Where we go after the 1 week trial

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Avoid “winner stays”, as not knowing how long you’ll be playing can be a hindrance to us casuals with other obligations. Short and simple is great.

“Winner stays” should be seen in an increase in rewards the further you go. But it has to be capped to prevent farming. You could do 4 rounds as we have 4 maps. So each map once in a random order maybe.

About the time restraint. At every win they should make a pop up “Continue”-“Quit”.
It just gets annoying to requeue every time. :p

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Salvo.8290


Game modes that are/have been offered:
Hotjoin 8v8
Hotjoin 5v5
Free Tournament 5v5
One Round Paid Tournament 5v5-1 ticket entry fee
Three Round Paid Tournament 5v5-5 tickets entry fee

Upcoming Tournaments:
Daily and/or Weekly-QP Determined entry fee
Monthly and/or Quarterly-QP Determined entry fee
Yearly-QP Determined entry fee

The devs have listened to what we wanted in the form of adding 5v5 hotjoin despite howmany people argue they ignore everything…The One Round Paid Tournament is trial only (as of right now) but could change. Getting paid tournaments to pop very freqently is nothing but a good thing, but as the OP on this topic said, where we go from here is what matters. There has been discussion of keeping the one round paids going with increased reward for continued winning like RA. This has merits, but also realize that the benefit of a one round tournament is that you can queue quickly and be over just as quickly. You can also take the ticket you win from it, and hold onto it to play another day instead of being forced to continue longer than you want(although there could be two “one round” paid tourney modes). The way forward to me is really based on the casual PvPers. The casual playerbase is required to build on the PvP community and based on some of the threads in the forums, more PvE folks have tried out PvP as a result of the patch. There are 3 things that I think really matter-ease of entry, building a casual player into someone able to handle more difficult matches, and matchmaking-which I think really applies to all levels of PvP.

1) Ease of entry-Anyone can hotjoin at any time and that is a beautiful thing. If you want to test a new build you can just jump into a server and test it against another player without adversely affecting your regular tournament team during a highly competetive match. Hotjoin pops 24/7 at various capacities and requires no grind to level to 80 or max gear-it is an amazing innovation and should be praised. Being able to solo queue a free tournament is excellent as this allows the “in between” PvPers to step up their challenge level without requiring tickets for entry. This also allows, although minimally, for new people to meet those like minded in skill/aspirations. The new one round paid allows for players that complete a daily or win a free tournament for entry into paids and so the structure is in place to facilitate entry to all levels of PvP play at the moment.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Salvo.8290


2) Building a casual player for more difficult matches-There are numerous threads on this, but I will touch on what I think are a few of the major points. When someone enters PvP, they do not know the location of things in HOTM or the interface. The approach to solve this should be to assume the player completed the intro tutorial in PvE, got to the main city waypoint, and found their way to Heart of the Mists as soon as possible. ( I remember playing in the beta’s and wondering why I was constantly getting stomped-because I didn’t have an amulet equipped, I mean its just an amulet how important can that be) Some have suggested that an optional quest chain would be good and I agree. Something that walks through finding the hotjoin servers, tournament servers, rank vendors, rune vendors, sigil vendors, practice golems and npcs, siege equipment, underwater area, guild lord/monster area, and the PvP locker. You could have people equip/purchase items for example. It could then have the player enter a hotjoin tournament and upon reaching say rank 10 recommend doing a free tournament, or reaching the appropriate amount of tickets do a paid tournament. Doing this could give a player one time rewards, like upon completion refund the ticket entry (because they will probably not win their first).

Other than an intro tutorial, I think that the way you build a player is to change the way you make people initially look at the combat. The starting place for any new player is hotjoin and it is typically a zergfest with no emphasis on holding captured points. This is the exact opposite of high level competetive tournament play and is a disservice to new players once they get thrown in with the wolves and have to deal with more equally matched single battles. Holding points with a character (this and the term bunker are actually 2 different things) is vital, but it is rewarded with tournament wins and glory at high level and has no rewards at lower level. At high level roamers typically get double the glory from matches as those that defend points, but I argue that both serve important functions(battle glory) even if the point defender is not attacked during the match. This could be adjusted so that those standing within a certain radius of their captured point for a time period will get defender points bonus. This would also appeal to more playstyles as some players have no desire to be a roamer. With this, I think that there would be less desire to mindlessly zerg in hotjoin as the main focus for many new players is to get out of their initial rank bracket and glory farm. Another option would be to simply eliminate the 8v8 option of hotjoin leaving the 5v5 which matches with all other PvP options and would reduce zerging as well. This would build the beginning PvPer to someone familiar with 5v5 from the start. I personally think 8v8 is too much on maps the size we have right now, with the exception of maybe the larger temple level. If we do other modes of 8v8 in the future-say a mode which requires one member of each profession(GvG) for entry and a 5 point capture map, then I would say the 8v8 hotjoin would be useful- I just don’t think it is good for building a new player on the small maps we currently have.

