To new players who have no clue.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


It takes longer to stomp than it does to res, try ressing for a change.

If you have high burst you can aoe/dps the down faster than you can stomp.

If a team mate is down res them, else;
You will loose fight because you’re outnumbered, you will give them 5 points for the stomp,, you will loose point after the fight, it’s only common sense.

If you don’t have high burst you need to bunk, if you can’t bunk you need to res, if you don’t res you need to at least decap/cap far, if you do none of the above you are very useless.

If mid will soon be lost, don’t res and go to mid, go to far, at least pull one away from mid, hopefully you will have high mobility. Don’t go far if and get in a fight if you are not good 1v1.

Use your mini map.

Sometimes it’s better to decap far rather than cap far, don’t zerg they want you to play their game; only zerg if you’re winning the fights.

Please take some advice because If I, or others like me, have no choice but to be teamed with newer players please try to be useful.

Disclaimer: I’m exactly 50% into Champ Brawler title while playing only ranked (not counting my Slayer title from Unranked).

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: cosmicegg.8502


Great advice, nicely done.

Lea Moonbow

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Its nice to suggest rezzing, but what if the reaper cleaves on the downed? I had such fights like 2:2 where my partner did go down and i won´t survive the rezz when my invul is on CD and even then rezz propably won´t compensate damage from two ….
Last time i made the desicion trying to bring down the oponent thats also near death and then savestomp …. Did´t work. But i will try more rezzing if that´s promising. I just don´t play a bunker that can facetank long.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Its nice to suggest rezzing, but what if the reaper cleaves on the downed? I had such fights like 2:2 where my partner did go down and i won´t survive the rezz when my invul is on CD and even then rezz propably won´t compensate damage from two ….
Last time i made the desicion trying to bring down the oponent thats also near death and then savestomp …. Did´t work. But i will try more rezzing if that´s promising. I just don´t play a bunker that can facetank long.

If you cant’res safely then don’t good point, but if you’re not doing anything (ie DPS down/res/bunk) please escape out.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


If you are glass mes or thief, don’t try to res because you will die instead.
wait for enemy to attack/ stomp your downed teammate then dump your burst on them. chances are they will be downed instantly.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


+1 for this topic. basic pvp things like that should be in game for a read- make every players know how to play the pvp game and not to be totally useless while experienced peoples feel like they are playing alone or duo with some beginner bots in a team against a full 5 player team.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Real pvp matches, every .5 seconds matter in what you’re doing, don’t waste time please, don’t rely on reacting so much, sometimes you must be aggressive or at least predict the next 5-10 seconds of the fight to not waste any time.

A lot, or too many times I stop caring about winning or loosing, because in all honesty, for me to see players not playing good and very poorly make me wish I was playing another pvp game, and it’s almost to that point.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


Real pvp matches, every .5 seconds matter in what you’re doing, don’t waste time please, don’t rely on reacting so much, sometimes you must be aggressive or at least predict the next 5-10 seconds of the fight to not waste any time.

A lot, or too many times I stop caring about winning or loosing, because in all honesty, for me to see players not playing good and very poorly make me wish I was playing another pvp game, and it’s almost to that point.

We are talking about new people here. they don’t have to be productive all the time, It’s fine as long as they are not dying all the time.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Real pvp matches, every .5 seconds matter in what you’re doing, don’t waste time please, don’t rely on reacting so much, sometimes you must be aggressive or at least predict the next 5-10 seconds of the fight to not waste any time.

A lot, or too many times I stop caring about winning or loosing, because in all honesty, for me to see players not playing good and very poorly make me wish I was playing another pvp game, and it’s almost to that point.

We are talking about new people here. they don’t have to be productive all the time, It’s fine as long as they are not dying all the time.

Yes, but in S2, they must be productive if they wish to advance.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


Real pvp matches, every .5 seconds matter in what you’re doing, don’t waste time please, don’t rely on reacting so much, sometimes you must be aggressive or at least predict the next 5-10 seconds of the fight to not waste any time.

A lot, or too many times I stop caring about winning or loosing, because in all honesty, for me to see players not playing good and very poorly make me wish I was playing another pvp game, and it’s almost to that point.

We are talking about new people here. they don’t have to be productive all the time, It’s fine as long as they are not dying all the time.

Yes, but in S2, they must be productive if they wish to advance.

But S2 is pointless. Tell them to exit the season for their own good.
I cannot imagine a worse use of time then to participate in S2. maybe the skritt ectoplasm thing, maybe.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


It´s good advices. In the end its a situational decision what to do and all points are good. If you do nothing then die its quite bad. I answered because i got complanis that i did´t rezz. My teammate did´t know the situation of my CD´s. I say i will mostly try to rally him not rezz. But it can be any decision. Disengage to far is one option, lure the followers casing me a minute or just go on a rampage trying to kill them if i see a chance :-). I rarly feel it´s save to rezz. Maybe i need to learn when this is an option.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


Wolfric, if you are a tanky build, and have stability, it’s usually worth the risk.
That’s why it’s often good to have stability utility just for these situations.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I can try it but it feels extreamly risky. I learned that it´s not worth in a hard fight and its more of kill or disengage…. Good players will cleave and AE the downed like i usually do too … But thanx i will think about more rezzes :-). I can tank quite OK unless my CD´s are in a bad shape so its an option.

