To Those Complaining About Match Making...
It might be a good suggestion for players who are on a loss streak, yet he sticks to the idea that the system is a good one.
I dont claim that the system is necessarily a “good” one, but its no where near as broken as some people here are claiming it to be, and its WAY better than season 1s matchmaking.
I still think we should have a separate solo queue. But at least this system is way more manageable to solo queue in than last season was as long your smart about it and dont grind your face against a brick wall out of stubbornnessThe matchmaking system is WAY worse than season 1. The problem with season 1 was that noobs actually could have make their way up and it was exploitable. Now the new matching is no way better. There still are noobs carried to saphire. There are decent players stuck in soloq hell. But regardless of that, the system fails by matching strong teams vs weak teams. And I refuse to waste my time in an from beginning decided game, just so the pros can advance faster. As I allready stated some time ago: Have you seen Manchester U play an official ranked match vs an amature team from some village at the start of a new season?
Last season was exploitable, this season isnt
This season has greatly reduced the amount of premades vs full solo queuers
I stand by my statement, this season is FAR superior to season 1This season is exploitable, if you start now and pay 3 – 5 g per win to a 4player high mmr team, u are in ruby in less than 4 hours. That was not possible in s1.
Season 1 had almost only premade vs premade. Now there is at least 1 premade in every match. I stand by my Statement that u are wrong
Rofl what?
You obviously have no idea what your talking about
You cant just buy wins. If you queue with a team that is good enough to “sell wins” you will be playing at THEIR division, so you pay 4 legendarys to carry you from emerald to ruby they would have to carry 1 bad against full legendary division teams, by the time you got enough pips to be in ruby, they would have had prestiged legendary multiple times. That is NOT going to happen
During season 1 you could queue with lower division players to make it so ruby/ diamond players could get to legendary by queueing with ambers so they would face emerald/sapphire players instead of other ruby/diamond/legendary players
And the premade statement is completely false
Try again
I believe MOST PLAYERS are complaining about the MMR formula and everyone agrees that shopping for amber was bad; and Anet could have fixed it by putting matching restriction on tiers.
The fact is LAST SEASON MMR formula is a quadrillion time better than this ONE…. I believe that’s what antichecker was trying to convey.
I really think there are some problems with matchmaking, but this post deserves a +1. /great advice, and the biggest hurdle for most players.
It might be a good suggestion for players who are on a loss streak, yet he sticks to the idea that the system is a good one.
I dont claim that the system is necessarily a “good” one, but its no where near as broken as some people here are claiming it to be, and its WAY better than season 1s matchmaking.
I still think we should have a separate solo queue. But at least this system is way more manageable to solo queue in than last season was as long your smart about it and dont grind your face against a brick wall out of stubbornnessThe matchmaking system is WAY worse than season 1. The problem with season 1 was that noobs actually could have make their way up and it was exploitable. Now the new matching is no way better. There still are noobs carried to saphire. There are decent players stuck in soloq hell. But regardless of that, the system fails by matching strong teams vs weak teams. And I refuse to waste my time in an from beginning decided game, just so the pros can advance faster. As I allready stated some time ago: Have you seen Manchester U play an official ranked match vs an amature team from some village at the start of a new season?
Last season was exploitable, this season isnt
This season has greatly reduced the amount of premades vs full solo queuers
I stand by my statement, this season is FAR superior to season 1
It is superior in the sense it is less vulnerable to match manipulation and grind. However, it is in many ways worse in how it identify the level of the participants.
It might be a good suggestion for players who are on a loss streak, yet he sticks to the idea that the system is a good one.
I agree about that. This refusal to see any problem is really annoying.
I dunno. I kinda find both sides are acting the same way personally. Like trying to discredit anyone who has a more positive experience with S2’s MMR system and saying that it must be all them getting carried up the ranks and vice versa about the skills of ppl who got stuck in losing streaks.
And I think S1’s MMR system was horrid back then, at least before they fixed it mid season to counter the amber shopping premades that ran rampant where they vastly reduce their pip losses if they lose while increasing their pip gains if they win. That coupled with the system trying to enforce 50% win/loss rate made solo qing a lot more horrendous. And I will totally disagree that S1 isn’t exploitable. As a soloqer back then, I ran into quite a lot of premades that did the amber shopping thing while I ran into a lot more soloqers in S2. I stand by my statement which is based on my own personal experience that you are wrong as well, antichecker.
So far for season 2, I have more fun solo qing and while the first few matches has been blowouts either in my favor or against my favor, I start having a lot more close matches with some being comebacks in my current division. Still, I think improvements can be made to the MMR system. I would agree with whoever that suggest having a preseason to place people in different divisions so that the first day onslaught wouldn’t be too bad and new players wouldn’t get totally slaughtered by experienced people which would just lead to discouragement. There is a question though : what to do if people don’t play during preseasons to get their placements in divisions?
Both seasons are horrid for different reasons from my POV. I also despised season 1 for the manipulation that ppl were indulging in and season 2 for how it trap me with ppl who are not of my caliber at all.
That being said, I disagree about both side behaving the same way so far. Nobody who is complaining pretend there aren’t personal improvements to be made by each players thus one side acknowledge that part of the other side perspective. However when a systemic issue is brought in the discussion by my side the other seemingly close his eyes and plug his ears and proceed to speak of the individuals only.
