta or silly biased hatred over a profession just because counters theirs and will claim for a balanced game where all or almost all professions are viable to play.
That’s what some has been doing, the overnerfs were unnecessary and poor handled. Instead of shaving the boon spam, they buff necros; bunker meta was boring, get rid of any single bunker amulet and buff damage from already high damage dealing professions. They announce the new diamond skin but “forgets” to include an important detail it only works when struck. People complain about the lack of viability of different builds, like in case bunker ele, they nerf bunker ele giving absolutely nothing to make up for it. They said the elite specs wouldn’t be stronger than the core but here we are. It is lazy, it is bad and it is making the credibility of this game go down the drain.
People don’t want to drop their professions because, in a certain way, anet said: let’s trash that profession now for, at least 4 months, make it hardly playable. We want things to be balanced and fair and be able to play with the professions we like, not what anet decided to overbuff for the time being to stay competitive.
I think you misunderstood the point i was trying to make. I DO believe that Anet is trying to make this game 100% balanced and have every profession have a 50% win chance against every other profession, however this is definitely not something that is easy to do.
Ultimately what I was trying to say here is that the community needs to stop focusing on what is considered “OP” or not and just be constructive with what can be done in the current state of the game.
I 100% agree with you I want the game to get to that state to, we’re just not there yet if we ever will be…
Every time there is a balance update the forums seem to just erupt with angry people, its to the point where I feel bad for the devs that work hard every day to try to create a game that people will love to play.
I don’t. It’s painfully clear that very little money is spent paying people to do balance.
Well said! +1 char
Feel bad for the dev’s if you want.
I will save my sympathy for players who despite having the greater skill level and knowledge still find themselves being stomped by a build that was overly over tuned and under developed in skill required. When I see statements like, “I have been playing around in test servers with the new ele, it is super fun. Fear the ele.” Then for the next year they dominate..then I feel more for the players. The game never remains consistent enough in its approach to balance that those who have longevity in game are the ones that have the consistent score score cards. Only those with over tuned builds that require below average knowledge to play get rewarded.
Feel bad for the dev’s if you want.
I will save my sympathy for players who despite having the greater skill level and knowledge still find themselves being stomped by a build that was overly over tuned and under developed in skill required. When I see statements like, “I have been playing around in test servers with the new ele, it is super fun. Fear the ele.” Then for the next year they dominate..then I feel more for the players. The game never remains consistent enough in its approach to balance that those who have longevity in game are the ones that have the consistent score score cards. Only those with over tuned builds that require below average knowledge to play get rewarded.
I partially agree with you here. Some OP builds are harder to play than others, I don’t think it’s easy to just walk into Mesmer, however it is pretty easy to just swing a greatsword or backstab someone standing still.
I think that the players with longevity inevitably end up rotating through the current meta.
I agree with you on the point that if you have a favorite class that you want to play and it gets nerfed to an unplayable point – that sucks. When someone with less experience than you can walk all over your build by playing an OP class – that sucks, and that shouldn’t happen.
All of this though, again, the discussion of balancing, that’s not really what I was trying to say here. I’m trying to say that there’s a light in the tunnel with the historic way quote on quote “balancing” has been handled in this game since day 1.
This is what Anet doesn’t want, they don’t want every single person playing this game to always shift to whats considered OP, they want this game to be as diverse as possible, although it may not always seem like it.
Here is where you are wrong. If Anet wanted to have such diversity, they wouldn’t overnerf and overbuff a couple of professions as they have been doing for a long time. If anet wanted to achieve the closest possible of diversity, they would work on balance to bring the most professions as possible to the meta, instead of only 3 or 4 out of 9.
They have been doing lazy patches trying to fix symptoms instead of the real problem. As long as they keep doing that, will keep destroying the diversity. It is way past time to the devs to sit down, learn how professions works, split pvp and pve and go review all the skills, traits, sigils, amulets, weapons from core to elite and bring an harmony and balance between them instead of silly fixes that only annoys players.
A good player who have the best game interest in mind, will drop any vendetta or silly biased hatred over a profession just because counters theirs and will claim for a balanced game where all or almost all professions are viable to play.
That’s what some has been doing, the overnerfs were unnecessary and poor handled. Instead of shaving the boon spam, they buff necros; bunker meta was boring, get rid of any single bunker amulet and buff damage from already high damage dealing professions. They announce the new diamond skin but “forgets” to include an important detail it only works when struck. People complain about the lack of viability of different builds, like in case bunker ele, they nerf bunker ele giving absolutely nothing to make up for it. They said the elite specs wouldn’t be stronger than the core but here we are. It is lazy, it is bad and it is making the credibility of this game go down the drain.
People don’t want to drop their professions because, in a certain way, anet said: let’s trash that profession now for, at least 4 months, make it hardly playable. We want things to be balanced and fair and be able to play with the professions we like, not what anet decided to overbuff for the time being to stay competitive.
I think you misunderstood the point i was trying to make. I DO believe that Anet is trying to make this game 100% balanced and have every profession have a 50% win chance against every other profession, however this is definitely not something that is easy to do.
Ultimately what I was trying to say here is that the community needs to stop focusing on what is considered “OP” or not and just be constructive with what can be done in the current state of the game.
I 100% agree with you
I want the game to get to that state to, we’re just not there yet if we ever will be…
where were you in the bunker meta? The mesmers could’ve use your help to tell the community to stop focusing on what is considered “OP” or not and just be constructive with what can be done in the current (or previous in reference to the bunker meta) state of the game.
I think besides balance, they also want to “shift” the meta. Have players run other builds and try out new things.
I am sure we will reach a point where people will find more efficient builds.
where were you in the bunker meta? The mesmers could’ve use your help to tell the community to stop focusing on what is considered “OP” or not and just be constructive with what can be done in the current (or previous in reference to the bunker meta) state of the game.
I was crying about pip struggles