This is of dire importance!

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


Well, me and my friends had a team and we were really trying our best in tournaments and we played when we had time. But lack of communication to playerbase, bugs being in too long and so on… you all know the story. When we were on skype some of our friends were playing other games and we had to drag them into this one and play with us. Then planetside2 launched and some of us went there and one went irl. We all played pvp in wow in the past and GW2 was a great place for us to meet up again and play the playstyle we liked, especially since this game was hyped around pvp and e-sport we defenitely didnt expect it to be same ol pve first, pvp second… but hey, look what happened =(

I know I will never get a second chance with my friends in this game again, if we meet up and play same game it will be another one. For me to return solo queues is a must. I dont have time looking for teams with randoms, and I really dont want to, I rather play other games with my friends then be forced spending hours in mist hoping that one team will pick me up. And I personally doubt it will happen anytime soon. This february patch is being stated as a pvp focused patch, and when will we ever got one of those again? Also considering the huge amount of pvp updates in this patch, next one will probably include same amount and perhaps not the right ones in there as well. It’s a shame that a game with so much possibilities ended up this way. It’s rare having an mmo being hyped as pvp focused, the competition out there is next to none existant and still they jump the train of focus pve, slack on pvp. Luckily there is no other serious competition to be released anytime soon so with right priorities they could stir things up to get the mmo pvp players back… however, current direction is too little too late, and it’s a shame really =/

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in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


blizzard is doing a fantastic job with sc2.
ladder for 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4 PLUS, now, ladder for XvsA.I. PLUS training matches.

they know how menage their playersbase.

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in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


Yeah im really stoked about HoTS. That being said my friends and I are still having a blast in wvw. We started off strong in spvp but just got kinda bored. With the new patch we have no reasons to go into the mists. Im rank 34 and unless I see ladders soloq and improved rewards im sticking with wvw.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

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in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Amazing how the best players I seen are are below 100 QP because they have no team and do not want to PUG, while baddies who whine while running glasscannon with no stunbreakers are in QP Rankings due to having a team of exploiters.

Even making a team is nearly impossible now. Everyone attitude is “meh why bother”. QP needs to be reset and give us a proper ladder and rating. I’m tried of baddies bragging at their rank and QP when you never lose any QP when you lose.

I can count the number of people worth being in QP rating on 1 hand, and they are only 2.

(edited by ilJumperMT.4871)

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in PvP

Posted by: DaRitschi.9401


Sad…yet true. It’s getting empty in PvP.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Shiro.9618


It is really sad! ArenaNet have to do something for the eSport Community! We opend our Community Fansite for eSport players in german speaking countries but getting more and more to an rp/pve content based fansite because of no pvp content to work with.

As an pvp gamer and gw 1 lover i dont get why they failed so hard in gw2 with their pvp content?! No ladders, no motivation to play and so on..

/Push that topic as sign for the devs to do somethin! Altought i guess its too late..

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: maK.6372


This is a very good thread, and I must admit – even as a semi-hardcore player I only played GW2 for a while due to easily noticed massive design flaws. Went back in a couple of times to see if things had changed, but the updates (squeaky toys you can carry on your back and bs like that) weren’t substantial enough to make me start again. Issues in not only PvP, but the entirety of the game would be easily remedied with some serious approach on listening and talking to hardcore fans and to STOP with the extreme catering to, what it seems, only casual players. I’m really happy I didn’t waste my money on collectors edition after all, and hope that at least in two months time ArenaNet have started leaning more towards hardcore players, because casual catering is making my head ache nowadays, and an uninstall and binning of the game is close at hand.

I’m moving on to other games with my dedication, whose developers really seem to care – and if ArenaNet’s reading: You should be REALLY ashamed. All of you. Ear and eye candy is a temporary fix but without solid mechanisms you can’t stay for long.

Thanks Oni, for giving me the opportunity to enjoy some, for ArenaNet, well earned critique and be able to say something myself.

