The I love sPvP thread.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Unless you have good reason to suspect someone of cheating, or they are being a kitten to you. Then insulting them just makes you look like the fool.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


if nobody else agreed with him PvP would be thriving, but it’s not. paids only pop during primetime, frees have longer and longer waits and less and less hot join servers are full. there’s a reason for all of that.

I have to agree with everyone else besides you because they are right and you are wrong, free’s queues have only gotten faster since paid’s have lost interest. And hotjoin servers are just as full as ever. You clearly do not pvp and have stated before that you have no interest in anet’s pvp so who are you in here with your garbage opinion? You keep commenting these empty responses that no one believes because they’re simply not true. If you want spvp to be dead so bad why are you still here? Why dont you leave and join the rage-quit-pub-scrubs that you are saying is the majority of people that tried spvp.

Anyways, in response to a couple posts above me: Ive found that when you play a main in spvp and then move onto a new class it’s easy to expect the class you are playing to preform a certain way since you see it perform that way when you play against it all the time. Also its very tempting and easy to hop onto your main when you are on an alt and losing in spvp, because you feel like if you were on your main you could pwn faces. There are a lot of hard to find tricks, synergies, and combos that are hard to see at first, but for me the reward is being proficient in multiple archetypes and builds within those archetypes. Being a well rounded player is essential to your success in sPvP, which to me is really really awesome.

They’ve designed a game with amazing role archetypes, diversity of classes and builds within those archetypes in an environment that doesnt require you but rewards you if you are well rounded and proficient in multiple builds on multiple classes.

hot joins are not full as ever lol, uncheck show empty in your options and take a screen shot then compare that to a couple months ago. or just do show full and add up the number of people playing and compare that to the active prime time pop in other successful PvP games, it’s sad

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Akumetsu.8591


the spvp rooms and tournys are likely not as full because it holiday time and people are either away or spending tie with family. To expect them to be as full as 2 months ago is just silly. Spvp is not dying its just the majority of people on the forums are only hear to complain about how they got owned and cant be bothered to think about a way to defend against it. Which means they will always be beaten by players that try to figure out things and learn how and when to use all of there abilities. if you look at most good players not even top players in top 10 teams but teams that do well in frees, these players you will never see them complain about classes being op because they have found ways around them through teamwork/ own abilities.

One hope, One dream, One Dagger Thief
K U R A Enguard [ENG], Pretty Princess Squad [MEN]

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


the spvp rooms and tournys are likely not as full because it holiday time and people are either away or spending tie with family. To expect them to be as full as 2 months ago is just silly. Spvp is not dying its just the majority of people on the forums are only hear to complain about how they got owned and cant be bothered to think about a way to defend against it. Which means they will always be beaten by players that try to figure out things and learn how and when to use all of there abilities. if you look at most good players not even top players in top 10 teams but teams that do well in frees, these players you will never see them complain about classes being op because they have found ways around them through teamwork/ own abilities.

premades doing free tournaments is faceroll since you play vs pugs 90% of your matches. The problem, and reason many on the forums are complaining is that mid-tier teams have no where to play. They can’t beat top teams in paids and they roflstomp pugs in frees, both ways, not fun. People like you though seem to be oblivious to this issue and the many posts of “good” players who have quit because of these issues. The “good” players who only play free tournaments are norhing more than pug farmers who cant cut it in paids. I used to run premades in free tournaments at release, before paids came out, and every now and then you get another premade in round 3 but aside from that it was 500-0XX boring pug farm. Now my friends list which was 30 deep is 0 active and there’s no reason to try and form a premade to do free tournaments and roll pugs all night, and nobody wants to invest the time to face 8-hour/day QP farmers since there is no match making system.

i’m not and havent complained about burst, or balance, or OP classes – i play thief, mesmer, ranger and necro in spvp. im complaining about the horrible systems and lack of features this game has.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


I’m a “try-hard” but not competitively in tournaments, only casually rolling nubs If I had to pay $60 for this game’s pvp including wvw then I’d still do it.

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I’m a “try-hard” but not competitively in tournaments, only casually rolling nubs If I had to pay $60 for this game’s pvp including wvw then I’d still do it.