Spectator Mode-this is something that will, IMO, not necessarily build up a newer player to someone more experienced. That is not to say I think it will do nothing, just not as much as some people believe. Right now there are competetive PvPers from NA and EU streaming their skills and strategies-yes, it is outside of the game structure(which is bad IMO and the language is typically not family friendly), but the viewer base at the moment is not very large. What I think spectator mode will do, once the devs balance the professions more to have multiple and largely different viable builds, is to illustrate how you can be effective at running different builds with the same character and you don’t have to play your PvP character only one way to help your team win. I am also concerned with the way this will be implemented: will the perspective be first or third person-anotherwords will they be able to have the same view (camera angle/skill use/cooldowns/traits and equipment visibility) you do when fighting in a match and will this be an optional thing to allow someone to see your play. I feel that some teams may want to keep their builds/comps/strats hush hush until they enter a major special tournament. Maybe that is one of the points and perks of the upcoming rented arenas-who knows as the info we get is very small. I think that matchmaking will build the beginner to someone more experienced and competetive much more effectively than spectator mode. Someone brand new does not want to be instagibbed multiple times in their first few matches as this turns a potential PvPer into a strictly PvEer or zerg WvW player since they feel they cannot compete on even terms.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Salvo.8290


3) The third major point is in fact matchmaking. This applies to all levels of PvP. I think that there should be matchmaking for ALL of the game modes. This should be divided into rank brackets as the primary way to establish more equal competition. I will use hotjoin for example. The find a server interface can be completely eliminated. In fact, you should walk up to the hotjoin npc and click join now or choose 8v8 or 5v5 option and/or single game/multiple game option. This is the solo queue that people are asking for. If you want to duel, you can use your private arena, and if you want to have a premade or play with one or more friends you have to enter a tournament. I know many people are put off by going to a hotjoin server to have a “competetive” hotjoin match to be asked by the people dueling in there to leave or not bother them. A brand new player would be locked into the match from start to finish (just like a one round paid tourney) with all of the other randoms at the rabbit rank. This would reduce the issues with people leaving and having to volunteer to change sides for balance. The game ends and if the single game option was selected, the player gets kicked back to the HOTM. If not, the player is then requeued with those of similar rank. After the player reaches a certain rank, there may be issues for how many hotjoin games are played against players of that rank and so a timer may be required. If a game does not occur within a minute, for example, they will be set to the next lower bracket in order to keep the competition going at a quick rate. You could also reduce the strategy session time before match as it is hotjoin-30 seconds may be appropriate. The same methodology could be used in free and paid tournament formats. This would be based on the highest rank player on your team.

Matchmaking for major tournaments-The qualifier point system is to be used to determine entry into these special tournaments. Nobody knows how many players/teams will be allowed to enter the tournaments as most players with large amounts of QPs are on the same teams. Anet may determine that they want epic and inclusive single elimination tournaments that are fought over multiple hours or even days. They could decide that they want 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 teams (etc) that have to do a battle within a certain timeframe and have it last a week long for instance. If your team is a no-show, it is a bye and the other team moves on. How early would people have to register in advance for these tournaments? Could someone with 500QPs invite 4 players with none to join their team? There are a lot of questions on the scale of the tournament sizes that haven’t been asked by players yet and it also might fluctuate with the amount of PvP players currently playing at the time too. Larger tournaments would allow many members of the community to feel more involved-even if they only made it to round 1. Larger tournaments would also yield larger rewards to the victors.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Salvo.8290