I see one side who address the argumentation of the other side while the opposite is not true. The ppl who pointed the systemic issue they perceived were not outraged at the opponents they had to face (making argument like your tougher opponent will go away soon be patient bla-bla quite irrelevant) but at who they were paired with that were supposedly of similar strength (which is absolutely laughable from my own experience).
Any system that seeks to rate individuals based on ever changing teams performances is at best going to be iffy as kitten. At least don’t use such metric to judge individuals is what ppl like me tell you.
Guys, season 1’s match-making formula was not good. It did not impact premades heavily but, it impacted solo queuers like hell. The PiP algorithm of season 1 was anti premade and was solo friendly (after amber shopping was nerfed).
So, to fix these in season 2, ANET made a matchmaking system that helps partial teams of 2 to 4 to zoom thru the low-mid divisions while kittenting on solo queuers. The PiP algoirithm favors partial teams over solo queuers heavily. My biggest beaf with this system is that it punishes people for trying hard. It should be other way around. Some people may not like the idea. But, that’s not how you keep a healthy population in an MMO.
Both systems are awful. People who went to ruby in 2 days lectured the people stuck in amber. Now, people stuck in ruby are blaming ANET for failing them. After much thought, I strongly believe that GW2 sPvP league needs a qualifying system and a rank barrier with a completely separate path between solo and duo-trio-team queues. Till then joke’s on ANET.
ANET put a PvE only item in a PvP competition which has no practical use in PvP. (Those kitten wings are distracting to say the least). Then they abandoned fractal legendary backpiece by making legendary backpiece only available thru PvP. Go figure. I heard so many cries about making PvPers do PvE for items they need in PvP. In this case, ANET is simply forcing PvEers do PvP to get an item that has some real value in PvE. So, yeah, joke’s on ANET.
(edited by velmeister.4187)
Buy this game is as experimental mice.
Anet told me they are serious, really?
Probably because its a team match? :o
yes ofc! How does it relate to the discussion?
to say something constructive:
My suggested solution would be for this season to give up the mmr-ranking. Next season should have 1 division more but you can lose tiers from division 3 onwards. Then a player who (on average) loses more than he wins will be stuck in division 3, an average player in divison 4/5 and the best players in division 6+. It will be boring for the good players at the beginning but more fun in the end.
First off this is a serious post and I’m not trying to belittle anyone or tell them they’re trash. I’ve seen all the threads over the past two weeks and I think the issue is a little less prominent than you believe it to be, namely because it’s the same 30 or 40 people posting/creating new threads over and over.
The small portion of data that Salamander collected was actually pretty useful too. 50% of players reported being in the 50th percentile area of the ladder, which sounds accurate…
To get to the point though, for those players wanting to improve there are definitely some questions I want to stress that you ask yourself:
- Do you multi class?
If you do not, or cannot efficiently, grinding through leagues with one class is not going to work. Period!
As I’ve progressed through Ruby this season, I’ve noticed that almost every match is won due to swapping to counter a team comp. If we are not bringing the right tools to the job, why should we expect to win.
- Do you/can you rotate?
Again, if you cannot rotate, you will always lose to a premade because of coordination. Premades are 100% beatable, you must first bring the proper classes, traits, utilities, and rotate to be able to counter them.
I’ve played against multiple 5/4man premades as well as a few ESL teams and won due to the reasons above; heck they’ve been super stressful and or annoying due to some wicked strong team comps, but it is very possible. My win rate remains around 70% for this season (62% in ranked over all time).
- Do you peel?
Quite simple, teammates will often get pressured, rather than trying to focus someone take the time to peel for that player it can pay off big time when the enemy team no longer has a single offensive cd.
- Do you swap traits/runes/sigils?
Again this is very similar to the first question, but will often be a key reason as to why you will lose if you don’t. Normally most teams will have coordinated teams as of late, put their focus into heavy flat damage + cc, or heavy aoe/condis + cc. Most classes have a way to alleviate both types of pressure through trait, rune, and sigil combinations. If you refuse to take the time to make adjustments it’s going to hurt your play as well as your teammates.
- Do you rage at players and waste time/possible comebacks by typing half the match?
Simply don’t do it, it’d be wasting everyone’s time. Sure we don’t always get the best teammates but there is really no point that will come of berating other players.
- Do you complain about premades and then don’t put in the effort to queue with one or two more players?
Solo Q isn’t coming back, at the very least in this season. Please put some time and effort into befriending a good teammate or enemy you may see in a game. It really isn’t that hard and as everyone likes to mention, it automatically makes you win games (100% not true). Create a post looking for teammates, be proactive!
In the end, I believe a lot of these reasons are why so many players are stuck where they are. Yes there may be a small handful of players stuck due to unfortunate events, but just because you’re a skilled 1v1 player, it doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t support your team and make an attempt to actively do all of the things I’ve mentioned above.
Some play better some average.
Do you play many classes and what are they?
2.No, Q i E using for some skills instead for rotating, somehow I prefer to stand in place because i got carrots on the legs.
Do you rotate and how?
If you’d be so kind, so explained to everyone, thank you in advance.
3.Yes i defend my players if they move and help me and defend them if they can survive longer than 2 seconds.
Do you defend your players? If your answer is yes, please tell me how you defend players from DH traps into which persistently jump and how to defend squishy class of 2/3 Reaper who have stability while your players are trying to fight against them in the point?