(edited by Wolfric.9380)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Yes if ressing will get you in trouble don’t do it, it’s situational.

But either burst, bunk, decap/cap, res/react to counter their PPT/fights. Have to go in with an agenda/objectively.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


If you have a general build, not exactly specialized for any particular role you’re hurting your win to loss ratio as well as your teams’.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Let’s add one thing: if you’re down and there’s your scrapper teammate around, try not to constantly use downed #1 when he uses the stealth gyro to avoid you being stomped.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Let’s add one thing: if you’re down and there’s your scrapper teammate around, try not to constantly use downed #1 when he uses the stealth gyro to avoid you being stomped.

You can see the little white animation on when the gyro stomps to cc it too.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


If you’re down and they have one down you and everyone on your team should be bursting that one down player to rally, that’s one of my points.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Oh, and btw, since we are stating the obvious (at least, obvious for half-brained people with an experience of at least 5 games):

when you’re fighting large battles (3v3+, usually at mid at start), you don’t need to be ALL at ALL times on the point, you just need one of the team at a time to prevent enemy capping – stop camping the point all together and eating all the enemy’s aoes.
Conversely, don’t go all together chasing that one enemy who is off point – you’ll give the point to the enemies.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: azyume.6321


With the amount of reapers around, if your teammate gets downed for a reaper or reapers and is swimming in poison, it is a waste of time to try the rez. Better let them die so can respawn fast and you disengage to manage the cooldowns and perhaps try a push for another point or if have enough DPS to take one of them down first safely, do it.

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Thankyou so much OP. I want to help these new people because of a bad match i fell into a losing streak. My fate is now completely tied to theirs. I will do my share and more for you if you will just:

Fight on points unless your a thief preventing them from getting to a point.

Dont push the lord on foefire when we are below 350 and have no points. (Trust me this will give them a 3 cap against us and they will probably kill you. This isnt the stronghold lord you dont instantly win the game unless you have 350 pts. And yes i have met new players that think this.)

Dont give up if they are a bit ahead just keep trying in the beginning.

Ping the map if you see several coming to your point, or if you are capping and wont make it in time get out if several are coming towards you.

Dont get focused on just one point, holding mid at all costs while they hold sides is one of the biggest mistakes i see. They can fight you all day there.

Lastly, just because we are off to a good start and winning isnt a time to relax and try to push a third point when we are soundly holding on to two. Support your teammates and dont leave them outnumbered and die on far. Even if it looks empty when you go towards far it is the easiset point for them to respond to.

Please please listen to the advice above we are genuinely trying to help.

If you need help or have questions feel free to whisper me in game.

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Use chat!!

Don’t spam chat, but use it to let your team know whats happening. i.e. If you find yourself outnumber and you go down. Let the team know, where and how many are there.

“I’m down, 3 at home”

“4 at mid”

This and the mini map, should let your team make good choices on where to rotate or where NOT to rotate.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


+1 this thread delivers (ress and stomp)

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Use chat!!

Don’t spam chat, but use it to let your team know whats happening. i.e. If you find yourself outnumber and you go down. Let the team know, where and how many are there.

“I’m down, 3 at home”

“4 at mid”

This and the mini map, should let your team make good choices on where to rotate or where NOT to rotate.

Taking 15 seconds to type something isn’t going to work with almost every interaction the other players do. If I need to tell the person to stomp in chat that takes about 5-6 seconds, and more for them to register and actually do it, it’s faster just doing it myself, If I explain to a person why are they off the point stomping when they clearly have a range weapon it takes longer for me to get them to realize what’s going on then actually doing it myself. If I have to tell some one to res me when I’m trying to res or rally, I can’t type res me when I’m about to get stomped. etc, etc, I could go on and on…

I admit there are situations where you can type something while auto running to a point where I have a few seconds to type something but one cannot simply expect to be handheld in every single situation in pvp…

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Great thread. Thanks.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Use chat!!

Don’t spam chat, but use it to let your team know whats happening. i.e. If you find yourself outnumber and you go down. Let the team know, where and how many are there.

“I’m down, 3 at home”

“4 at mid”

This and the mini map, should let your team make good choices on where to rotate or where NOT to rotate.

Taking 15 seconds to type something isn’t going to work with almost every interaction the other players do. If I need to tell the person to stomp in chat that takes about 5-6 seconds, and more for them to register and actually do it, it’s faster just doing it myself, If I explain to a person why are they off the point stomping when they clearly have a range weapon it takes longer for me to get them to realize what’s going on then actually doing it myself. If I have to tell some one to res me when I’m trying to res or rally, I can’t type res me when I’m about to get stomped. etc, etc, I could go on and on…

I admit there are situations where you can type something while auto running to a point where I have a few seconds to type something but one cannot simply expect to be handheld in every single situation in pvp…

So you think its more important to tell a teammate on who to stomp or who to rez, instead of telling your team the location and numbers of the enemy.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Use chat!!