Exactly. The way I look at it is I would pay $60 for battlefield 3, never play the campaign and just play multiplayer. There isnt any other game id rather be pvp’ing in, so why not just make the best of the situation instead of being like Sprawl.3891 and make it worse for everyone else.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


this game right now is a closed beta: closed because u need to buy the game to play, beta because the game is incomplete.
i can understand a lot of players like this game. but it does not means this game is competitive enough to “live” peacefully for the next 3-5 years because of no other better games.
it means for me that if i could , i would no have spent €50 for this game. not right now.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


this game right now is a closed beta: closed because u need to buy the game to play, beta because the game is incomplete.
i can understand a lot of players like this game. but it does not means this game is competitive enough to “live” peacefully for the next 3-5 years because of no other better games.
it means for me that if i could , i would no have spent €50 for this game. not right now.

How is this game incomplete? Because everything that will ever come out for it isnt out yet? Your statement is really ridiculous. WoW, WAR, Aion, and Rift, 4 very popular MMO launches in the US all lacked MAJOR aspects at launch, did you make the exact same post on those forums about them being incomplete? Were you around for ANY of those launches? Do you actually have enough experience with this sort of thing to make these kinds of stupid claims? I dont care what you say your credentials are but you should ask yourself these questions before saying something is incomplete. By saying this game is incomplete you are proving you dont know what an average MMO release/first year is like. You probably mainly play console games.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.1640


Oh I like this thread a lot! And I love PvP!

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


this game right now is a closed beta: closed because u need to buy the game to play, beta because the game is incomplete.
i can understand a lot of players like this game. but it does not means this game is competitive enough to “live” peacefully for the next 3-5 years because of no other better games.
it means for me that if i could , i would no have spent €50 for this game. not right now.

How is this game incomplete? Because everything that will ever come out for it isnt out yet? Your statement is really ridiculous. WoW, WAR, Aion, and Rift, 4 very popular MMO launches in the US all lacked MAJOR aspects at launch, did you make the exact same post on those forums about them being incomplete? Were you around for ANY of those launches? Do you actually have enough experience with this sort of thing to make these kinds of stupid claims? I dont care what you say your credentials are but you should ask yourself these questions before saying something is incomplete. By saying this game is incomplete you are proving you dont know what an average MMO release/first year is like. You probably mainly play console games.

if you are going to spout off at the mouth like anet did and claim the game is gonna be the next major esport and then release without a ladder, without spectator, without private servers, without pug vs premade separation, its incomplete. add on top of that it took 3 months to get a blog post about things to come and what is looking like another 3 months for just one feature to be released its quite sad for a triple a release. it seems like ladders and pug separation weren’t even in development, just custom servers. it took players asking wtf to get them to prioritize ladder over custom servers, backwards thinking right there.

and what major systems was rift missing at launch? rift offered multiple maps and game types, PvP ranks and gear and even added more ranks, more gear and more maps before most people even hit max rank.

also war and aion were f2p failures due to lack of content send fixes, great comparison there lol.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Seis.4091


EaGrimdarK, ty for that awsome topic. Keep up the good work, don’t let anyone say something negative about this game.

The pvp is awsome, the balance is good, there’s a lot of challenge, GW2 is going to be as popular as SC2 for sure.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


EaGrimdarK, ty for that awsome topic. Keep up the good work, don’t let anyone say something negative about this game.

The pvp is awsome, the balance is good, there’s a lot of challenge, GW2 is going to be as popular as SC2 for sure.

my sarcasm detector is for going off

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


i love everyone supported my accurate description of the game. thx guys i love you.
well at least i used some of the thread title words. im IT

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


EaGrimdarK, ty for that awsome topic. Keep up the good work, don’t let anyone say something negative about this game.

The pvp is awsome, the balance is good, there’s a lot of challenge, GW2 is going to be as popular as SC2 for sure.

Thanks man, there are a lot of people that got upset with what I said. I feel that a lot of people expected one thing and when they showed up to sPvP and couldnt keep up they got upset. All they need to do is relax and enjoy themselves, they could do a lot of good if they would contribute to their relative PvE forums, instead they are in the sPvP forums trying to derail our constructive threads.

