True shot BS
Wait wait wait, I thought condis were op and required no skill while direct damage builds with these high attacks did require skill? Can you forum people pick a side and stick with it?
Or maybe all damage needz to be toned down so people can face tank it more? Well, no, cause then we go back into bunker/bruiser meta and you guys also said that took no skill and was op.
Ok so……..oh I get it, this entire game requires no skill. But wait, then why complain about someone else not needing skill when by definition neither do you…….?
Um………..erm………sorry guys I’m so lost. Maybe try another game?
Meanwhile precision strike is hitting 50% harder than true shot in the same CD except the auto attacks for rev sword hit 100% harder and 150% faster
0 counterplay
Condi’s are cheesy because they’re generally attrition builds. Because of these people running around with similar tank to a bunker and similar damage (notice I didn’t call it DPS or burst), it is rather boring to face them (imagine cele ele minus the healing, more condition damage and higher tank stats).
That being said, pure zerk gets cheesy very quickly as well because of classes that can either setup untelegraphed bursts (out of stealth) or set them up from behind walls with teleports and the like.
Pure bunker is rather boring as well, as I’m sure you can imagine, because 15 minutes of invulnerability is also rather boring.
Honestly, anet has poor game designers. I’d make suggestions, but I’m no game designer either. There are issues in with the primary game mode, in traits, in amulets, and so and so forth. People should either take the game as it is or simply leave, I fear, since anet has proven time and time again that they’re incapable of engaging game design.