I have talked mostly to building a good foundation for PvP in GW2 but I also want to touch on the other end-the “PvP endgame”. I will do this using the example of the “bezt PvPr evr” with hundreds of qualifying points and hundreds of thousands of glory. This player is on a solid team or plays with a group of individuals with high skill level and game mechanics knowledge. They play 3 round paid tournaments because they can win 5 QPs in 3 matches of a 3 round paid instead of 3 QPs in 3 single round paid. (To be honest this player doesn’t care too much about the gold paid chest as they do not offer amazing rewards and the player is more concerned about reputation anyway) The gems are likely used to only buy more tickets as most of the “highest level” players are strictly PvP. One match a teammate slips his hand off his keyboard accidentally rolling his face on his keys and blowing all his “skillshot” utilities and ends up losing the teamfight that ends the team’s tournament dreams, hopes, and all he ever lived for (the player has no job). After shaking off the horrible defeat, going upstairs to ask mom for another glass of milk and returning to the game the player now finds the need to get more tickets. There are now 2 options-win a few free tournies or buy tickets from the BLTC. There is still competition now in the free as matchmaking has been implemented, but the previous loss was an error so no problems for the team winning a few. Good thing this player has enough gems to buy tickets though so no need to do free tournies. The player purchases the tickets and picks them up from the BLTC npc next to the tournament npc lions arch BLTC npc and returns to the mists to register for the next paid 3 round. This player is happy because the challenge is still there-even with winning all the time. The team doesn’t pug stomp and feel bored or like their time is wasted.

The story with the BLTC brings me to a topic that has been discussed: the ONLY way to succeed is to make the Mists F2P. I have to disagree with this. If you bring a vendor in with cheap skins (new ones are great btw) to purchase combined with buying tickets to increase QPs, there will be a profit seen from the PvP section of the game, but I see no reason to make it F2P. I know something is in the works to use glory as the only reason for some players right now is to buy bags and dye with it. The ability to transmute items in the mystic forge with powder, etc., was good but also needs to be applied to other formulas for free and paid tokens and tokens for the highest PvP rank down the line. Over time the B2P model will prove successful when the game introduces promised features. The ability to get special titles (from major tournaments similar to gold trim cloaks) or unlock PvP legendaries through the accumulation of QPs would be pretty good I think (I guess cultural armor is for the highest rank?). For players like myself that play PvP, WvW, and PvE I appreciate a method to use the benefits of PvP in other areas of the game besides a /rank emote, bags, and dyes.

This last patch was successful because the devs listened to feedback and changed plans (*immediately) after they released the update. Communication has typically been fed from players to devs stating “we are listening”, but situations like this could have been fixed before release with more communication from the devs to players closer to release. I am very much looking to March/April for the next set of features. I know down the line looking at conceptualized screenshots from last year there is more coming in the future and I am excited about that (more modes=yes please). Please note with the exception of this sentence I did not use the word E-sport, because that will happen with a casual playerbase increase and I think it will happen gradually. I don’t think people should expect this change at every major feature release. For those that were concerned when the skillbars were locked…all you great players didn’t instantly lose your mad skillz and you won’t in the future when the character lock in tournaments will be implemented. Progress is good, slow, but good.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Psycho.8217


Keep the 1vs1 team paid tournaments.

Ex-R43 Ranger “P S Y C H Ó”
Current WvW Ele “P S Y C H O O O”

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174


we (get rdy safe glory) played the new system and thumps it up ;-)
100% better now

Get mm / elo in and we are fine.
Was kinda boring to win 15 games in a raw with 100% win… if we the better teams cant face eachother. we just farm qp/gems/glory … its fine for some time but some of us play to improve ourself … so we need the possibilty to play vs the other top teams

Like i said get mm/elo + daily/mounthly tornament in
and we are on the right way for esports

Post made on my smartphone… sry

(edited by Dexxer.3174)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: S H A K U R AS.9536

S H A K U R AS.9536

I think, we should change some things:

Hotjoins – idk, i dont play it
Free – (remove option to join a team u can add option matchmaiking, but better not, because its can be good place where good pple can play with bad, but they cant face teams, only other 5 random players) Rewards glory, chest should enough.
1vs1 – free to play, only teams, matchmaking (win/lost) – free to play, reward glory, chest, ticket.
Daily at – max 20 guilds only(if will be more it should create new group), to register u need to pay tickets(it can be 5 ticket price), 5 round max. no matchmaking, all teams play 5 rounds, winner vs winner, loser vs loser etc. Reward – for 5 first team qp(5th -1qp, 4th – 2qp, 3th – 3, 2nd – 4, 1st – 5), For four first teams gems and chests, glory(to be honest its not need anybody care about this after many tournaments).