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in PvP

Posted by: NovaBlue.2460


I can add more to this I set up Team Tsunami before the game started (we were the largest active sPvP guild at the start of the game) and there was around 50 of us all actively wanting to play sPvP. Of those 50 people only 2 or so are still playing the game me and Blu. Another good example of anet not doing their kitten job.

[TSU] NovaBlue/Fattest Ele EU – Tsunmai’s Ele/founder and leader

(edited by NovaBlue.2460)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


There is PvP in this game, it’s called WvW…

The SPVP in this game is god awful, and is probably the worst aspect of this game.

The maps are just not interesting, Look at Huttball or most of the Warhammer Online Maps to see what interesting PvP makes look like..

If I was going to sit around and play Instanced PvP matches all day, I’d pick those two games over this game any day of the week.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

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in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


People that play sPvP is less than 1% maybe, the sPvP updates will come soon or later, but I think ArenaNet priority right now is to keep in the game the other 99% of people that play PvE, because the lack of endgame, etc. But don’t worry, GW2 will be eSport, or at least will get the proper update, the question is when ..

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in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Priority list should be something like this

1) Paids = random map
2) Custom arenas
3) Rating/ladder
4) Soloq
5) spectator

We are lucky they are working hard to make it in time before population is gone

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Bazeleel.8219


This really makes me sad I had such high hopes for GW2 and it failed like all the other MMOs.

Its not just the PvP that is suffering. The PvE is also pretty boring and the “random” events get old after you have had 1 level 80. Grinding for skins is silly and feels like a complete waste of time.

The PvP in GW2 should be the main focus on this game. There is no gear grind so its all skill based. How do you mess something like that up?

Arena Net I honestly expected a lot more from you guys Guess Valve just needs to make a MMO and show the world, yet again, how to make a game and please your community.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Nilvio.7941


Even Diablo 3 is more competitive atm than Guild wars 2

Greatest example what community can do when you give them kittenING TOOLS!

English is not my native language :)

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in PvP

Posted by: Mufa.1326


Makes me laugh.

Teams burn out because the whole system is unstable. You need to really be ‘try-hard’ to play on fixed schedule with fixed 5-men team. And try hards usually burn out because of conflicts with real life. When group of 5 ppl is dependent on none of them burning out then you will not see teams lasting very long.

Process goes approximately like this:
1. Game requires people to over-commit their real-life time if 5v5 is the only choice (people organizing their life around game schedule in order to play in fixed 5-men team on fixed schedule).
2. One guy burns out (for example, student failing his tests in school due to overplaying the game will have to prioritize real life over game after few months, and since he cannot practice on his team schedule he simply completely quits). He is difficult to replace if team synch is too important (is it is in this game due to some bad design aspects).
3. Team tries different people to replace the missing guy, but they go on losing streak, resulting in the team falling apart.

It is fault of the game design and what it does and does not offer.

What the game needs is:
1. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 RANKED matches.
2. 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 teams will feed 5v5. (I doubt 5v5 will be the most popular still due to the fact it will always be inconvenient to organize 5 player team).
3. Balance the classes so that ranks in each ladder (1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5) has the same representation of classes at the top (approximately 1/8 of top 100 and top 500 players for each class).

Until they do this, spvp will keep dying.

Soko D Medo

(edited by Mufa.1326)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Ironcloud.3892


11.1k views in ONE day, it’s also managed to reach the top of the gw2 sub-reddit, I really hope they understand how important this kitten is.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: kobi.5236


Just give us the old Gw1 pvp back and we are all happy

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


This thread is so confusing. Are you genuinely trying to be constructive or is it just some kind of rant mixed with some e-lobbying?

Because I somewhat fail to see how your friend list or google analytics can teach the devs anything they don’t know already with the tons of metrics at their disposal?

Or maybe you think that stating the obvious is actually relevant? We all know what it takes to make a successful pvp (any pvp really):
- polish the gameplay
- make a smooth learning curve
- provide the indispensable tools for a competitive environment – solo and team ladder, matchmaking, obs mode, private servers…
- mass market pvp with full advertising and e-sport partnerships.

No. The real trick is to implement the above in a way that makes sense within the gw2 ecosystem and that fully integrates with all the other systems in the game.

