Toxic people hurt the game

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: R O C.6574

R O C.6574

Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

If you come to an agreement on a game plan and certain players do the opposite……There’s no coaching that stupidity.

Besides I didn’t buy Guild Wars Virtual Coach Edition. I bought regular old GW2.

How much is the virtual coach edition??

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

If you come to an agreement on a game plan and certain players do the opposite……There’s no coaching that stupidity.

Besides I didn’t buy Guild Wars Virtual Coach Edition. I bought regular old GW2.

Oh come on, how often do pug groups actually talk about what to do beforehand, besides who go home?
You guys take the worst examples while ignoring the fact that they are not the most common, lots of trash talking is actually thrown as soon as a team is losing, just because some people are pro at blaming everyone.

It always surprises me how people think trash talking is okay because someone is supposely bad. It’s not, Internet makes it easier but it certainly doesn’t make it more right.

You also don’t need to be a coach to give advices to help your team win, that just makes you a more adult player and proves with actual facts that you’re good. And if anything, it’s less work than just spamming insults.
Thanks at least some players are actually good at that.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

If you come to an agreement on a game plan and certain players do the opposite……There’s no coaching that stupidity.

Besides I didn’t buy Guild Wars Virtual Coach Edition. I bought regular old GW2.

Oh come on, how often do pug groups actually talk about what to do beforehand, besides who go home?
You guys take the worst examples while ignoring the fact that they are not the most common, lots of trash talking is actually thrown as soon as a team is losing, just because some people are pro at blaming everyone.

It always surprises me how people think trash talking is okay because someone is supposely bad. It’s not, Internet makes it easier but it certainly doesn’t make it more right.

You also don’t need to be a coach to give advices to help your team win, that just makes you a more adult player and proves with actual facts that you’re good. And if anything, it’s less work than just spamming insults.
Thanks at least some players are actually good at that.

This is the interwebs no one is an adult. And I kind of like it that way. Besides trash talk can only bother you if you let it. You are in control.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


Maybe a verbal abuse jar. Swearing, can be unpleasant but you can swear and not be verbally abusing people. I kind of like the idea of a verbal abuse jar. Player gets reported, the chat log gets checked, if it turns out that in the context they were verbally abusive they pay the price.
At 0, maybe negative gold?

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Topics like this happen, when PvE players are being lured into playing a competitive gamemode.

How about a “useless topic” jar?

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Maybe it’s deserved, but it’s still wrong. You can get your point across with basic kindness. Harsh words rarely help someone. Only a few people find it impacts them in a positive way. So stop kittening being a bunch of kittens and just like bads should learn to play better, you should learn to speak better.

Next time you see someone run into mid alone when the enemy is there, don’t kittening call whisper how much of a kitten he is. Tell him that running into mid alone isn’t helping his team win. Suggest to him that he should learn other basic PvP skills before playing ranked, and even offer to give advice. That kitten will go a lot further for most players than being a godkitten kitten kitten.

Funny that those who understand basic PvP skills don’t understand basic human decency. Guess what gets you somewhere in real kittening life. It’s genuinely pathetic to be a kitten, and it takes actual balls to be kind. So grow a pair.

Now…I do agree that it needs to be harder for bad or new players from joining ranked in the first place. Maybe they need a high enough MMR, or maybe they should kittening actually reset MMR so that we can see if the whole 50% even games thing is even working.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Alin.2468


Everybody plays what they like. What is toxic for one, it’s a treasure for another; and the other way around.

Some people do not like dirty talking, others love it and are talking really dirty in their guild.

Most people do not like loosing at all, while others love loosing and have absolutely no care whatsoever about pips and loosing.

Others do PvP for winning with meta builds and getting legend, others do it for fun and not do even care about what builds they have.

People get angry in game about what others are doing, while those others just want to kill something in 1v1 (because they come from more balanced games).

Some people play ranked for rewards of reward-tracks while many people play ranked just for their daily and 2 gold reward.

A few people choose complex professions with many spells to combine and even try to use combos, while most people do not even know what a combo is and just wish to kill their target fast in 123.