Like I said before, I feel that this game needs some room to breath. A lot of people are comparing it to well established games like WoW and League. I remember when League came out, it was a moba for children and the only people that wanted to touch it were kids that cared more about graphics than gameplay. Now more than a million children play League as well as people who have found successful e-sport careers amongst that low-skill meta and its just not fair to compare gw2 to that. It took a lot longer than 4 months for league of legends to get a sizeable fanbase, yet people are expecting GW2 to already be up there where GW1 was. Thats impossible for 4 months of being released, and very stupid to expect. There are a lot of stupid people out there though, but thank goodness only a few of them have reared their young heads here.

It really reminds me of league of legends vs dota2. League kids expect it to be easy and simple, but its not so they cry because thats how they usually get what they want. Dota2 people enjoy what they do because the skill curve is respectable, the game looks respectable and the community makes it harder and has respectable developers that dont need to re-work every new champ they release. Gw2 is receiving a lot of the same unwarranted grief that Dota 2 did when the league kiddies had their kittens challenged by a higher skill level game.

There will just always be people who have to put something down just because they arent as good at it or because they can’t have fun.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


grimdark dude, nobody is complaining about easy or hard. read the complaints from people like sataar and soko or anyone else. the complaints are about lack of fundamental features and systems to make the game enjoyable to both casuals and elite players. there are elite teams who had qps who have quit like seether and his team due to tournament issues just the same as there are casuals quitting due to hot join and pug issues. get a clue.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: xelynruk.6983


It’s fine to make a thread about what is good about GW2 sPvP, but keep in mind that this is the sPvP Discussion forum. And while you may find a million things that are in your mind correct about the game, there’s a thousand other people that will find a million things wrong with the game. In light of that, please do not try to silence others because they’re not falling in line with your desired point of view, especially when there have been no posts as to specifically (features, etc) what is good about GW2 sPvP. People are right to question whether or not a general, narrow, statement concerning the topic is in fact correct. All it takes is a quick tour of this forum’s thread titles to see that not everything is rose colored when it comes to GW2 sPvP (balance, number of formats, number of maps, etc). Anyone’s welcome to pick any of those topics and others and elaborate as to why one has been done “right” or “wrong,” but you will have a fight on your hands either way.

I played virtually all forms of GW1 pvp and psuedo pvp – HA, GvG, TA, RA, AB, FA, JQ, HB, CA, CB, DA. The pvp format that GW2 sPvP resembles most is HB (Hero Battles), which was removed from the game at some point. The combat involved 2 players with a small squad of npcs they controlled over a series of cap points (conquest). GW2 sPvP is essentially this but with live people instead of npcs. It’s small wonder that a format like this would be a turn off for others that were more dedicated to team-based play (GvG, HA, and even AB). That said, Anet has a lot of ground to cover when you add up all the other issues that make current sPvP unappealing to both casual and top pvpers. Now, there’s nothing wrong with liking the sPvP format available atm, so long as you don’t expect everyone else to as well.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


I really dont understand how a couple people here in my thread dont understand how positive feedback is also considered constructive criticism(aka discussion). You probably have never been in management or leadership type roles in your lives, which is why you dont understand. Followers tend to complain a lot about the things that are out of their control which is why you followers think discussion forums = complain about what you think is bad forums.

Simply, it’s not. This is a thread to discuss what we enjoy about sPvP so they can continue working on things we all enjoy. Want to know why? Because they will always, ALWAYS address the issues and concerns people have about stuff that id OP or doesnt work but if they dont hear what they are doing right all they have to go off of are stabs in the dark.

On a side note, hey the reds are posting in our little corner of the forums.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Oh well, yes probably there are many things to fix but i can say that i really like gw2 pvp…expec tpvp, got 2 char at 80 and after a month went pvp only and never came back…hate pve (Not just here, but also in gw1 and every other mmo i played) and if you don’t like mindless zergs (8vs8) you can’t play wvsw because it’s just an unskilled, crappy zergfest 24/7….actually i leave the mists only for going at bank and tp selling dyes….

PS. Put a bank access and tp into the mists

(edited by Archaon.6245)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I really dont understand how a couple people here in my thread dont understand how positive feedback is also considered constructive criticism(aka discussion). You probably have never been in management or leadership type roles in your lives, which is why you dont understand.

Because all of your posts are ego driven, elitism deifying, narcissistic swill which boils down to a belief that you are above anyone not like you. It is of course also a complete trolling based fabrication most likely and in the end just silly.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I really dont understand how a couple people here in my thread dont understand how positive feedback is also considered constructive criticism(aka discussion). You probably have never been in management or leadership type roles in your lives, which is why you dont understand.

