What's wrong with PvP

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


LOL when I click on any of my posts I can’t see anything until I’ve posted a reply. Oddly it only happens when i log in, and only on the posts with over 1000 veiws on negative class balance discussions.

What a quarky selective lil bug Mr Forum Moderator

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


Don’t spend a lot of time considering things, do you? Shortbow only offers Inf. Arrow unless you’re speccing to use it offensively. You can sacrifice a tiny bit of mobility with more attacking options with Swiftness on dodge and HS spamming across the map.

BTW, hit C&D and immediately pop steal. C&D will finish when you appear at your target giving you stealth 99% of the time. The only time it doesn’t is when you get unlucky and they dodge as you Steal in. Follow this up with a Backstab and voila! Easy opener. Don’t need u-skills at all for this. You -can- use your typical PW setup with immobilize venom so as soon as the backstab lands, you swap, pop Haste and proceed to burst them down. Not too difficult – I know because I’ve done it.

ive considered a lot actually. have used everyone weapon set, used every skill, tried multiple combinations, everything from glass cannon to sustain/survival and anything inbetween.

quite simply your kittening yourself by taking anything but shortbow all for the name of mind games. its group damage is potent, its combo potential is insane, and its mobility is amazing.

yes i know you can precast cnd and use steal, however steal has a decently long CD, so does shadow step. therefore your now a low group impact player, you get the kill, grats, too bad you go hide or work at a diminished effectiveness until those Cd’s are up again.

every competitive thief acknowledges that thieves themselves dont really have a alternate viable weapon set that brings enough the the class that shortbow does, maybe that means it needs a nerf or some pistol sets need a buff i dunno, but hter eit is, believe it or not.

besides PW evades, why not just precast it and steal? its redundant

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


Hundred Blade is easily negated. Pistil Whip is easily negated also by dodges and other utility/skills such as stuns, stealths, invulnibility, or dodges. And Moa is easy to counter too… just kite around obstacles or run away from the fight, easy peasy.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kage.2389



It’s quickness that’s the problem. Honestly if you test a Pistolwhip and then auto attack 3 times, the damage difference is negligable. It’s using quickness WITH the PW that deals all that damage in a stun that kills so quickly, as it literally DOUBLES the DPS.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


Hundred Blades can definitely be avoided in many ways True!

Pistol Whip however CANNOT, Theives have FAR too many abilities that immoblize, one inf. strike garuntee’s your taking Full Pistol Whip dmg and being dealt 75% of your life in the blink of an eye. So if you break the first p.whip stun the next inf. strike and repress of P.whip is a garuntee’d kill since you still took some dmg before you hit stun break.

This haste arguement is full of crap because this will all still happen with or without haste it’s just alot worse with haste.

This is a group pvp game so no one class can deal that much dps while their team is also hitting you it’s too much dmg for any one character to deal that skillessly.

It’s very rare that I run across a player of another class skilled enough to give me fight yet every theif either kills or nearly kills me. I find it hard to believe that all the best players in the game just happened to pick a theif.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


This was posted on another thread that the Mod’s have “BLANKED OUT” so anyone logged into an account cannot see yet it shows as unlocked but more clearly explains pvp balance.

As Kalar mentioned this is a good example of Mesmer Burst(Which is actually more Wind-Up dmg then burst)

1. Pistol Offhand, Illusionary Unload.
2. Stun
3. Sword 3 (once)
4. Dodge
5. Sword 3 (second time)
6. Sword 2 + Mind Wrack
7. Decoy and Mirror Immages
8. Cry of Frustration.

This is an Example of Theif Burst that does far MORE dmg then that

1. Inf.Strike (immoblizes so you can’t dodge btw)
2. Pistol Whip (stuns)

See the difference there, see the skill curve!

There are rules to MMO’s that exist like gravity, and when you break them you wreck class balance.

Low Armor, low survivability classes need to compensate with High Burst Dmg as they cannot endure fight longevity.

Classes like the Warlock need to have high sustained dmg(Dot) mixed with spammable lifetap abilities and CC utility giving them time to get that sustained dmg rolling. They forgo burst by having higher utility and heal ability.

Classes with High Mobility and High Evasion need to have a high skill curve or they they make up for over 40% of the player base due to the innate appeal of the class design.

I get that some players don’t understand this but it is a formula 2+2= balance. It’s not that it’s a “the game is new thing” or “it takes time to balance thing” NO! It’s a simple formula that must be adhered to in order for an MMO to work in PvP. And when you break it you get Suck PvP game(Rift, Swtor, AoC etc etc)

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


Not to be sounding rude but you probably just need more experience if you can’t effectively take on thieves 1v1 and win majority of the time. I win every 1v1 thief fight and have absolutely no problem with Heartseeker or Pistol Whip. An easy tip to use is once the thief disappears, dodge, because most likely he would open with his stun. For safety measures you could do a double dodge. You’re forgetting one thing, these people using PW and HB are glass cannons. If you trap them you can burst them instantly.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048


sharks, lords, auto balance, underwater combat, burst, retaliation, haste, mesmers, guardians, 5 minute wait in tournies, cant duel while waiting, 10 second cc, bugged tournament chests, bugged skills, ‘its not OP you can dodge it’, ‘its not OP you just cant deal with it yet’, endless loading screens, magically removing conditions while touching the waters surface, magically going immune while touching the waters surface, lagspikes, bugged traits, downed state, imbalanced downed states, multiple classes with 1 shot abilties with lower cooldown than the 10 sec dodge regen, stupid scoring system, only 20% boost from winning, zerging in wvw, zerging in 8v8, one shotting trebs, cannons, release feeling worse than beta weekends, just a handful of maps, no arena like GW1, general lack of pvp attention from devs."