4.Yes i change traits, rune and sigils before the match on the basis of the opposing team.
Do you changing and how you change on the class basis in to opposing team?
5.Yes i am raging and do not waste time that could be could be used to return because there is no return, they spend my time. Yes i writing on chat, because when i write in chat they still do not know what they’re doing, what you think how would be if i dont write(with hope next match when i get them in team they will be better) .
Would you rage if your players left you to bleed out under his legs, or players who do not know how to count, or on players who put their points ahead of team points, or toys that are attacking the beast when their help is badly needed in order to cap point, or at least remain neutral and at the same time beast kill them?
5.No i dont have nothing against.
Those people are from flesh and blood and can be beaten (many of them not communicate on ts).
Do you register alone or with friends?
6.There are three reasons why anyone would defend MM which of the three you:
- Programmer on false account
- You are sponsored by the Gw2
- You’re just an average player who is aware of it and wants to have as long is posible a winning sequence that has now because if MM bicome normal again you will be farmed of the better players and you will start lose what will not be fun for you like this is
it really feels like im play a 9 vs 1 game half the time. yelling at my screen in the hope they might hear me. I ever type it, but they’re in the blood rage and don’t read. this is soul destroying.
it really feels like im play a 9 vs 1 game half the time. yelling at my screen in the hope they might hear me. I ever type it, but they’re in the blood rage and don’t read. this is soul destroying.
I Know right. But fortunately, we have players who can carry 4 of these people all the way to winning streaks and beyond.
Last match I had I was paired with a guild and was like YES! They will have good com and will organize alone no problem! Won’t need to type much. Oh boy… first thing I knew they all came to help me at waterfall even tho I had finished my fight and was already capping. They not only joined me, they stayed together inside waterfall to cap it like one big family… But I’m at this level so I should just accept it and stop lying o myself…
- Do you multi class?
If you do not, or cannot efficiently, grinding through leagues with one class is not going to work. Period!
As I’ve progressed through Ruby this season, I’ve noticed that almost every match is won due to swapping to counter a team comp. If we are not bringing the right tools to the job, why should we expect to win.
Every rule has its exception.
I play one and only guardian, and only on one build and on top of that, it is not even meta. If you know your enemy well, certain well played classes with right utilities can bring as much to the table as if multi class player. I don’t do this due to simple reason, I don’t have that much time to learn to play all classes, I choose to master one and that is enough for me and for those that I play with. The rest is up to the good rotations and tactical sense that lies within my team mates.
I just made it to ruby and doing dangity dang good. Meta is for those, that are less creative and less flexlible (unless meta build hits their style just right).
(edited by Rodzynald.5897)
- Do you multi class?
If you do not, or cannot efficiently, grinding through leagues with one class is not going to work. Period!
As I’ve progressed through Ruby this season, I’ve noticed that almost every match is won due to swapping to counter a team comp. If we are not bringing the right tools to the job, why should we expect to win.
Every rule has its exception.
I play one and only guardian, and only on one build and on top of that, it is not even meta. If you know your enemy well, certain well played classes with right utilities can bring as much to the table as if multi class player. I don’t do this due to simple reason, I don’t have that much time to learn to play all classes, I choose to master one and that is enough for me and for those that I play with. The rest is up to the good rotations and tactical sense that lies within my team mates.P.S.
I just made it to ruby and doing dangity dang good. Meta is for those less creative.
Agree completely with this even if I regret having played too creatively at the beginning of the season. Had I knew how the system work I would have kept a very conservative approach a lot more often.
This is one thing I hate about the game system atm. It punishes risks too harshly while not rewarding it much.
Well I am having quite a laugh as people don’t know what to expect from me in combat.
If build is made properly or is an “off-spring” from meta build, then such non-meta build is sometimes even stronger due to lack of knowledge and enemies don’t know how to fight it and as I said, don’t know what to expect.
The element of surprise in its finest.
those who are crying about the system are those that do more kitten in the game, cry about balancing that is crap with reaper up power.
I’m on sapphire after being arrested six days in emerald and I’m not crying like many here … want easy game? Is in Hot Join then ….
Well I am having quite a laugh as people don’t know what to expect from me in combat.
If build is made properly or is an “off-spring” from meta build, then such non-meta build is sometimes even stronger due to lack of knowledge and enemies don’t know how to fight it and as I said, don’t know what to expect.
The element of surprise in its finest.
I must admit I had priceless moment on my marauder staff tempest this season when everybody was avoiding me thinking I was a bunkerish waste of time only to all die under an unlikely heavy powered meteor shower. There is something terribly satisfying when you defeat an entire meta group with stuff that isn’t.
- Do you peel?
Quite simple, teammates will often get pressured, rather than trying to focus someone take the time to peel for that player it can pay off big time when the enemy team no longer has a single offensive cd.
is the biggest one ive seen…
- Do you peel?
Quite simple, teammates will often get pressured, rather than trying to focus someone take the time to peel for that player it can pay off big time when the enemy team no longer has a single offensive cd.
is the biggest one ive seen…
I must admit I had priceless moment on my marauder staff tempest this season when everybody was avoiding me thinking I was a bunkerish waste of time only to all die under an unlikely heavy powered meteor shower. There is something terribly satisfying when you defeat an entire meta group with stuff that isn’t.