For whatever reason it’s taking arena net months if not years to figure out how to achieve it.

So as a player, there really isn’t much you can do except, wait for it… play the game, enjoy it and push the mechanics to their limits if you’re gifted enough to be a top tier player.

And when all hope is gone or when you’re fed up with the wait, just leave and let gw2 be a case study on how to fail a pvp sequel:p

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Darkdanjal.3401


It took GW1 a year to actually becoming a descent game and I say descent…. PvP isnt bad at all at all in GW2…its just that there isnt a ranking system at the moment, no spectator mode and so on. That is what all those teams want and it will be there….

The fact is that GW2 was released way to soon…I dont mind waiting longer, Ive been enjoying GW2 from the start,

Rankings, spectator mode, custum arenas and so on, if all of those will appear do you really think all those teams wont come back? it is understandable that they left, they can always pick it up again.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: kobi.5236


12200 clicks in under 24 hours ; hot spot detected

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


This thread is so confusing. Are you genuinely trying to be constructive or is it just some kind of rant mixed with some e-lobbying?

Because I somewhat fail to see how your friend list or google analytics can teach the devs anything they don’t know already with the tons of metrics at their disposal?

Or maybe you think that stating the obvious is actually relevant? We all know what it takes to make a successful pvp (any pvp really):
- polish the gameplay
- make a smooth learning curve
- provide the indispensable tools for a competitive environment – solo and team ladder, matchmaking, obs mode, private servers…
- mass market pvp with full advertising and e-sport partnerships.

No. The real trick is to implement the above in a way that makes sense within the gw2 ecosystem and that fully integrates with all the other systems in the game.

For whatever reason it’s taking arena net months if not years to figure out how to achieve it.

So as a player, there really isn’t much you can do except, wait for it… play the game, enjoy it and push the mechanics to their limits if you’re gifted enough to be a top tier player.

And when all hope is gone or when you’re fed up with the wait, just leave and let gw2 be a case study on how to fail a pvp sequel:p

Yeh…this is a good post imo.

Also players quitting and leaving games is inevitable and is irrelevent as long as new players come in to replace those who have burnt out.

I think the devs know what needs doing. It isnt rocket science. It is just they are focussing as a company on PvE and not PvP. This is a problem for the men at the top and not the devs of pvp. I have worked in companies where the things I am doing dont get the support I think is needed and it sucks. It didnt mean I didnt know what I was doing, just that the company had limited resources which went elsewhere.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Fake.6549


I can’t guarantee that all of these players left specifically because of the reasons I mention, but I can say that the vast majority of them have, and the rest left at least partially because of them.

A friend just linked me to this and I confirm as the former leader of Synthetic Gods that in our case this post is 100% true.
We felt like ArenaNet is not putting any effort into making GW2 an esport at all which is why most of us stopped playing. This made me a very sad panda.


This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

The game wasnt made with esports in mind, so its not fair to berate them for not pushing for esports now.

If the game was made for esports the following would not exist:
animation/size discrepancies between races (asura)
one single boring to watch (and to play) game type
qualifying points
class identity crisis (ele’s doing the job of warriors)
homogenized class roles

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Fake.6549


Well GW1 wasn’t made with esports in mind either but people played it after all. There was a mode for just everyone and some of them attracted the competitive scene to play it. I also know a lot of pve players who still play gw1 pve so that can’t be bad..? even i played it from time to time.
it is just not true that this game got no esport potential for some made up reasons. there were a lot of pvp players in the beginning. the only reason why it fails now is because there is ZERO effort put into pvp

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


all this game needs for esports is 1. ladder, 2. spectator mode, 3. 10x more build variety. it’s very fun to watch. most importantly, balancing is going very poorly. 6 months and we’re still in the same garbage meta with the same 6-7 garbage builds dominating both tpvp and wvw. theyre gently swatting at the problem when they need to whack it with a bat. otherwise, we’ll be in the same place till 2014. not to mention we wont be able to enjoy any new weapons or profs until the original mess is sorted

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


The game wasnt made with esports in mind, so its not fair to berate them for not pushing for esports now.