Right on spot man, I just had to quote you. RIGHT ON SPOT!

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


Not to be sounding rude but you probably just need more experience if you can’t effectively take on thieves 1v1 and win majority of the time. I win every 1v1 thief fight and have absolutely no problem with Heartseeker or Pistol Whip. An easy tip to use is once the thief disappears, dodge, because most likely he would open with his stun. For safety measures you could do a double dodge. You’re forgetting one thing, these people using PW and HB are glass cannons. If you trap them you can burst them instantly.

Yea i know l2p we got it Mr theif, I’ve been top ranked in MMO’s for the past 15 years, and no bad players shouldn’t abuse a one button click to get kills sorry you should have to work for it like every skilled player already knows.

If you can be trapped with all your escapes why do you consider it impossible for players to get immbolized and traped with p.whip when there stun breaker is down?

(edited by cyrealkylla.7145)

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Cyrealkylla could u tell us ur class + build , in order to help u vs Thiefs ?

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


cyrealkylla why do you open different threads with all the same rant?

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


Hahahaha I don’t need help with theives, to me it’s common sense that no player should have a one click 12-17k dmg ability why don’t you understand that.

I don’t have trouble with any class 1v1 I adapt and fight but in group pvp letting one guy run around in the middle of fight confusion and go invis and teleport on to players and deal that insane dmg one click is insane. It’s not a L2P thing it’s a bad design thing.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


Not to be sounding rude but you probably just need more experience if you can’t effectively take on thieves 1v1 and win majority of the time. I win every 1v1 thief fight and have absolutely no problem with Heartseeker or Pistol Whip. An easy tip to use is once the thief disappears, dodge, because most likely he would open with his stun. For safety measures you could do a double dodge. You’re forgetting one thing, these people using PW and HB are glass cannons. If you trap them you can burst them instantly.

Yea i know l2p we got it Mr theif, I’ve been top ranked in MMO’s for the past 15 years, and no bad players shouldn’t abuse a one button click to get kills sorry you should have to work for it like every skilled player already knows.

If you can be trapped with all your escapes why do you consider it impossible for players to get immbolized and traped with p.whip when there stun breaker is down?

Ummm cyreal you probably were top ranked in pvp by playing like crazy and getting improved gear. No gear curve here, sorry. Just skills and the ability to adapt to your enemies. Nerfing abilities leads to dull boring games. Challenges are fun, if you learn from your defeats you will eventually beat any pistolwhipping, hundred blading millioncloning enemy you encounter.
What I can guarantee you is that you won’t get better by writing in the forums.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rogacz.9865


Anyone complaining about thieves/mesmers/guardians just needs to l2p. Not being able to dodge/los/stun break/properly select/trait for anything but static dmg increases makes you at most pr0 (as in zero). And no, your rank 10 or 1/2nd position in 8vs8 doesnt mean you know anything.

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


Not to be sounding rude but you probably just need more experience if you can’t effectively take on thieves 1v1 and win majority of the time. I win every 1v1 thief fight and have absolutely no problem with Heartseeker or Pistol Whip. An easy tip to use is once the thief disappears, dodge, because most likely he would open with his stun. For safety measures you could do a double dodge. You’re forgetting one thing, these people using PW and HB are glass cannons. If you trap them you can burst them instantly.

Yea i know l2p we got it Mr theif, I’ve been top ranked in MMO’s for the past 15 years, and no bad players shouldn’t abuse a one button click to get kills sorry you should have to work for it like every skilled player already knows.

If you can be trapped with all your escapes why do you consider it impossible for players to get immbolized and traped with p.whip when there stun breaker is down?

Uhh, I’m an Engineer? You know, if you have no usable moves while stunned and got burst down… that’s life. You can’t always win them.. And on a side note, I highly doubt you’ve been top ranked in MMO’s like you say. Someone with such a poor attitude and outlook would never make it far in the ladder.

Noob – Revanent

Looking for a good guild for PoF

What's wrong with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: cyrealkylla.7145


Not to be sounding rude but you probably just need more experience if you can’t effectively take on thieves 1v1 and win majority of the time. I win every 1v1 thief fight and have absolutely no problem with Heartseeker or Pistol Whip. An easy tip to use is once the thief disappears, dodge, because most likely he would open with his stun. For safety measures you could do a double dodge. You’re forgetting one thing, these people using PW and HB are glass cannons. If you trap them you can burst them instantly.

Yea i know l2p we got it Mr theif, I’ve been top ranked in MMO’s for the past 15 years, and no bad players shouldn’t abuse a one button click to get kills sorry you should have to work for it like every skilled player already knows.

If you can be trapped with all your escapes why do you consider it impossible for players to get immbolized and traped with p.whip when there stun breaker is down?

Ummm cyreal you probably were top ranked in pvp by playing like crazy and getting improved gear. No gear curve here, sorry. Just skills and the ability to adapt to your enemies. Nerfing abilities leads to dull boring games. Challenges are fun, if you learn from your defeats you will eventually beat any pistolwhipping, hundred blading millioncloning enemy you encounter.
What I can guarantee you is that you won’t get better by writing in the forums.

LOL I don’t rely on broken mechanics raid gear or spamming design flaws. I play every class and can easily recognise when something is wrong. I don’t like players with little or no skill in pvp exceling in it. I don’t defend exploits in my own class I don’t need them to win i played a DK in wow and posted NUMEROUS threads on forums with videos asking for nerfs on my own class. All defended by a thousand players telling me to l2p even WHEN you could see my 2900 ranking in arena!!!