Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: Empiren.6401


I don’t hate the conquest style. I see that it has strategy and a good amount of tactics.

But I do miss WoW’s arenas and brutal fights to the death.

And I don’t agree with the person who says that most matches would be over in 1-2 minutes. Maybe at lower levels but I can foresee a lot of scenarios where 2v2s could take forever to down anyone, especially if there are areas where you can LoS.

We don’t need just TDM, we could get any number of game modes(copy off of any other game) and we’d be fine.

Its just annoying that in 6 months all we have is new conquest maps. How about something different besides sitting on the point?
(oh and just so you know hotjoin doesn’t even care for it, they normally just zerg around and tdm)

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213



people need to understand that one of Arenanet goal with this PvP is to make it into an e-sport. The game mode is pretty good for an e-sport as it is easy to understand, tactical and very fast paced. Also most e-sports around only have 1 real game mode so I don’t see why having one game mode is a problem! Also please play the game with a team if you do not already, find some people to play with and you will see how fun and tactical this gamemode is. But yes ele at the moment is kind of ruining the game a little right now, making it far to hard to take a point and with very little skill, once this is fixed and ladders are added this game will be so sweet!

Because every other game that IS an esport does have other game modes in variation at the very least.

Seriously, none of the esport games have just ONE game mode.

Dude more game modes is not that big of a deal. Dota 2 has one game mode. LoL has two? Sc2 has custom maps, and map makers/fan-generated content. When you play Starcraft ladder that’s the one mode.

And Dota 2 has several modes that can be played but they are all played the same when you play Dota. AR is just random heroes. CM is picks and bans. RD, drafts 32 random heroes, and plays the same, etc. What do you mean by game mode? Something like Dota where they dance arund the current mode, or make a completely different game mode?

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751


What I don’t understand most is how they could get PvP so wrong this time around… this games predecessor had fun and varied PvP such as Guild vs Guild, Random Arenas and the ever popular Heroes’ Ascent and all Guild Wars 2 has is Zerg V Zerg and Conquest (the latter of which is fun, but there needs to be more variety). SPvP needs more game types and variety to be enjoyable for the long term.

However, the biggest reason (aside from kitten poor class balance) that SPvP fails to attract is the the lack of RPG feel to the system, essentially there is no meaningful rewards for playing SPvP and many players feel there is a lack of progression. Personally I would prefer to see the old Roleplaying/PvP-only character divide brought back (with WvW style level-adjustment for low level characters, but making tournaments level 80 only) and in addition various glory-based vendors with equipment and recipes that are usable both in SPvP and PvE – especially stuff that would attract a wider audience into PvP, such as gear with unique appearances/stat combinations etc. It’s a solution that appeals to both PvP purists who want nothing to do with PvE and other players who want SPvP to enhance their current gaming experience.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

(edited by Varyag.3751)

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: Empiren.6401



people need to understand that one of Arenanet goal with this PvP is to make it into an e-sport. The game mode is pretty good for an e-sport as it is easy to understand, tactical and very fast paced. Also most e-sports around only have 1 real game mode so I don’t see why having one game mode is a problem! Also please play the game with a team if you do not already, find some people to play with and you will see how fun and tactical this gamemode is. But yes ele at the moment is kind of ruining the game a little right now, making it far to hard to take a point and with very little skill, once this is fixed and ladders are added this game will be so sweet!

Because every other game that IS an esport does have other game modes in variation at the very least.

Seriously, none of the esport games have just ONE game mode.

Dude more game modes is not that big of a deal. Dota 2 has one game mode. LoL has two? Sc2 has custom maps, and map makers/fan-generated content. When you play Starcraft ladder that’s the one mode.

And Dota 2 has several modes that can be played but they are all played the same when you play Dota. AR is just random heroes. CM is picks and bans. RD, drafts 32 random heroes, and plays the same, etc. What do you mean by game mode? Something like Dota where they dance arund the current mode, or make a completely different game mode?

I’m sorry, when did an MMORPG be compared to MOBA’s and RTS?
Why? What reason could you have to compare the two?

Because one game has a single game mode all other games should?
-I mean TDM, CTF, any number of team objective based modes. This should be obvious if you read any of the other post…..(not even by me)

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213



people need to understand that one of Arenanet goal with this PvP is to make it into an e-sport. The game mode is pretty good for an e-sport as it is easy to understand, tactical and very fast paced. Also most e-sports around only have 1 real game mode so I don’t see why having one game mode is a problem! Also please play the game with a team if you do not already, find some people to play with and you will see how fun and tactical this gamemode is. But yes ele at the moment is kind of ruining the game a little right now, making it far to hard to take a point and with very little skill, once this is fixed and ladders are added this game will be so sweet!

Because every other game that IS an esport does have other game modes in variation at the very least.

Seriously, none of the esport games have just ONE game mode.

Dude more game modes is not that big of a deal. Dota 2 has one game mode. LoL has two? Sc2 has custom maps, and map makers/fan-generated content. When you play Starcraft ladder that’s the one mode.

And Dota 2 has several modes that can be played but they are all played the same when you play Dota. AR is just random heroes. CM is picks and bans. RD, drafts 32 random heroes, and plays the same, etc. What do you mean by game mode? Something like Dota where they dance arund the current mode, or make a completely different game mode?

I’m sorry, when did an MMORPG be compared to MOBA’s and RTS?
Why? What reason could you have to compare the two?

Because one game has a single game mode all other games should?
-I mean TDM, CTF, any number of team objective based modes. This should be obvious if you read any of the other post…..(not even by me)

You said esport. What other esport is there that is an MMO????

EDIT I will make it easy for you there is none.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

(edited by EoNxBoNx.9213)

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Making PvP skins available to wear in PvE would be a good start that wouldn’t affect (the very good policy) of no gear progression in PvP.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


And how exactly would you transition gvg into gw2? All I can see is diminishing the game mode.