Conclusion: what is toxic for you, is fun for another person; and what is fun for another person, can be toxic to you. It’s just a matter of opinion and view because we are all different.

This is the best elementalist build:

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Bad players hurt the game FAR more than toxic players. It’s the sad reality. Although, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

The problem is not whether there are good and bad players. There’s always been good and bad, in every competitive game, be it video game or irl.
But playing in PVP in videogames didn’t feel like playing with children before and it was still fun to play (thanks LoL, thanks rewards!).

- Yelling and insulting never helps winning a game, this is useless no matter what.

- Yes, there are some behaviors that shouldn’t happen in higher divisions, but this is rarely where the worst toxicity happens. When you’re in low division, by definition you will find players that are good and bad, deal with it, if you’re really that good, teach your team what to do and tell them where to go.

- Everyone has to start as a rookie, everyone has to learn. And most importantly: Everyone has the right to play. As stated before, this toxic behavior doesn’t only happen in ranked. “Go back to pve” is pure elitism and just a terrible way to welcome a new player. Rookies can’t leave unranked with the full experience needed for ranked, they need more practice.

- A large portion of the whiners complain whenever they start losing, and not because someone in particular is bad. It’s just how things are, there’s gotta be a loser. But when you lose a fight by a few points, you could just admit this was a good fight and congrats the other team. Fair-play can be nice too.

Insulting is a cheesy way to hide your own lack of leadership (and skill, sometimes). Again, a good player is able to give instructions from the start so that the “not so good players” know where they’re expected. This is infinitely better than flat out insulting them because you think you’re a pvp god.

If you come to an agreement on a game plan and certain players do the opposite……There’s no coaching that stupidity.

Besides I didn’t buy Guild Wars Virtual Coach Edition. I bought regular old GW2.

Oh come on, how often do pug groups actually talk about what to do beforehand, besides who go home?
You guys take the worst examples while ignoring the fact that they are not the most common, lots of trash talking is actually thrown as soon as a team is losing, just because some people are pro at blaming everyone.

It always surprises me how people think trash talking is okay because someone is supposely bad. It’s not, Internet makes it easier but it certainly doesn’t make it more right.

You also don’t need to be a coach to give advices to help your team win, that just makes you a more adult player and proves with actual facts that you’re good. And if anything, it’s less work than just spamming insults.
Thanks at least some players are actually good at that.

yes I try to talk strat before every game depending on our comp

I switch classes and ask ppl to switch as well. I try to discuss opening split. I talk about a plan if we get rekt and how to counter what they are doing.

I’ve had multiple “PUGS” discuss strats and come up with a game plan. It’s ranked and expected.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Sismis.5390


You know its silly to discuss at all about some persons who are just raging ingame. The issue is if somebody is emotional unstable they should seek treatments. And by how much that is present ingame 90% of time they all have some serious problems. That is actual from Real life and they need to see a doctor when coming ingame and scream what ever comes to their mind.

I was feeling a bit screw-loose so I…checked myself in.

(edited by Sismis.5390)

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


yes I try to talk strat before every game depending on our comp

I switch classes and ask ppl to switch as well. I try to discuss opening split. I talk about a plan if we get rekt and how to counter what they are doing.

I’ve had multiple “PUGS” discuss strats and come up with a game plan. It’s ranked and expected.

Teams that actually discuss strategy : one out of 6, maybe 5 > almost always win
Teams that don’t discuss strat but just say home 5 out of 6 > 50/50 win
Teams that have a whiner: almost always lose.

Now obviously I don’t have the exact numbers at the top of my head but that’s what Ive experienced, and I went as far as Diamond. I’m certain that people in legendary are better at communicating, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Just like I don’t like people trash talking other players in low level fractals, I don’t like people trash talking in low level pvp divisions, this is the same problem, people need to learn.
And leading a group almost always pays off.

Also @Alin: Would you say that trash talking is okay for any competitive sport irl? How does that make it more of a “right” because it’s online?