If the game was made for esports the following would not exist:
animation/size discrepancies between races (asura)
one single boring to watch (and to play) game type
qualifying points
class identity crisis (ele’s doing the job of warriors)
homogenized class roles

Then perhaps they shouldn’t of stated things like “Absolutely. We consider it to be one of the primary goals of Guild Wars 2 competitive PvP to make it into an eSport” (Jon Peters) when promoting the game pre-release, it is not surprising or unfair that Anet are getting berated.

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Nilvio.7941


The game wasnt made with esports in mind, so its not fair to berate them for not pushing for esports now.

Obviously its not made with esports in mind because it got PvE and WvW…

English is not my native language :)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


This thread is so confusing. Are you genuinely trying to be constructive or is it just some kind of rant mixed with some e-lobbying?

Because I somewhat fail to see how your friend list or google analytics can teach the devs anything they don’t know already with the tons of metrics at their disposal?

Or maybe you think that stating the obvious is actually relevant? We all know what it takes to make a successful pvp (any pvp really):
- polish the gameplay
- make a smooth learning curve
- provide the indispensable tools for a competitive environment – solo and team ladder, matchmaking, obs mode, private servers…
- mass market pvp with full advertising and e-sport partnerships.

No. The real trick is to implement the above in a way that makes sense within the gw2 ecosystem and that fully integrates with all the other systems in the game.

For whatever reason it’s taking arena net months if not years to figure out how to achieve it.

So as a player, there really isn’t much you can do except, wait for it… play the game, enjoy it and push the mechanics to their limits if you’re gifted enough to be a top tier player.

And when all hope is gone or when you’re fed up with the wait, just leave and let gw2 be a case study on how to fail a pvp sequel:p

Nothing more I can add, this man said it all.

Team Paradigm.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


The situation is grim no one can deny that. Everyone knows what this game needs. There is still hope, despite the fact that the player base suffered from a great population loss ever since the release of this game. We as player can`t do anything anymore “for” this game, more than ever its up now to Anet. I have seen some Anet interviews lately like the one on some IGN show and what is up seems to be really awesome for all the PVEers. I haven´t heard anything about PvP though, and it makes me sad. The only thing worse than the actual PVP development is the lack of communication from Anet. Besides some blessed individuals nobody knows anything what is when coming and its hard just to keep on going on pure faith. And I am pretty sure this “great” communication is on of the reasons why so many quit. All those things have been said, and people will keep repeating them until Anet steps up and finally fixes those problems. The easiest thing to fix is communication, but hey who am I kidding? Good communication from a soulless multimillion dollar company? Yeah i don´t believe in it either.


This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Convict.8526


GREETINGS, CITIZENS. I originally planned to make a massive post where I displayed arenanets absolutely awful form of transparency, game issues, questionable design choices and a ton of other things. But this has been done before (and better), mainly by Follidus. If you have not already, read his post here:

You could also read arenanets response to see what part of the game suffers from now.

ANYWAY, the point of my thread is something different, I’m going to mention all the aspiring teams and players that have quit the game (and why) that I can think OFF THE TOP OFF MY HEAD. I can’t guarantee that all of these players left specifically because of the reasons I mention, but I can say that the vast majority of them have, and the rest left at least partially because of them.

Team Pika:
The team followed the usual process. One player left another player got an invite from a team (dislocation to no scrub iirc) and since this game has no potential for a solo player to be competitive the three other players in the team, meaning that the three other players had to abandon the game and go back to WoW after some time of trying to find a team.

Solution that would have kept them in game: SoloQ

Team Synthetic Gods/Myrevenge
This team followed almost exactly the same formula as above. The team became far less active due to disgruntlement because they had absolutely no info on esport at all aside from a pathetic blog post which took months to come out on. When the team dropped in activity and efficiency because of this one player left, two of the players n the team tried to find a new one but they were unable to and guess what? Lack of soloQ? No official ratings? Good luck making yourself known out there to other good teams!