Weekly at – need some number of qp to play(after weekly tournament u lost all qp), first 5 teams qualify to monthly tournament, more gems etc.(if actually 5 teams qualified earier, then next teams from 6th etc.

And monthly top teams, u can make big tournament(with top teams) and stop dream about esport and do it finally.

(edited by S H A K U R AS.9536)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I think, we should change some things:

Hotjoins – idk, i dont play it
Free – (remove option to join a team u can add option matchmaiking, but better not, because its can be good place where good pple can play with bad, but they cant face teams, only other 5 random players) Rewards glory, chest should enough.
1vs1 – free to play, only teams, matchmaking (win/lost) – free to play, reward glory, chest, ticket.
Daily at – max 20 guilds only(if will be more it should create new group), to register u need to pay tickets(it can be 5 ticket price), 5 round max. no matchmaking, all teams play 5 rounds, winner vs winner, loser vs loser etc. Reward – for 5 first team qp(5th -1qp, 4th – 2qp, 3th – 3, 2nd – 4, 1st – 5), For four first teams gems and chests, glory(to be honest its not need anybody care about this after many tournaments).

Weekly at – need some number of qp to play(after weekly tournament u lost all qp), first 5 teams qualify to monthly tournament, more gems etc.(if actually 5 teams qualified earier, then next teams from 6th etc.

And monthly top teams, u can make big tournament(with top teams) and stop dream about esport and do it finally.

Similar to GW1 swiss-system. I think they will implement such a thing, because QP’s are a entry fee as tickets nowadays are. Otherwise they wouldn’t contain the word “Qualifying” in its name. The only thing i would add is the 1v1 paid with matchmaking, where you have to pay QP’’s to qeue up. So you get a system where top teams can face each other (sure with match-making/ladder system).

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


This is toatly not funny. 4 moths into GW2 and still no ladder system.

1v1 tournament is totaly not funny. getting almost constantly 50+ ranked teams.

Also Anet should nerf thiefs stealth and fix somehow bunker dnd ele because thats stupid for 1 class to hold off 2-3 zerkers on max dmg.

also portal from mes should be totaly removed form spvp.

And game type ( from hold a points ) should be changed to something else.
cause it’s not funny seeing only bunker builds just to farm this.

This game will seriously will never be fun pvp wise as far as anet don’t balance classes.
cause ppl don’t pick classes they like but those which are most op now.
Thats why msot high end teams got 2 bunker dnd eles/mesmer for portal and shatter/ bunker guard and ocassionaly thief or ranger ( for zerk/bunker)

today I saw only 1 team different from thta above. and I played 15 matches.

(edited by Mrowqa.3861)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


I haven’t got around to trying these new paids, I hope I will get the time.

I will however voice my opinion that the ticket-cost itself is very unclear to many.

How does one earn tickets, other than dailies/monthlies?

What if I wanted to do paid tournaments, like 50-80x a day – how will I be able to without forking out $15-20 each time?

This is very discouraging to me, as I honestly don’t know the answer to these questions. Can anybody help me with that?

As I see it now, if I want to be competitive, I’ll need to fork out ~$50 each month.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Free tournies won grant tickets.
Right now its a barrier to entry for sure. and a problem.
But i have over a100 paid tickets and i havnt spent a cent.

they need to reduce the cost of paids to 3. Also , if you place high in paids you earn gems (not this week w the 1vs1 tourny). and gems can buy tickets, so consistantly winning allows you to consistantly Q.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Free tournies won grant tickets.
Right now its a barrier to entry for sure. and a problem.
But i have over a100 paid tickets and i havnt spent a cent.

they need to reduce the cost of paids to 3. Also , if you place high in paids you earn gems (not this week w the 1vs1 tourny). and gems can buy tickets, so consistantly winning allows you to consistantly Q.

I don’t think a barrier for entry is a problem as long as it is very small. It encourages teams to group up with good players and coordinate. 1 ticket, I think, is a perfect system. I’m OK with no tickets for wins, but OK if they give 1 for a win too.

Now, having said that, I think free tournament needs to be a solo/duo only now, where players can earn their tickets back against other players that are also solo/duo queueing.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Free tournies won grant tickets.
Right now its a barrier to entry for sure. and a problem.
But i have over a100 paid tickets and i havnt spent a cent.

they need to reduce the cost of paids to 3. Also , if you place high in paids you earn gems (not this week w the 1vs1 tourny). and gems can buy tickets, so consistantly winning allows you to consistantly Q.