The concerns you mention are pretty valid, the 2 games are vastly different and you can’t just plug gvg into gw2 and expect it to work without adjustments. In fact you missed out the most fundamental change, which is the resurrection mechanics. Reviving from death takes a lot longer in GW2, so if someone is DP’ed out (ie. at -60% DP, so he can’t respawn automatically anymore), it would be very difficult to get them up. Some classes have skills that instantly revive people, but they only work on downed, not dead allies (as far as I’m aware). Also, getting the 2’ morale boost at the flag stand was absolutely crucial for recharging your Resurrection Signets, which were the fastest and most reliable way to get your buddies back into the fight without having to wait for a respawn, and which were 1-use only, only recharging from morale boosts. If the only point of the morale boost is the 10% HP boost, I have a feeling that teams would ignore the flagstand completely and just rush each other’s lords, at which point it’s not GvG anymore, it’s PvE.

However, these things can be solved by making adjustments to the gametype, and possibly by changing the way some skills work in pvp. For instance, you could make skills like Illusion of Life and Signet of Undeath work on dead as well as downed allies. Or you could change morale boosts to make them recharge all your skills instantly rather than give you an HP boost.

As for your other concerns, ie the lack of skill variety and scope for specialisation, yeah those are valid problems too. I too think that the game is sorely lacking in variety of viable builds, especially support builds. There’s a few people running specialised boon-generating guardians and mesmers in wvw, but not that many, and none in spvp. However, I think it would be a simple matter to boost those types of builds simply by buffing the right skills and traits. ANet didn’t set out to abolish healers, they set out to abolish the holy trinity, ie. fixed roles. So while there are no DEDICATED healers in the game, it’s possible to be someone who does a bit less damage but pumps out a lot of pbaoe team healing. So yes, with only minor rebalances it will be possible for us to have specialised roles again.

You are right though, everyone will remain a lot more of a generalist than they were in GW1. So you might have a member of your team with loads of speed boosts running flags, but if for whatever reason they’re occupied (perhaps with a dirt nap), it will be perfectly possible to send someone else to do it (they’ll probably also have at least 1 speed boost from their weapon skills!). Is this such a bad thing? This isn’t new, it’s been happening ever since GW1! When I first started playing GvG everyone was running these very carefully put-together specialised 8v8 spike builds, which had the ability to put out a kittenload of damage and drop a target in under a second, but as soon as you were a couple of people down, the spike didn’t work anymore!

At around that time Observer Mode came in, and we got to see how the REAL pros did it. Specifically, we got to see [Evil] and [WM] with their warrior-heavy builds running Healing Signet (gasp!). They had seriously diminished spiking capacity, but of course a much higher constant damage output, so they were never spiking down a target from full health. Plus, they could send off one of those warriors (who were semi-independent with their Healing Signets and speed boosts) off to do whatever, run a flag, gank the enemy base, anything they wanted they could do, because they were generalists.

My favourite e-sports match that I watched EVER actually epitomised these 2 conflicting approaches: LUM vs WM game 2 (Burning Isle). LUM basically put together a build specifically to take advantage of WM’s weaknesses: a bonder monk that basically made them invincible and WM could do nothing about because they had no enchantment removal, skills like Panic (which back then did damage when you used signets, so that punished those Healing Sig warriors) and Crippling Anguish to make sure those lethal warriors couldn’t reach them, and the net effect was that when fighting 8v8 at the flag stand LUM was rolling them. So what does WM do? They go elsewhere! They send a dude round the back to kill LUM’s NPCs, and there’s little LUM can do about it becuase they’re a well-tuned 8v8 fighting machine, and the machine broke down if one of the cogs went away to do their own thing. WM’s warriors, on the other hand, with their speed boosts and healing sigs, could go off without hurting the rest of their team as much, and in the end, that won them the match. So my point is most of the issues you’re pointing out were already issues even back in GW1.

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


I think just tossing in arena mode, and maybe another popular game mode like a moba style one would please people.

Its not necessarily an issue if these modes are as balanced (unless everyone stops playing conquest because these modes are considered more entertaining and popular).

Look at Howling abyss, an ARAM style gamemode for league of legends…or dominion another game mode for league of legends….neither is competitive or balanced. They put them in to make a certain type of player happy. Proving grounds (now howling abyss) was put in as a custom map originally….after realizing how insanely popular it was, they decided to develope it a more fitting styled map (howling abyss) and even give it match making que so it can benefit from leaver ban etc. I have friends who play LoL just for these other game modes…and they buy skins.

So, by adding other game modes, you are doing two things
1. making a demographic of players happy, maybe even attracting more people who otherwise were not interested in pvp.
2. Learning what your player base really wants and what direction to take it.
3. Sealing a hold on a market that otherwise will drift to another game that offers the mode they want.

There really isnt a downside to it. If they put in either of these game modes…even one i’m personally not interested in, it wouldnt hurt me at all…if it brought more players to the game or made people stick around and have fun playing and supporting the game i enjoy….who am i to complain? Its a win/win.

in short, a couple alternate game modes would be great.

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


OOH OOH, CTF please. I wanna stack Net Turret engis for defense.

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

OOH OOH, CTF please. I wanna stack Net Turret engis for defense.

Yea that’d be great… Even though i’m not the biggest fan of ctf.

Imagine open world pvp netting someone then having a group of people hiding behind a tree or something swarm him, that’d be fun too lol…. That’s my problem with open world though it’s never fair, but then again neither is wvw really.

Hide the turret by an orichalcum node or something & open world is a server of its own where they have to get all resources on that server and cannot exchange/trade with others on the global trade.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)