The meta is still the same.
Give it at least a few more days for people to find the cheesiest/most OP things. That is how the meta will change as everyone flocks to the easiest, lowest-risk, highest reward specs that people find.
it’s probably too early to judge
Alot of thieves I presume will be playing other classes, there’s a slight possibility for rangers to actually make an appearance but I doubt it, still a pretty bad class it just has a few stupidly strong mechanics e.g. hit 2; do 15k dmg from 1500 range. DPS/medi guard just getting stronger every patch so i’d assume people are going to get on that hype train a little bit more. Greatsword/longbow warrior seems good but not top level tpvp good. Warriors in general got nerfed quite a bit but they’re still too tanky & deal too much damage to pass up.
Just some speculations from what I’ve seen & some possibilities.
Maybe top teams will drop 1x warrior for something fresh.
It will still be 3x celestial tanks ( dd ele, axebot, rifle engie) or a hambot , who will do decent in a teamfight,
then push far and autowin.
The game is not extra competitive so im sure we will at least see some funny attempts at new comps.
Every class is viable at pretty much the highest level to be honest. The boredom comes from the fact it is just one game mode. The meta will never change whilst the game is capture points.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
At high levels I’m sure things will be the same, but in solo and team Q it seems the bad players moved from warriors to rangers, at least for now.
I think it will mostly be the same in the end, though.
What I mostly wanted from this patch (beside the disappointment from no new gamemods/maps) was for it to change th meta, somehow.
Apparently it is still the same. Am I too soon, and things need to settle down more, or do you think the meta we’ve seen the past few months will stay with us untill Feb?
You are way too soon. A meta cannot be judged within 2 days. Hambow warrior took months to be discovered after the patch prior to it becoming a very strong build.
How are you saying the meta is the same anyways? Are you judging this from hotjoins? Solo queue? I’ve already seen top teams starting to try new builds/compositions out and I can guarantee you it’s not the same stuff.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
I saw tron jeremy running around with dual pistols thief insta-gibbing people
with 1 button…….
#newmeta? :/
I think we may see spectral ds zerker necros.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
What I mostly wanted from this patch (beside the disappointment from no new gamemods/maps) was for it to change th meta, somehow.
Apparently it is still the same. Am I too soon, and things need to settle down more, or do you think the meta we’ve seen the past few months will stay with us untill Feb?You are way too soon. A meta cannot be judged within 2 days. Hambow warrior took months to be discovered after the patch prior to it becoming a very strong build.
How are you saying the meta is the same anyways? Are you judging this from hotjoins? Solo queue? I’ve already seen top teams starting to try new builds/compositions out and I can guarantee you it’s not the same stuff.
Hambow warrior appeared the next day they buffed the zerkernstance.
It just took 2 weeks for super to win the 10.000usd pax tourny and everyone to start swotching from necro and other condies classes, who were meta 2-3 months ago, and broken for 1 month till hotfix.
The thing was it didnt stop there, cz ANet didnt do any balance for next 6-9 months. So ofc it spread like a plague but the start was immidiiately after patch u saw warriors doing well with basicaly all builds.
Idk why, it seems also anet is using false date facts for their healing signet and zerker stance buffs.
Again, it didnt months, just the hotfixes in JULY that made warrior god.
Instead of facing hambows and engineers, i’m only facing rangers and engineers now( soloQ experience only however).
Pretty annoying considering all my zerker builds now get rolled quickly by those rangers…
Instead of facing hambows and engineers, i’m only facing rangers and engineers now( soloQ experience only however).
Pretty annoying considering all my zerker builds now get rolled quickly by those rangers…
The only viable zerker builds before were thief and warrior. Now it’s zerker ranger and possibly another class we are yet to see.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
(edited by tichorum.2415)
You are way too soon. A meta cannot be judged within 2 days. Hambow warrior took months to be discovered after the patch prior to it becoming a very strong build.
How are you saying the meta is the same anyways? Are you judging this from hotjoins? Solo queue? I’ve already seen top teams starting to try new builds/compositions out and I can guarantee you it’s not the same stuff.
Yeah, I should probably wait more time. I’m currently checking the ESL streaming (thanks, jebro, for your work!) to see if any changes have been introduced.
BTW, I said the meta was still the same after playing few TeamQ matches against players using “new” builds (GS warrior, LB Ranger, lots of medguards).
Thieves will likely stay the same, although D/P may become more popular. We might see a small return of the ’carry’ role builds such as 5/6/x/x/x.
Elementalists haven’t really changed, but we might see some nice active uses of the elite elemental now.
Engineers... I can’t remember anything of note except the turret buff... But we’d still be seeing turret engineers around despite because it’s so easy for people to be effective with.
Rangers are basically the same, just more popular. They still get countered by thieves, other rangers, meditation guardians, and likely mobile GS warriors.
Mesmers are in a very good spot now. They were before but now even better. Unfortunately condi mesmers got the biggest buff, so there’ll likely be more of those around but I doubt it’ll make an appearance in tournaments/top tier.
Power necromancers were becoming increasingly popular already, and we’ll definitely be seeing more of them and more death shroud. Condition necromancers haven’t really changed.
GS/LB warrior was good before the patch as well if played right, it just didn’t appear because eviscerate was tankier given that it had an offhand shield and 4 points in arms wasn’t helpful and could be spent elsewhere, and hambow provided some support in team fights by making people dodge more, and the area knockbacks and stuns basically protected allies from direct damage while the enemy was disabled/recovering. GS may now replace axe, especially when considering it brings the advantage of a high mobility heavy to the composition.
Guardians.. I sure hope we don’t see any cheesy spirit weapon builds. Aside from that, buff to meditation guardians but they’re already popular. Personally I’d take a GS/LB warrior over a meditation guard, I don’t see them reaching a higher level of use/purpose than they’re currently at. We might see some more tome usage.
I want to see tournaments to see if the asura meta has changed. That would be nice…