Ahhh… yes. This is one of the main reasons I play non-meta builds. I won’t say much about my own just so that I don’t spoil the fun for others, but what I play is to deal high close range damage and heavy CC to slow down and even disrupt whole teams.
It is truly amazing how it gloriously works out when my teammates or premade guildies rotate well.
Yo man, when you find time please answer on my questions like i answer on your.
EXACTLY. alot of the people complaining fall into one or multiple of these categories.
They dont play to win
Whether its the “pro 1v1er who doesnt understand rotating” , the “im pro at playing warrior/ theif and can compete just fine with them”, or the “we lost mid fight, i give up, team sucks” players, theres always SOMETHING they are doing to cause their poor win rate that they refuse to acknowledge.
The matchmaking isnt perfect, but its definitely not as “rigged” as these mob mentality whiners want to believe
HA! What nonsense! Who said it was “rigged”? We’re saying it’s BADLY DESIGNED.
What iz peel? Smellz like wow. /15chars
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
HA! What a joke! The system is BROKEN.
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
HA! What a joke! The system is BROKEN.
No seriously I was stuck in T4 emerald for a week even with minimal play (three games at most usually) then I streaked to T1 sapphire today. Had I regularly played from the pip range’s low end my MMR would have plummeted even further and might not have made it. A team isn’t as good as its best player it’s an average between all five.
Maybe the system is fine at its most basic core but needs some adjustments like a placement preseason with an MMR reset?
@Sirbeaumerdier.3740 I have suffered losses, if you seen my posts I even ranted about it. There were even some matches were I would say to myself … “ah… why did I do that, that was my fault” Yes you are just 1 cog in the machine of 5 cogs in total. Yes I can understand it’s hard to carry. Definitely been in matches were I just looked to the sky, and begged Dwayna save me. But all in all I just I don’t know, I don’t see it. I mean I know the experience is different from person to person. But in my experience I had to help recover a mistake my allies made. In return I had allies who help to recover my mistakes, and in the end we pulled it off. You will get matches like that. It just the breaks of the game.
You are lucky to be in games where you have allies you can help to recover, or allies that will help you. Some people are not as lucky.
Sometimes you get paired with “allies” that are as much a problem to you as the enemies. And this system makes it so that the more times it happens, the greater chances of it happening again.
Probably because its a team match? :o
yes ofc! How does it relate to the discussion?
It’s at the core of the problem. It is a team match, and yet somehow OP seems to think that your personal skill is the only (or the primary) thing that matters.
The truth is, however, that no matter how good you are, you can’t win the game 1v5. And yet if you’re unlucky, the current system will gladly put you in such games.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
HA! What a joke! The system is BROKEN.
No seriously I was stuck in T4 emerald for a week even with minimal play (three games at most usually) then I streaked to T1 sapphire today. Had I regularly played from the pip range’s low end my MMR would have plummeted even further and might not have made it. A team isn’t as good as its best player it’s an average between all five.
Maybe the system is fine at its most basic core but needs some adjustments like a placement preseason with an MMR reset?
LET me repeat myself:
it really feels like im play a 9 vs 1 game half the time. yelling at my screen in the hope they might hear me. I ever type it, but they’re in the blood rage and don’t read. this is soul destroying.
I Know right. But fortunately, we have players who can carry 4 of these people all the way to winning streaks and beyond.
Last match I had I was paired with a guild and was like YES! They will have good com and will organize alone no problem! Won’t need to type much. Oh boy… first thing I knew they all came to help me at waterfall even tho I had finished my fight and was already capping. They not only joined me, they stayed together inside waterfall to cap it like one big family… But I’m at this level so I should just accept it and stop lying o myself…
Lucky you. I had a 4-man guild that (after we decided in chat that one of them will go close, and rest straight to mid, on forest), right after the game started… went straight for chieftain. And died there. Yes, first 3 people, then the last one that was a bit late due to capping close. No, i have no idea how they did that, but the quality of their play didn’t improve later. And that wasn’t even the worst team matchup i was in.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
If you managed to get too low on MMR, you would still be in the lower reaches even then. Yes, your chances will improve, but it’ll still be mostly about luck, not skill.
Also, system that doesn’t work well for the large part of the time it is supposed to cover, just plain does not work well. Period.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
A game full of torment.
Fell into a ravine unable to get up.
He told me that will become popular, just a mindless lie.
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
This was meant to happen after 1 week, still hasn’t happened after almost 2. This is a theory that doesn’t work out in practice in all probability because there are always higher level players moving through the ranks. Opposing teams have to be matched by mmr.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
This was meant to happen after 1 week, still hasn’t happened after almost 2. This is a theory that doesn’t work out in practice in all probability because there are always higher level players moving through the ranks. Opposing teams have to be matched by mmr.
I wonder what the deniers will say the THIRD week.
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
This was meant to happen after 1 week, still hasn’t happened after almost 2. This is a theory that doesn’t work out in practice in all probability because there are always higher level players moving through the ranks. Opposing teams have to be matched by mmr.
I wonder what the deniers will say the THIRD week.
To wait a week more.
I bet the same will be said on the last week as well.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Another note
To the players saying “my current league position doesnt reflect where i should be” ok….no duh. We are only like a 3rd of the way through the season. If you hit a brick wall, STOP PLAYING. Why are you people trying to rush so fast?