Because all of your posts are ego driven, elitism deifying, narcissistic swill which boils down to a belief that you are above anyone not like you. It is of course also a complete trolling based fabrication most likely and in the end just silly.


also there is no discussion going on in this thread, it’s just “gw2 pvp is awesum! if u dont like ur bad l2p”

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Seis.4091


Thanks man, there are a lot of people that got upset with what I said. I feel that a lot of people expected one thing and when they showed up to sPvP and couldnt keep up they got upset. All they need to do is relax and enjoy themselves, they could do a lot of good if they would contribute to their relative PvE forums, instead they are in the sPvP forums trying to derail our constructive threads.

Like I said before, I feel that this game needs some room to breath. A lot of people are comparing it to well established games like WoW and League. I remember when League came out, it was a moba for children and the only people that wanted to touch it were kids that cared more about graphics than gameplay. Now more than a million children play League as well as people who have found successful e-sport careers amongst that low-skill meta and its just not fair to compare gw2 to that. It took a lot longer than 4 months for league of legends to get a sizeable fanbase, yet people are expecting GW2 to already be up there where GW1 was. Thats impossible for 4 months of being released, and very stupid to expect. There are a lot of stupid people out there though, but thank goodness only a few of them have reared their young heads here.

It really reminds me of league of legends vs dota2. League kids expect it to be easy and simple, but its not so they cry because thats how they usually get what they want. Dota2 people enjoy what they do because the skill curve is respectable, the game looks respectable and the community makes it harder and has respectable developers that dont need to re-work every new champ they release. Gw2 is receiving a lot of the same unwarranted grief that Dota 2 did when the league kiddies had their kittens challenged by a higher skill level game.

There will just always be people who have to put something down just because they arent as good at it or because they can’t have fun.

I was joking btw.

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


EaGrimdarK, ty for that awsome topic. Keep up the good work, don’t let anyone say something negative about this game.

The pvp is awsome, the balance is good, there’s a lot of challenge, GW2 is going to be as popular as SC2 for sure.

lol i though it was sarcastic..seems i was wrong. silly me

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: DaliIndica.9041


Actually you’re just another narcissitic kiddy kitten himself to his own imagined elitist grandeur and trying not to get cheeto dust on your unit.

I mean, that’s pretty much the idea that your self obsessed post gave off anyways.

Sounds like I hit a nerve, though Im not sure what I said that upset you, I love PvP!!!! Even people that admitted they arent amazing can at least post on topic. The only time I mentioned myself was when I was referencing what I loved about it. In fact I used the words “we” and “us” more so than “I”.

I think I’m reading what you wrote wrong, Braxxus. Is English your first language? You clearly didnt read what I wrote, or maybe something you dont understand is upsetting you. If you have anything constructive to say or any real questions to ask I would love to answer them for you.

why do i need to look at GW1? Did GW1 have the same emphasis on PvE as GW2? Oh, no it didn’t? I can look at GW2 and see there has been multiple massive PvE updates and zero PvP updates. I can look at GW2 and see issues and features that were requested in BETA #1 that still aren’t here. That’s all I need to see, thanks.

Well this is about pvp not pve, so im not sure where you are going with this. You dont seem to ever have any real solid points and your opinion doesnt seem worth while either. If there was any legitimacy to what you are saying other than you stating your opinion as fact I might actually care.

Dont you think there is enough blind negativity on these forums? Why are you here if you dont enjoy sPvP? You are wasting your own time, which says a lot about you, you aren’t leaving a good impression on anyone in the sPvP community.

Also, if you played the game past August you would be aware of the significant attention they have paid to sPvP. What they haven’t wasted their time on is whiny, bottomless, no-substance suggestions and insults from people like you. hahaha

Can we please stay on topic?

Wanting to stay on topic yet you go out of your way to insult the person over and over again.

You must be way cool in your school, I BET YOU HAVE ALL THE POKEMON!

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


lets stay on topic gaiz gw2 best evar u dont like cuz u not skillz

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Mission accomplished. Some people enjoy spvp and are willing to talk about it, some people like Sprawl get their RL feelings hurt.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

(edited by EaGrimdarK.7849)

The I love sPvP thread.

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245



I lol’d…