I don’t think a barrier for entry is a problem as long as it is very small. It encourages teams to group up with good players and coordinate. 1 ticket, I think, is a perfect system. I’m OK with no tickets for wins, but OK if they give 1 for a win too.

Now, having said that, I think free tournament needs to be a solo/duo only now, where players can earn their tickets back against other players that are also solo/duo queueing.

I disagree, new teams need a consequence free way to pratice.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Free tournies won grant tickets.
Right now its a barrier to entry for sure. and a problem.
But i have over a100 paid tickets and i havnt spent a cent.

they need to reduce the cost of paids to 3. Also , if you place high in paids you earn gems (not this week w the 1vs1 tourny). and gems can buy tickets, so consistantly winning allows you to consistantly Q.

I don’t think a barrier for entry is a problem as long as it is very small. It encourages teams to group up with good players and coordinate. 1 ticket, I think, is a perfect system. I’m OK with no tickets for wins, but OK if they give 1 for a win too.

Now, having said that, I think free tournament needs to be a solo/duo only now, where players can earn their tickets back against other players that are also solo/duo queueing.

I disagree, new teams need a consequence free way to pratice.

1 ticket is a tiny tiny cost though. I do see where you are coming from; however, I don’t think 1 ticket is a large consequence. It just assures that people don’t constantly throw themselves into paids without having a small thought going into it.

A team isn’t ready to go into paids if they don’t even have 30+ tickets built up from winning frees.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


1 ticket cost for paid tourney would be so good. right now the queue for temple is so short and the guilds are so good that i hope every price will be reduce to 1 ticket.i really hope it.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


1 ticket cost for paid tourney would be so good. right now the queue for temple is so short and the guilds are so good that i hope every price will be reduce to 1 ticket.i really hope it.

It is 1 ticket right now… or do you mean for the 8 team tourny?

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


as i wrote i hope every price will be reduced to 1 ticket so both 1v1 and tourney format.

honestly i don’t know what will be the purpose of tickets when ladder comes out.
“i cannot play ladder games because i have no tickets”. so as usual dedicated teams, which farmed tons of tickets till now can climb the ladder while every other normal team cant.
esport? maybe, but not in this point of view.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.4386


Pls keep 1v1 paids system. Everybody ingame I know is very happy with it.
Now we just need some matchmaking and ranking system.

We are going the right direction!!

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Meowwilson.5106


yay! I like. keep
^ that is all..

(edited by Meowwilson.5106)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: produde.8092


Anet knows what to do. Keeping this 1 map “tourneys” will only work with matchmaking otherwise the last few good teams will suffer a great deal. I am already bored by all this 500:100 games, its like back in the day free tourneys. Scrim way to go!


Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


The paid free division never needed to happen, had they simply introduced 1on1, with a ranking at the start. The pvp in the game would have been so much more popular by now.
Sigh. But at least things are looking up.

But. If they do keep 1on1’s going, they shoudl at least make sure to rotate what map its on

(edited by daydream.2938)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Free tournies won grant tickets.
Right now its a barrier to entry for sure. and a problem.
But i have over a100 paid tickets and i havnt spent a cent.

they need to reduce the cost of paids to 3. Also , if you place high in paids you earn gems (not this week w the 1vs1 tourny). and gems can buy tickets, so consistantly winning allows you to consistantly Q.

I don’t think a barrier for entry is a problem as long as it is very small. It encourages teams to group up with good players and coordinate. 1 ticket, I think, is a perfect system. I’m OK with no tickets for wins, but OK if they give 1 for a win too.

Now, having said that, I think free tournament needs to be a solo/duo only now, where players can earn their tickets back against other players that are also solo/duo queueing.

I disagree, new teams need a consequence free way to pratice.

1 ticket is a tiny tiny cost though. I do see where you are coming from; however, I don’t think 1 ticket is a large consequence. It just assures that people don’t constantly throw themselves into paids without having a small thought going into it.

A team isn’t ready to go into paids if they don’t even have 30+ tickets built up from winning frees.

the problem here is that you want free tournies to be solo/duo only. Its easy enough to get good enough to win frees consistantly with a team. Not by solo or duo quing. Additionaly that means they cant pratice with 5 until paids. Also what about casual teams, like wvw, or pve mainly guilds that want to do some tournies. Ive seen them alot this week with ppl doing the paids. They are getting farmed by pugs, should they simply be unable to group up and play together till they all can farm some ticketS? Would take them quite a while. And what of new teams, who after getting there tickets join a PAID tourny for there very first 5 man group EVER. And get stomped by paid teams that are so far ahead of them in every aspect of teamwork. The first time you ever make a 5 man can’t be in paids only, say goodbye to every new team that ever might be.