Solution: soloQ and transparency

Team FT:
This teams disappearance was rather recent. These were players that had been playing for as long as I. They eventually quit because they assumed arenanets stance on actually telling us what the hell is happening was arenanet not caring.

Team SuperSquad:
Surely you’ve heard of these, yes arenanet? Same story as the one with myrevenge. There were members that were not as committed due to how the game was going. With the lack of proper ladder there is no real goal and there is nothing that kept the team to stay competitive. Two of the members joined another team (guess which!) and one quit the game due to not believing arenanet any more on their esport claims. The other two were unable to find a team. And yet AGAIN, I want to repeat this point: If you don’t have a team then you CANNOT play the game competitively. Your silly idea of a soloQ is not going to change that. And as long as you don’t announce that you’re going to make a proper solo q people that are unable to find a team will CONTINUE TO LEAVE!

Solution: Transparency that would keep them motivated (they’ve been dedicated to this game since beta), a solo q (are you starting to see a pattern?)

Team legacy:
Another previous big name. They, too, lost faith in arenanet with their claim that they’d make this an esport. They believed it was just a lie to make the sales increase.
Solution: Talk to us!

After reading this. Oni, I think I love you

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Defyx.3956


Imo it’s just about money. Clearly their economic plan was to make a strong advertising campaign in order to sell as much as possible games before players actually realize it’s not what they were expecting (in the PVP part). And since there is no subscription and they KNOW the “big rush” on this game is already FAR away, they may have make cuts and maybe that’s why NOBODY take care of the pvp part because, seriously, i don’t think they are idiot and just ignore what ALL people are saying, i think there is just nobody (maybe 1 or 2 people ?) who is dedicated to implement pvp changes. I bet they will be more reactive if u explains how you can actually make money if the game becomes a real e-sport, because it’s just an other company which is looking for profits eventually and they may not see the competitive PvP as a viable choice.
(Sry for my english mistakes)

Dr Hehz-Ele

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in PvP

Posted by: BLOODBIRD.9386


epic rant , you make me feel good

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: BLOODBIRD.9386


i add this too, i got banned for it as usual.

wrote this 4 moths back, please see your fail new map wont help the SOTG

What was so special about Guild Wars 1 was that you can get famous and renowned, your guild can get famous, the playes are famous, here i dont feel the same, i dont even feel like playing pvp anymore. even if we have players in the guild there is nothing to play for, what is this thing about the paid tournaments, we get gems! big deal, i can swipe my credit card and buy the entire store.

why u didnt keep the pvp the same as it was in GW1, and you say we listen to us! no you dont, i knew the pvp is going to fail even before the release, you should have listend to the Beta players.

i dont even know what i keep coming back to forums and post, but because we loved GW1, i was pvp rank 13 in gw1 ans so many other players, we loved the pvp competion, the combos, the TEAM PLAY! the builds, the thinking involved in making builds..this game i cant feel it!

Here the rank does not mean anything, if you win a pvp no body cares, and most of ull all my guild members now are not playing pvp anymore, and me 2 i just want to stop pvping.

so please, this new paid tpvp is not really smoething nice, we need something like the “Hall of Heros” the 8 vs 8 game, ranger spike, ele spike, iway, derv way, build way, thumper way, etc … that was the CORE of GW1, the fame , the broadcast of the winner of halls, the favors , Korea VS America VS Europe, god pvp favors .. why did you give it all up!!!

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in PvP

Posted by: Breakin.2409


never heard of any of those teams apart from SS and DI lol

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Lorienda.1349


well i have to agree on pretty much everything..
my motivation in the last week just dropped next to 0 and even tho im still playing i am waiting for tuesday to see if anything gonna motivate me even slightly will be enough but if it will fail like the other patches im pretty sure this game will die.