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


yes I try to talk strat before every game depending on our comp

I switch classes and ask ppl to switch as well. I try to discuss opening split. I talk about a plan if we get rekt and how to counter what they are doing.

I’ve had multiple “PUGS” discuss strats and come up with a game plan. It’s ranked and expected.

Teams that actually discuss strategy : one out of 6, maybe 5 > almost always win
Teams that don’t discuss strat but just say home 5 out of 6 > 50/50 win
Teams that have a whiner: almost always lose.

Now obviously I don’t have the exact numbers at the top of my head but that’s what Ive experienced, and I went as far as Diamond. I’m certain that people in legendary are better at communicating, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Just like I don’t like people trash talking other players in low level fractals, I don’t like people trash talking in low level pvp divisions, this is the same problem, people need to learn.
And leading a group almost always pays off.

Also @Alin: Would you say that trash talking is okay for any competitive sport irl? How does that make it more of a “right” because it’s online?

You have no numbers or facts to back up your statements. You literally just made that kitten up.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


yes I try to talk strat before every game depending on our comp

I switch classes and ask ppl to switch as well. I try to discuss opening split. I talk about a plan if we get rekt and how to counter what they are doing.

I’ve had multiple “PUGS” discuss strats and come up with a game plan. It’s ranked and expected.

Teams that actually discuss strategy : one out of 6, maybe 5 > almost always win
Teams that don’t discuss strat but just say home 5 out of 6 > 50/50 win
Teams that have a whiner: almost always lose.

Now obviously I don’t have the exact numbers at the top of my head but that’s what Ive experienced, and I went as far as Diamond. I’m certain that people in legendary are better at communicating, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Just like I don’t like people trash talking other players in low level fractals, I don’t like people trash talking in low level pvp divisions, this is the same problem, people need to learn.
And leading a group almost always pays off.

Also @Alin: Would you say that trash talking is okay for any competitive sport irl? How does that make it more of a “right” because it’s online?

You have no numbers or facts to back up your statements. You literally just made that kitten up.

I also got the ascension out of nowhere then? While it’s not a proof of being a good player, it’s definitely a proof that I had to spend quite a few weeks doing pvp. But you know what, whatever.
It’s personal experience, it’s not meant to be backed with numbers, even if I’d come with the exact statistics and ratio of win/lose related to toxic players of my next 20 matches you could deny them, so there’s really no point.

And it doesn’t matter at all, if you choose not to believe that, there’s no ground for discussion.

Toxic people hurt the game

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


yes I try to talk strat before every game depending on our comp

I switch classes and ask ppl to switch as well. I try to discuss opening split. I talk about a plan if we get rekt and how to counter what they are doing.

I’ve had multiple “PUGS” discuss strats and come up with a game plan. It’s ranked and expected.

Teams that actually discuss strategy : one out of 6, maybe 5 > almost always win
Teams that don’t discuss strat but just say home 5 out of 6 > 50/50 win
Teams that have a whiner: almost always lose.

Now obviously I don’t have the exact numbers at the top of my head but that’s what Ive experienced, and I went as far as Diamond. I’m certain that people in legendary are better at communicating, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Just like I don’t like people trash talking other players in low level fractals, I don’t like people trash talking in low level pvp divisions, this is the same problem, people need to learn.
And leading a group almost always pays off.

Also @Alin: Would you say that trash talking is okay for any competitive sport irl? How does that make it more of a “right” because it’s online?

You have no numbers or facts to back up your statements. You literally just made that kitten up.

I also got the ascension out of nowhere then? While it’s not a proof of being a good player, it’s definitely a proof that I had to spend quite a few weeks doing pvp. But you know what, whatever.
It’s personal experience, it’s not meant to be backed with numbers, even if I’d come with the exact statistics and ratio of win/lose related to toxic players of my next 20 matches you could deny them, so there’s really no point.

And it doesn’t matter at all, if you choose not to believe that, there’s no ground for discussion.

I got my wings too so what? I’m guessing youre alluding to how being positive wins huh?

Well I got em while,ripping ppl new kittens