You cant make frees solo Q only. DO i think pugs running into premades is a problem? sure, thats y they need matchmaking. Pugs can be competitive vs low ranked new players even if premade. While more experienced premades, worst case at least would be going against good pugs.
But more often premades.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: josh.7390


GW2 needs a Matchmaking-Sytem more than anything else… Atm Paids are a joke. Yesterday when i wanted to go off a friend who was inactive for about 4months, asked me fof 1paid for his daily.. So I took a guildmate with me, and my inactive friend took a pve-star (which means completely unequipped for pvp, no trait synergy, just what u get when u join hom) and we took a random rank 18 Mesmer… What happened was, that we farmed 5 rank 35+. We (my guildm8 and me) completely rocked the wbole match, got every buff turned teamfight by 180º as soon as we joined them.. I mean its nice that ppl can get better into pvp right now. but its completely uncompetitive… u farm 19 out of 20 matches until u get vs. a better team and then you dont know what to do cuz u only played troll tactics…

vote for matchmaking asap!

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Absolutely loving this change to paids so far and I’ve had tons of fun. Got the dust off of my pvp gear and had some excellent games. This is definitely the way to go with paids.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Don’t split up the player base! There’s no need to separate free tournaments from paid if there’s a clever matchmaking system. What you want to have is unranked games -the current hot joins- and ranked matches and that’s it!

In the same line, have some form of chat feature common to all the mists regardless of the servers. It will bring the players together, help to form groups and encourage conversations (ah, the good days of the old HA!). Don’t forget to factor in language and spam issues to avoid any absurdities of course:p

Go for a season ladder that runs for a few months! Success (ie: number of wins, “qp system”, final standing…) in the season will get you qualified for monthly and annual championships! Make it so that you can join in season matches as an individual player, a group of friends under no specific tag or as a registered team.

Have both an individual ladder for everyone playing and a team one for registered teams only. Mainly base the rankings on the wins and losses for both of them, but don’t split the player base!

It means having a clever algorithm for matchmaking that understands team structure (number of pick ups within that team) and can combine individual rank with team ranks (say, my team wants to play under its tag but can’t manually find the last player. We expect the game to fill the last spot automatically but with someone around the level of our team.)

Victory against someone much higher ranked than you grants you more points while losing against someone much below makes you lose more (on both the individual and team ladder). Don’t overdo it though or you’ll deter teams from playing under their tag when testing or incomplete.

There’s also the issues of smurfs, team management vs guild management, team creation and disband as well as end-season ladder farming, but a unified and comprehensive season system would be very much exciting as it would replicate the enthusiasm, the gossip and the “hook” of real sport seasons.

Because in the end, if you don’t look at the game mechanics, what gw2 competitive scene lacks right now is the juice:p Structured pvp just isn’t sexy: I don’t know who the hot teams and players are, I don’t know of the big rivalries, I can’t follow the transfers, there’s no prestige or pride in winning because you don’t know the rank of your opponent and nobody can see your feat, etc, etc.

The above season system would definitely spice up the pvp life quite a bit and if you combine it cleverly with first party championships and third party events, be it leagues or tournaments, then we can make gw2 a truly successful competitive game.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Locust.2365


I hope the system is here to stay.

1 game, random map, mm (being tested since friday night i think), rinse and repeat.

Tournament format and mm dont go together really.

Anyways, a whole world of improvement over the old tourney system.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: V Man.8512

V Man.8512

Put it this way – prior to yesterday I had never even participated in a paid tournament and today I’m sitting on 8QP and a stack of nice loot. I got lucky and fell into a great team and we had an absolute blast! If it goes back to only the old system I probably won’t participate again. Some system where you can create your own tournaments would be amazing.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The reason why 1v1 is working so well, is because players are getting rewards for little effort/time. It’s like a slot machine; you put some money in, pull a handle, and you can see if you’ve won in a few seconds. It’s accessible, fast, and offers little risk for a greater reward.