If you really believe in this “bad mmr spiral” then why are you DELIBERATELY throwing yourselves into it when your on a losing streak? Every time i start getting bad matches over and over i STOP. No point queueing into the same bad matchups, and theres no point rushing directly to your final standing in the league only to have hour long queues when all your trying to do is your daily matches.
Ill say it again, all i see is entitlement and a want for instant gratification+1
Probably another thing that should’ve been mentioned, stop queuing past the 4th loss. Bad matchups, you’re frustrated and not playing well, not focused, lots of stuff goes into it. I always take a break if I get a few bad matches in a row.
This bull*. So the response to the broken matchmaking is, stop playing and try again later? Let’s not fix things, just avoid problems or abuse them.
No abuse required, one could simply stop playing for a couple of days and wait for higher MMR players to go out of reach while lower MMR players move up. This will increase the chances of you being on the higher end of MMR within that pip range.
This was meant to happen after 1 week, still hasn’t happened after almost 2. This is a theory that doesn’t work out in practice in all probability because there are always higher level players moving through the ranks. Opposing teams have to be matched by mmr.
I wonder what the deniers will say the THIRD week.
To wait a week more.
I bet the same will be said on the last week as well.
LOL I wouldn’t be surprised!
L2P issues related in one solid post.
Thank you guy
Some play better some average.
Do you play many classes and what are they?
2.No, Q i E using for some skills instead for rotating, somehow I prefer to stand in place because i got carrots on the legs.
Do you rotate and how?
If you’d be so kind, so explained to everyone, thank you in advance.
3.Yes i defend my players if they move and help me and defend them if they can survive longer than 2 seconds.
Do you defend your players? If your answer is yes, please tell me how you defend players from DH traps into which persistently jump and how to defend squishy class of 2/3 Reaper who have stability while your players are trying to fight against them in the point?
4.Yes i change traits, rune and sigils before the match on the basis of the opposing team.
Do you changing and how you change on the class basis in to opposing team?
5.Yes i am raging and do not waste time that could be could be used to return because there is no return, they spend my time. Yes i writing on chat, because when i write in chat they still do not know what they’re doing, what you think how would be if i dont write(with hope next match when i get them in team they will be better) .Would you rage if your players left you to bleed out under his legs, or players who do not know how to count, or on players who put their points ahead of team points, or toys that are attacking the beast when their help is badly needed in order to cap point, or at least remain neutral and at the same time beast kill them?
5.No i dont have nothing against.
Those people are from flesh and blood and can be beaten (many of them not communicate on ts).
Do you register alone or with friends?
6.There are three reasons why anyone would defend MM which of the three you:
- Programmer on false account
- You are sponsored by the Gw2
- You’re just an average player who is aware of it and wants to have as long is posible a winning sequence that has now because if MM bicome normal again you will be farmed of the better players and you will start lose what will not be fun for you like this is
1) I play Thief, Druid, Necro and Rev (hardly play the last two, mostly because I play better as a thief regardless).
2) Rotating isn’t always an exact method. First pay attention to your map, kitten how much mobility they have as a team, do not throw yourself to the body count at mid when you can help far/home for a quick kill if you have good mobility. Regroup more often than not, retreat/pay attention to your teammates positioning. Generally the idea is to break up the enemy team as much as possible creating more favorable matches when they may have a comp that flat out counters you.
3) Heal, CC chasers, put up a reflect in front of them, pop aoe boons if you can (prot aegis). You can’t really do anything about people dying to traps aside from trying to calmly tell them to pay attention to positioning. In ruby/diamond so far I’ve noticed almost no one dies to a DH, at the very least almost everyone can avoid traps unless stomping.
4) Yes. If available being invuls and prot utility skills against direct dmg. If going against a high condi team, run generosity sigil, bring as much condi removal as you can, run a class that can aoe condi cleanse etc. And when you can’t do this on a class, that class is likely not the best choice for the match-up so swap to another class; multi-classing is the best!
Some examples. If im on druid against direct damage teams I’ll take SoS, sometimes Guard, trait for Stealth and super speed on cele form to kite/ re-position, make sure to blast in smokescale field to peel for myself, save gap closers/knockbacks after important skills like engi hammer 3, UA and phase traversal, steal/infiltrators strike.
Against condi, ill run shout runes, swap out SoS for a glyph run the glyph heal/condi removal trait and lingering light for blinds/more healing. Don’t move when you have high stacks of agony in a 1v1, cancel autos/attacking with high stacks of confusion, make sure to cleanse poison before I heal (can’t always avoid this), dodge clones on mesmers, and again just kite as best I can. Don’t worry about giving up the point for 30 secs if it means you can win the fight and recap the point.
5) I only communicate at the beginning of the match in terms of typing; I greet my teammates, try and come up with a loose strategy on what we should split/run in terms of traits and go from there. Throughout the match I will draw on the map as necessary and ping often.
6) I’m not a programmer, I’m not sponsored, and I’m an above average player. I don’t blame anything on luck or the system. I lose, have loss streaks, but I progress. I take breaks when I need to, adjust my builds when I see an issue, or adjust my play style when I’m tilting or playing poorly.
A general comment, I saw one of users complaining in another thread about MM again and they didnt have a single stunbreak on their bar and useless signets on their druid. I have more and more faith that the system is better when people like this are the ones complaining they’re stuck in “MMR hell”.
