Thief complaint after patch: PVP

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


Are thieves now Bad: NO
Can thieves Burst:Yes
Did thieves got buffed: Yes
Did thieves got nerfe as well: Yes

The problem is:
You guy are complaining but; Is your class weak now, No; You have to learn to play now in order to win. And this something that most of thieves can not handle.

I mean you even complained because of F2, some people missed the button…. srsly….

(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


How were thieves buffed? How is burst possible? I mean with all that blind, invuln etc. Why do you think thief is not weak? How do you come to the assumption that most thieves can’t handle to learn to play? How do you think S/D or P/P work now? Why is it a learn to play issue?

Explain please. Seriously if you write something like that, you need to explain it instead of just claiming something.

(edited by FlawlezZ.3178)

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: swinsk.6410


The guy who complained about f2 was being rediculous. I made the same mistake when I first played after patch too. Kept hitting f1 to use my stolen skill. It is definitely a l2p issue. I still make thy mistake from time to time…

Problem with thief is that we are pretty much burst or bust now. If we want survivability and condi clears we need all the defensive trait lines and we can’t get any damage trait lines. In wvw going all in on defense works. In pvp it doesn’t because we can’t kill fast enough and are still really squishy using a maurader or zerker. Any other amulet the damage is too low to use.

From what I can tell there there is really only 2 builds for spvp. Venom share with da/trickery or da/cs/trick. You can run d/d or s/p or d/p but I think the best is d/p. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Traits will vary depending on weapons you choose but overall the lines are the same…

I used to run 6/6/2 before patch. Took the 2 just for shadows embrace. I can’t do AT&T anymore. Which I think hurt build diversity. We can’t pick and choose our lines anymore. All in or nothing…

Just another noob thief…

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


As i stated in other thread: thieves will be fine when anet fixes the most offending bugs, tones down certain class mechanics and ACTUALLY implements buffs they promised in patch notes and not just flat out nerfs~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

As i stated in other thread: thieves will be fine when anet fixes the most offending bugs, tones down certain class mechanics and ACTUALLY implements buffs they promised in patch notes and not just flat out nerfs~

Watch thieves will get their burst damage nerfed with zero increases to survivability.

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


As i stated in other thread: thieves will be fine when anet fixes the most offending bugs, tones down certain class mechanics and ACTUALLY implements buffs they promised in patch notes and not just flat out nerfs~

Watch thieves will get their burst damage nerfed with zero increases to survivability.

Wouldn’t surprise me tbh. Thieves are just too popular (see Ezio/Altair RPers and co.) and judging by the patches for the past 2+ years i would say Anet did their best to make thief players reroll. No matter the nerfs, people will still complain because stealth and evade mechanics are just not fun to fight against since most ppl just wanna click their spells like on a dummy and collect points w/o using brain.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Are thieves now Bad: NO
Can thieves Burst:Yes
Did thieves got buffed: Yes
Did thieves got nerfe as well: Yes

The problem is:
You guy are complaining but; Is your class weak now, No; You have to learn to play now in order to win. And this something that most of thieves can not handle.

I mean you even complained because of F2, some people missed the button…. srsly….

I agree i think Thief is always strong but his position in the general meta ranking is a little lower than before.

This is because the amount of damage in game is really high so you need to play really carefully or a revealed thief is really in high risk of death.

Problem is Anet nerfed s/d so d/p is the only viable choice for conquest and you need to play really with the brain to not die like a chicken in a team fight.

I think there is now more gap between a good thief and a bad thief.

Thief complaint after patch: PVP

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


good thieves don’t really slot SR any more., opting to get another stunbreaker instead. adapt or get blown up.