I think a smart way to go from here, is to add some PvE rewards to paids, in the form of items, karma, or laurels. And allow players to use their PvE armor in sPvP, in some form, so PvE players feel more welcome. Maybe even allow players to buy tickets with laurels in PvE. The thing is, a lot of PvE players play for loot, and if you have this formula that offers little risk and time, for some great rewards, it’s something a PvE player could respond to very well (with the right rewards).

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-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I don’t think the success of 1 team vs 1 team has much to do with rewards, although that’s certainly fun for a lot of people. I think they’re just filling the role that hotjoins/free tournaments haven’t been quite able to fill yet—a reasonable expectation of an exciting, somewhat close match for most teams, where everyone starts at the beginning and plays to the end.

Forcing everyone to be “in a party” evens the playing field a little bit—for example, in free tourneys round 1 you’re likely to see several players around rank 5 and several around rank 40. Making everyone join a team manually reduces a little of that. Forcing everyone to start at the same time gets rid of the frustration of hotjoins, which don’t really seem to include either team actually wanting to get to 500 points, or even people who play an entire match from start to finish.

The rewards are just a way of justifying forcing players to jump through a few hoops to join a game—which in turn makes the matches closer and more exciting.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Mystylaise.4673


The 1 team vs 1 team is totally better than the small tournament as we could see before. But there is a need to improve it.

Everyone are talking about a random map for 1 team vs 1 team, but in fact why will we not be able to chose the map we want to play ? Or the map we don’t want to play ?

I know some people realy like “Battle of Khylo”, but it’s maybe the map that other people hates the most. I think that what we need is, a map that you chose and your opponent chose too. How to chose ? A veto map. For example to Veto a map on Call of Duty or Counter Strike would be to not play on the current map, and look at other options. For That we need an odd number of maps, but we have only 4 maps we can play in tournament.

Why not have a pop up window as we can have in dungeon when you chose your path, and instead you chose the map you didn’t want to play and some for your opponent. AND a second chose if you didn’t like the same map.

In Guild Wars 2, you / lose a game in maybe 8-10 minutes for a balanced game. I personnaly think we need a “Best Of 3” (BO3) for competition. What’s a BO3 ? You play up to 3 games (3maps), and whoever has the majority wins. The first team to get 2 wins is the winner (2-0 or 2-1).

The game is close but unfortunately you lose the game, on the map that your team and your opponent have chosen. But you’re still in the game beacause you can try to beat them on a map YOU choose. If you lose the second map, you lose the game. If you win your map, I wish you good luck for the last round on their map to see who is the best team.

This format is realy intersting to have t’s realy intersting to have something like this for an Esport Game, but you couldn’t do it if you have too many casuals and not a lot of players who want to play in a competitive way.

Sorry if I make some mistakes while i’m writing, english is not my first language.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Silferas.3841


Many have discussed the 1v1 team tournament principle, and I do have to admit I am very pleased with it. What I would like to offer feedback about, is the map itself though. Possibly the best thing about Temple of the Silent Storm are the objectives spread across the map. No other map in all of spvp offers non-capture-point objectives as important and crucial for victory as this map does. The impact those objectives have on team composition and strategy are enormous, and make the game experience a lot more fun, therefore I would suggest, that objectives on the older maps should be reworked to carry more significance (make svanir/chieftain actually cap their respective points on kill, while doubling the points gained from such a cap for a minute or something similar, make the guild lord award immediate victory on death to the slaying team ect.). Not only would this promote new character builds (more balanced specs that work better in teamfights), it would also make spectating the game actually worthwhile (ToSS has been the first map to rouse my interest in watching a stream in a quite a while). It would also serve towards the end of silencing the masses demanding a new game mode, as it would present an alternative playstyle to just bunkering two points all game and roaming in between.

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Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


objectives on the older maps should be reworked to carry more significance


Legacy + Forest are in a dire need of rework of their respective secondary objectives.


Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


The format I don’t care a ton about, but I would love to see a system to help people actually get groups together for pugging. My PvP lobby is completely and utterly dead, I’ve sat in there semi-afk or making builds for hours and seen 1 message, on a good day. I remember the old GW1 system not being terrible, but just something that we could go and see everyone that is looking for a group or members, and what they need. At the current state, it isn’t much fun to do tourneys at all because of how important teamwork is, and randoming a bunch of people and hoping your randoms>their randoms is a bit challenging.

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Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I hear they are working on a solution to this bhawd. alot of ppl dont know to guest onto anvil rock or desolation.

I’m also really curious to see what they do with free tournaments.

(edited by daydream.2938)