Jexster ~ Chieftain Ninjas

i cant have a bad picture i dont know why,ask god.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

PvP got that boring, my guild started to do dungeon runs and fractals… Because A-Net invest 99% into pve. No wonder this game has lost so much players in competitive PvP scene.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Silferas.3841


Mixed queue is a solution that caters to casuals and kills off all competitive players. They don’t even have to test it, the prime example of why it fails has already happened. During the Temple of the Silent Storm week, there was a team forming, composed of some of the best individually skilled players EU had to offer (my good friend with whom I’ve played a lot was a part of it). After MMR hit the servers, to my understanding they mostly got matched against pro teams (I remember watching on Teldo’s stream a few games against them, when he was playing with full TP lineup), which resulted in their downfall and an end to potentially another pro team on the scene, which only proves that without properly over-time developed team skills, individual skills mean nothing. To my knowledge some of them have already quit the game without the intention to come back unless a proper solo queue is implemented and event that won’t be true once they find a substitute game for GW2. But in the end it’s just logical, why waste their time playing a queue that will end up doing something they have already tried themselves? (put them all on a team and match them against a proper one to see what happens?) And guess what? With no more than a few dozen top players on both EU and NA, competitive scene will be all about half-teams or PUGs matched against full teams. I can feel every solo player’s motivation to go competitive prepare to take a dirt nap.

[Path] of the Immortals – a guild for veterans – Join us
[S]illy [L]ittle [U]gly [T]rolls – our little dungeon forum community
“My mind has left, my body follows”

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in PvP

Posted by: Bazeleel.8219


Arena Net please let us know you have read this. I want GW2 pvp to be awesome!

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


im not an elite player but i haved moved back to rift for good about 3 weeks ago. just no reason to play, nothing to strive for as a solo player and it’s just not fun enough to play same mode over and over. Rift gives me massive customization options with the soul system and lots of maps/styles. Not to mention the devs are actually showing some interest in pvp and really tweaking to make warfronts fun/balanced.

You went back to a game that has done even LESS than this one?

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Locust.2365


Good post Helseth.

I came here with friends from other games, as well, 8 of us, “decorated” pvpers, every single one of them. More than enough to form a good team. We were here in betas and everything.

Today, 6 are gone, 1 is doin only pve/wvw and im the lone spvp enthusiast left of the group. Sad, but not unlike what a lot of people wrote. Helseth gave a big part of the solution, but in my opinion he forgot one thing.


In WoW they call them seasons, here you can call them whatever the kitten you want, but they need to exist because of nature of a human being.

1. You are inevitably begin to stall after a while with your rating, or if not stall, then progress very very slowly. But hey, there is always next season!

2. You are bored of the game, but like it often happens, you feel the urge to come back. You browse the forums, you find out the current season is ending in 10 days. Hey, its just the right time to prepare for the next season!

3. You are playing with your current team, things arent going so great, and there is another team needing your uber mesmer skills. “Guys, you know what, ill stick with my team for a while, im not an kitten, but im joining you next season!”

Seasons give hope. Elo and similar ratings are net 0 systems, meaning for every team that goes up, another team goes down the equal amount. Obviously teams going down are going to show frustration and the game isnt going to be as fun to them as it will be for the guys shooting upwards. What will keep them playing is the “next season” Feeling of hope, false hope in 90% of the cases, but still hope.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: NoWayOuT.7841


I like a this post. 100% true.
The most important thing guys is that u know that Anet have no answer…they don’ t care about pvp cuz pvp = no money…..They also tryed to send pvp ppls to do pve (look skin for pvp + probably in future legendary in pvp) . Too many posts, too many times ,too many efforts and always same answers and same result. no way.

Càrontè – Bunker Guardian – Desolation [EU]

(edited by NoWayOuT.7841)

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in PvP

Posted by: kobi.5236


bumb i need 15 chars at least

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Fantom.9217


This is my first post on the GW2 forums in months.

I quit. The game is boring. I don’t want to grind your easy kitten PVE, ArenaNet. I wanted to PVP. I gave you MONTHS. And this is after following the development of your game for 5 years pre-release.

The PVP sucks. The scene is completely dead. The PVP mode sucks, the PVP maps suck, the PVP meta sucks, the PVP matchmaking (lolwut finally exists as hidden, still no ladder) sucks, the PVP spectating doesn’t exist, and the PVP practice (rent servers, private/custom games, etc) doesn’t exist.