(edited by AegisFLCL.7623)
First off this is a serious post and I’m not trying to belittle anyone or tell them they’re trash. I’ve seen all the threads over the past two weeks and I think the issue is a little less prominent than you believe it to be, namely because it’s the same 30 or 40 people posting/creating new threads over and over.
The small portion of data that Salamander collected was actually pretty useful too. 50% of players reported being in the 50th percentile area of the ladder, which sounds accurate…
To get to the point though, for those players wanting to improve there are definitely some questions I want to stress that you ask yourself:
- Do you multi class?
If you do not, or cannot efficiently, grinding through leagues with one class is not going to work. Period!
As I’ve progressed through Ruby this season, I’ve noticed that almost every match is won due to swapping to counter a team comp. If we are not bringing the right tools to the job, why should we expect to win.
- Do you/can you rotate?
Again, if you cannot rotate, you will always lose to a premade because of coordination. Premades are 100% beatable, you must first bring the proper classes, traits, utilities, and rotate to be able to counter them.
I’ve played against multiple 5/4man premades as well as a few ESL teams and won due to the reasons above; heck they’ve been super stressful and or annoying due to some wicked strong team comps, but it is very possible. My win rate remains around 70% for this season (62% in ranked over all time).
- Do you peel?
Quite simple, teammates will often get pressured, rather than trying to focus someone take the time to peel for that player it can pay off big time when the enemy team no longer has a single offensive cd.
- Do you swap traits/runes/sigils?
Again this is very similar to the first question, but will often be a key reason as to why you will lose if you don’t. Normally most teams will have coordinated teams as of late put their focus into heavy flat damage + cc, or heavy aoe/condis + cc. Most classes have a way to alleviate both types of pressure through trait, rune, and sigil combinations. If you refuse to take the time to make adjustments it’s going to hurt your play as well as your teammates.
- Do you rage at players and waste time/possible comebacks by typing half the match?
Simply don’t do it, it’d be wasting everyone’s time. Sure we don’t always get the best teammates but there is really no point that will come of berating other players.
- Do you complain about premades and then don’t put in the effort to queue with one or two more players?
Solo Q isn’t coming back, at the very least in this season. Please put some time and effort into befriending a good teammate or enemy you may see in a game. It really isn’t that hard and as everyone likes to mention, it automatically makes you win games (100% no true). Create a post looking for teammates, be proactive!
In the end, I believe a lot of these reasons are why so many players are stuck where they are. Yes there may be a small handful of players stuck due to unfortunate events, but just because you’re a skilled 1v1 player, it doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t support your team and make an attempt to actively do all of the things I’ve mentioned above.
Ok, where do I start…
You first try to minimize the problem with the number of people complaining and then proceed to talk about that small sample of players who participate to something not even far from scientific to conclude it was helpful as in significant?
But let’s have some fun, I do use all professions and adapt if need be. I can play very well 2 of them and decently 3-4 more.
I totally know how and when to rotate since a long time now ty very much for asking.
Peeling and focusing is great and all but if you are alone to try and do it it’s going to be hard…
Did it happened that I have raged? Yes. But I honestly dare anybody to avoid boiling after some of the horror I’ve been witnessing. We are humans and we have limits. Of course when you surf on a beautiful beach where all is sunny more than not raging won’t come as often… Try being stuck for 10+ matches with ppl who are clearly not of your level… I want to film you.
Now for the real issue, SOLOQ. I fully understand that this is intended as a team mode and as such you are incredibly disadvantaged if you are not in a premade. Sadly, not everyone has the same opportunities due to a plethora of factors. Why do you think I still inflict myself with soloq? It’s that or I don’t play 99% of the time is why because I just happen to play when others are not available including the friends I’ve made and added me because they thought I was an asset to them capable of carrying more than my weight.
The only real problem in this system IS soloq. For it to work like it want to it, sadly, should force ppl to present a team of 5 just as raid force you to be 10. Why? Because the soloq system really is a Russian roulette system and ppl who have thousands of hours and are clearly quite good can end-up with a lower rating than someone brand new to the game. In other words, you will be fed new players all the time and not surprisingly loose more… How can anyone think a new player can be of a higher MMR than someone with thousands of matches is just beyond the power of words to describe.
My concern now is, will this carry on to the next season to? If so I might permanently stop playing ranked in soloq as my rating might now be too damaged. This mean you are marked for life pvp-wise.
If ppl want to do a tournament they should make it like it’s supposed to be with team signing in for the comp with winners advancing until a winner is determined and give the guys a prize. Somehow this system is a pseudo comp that isn’t one. Measuring teams and allocating individual rating to players even when the team was never the same. This is profoundly kitten.
The the original poster: Can you go 50 soloq games just so you can see how fun it is? Thanks!
I definitely don’t deserve to be Legendary or Diamond, but then I again I also don’t deserve to be matched with/against players that run in small circles looking up. The matchmaking system IS broken and its programmers ARE clueless.
As for Quoted post. I second everything you said and it is probably a post that sums up the whole forum front page of the PVP section.
The the original poster: Can you go 50 soloq games just so you can see how fun it is? Thanks!
I definitely don’t deserve to be Legendary or Diamond, but then I again I also don’t deserve to be matched with/against players that run in small circles looking up. The matchmaking system IS broken and its programmers ARE clueless.
As for Quoted post. I second everything you said and it is probably a post that sums up the whole forum front page of the PVP section.
