Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: megilandil.7506


Who said anything about a fixed team?

ranked is for achieving a personal rank and the only way to calculate this(in the longterm) is solo random q, allowing players to form any form of team shadows they personal rank behind team rank, and skill of their friends.
if any sort of ranked is available for teams have to be for fixed teams to be ranked as a team( i sugest that will be a form of incription with 7-8 players for team that can be switched for tactic or pure time disposition of the players(if they want be only five and carry 3 trash tier friends is their option and their self limitation). variable teams cant not be ranked

only form to achieve and acurate calculation of personal rank is randomes, for removing bad match quality the solution is not team,: is perfectioning the mm algorism and the more important punishing trols afkrs and bad sportmanship

You’re incredibly mis-informed and speaking out of ignorance.

I’m willing to help though-
It’s standard in competitive gaming today to have a Glicko based ELO personal rating system within team based games.


Team based ladders /w personal ELO:
1. Wow 3v3 ladder- https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/pvp/leaderboards/3v3

2. Wow RBG ladder – http://www.arenamate.net/?region=&realm=&rating=0&ladder=RBG&faction=

3. HOTS ladder TeamLeague – http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/leaderboards/team/5/americas

4. LoL ladder – https://na.op.gg/ranking/ladder/

5. CSGO – http://csgo.tracker.network/

Please do your research before commenting.

im not talking about what you can find in another games or what is usual, im talking about the “correct” manner of implementing a ranked ladder of personal gaming skill, any form of premade team mixed in it shadows your playing skill under your “social skill” to atract more skilled players to “booster” your ranking, to evaluate your own skill the random factor is inportant having your share of matches that you are carried, the games in what you are only one more in a balanced thing and the games you have to carry to evaluate your gaming power, mixing premade teams with a personal gaming skill measurement makes more important the social factor than the gaming skill factor, and more in this game that have proven repeatly they cant evaluate any form of “team power” to ensure decent matches

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: megilandil.7506


The best solution it to allow AT matches to count towards your rating and make ranked queue matches solo only. The other thing I would do is add a group play feature to the AT so it is like the world cup first round. You play all three other teams in your group. Top 2 advance.

I don’t disagree, but would you also be open to introducing an additional ranked queue for teams? 2-5 players.
This doesn’t change anything you just stated, but also adds the ability for groups of friends to play together with other groups of friends.

I’m personally willing to wait through longer queue times if it means I can play a multiplayer game with my friends.

I don’t really don’t see a population for a team only ladder. Casuals will just get a beat down and quit. Currently there is unranked for casual team PvP. There are the ATs for upper end 5 man.

Not relevant. Ranked, competitive pvp is not casual by nature. They have plenty of pvp content available to them via unranked, quick plays, private servers etc.
Ranked pvp is literally for people who take their pvp more seriously.

If they don’t want to queue for it then they don’t have to.

You can’t make this argument without information/data to back it up. Unless you happen to have dev access to Anet analytics, you can only speculate.

None of that matters though; it’s a system a huge amount of people ask for regularly in game and on these forums.
If you don’t want to take part in it, then don’t. But otherwise why are you wasting your time trying to control what other people want to enjoy?

I look at the following:

  • team que was voted out nearly 80% to 20%.
  • The amount of teams that enter ATs is very small. I haven’t seen any more than 32 teams.
  • Team arena in GW1 was dead from the start of the game.

PvP dev time would be better spent on things that benefit more people.

They should go back to solo/duo and mixed queue regardless of population. I stopped playing ranked primarily due to the fact that I can’t really play with friends anymore (never really had enough for a full team and it took them forever to add ATs so the “team” we did have kind of split up). Solo/duo is stressful for a variety of reasons and there needs to be an outlet for groups of 3+ that isn’t unranked or ATs.

If you are worried about stress queueing with 2, I’m not sure how queuing with one more person helps. I would think hotjoin or unranked would be a better fit than ranked. Also you can queue more than two in ranked in between seasons.

There’s far more toxicity in solo/duo than there ever was in mixed queue. I don’t feel the need to get berated by teammates every few games or have them go AFK 30seconds into a match because we lost the initial mid fight. Or better yet have them throw for someone on the other team. Match manipulation is far more rampant than it used to be (season 1-4 had it’s issues, too, but that was mostly related to how the match maker selected teams and got abused that way).

With more people you can control who you get on your team and therefore reduce the possibility of having issues like these happen. In solo duo you have no idea what you’re going to get and that in and of itself is stressful.

Telling me to go play hotjoin or unranked isn’t the same thing in the least and is a little bit insulting actually. It isn’t a viable solution when we had a perfectly fine system before that could have been improved on just by splitting the queue. There are tons of people like me who pretty much stopped playing ranked due to the solo/duo changes. Pretty much everyone I pvped with feels that way.

the form of controling the afkrs problem is not letting you chose your teammates is making a real report and punishment politic of afkrs trolls and bad spormanship teams corrupts the personal skill ranking system shadowing under your social skill to make more gaming skilled friends

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: LucianTheAngelic.7054


The best solution it to allow AT matches to count towards your rating and make ranked queue matches solo only. The other thing I would do is add a group play feature to the AT so it is like the world cup first round. You play all three other teams in your group. Top 2 advance.