Also the Mists is wayyyyy too segregated from the “real” game. This might be ok if we got equal attention, but PVE gets 99% of the updates and PVP gets a blog post full of empty promises every 3 months. You can’t even show off in town if you PVP, or earn experience OR gold.

Overall GW2 was the most disappointing game I have played since AoC, 5 years ago. Get your kitten together ArenaNet and maybe in a year you can start looking at the terrible, static meta your game has created. (What kind of PVP game has a team with multiple roles known only as “bunker”???)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


the new map is owned by the status quo meta. no room for anything but guards, mesmers and eles. same crap is same crap.

most of us are so disappointed by the lack of build variety that the mists simply wont rebound this time around. i have no reason to play really, when im fighting the exact same builds.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


I’ve tried the soloQ now. I was up versus premades 7 out of 10 tries.

But hey, I don’t deserve my high rating because I was not able to carry all of those games!

Anyway, it’s PAINFUL to see that arenanet added in ‘’join solo’’ button, they have a system where you have to have a full premade to join, they have two seperate matchmakings for the 3 man and 1 man que but STILL DON’T JUST MAKE A SOLOQ WITH THIS.

Holy kitten seriously

Make the 3 man map 1v1 aswell and make it ‘’join solo’’ only with its own matchmaking. Finish it off by making the other que ‘’join as full premade only’’ It’s okay that we can’t duo yet, we can wait for that. But at least let solo players play without having to fear full premades.
Problem solved?
Seriously, having two different ques, one with a 3 map rotation that requires teams as a workaround because you don’t have a random map generator, something nintendo64 games have is TRAGIC.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

(edited by Oni.5429)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Syko.3726


I’ve tried the soloQ now. I was up versus premades 7 out of 10 tries.

But hey, I don’t deserve my high rating because I was not able to carry all of those games!

Anyway, it’s PAINFUL to see that arenanet added in ‘’join solo’’ button, they have a system where you have to have a full premade to join, they have two seperate matchmakings for the 3 man and 1 man que but STILL DON’T JUST MAKE A SOLOQ WITH THIS.

Holy kitten seriously

Make the 3 man map 1v1 aswell and make it ‘’join solo’’ only with its own matchmaking. Finish it off by making the other que ‘’join as full premade only’’ It’s okay that we can’t duo yet, we can wait for that. But at least let solo players play without having to fear full premades.
Problem solved?
Seriously, having two different ques, one with a 3 map rotation that requires teams as a workaround because you don’t have a random map generator, something nintendo64 games have is TRAGIC.

Stubborn is stubborn.

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Dralor.3701


Sort of blows my mind that they are pairing premades against solo players, pretty sure every other MMO (or moba) figured this out ages ago.

If you want to let people duo queue sure, w/e. But if it continues like this I don’t see any reason for those of us who don’t have a full team to play.

“Oh just go find a team” etc. IS NOT a reasonable reply or excuse for this sort of system.

Same complaints as the other posters as to the builds never changing as well, not really sure how to say it constructively but letting the same classes/bunker builds dominate feels pretty bad.

Forgot to add, we should really be able to see our elo/mmr, if for no other reason it is nice to know if we are making progress.

(edited by Dralor.3701)

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


No! not premades.Helseth just sucks! i was watching his stream and he is obviously being carried by curse :P

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Wanna bring that back to top since I cant see
1. Curse
2. TP
3. Bg9
4. Nonstop nonsense
anymore. So its finally over?

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Curse is on a hiatus, we have not quit the game but we are no longer active. I play a few games every now and then for my stream but I don’t enjoy it at all, lol. I’m the only one in curse who is at least logging in to play. We’ll be back when leaderboards are up

Same for TP, they don’t soloq as much as I do though.

I’ve seen bg9 a little, but they cannot be considered active

NN May or may not quit. Their warrior, zoose, quit the game. They’re now a 4 man team, debating the thoughts of continuing play or moving to dota 2.

In short, there are no more active scenes in either EU or USA as the game is atm.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

This is of dire importance!

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

I gotta say Team Idle is on hiatus too.