My first 55 (went 45/55 for wins) games this season were exclusively solo Q. I think I ended up somewhere in the last tier of sapphire, I cannot remember specifically. Longest win streak was 9. I’ve only had a single loss streak of 3. Some days I will occasionally go +1/-1 for 4-5 games, I then either take a break or eventually will rack up a winstreak.
I’ve duo’d since hitting ruby with my close friend and we’re now in diamond. Matches are both harder (more balanced in terms of skill) and last longer; some matches I’ve had against 5 man teams will run the timer out before either team scores high enough. The majority of my losses are to solo or duo Q enemy teams. I’ve maintained a rough w/l ratio of 75% so far. I play 5-10 games every other or every 3rd day.
I still believe the majority of people posting on the forums are stuck due to personal reasons. This system is a million times better at determining skill in correlation to rank than S1 ever had a hope to.
The the original poster: Can you go 50 soloq games just so you can see how fun it is? Thanks!
I definitely don’t deserve to be Legendary or Diamond, but then I again I also don’t deserve to be matched with/against players that run in small circles looking up. The matchmaking system IS broken and its programmers ARE clueless.
As for Quoted post. I second everything you said and it is probably a post that sums up the whole forum front page of the PVP section.
My first 55 (went 45/55 for wins) games this season were exclusively solo Q. I think I ended up somewhere in the last tier of sapphire, I cannot remember specifically. Longest win streak was 9. I’ve only had a single loss streak of 3. Some days I will occasionally go +1/-1 for 4-5 games, I then either take a break or eventually will rack up a winstreak.
I’ve duo’d since hitting ruby with my close friend and we’re now in diamond. Matches are both harder (more balanced in terms of skill) and last longer; some matches I’ve had against 5 man teams will run the timer out before either team scores high enough. The majority of my losses are to solo or duo Q enemy teams. I’ve maintained a rough w/l ratio of 75% so far. I play 5-10 games every other or every 3rd day.
I still believe the majority of people posting on the forums are stuck due to personal reasons. This system is a million times better at determining skill in correlation to rank than S1 ever had a hope to.
It is a better system toward that goal, true, but it has important issues to address. If it really seek to be a ladder it should, IMHO, change a few things:
1) You can always loose pips. No more safe guards as it give too much traction to grinders to climb higher than they are at that point in the pvp process. This leads to problem once you reach ruby where grinders are paired with low mmr legit ruby who would otherwise still climb but are now kittened.
2) Stop attributing individual rating based on team results unless teams are stable. It would also be very important to reach a far better balance in builds too because as it is a build is way too important in success and it really do not make you skillful to play meta. If all builds were equivalent, or all much closer in viability because getting more of one thing would equally sacrifice another, it would not be as much an issue.
3) Do not pair new players with experienced players no matter their MMR. It is as dumb as using #of deaths to decide if someone is bad or good. A new player has 0 death and I have a kitten load of them. My deaths are not a sign of me being bad. It’s a sign of me having experienced a lot of learning opportunities. I’m a better player because of them and because I more than likely played riskier builds than most in competition.
My 2 cents…
The the original poster: Can you go 50 soloq games just so you can see how fun it is? Thanks!
I definitely don’t deserve to be Legendary or Diamond, but then I again I also don’t deserve to be matched with/against players that run in small circles looking up. The matchmaking system IS broken and its programmers ARE clueless.
As for Quoted post. I second everything you said and it is probably a post that sums up the whole forum front page of the PVP section.
My first 55 (went 45/55 for wins) games this season were exclusively solo Q. I think I ended up somewhere in the last tier of sapphire, I cannot remember specifically. Longest win streak was 9. I’ve only had a single loss streak of 3. Some days I will occasionally go +1/-1 for 4-5 games, I then either take a break or eventually will rack up a winstreak.
I’ve duo’d since hitting ruby with my close friend and we’re now in diamond. Matches are both harder (more balanced in terms of skill) and last longer; some matches I’ve had against 5 man teams will run the timer out before either team scores high enough. The majority of my losses are to solo or duo Q enemy teams. I’ve maintained a rough w/l ratio of 75% so far. I play 5-10 games every other or every 3rd day.
I still believe the majority of people posting on the forums are stuck due to personal reasons. This system is a million times better at determining skill in correlation to rank than S1 ever had a hope to.
same +1
Care to explain this?
It is a better system toward that goal, true, but it has important issues to address. If it really seek to be a ladder it should, IMHO, change a few things:
1) You can always loose pips. No more safe guards as it give too much traction to grinders to climb higher than they are at that point in the pvp process. This leads to problem once you reach ruby where grinders are paired with low mmr legit ruby who would otherwise still climb but are now kittened.
2) Stop attributing individual rating based on team results unless teams are stable. It would also be very important to reach a far better balance in builds too because as it is a build is way too important in success and it really do not make you skillful to play meta. If all builds were equivalent, or all much closer in viability because getting more of one thing would equally sacrifice another, it would not be as much an issue.
3) Do not pair new players with experienced players no matter their MMR. It is as dumb as using #of deaths to decide if someone is bad or good. A new player has 0 death and I have a kitten load of them. My deaths are not a sign of me being bad. It’s a sign of me having experienced a lot of learning opportunities. I’m a better player because of them and because I more than likely played riskier builds than most in competition.