Don’t spam chat, but use it to let your team know whats happening. i.e. If you find yourself outnumber and you go down. Let the team know, where and how many are there.

“I’m down, 3 at home”

“4 at mid”

This and the mini map, should let your team make good choices on where to rotate or where NOT to rotate.

Taking 15 seconds to type something isn’t going to work with almost every interaction the other players do. If I need to tell the person to stomp in chat that takes about 5-6 seconds, and more for them to register and actually do it, it’s faster just doing it myself, If I explain to a person why are they off the point stomping when they clearly have a range weapon it takes longer for me to get them to realize what’s going on then actually doing it myself. If I have to tell some one to res me when I’m trying to res or rally, I can’t type res me when I’m about to get stomped. etc, etc, I could go on and on…

I admit there are situations where you can type something while auto running to a point where I have a few seconds to type something but one cannot simply expect to be handheld in every single situation in pvp…

So you think its more important to tell a teammate on who to stomp or who to rez, instead of telling your team the location and numbers of the enemy.

What does that help when the situation changes within seconds of you typing something in chat?

I’m all for communication, but in most cases, the moment you type something the situation has already changed…

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


People should be aware of what is going on already when it’s happening.

Look if you’re fighting 3 in mid with 2 team mates and home is being hit and you see there’s a fight there from the mini map, you know there may be one at their home, and you act accordingly if you want to 1v1 or help home or stay mid, if you see 2 at home fighting on mini map and you know there are three mid you know no one is far…

Process of deduction…use it in pvp too please.

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Aereniel.7356


Use your mini map.

Can’t emphasize this enough. 80% of the game is played on the mini map. Learn to count to five, and the map will tell you where you need to be at any given time. GW2 is a very simple game mechanically, especially now when the majority of the meta builds are faceroll-easy to play. Map awareness is what separates the good players from the mediocre ones. Save the pips, ping that kitten.

Been here since launch
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Another obvious statement, GENERALLY SPEAKING don’t target these guys first: Necro, Warrior, Engi, Ele.

GENERALLY SPEAKING. Do target these guys first: Guardian, Thief, Ranger, Revenant.

Kill them, and in that order, and it will increase the likelihood of you winning the team fights.

If you see one of your team mates burst one down in one rotation…please stop attacking anyone else and focus/finish the one that’s down first….

If you’re the last one at a point and it still needs to be capped, don’t expect some one else to cap it if you are the last one there….

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


It doesn’t take more than one person to cap a point, lets say you win at far with a team mate, and both cap, well you wasted about 10 seconds off getting to mid, leaving them to cap it from you….same for home/mid…it only takes one person to cap or decap a point..

Crazy Leg

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


For those of you who think players stay stuck in loosing streaks is about skill, it is about skill, the skill of the players I, or others like myself, get stuck with. This is the level of “skill” gap in these matches, some things so obvious and common that should’nt have a need to be explained…something is very wrong here, and if it remains the status quo, it will not be the status quo for some of us gamers.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


I think people who come from PvE or soloing mobs in MMOs fail to grasp team PvP concepts.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Siren.2843


This is a good thread, there’s no whining in it, just information. Make 5 more of those and sticky them? As to my 2 cents, if you really wanna win, communicate. Not only do you show your team what’s gong on, you also show your team that you are giving it your best shot, better for morale…

(edited by Siren.2843)

To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Use chat!!

Don’t spam chat, but use it to let your team know whats happening. i.e. If you find yourself outnumber and you go down. Let the team know, where and how many are there.

“I’m down, 3 at home”

“4 at mid”

This and the mini map, should let your team make good choices on where to rotate or where NOT to rotate.

Taking 15 seconds to type something isn’t going to work with almost every interaction the other players do. If I need to tell the person to stomp in chat that takes about 5-6 seconds, and more for them to register and actually do it, it’s faster just doing it myself, If I explain to a person why are they off the point stomping when they clearly have a range weapon it takes longer for me to get them to realize what’s going on then actually doing it myself. If I have to tell some one to res me when I’m trying to res or rally, I can’t type res me when I’m about to get stomped. etc, etc, I could go on and on…

I admit there are situations where you can type something while auto running to a point where I have a few seconds to type something but one cannot simply expect to be handheld in every single situation in pvp…

it only takes 1 or 2 seconds to type

2 home
3 mid


To new players who have no clue.

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


Let’s add one thing: if you’re down and there’s your scrapper teammate around, try not to constantly use downed #1 when he uses the stealth gyro to avoid you being stomped.

This also applies to Thief and Mes.
If you are cloaked and downed, please stop attacking.