Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


WvW players don’t mind spending hours on a siege weapon!

And PvP players don´t mind spending hours standing on points, that´s equally boring tbh.

If you spend the whole match on one node and nothing else, you’re a terrible ally too.
Alos there’s a map in PVP featuring about using Treb too. The treb can totally change the tide of battle, and the treber need to be very wary about incoming assault. They have to be good at 1 v 1~2 too.

No wonder the recent PVP sucks, because there’re numerous people like you.

Or people like you don’t understand how pvp works, you think PvP = conquest lol, that’s funny and sad at the same time. People like you make PvP as crap as it is right now on GW2.

Sad that you insult people without ANY constructive counter ideas to back you up.
I really thought PVP has hope, but with people like that around, yknow…

(edited by Aomine.5012)