My 2 cents…
1) – I partially agree. Though unfortunately they have already promised that any player can work towards the legendary backpiece. Changing safety areas in Amber/Emerald/Sapphire will only cause a huge uproar from the player base demanding the backpiece. This would have to wait until year 2 period.
2) – Though I do not know much about code and or coding a complex system for PvP, there is likely no accurate way to do this in a team based game, especially when the game modes are 5v5.
3) – MMR should have been reset for all players, MMR should start from a lower number and work upwards. A new player should never be give the assumed MMR of an average player, this hurts veteran players at this MMR even though the new players MMR is more volatile.
The big thing to look at is that, while we are a single player and this is a team based competition, most considerations apply first and foremost to balancing the system for a team rather than a single player. It is my honest opinion that the developers have done their best to reach a middle grounds for everyone as they’ve moved forward with the league system.
Care to explain this?
- Low tier ruby vs high tier sapphire (within 15 pips)
- Second week of the season so placement is volatile and discrepancies may or may not be high in matchups still
- Why shouldn’t a full team of Ruby players beat a full team of sapphire players?
- Did any of the players on the opposing team just give up and sit in base
Sorry if this disappoints you, but the system is working as it was explained to us.
(edited by AegisFLCL.7623)
I don’t think win/lose is as important as the feeling of the game. Matchmaking should leave you a feeling that you almost won this one, if only would have done a little better, not a feeling of wow we are getting destroyed, where is my team why is nobody doing something. True, there are good games but the bad ones outnumber them heavily.
Probably because its a team match? :o
yes ofc! How does it relate to the discussion?
It’s at the core of the problem. It is a team match, and yet somehow OP seems to think that your personal skill is the only (or the primary) thing that matters.
The truth is, however, that no matter how good you are, you can’t win the game 1v5. And yet if you’re unlucky, the current system will gladly put you in such games.
That was my point before. I said that I just came from a match and won every 1 vs. 1. However, I lost the entire game. It was an example. The entire post was longer.
I don’t think win/lose is as important as the feeling of the game. Matchmaking should leave you a feeling that you almost won this one, if only would have done a little better, not a feeling of wow we are getting destroyed, where is my team why is nobody doing something. True, there are good games but the bad ones outnumber them heavily.
I’d say that in ruby and diamond, about 60% of my matches have been within 50-100 points, 10% by 10-20 points, and the remaining 30% by 250 or more. Blowouts have only occurred when there are DC’s in my games.
The further I progress the more I’ve felt like players know what they’re doing and the matches are actually competitive on a skill level. I find players swap classes more to counter comps, rotate, and know when to take secondary objectives to provide an advantage.
I am not in ruby yet, slowly going there, I was just thinking to make it trough the last tier just with auto-attack this would prove that i cant change the result too much. As I said just thinking not doing it
I don’t think win/lose is as important as the feeling of the game. Matchmaking should leave you a feeling that you almost won this one, if only would have done a little better, not a feeling of wow we are getting destroyed, where is my team why is nobody doing something. True, there are good games but the bad ones outnumber them heavily.
I’d say that in ruby and diamond, about 60% of my matches have been within 50-100 points, 10% by 10-20 points, and the remaining 30% by 250 or more. Blowouts have only occurred when there are DC’s in my games.
The further I progress the more I’ve felt like players know what they’re doing and the matches are actually competitive on a skill level. I find players swap classes more to counter comps, rotate, and know when to take secondary objectives to provide an advantage.
Please respond to the pic I posted, and tell me those stuff you mentioned if the opposing team is already at a disadvantage to begin with.
I already edited it into a previous post to avoid double posting but here you go…
- Low tier ruby vs high tier sapphire (within 15 pips)
– Second week of the season so placement is volatile and discrepancies may or may not be high in matchups still
– Why shouldn’t a full team of Ruby players beat a full team of sapphire players?
– Did any of the players on the opposing team just give up and sit in baseSorry if this disappoints you, but the system is working as it was explained to us.
I had a loosing strike in ruby for 5 days, after that in one day I got 28 pips, and now I fear to time I made a pre-made with 2 more players, the rest was soloed.
The MMR helps the better MMR-ed and pre-made players, is 100%; I was several times with 4 sapphire solo players, and the other team was 4 ruby and one sapphire, or another one when we were 4 ruby and one diamond against 3 diamond 2 ruby players.. and yes, I was the one who carried these ppl all the way… once I got to 15 pips I got better team mates, it was better.. so if you lost 2-3 times the MMR kittens you very hard, you have to be like a superhero to get out of that nightmare never ending loss.. and I have to tell you I am afraid to play again one more game to get the diamond, if I loose I will have to win 3 more times to get diamond … I am to afraid that I will end up with 4 ruby and 1 diamond, against a full diamond team, really, that’s will happen, I know it, the MMR will help the diamonds first to get to legendary, and after that will help me to get to’s like a kitten piramid, u lost once u are at the bottom!
And don’t come to me that you can solo queue to legendary ‘cause you are a big liar! Few can, even the pros can’t only 1 out of don’t come with that I duo queued, that’s pre-made to!
This pvp is still exploited by 5 man pre-made.
So if you know good solo players team up with them, u will have a bigger chance at winning!
And the biggest problem, that the pvp player base is extremely low, in one day you play forever with/against the same wonder you don’t will never advance like that!