I don’t disagree, but would you also be open to introducing an additional ranked queue for teams? 2-5 players.
This doesn’t change anything you just stated, but also adds the ability for groups of friends to play together with other groups of friends.

I’m personally willing to wait through longer queue times if it means I can play a multiplayer game with my friends.

I don’t really don’t see a population for a team only ladder. Casuals will just get a beat down and quit. Currently there is unranked for casual team PvP. There are the ATs for upper end 5 man.

Not relevant. Ranked, competitive pvp is not casual by nature. They have plenty of pvp content available to them via unranked, quick plays, private servers etc.
Ranked pvp is literally for people who take their pvp more seriously.

If they don’t want to queue for it then they don’t have to.

You can’t make this argument without information/data to back it up. Unless you happen to have dev access to Anet analytics, you can only speculate.

None of that matters though; it’s a system a huge amount of people ask for regularly in game and on these forums.
If you don’t want to take part in it, then don’t. But otherwise why are you wasting your time trying to control what other people want to enjoy?

I look at the following:

  • team que was voted out nearly 80% to 20%.
  • The amount of teams that enter ATs is very small. I haven’t seen any more than 32 teams.
  • Team arena in GW1 was dead from the start of the game.

PvP dev time would be better spent on things that benefit more people.

They should go back to solo/duo and mixed queue regardless of population. I stopped playing ranked primarily due to the fact that I can’t really play with friends anymore (never really had enough for a full team and it took them forever to add ATs so the “team” we did have kind of split up). Solo/duo is stressful for a variety of reasons and there needs to be an outlet for groups of 3+ that isn’t unranked or ATs.

If you are worried about stress queueing with 2, I’m not sure how queuing with one more person helps. I would think hotjoin or unranked would be a better fit than ranked. Also you can queue more than two in ranked in between seasons.

There’s far more toxicity in solo/duo than there ever was in mixed queue. I don’t feel the need to get berated by teammates every few games or have them go AFK 30seconds into a match because we lost the initial mid fight. Or better yet have them throw for someone on the other team. Match manipulation is far more rampant than it used to be (season 1-4 had it’s issues, too, but that was mostly related to how the match maker selected teams and got abused that way).

With more people you can control who you get on your team and therefore reduce the possibility of having issues like these happen. In solo duo you have no idea what you’re going to get and that in and of itself is stressful.

Telling me to go play hotjoin or unranked isn’t the same thing in the least and is a little bit insulting actually. It isn’t a viable solution when we had a perfectly fine system before that could have been improved on just by splitting the queue. There are tons of people like me who pretty much stopped playing ranked due to the solo/duo changes. Pretty much everyone I pvped with feels that way.

the form of controling the afkrs problem is not letting you chose your teammates is making a real report and punishment politic of afkrs trolls and bad spormanship teams corrupts the personal skill ranking system shadowing under your social skill to make more gaming skilled friends

Holy god punctuation is a thing.

There are two ways to help prevent afks:

1) punish it more severely. This helps after the fact and does nothing to prevent it in the moment.

2) Let you choose your teammates. The more people on your team that know you the less likely you are to run into afks. This is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to prevent afks on your team.

No one is suggeting we get rid of solo/duo. We just want an option to have mixed/team queue again.

Why Ranked Games Should Allow 5 Players

in PvP

Posted by: megilandil.7506


The best solution it to allow AT matches to count towards your rating and make ranked queue matches solo only. The other thing I would do is add a group play feature to the AT so it is like the world cup first round. You play all three other teams in your group. Top 2 advance.

I don’t disagree, but would you also be open to introducing an additional ranked queue for teams? 2-5 players.
This doesn’t change anything you just stated, but also adds the ability for groups of friends to play together with other groups of friends.

I’m personally willing to wait through longer queue times if it means I can play a multiplayer game with my friends.

I don’t really don’t see a population for a team only ladder. Casuals will just get a beat down and quit. Currently there is unranked for casual team PvP. There are the ATs for upper end 5 man.

Not relevant. Ranked, competitive pvp is not casual by nature. They have plenty of pvp content available to them via unranked, quick plays, private servers etc.
Ranked pvp is literally for people who take their pvp more seriously.

If they don’t want to queue for it then they don’t have to.

You can’t make this argument without information/data to back it up. Unless you happen to have dev access to Anet analytics, you can only speculate.

None of that matters though; it’s a system a huge amount of people ask for regularly in game and on these forums.
If you don’t want to take part in it, then don’t. But otherwise why are you wasting your time trying to control what other people want to enjoy?

I look at the following:

  • team que was voted out nearly 80% to 20%.
  • The amount of teams that enter ATs is very small. I haven’t seen any more than 32 teams.
  • Team arena in GW1 was dead from the start of the game.

PvP dev time would be better spent on things that benefit more people.

They should go back to solo/duo and mixed queue regardless of population. I stopped playing ranked primarily due to the fact that I can’t really play with friends anymore (never really had enough for a full team and it took them forever to add ATs so the “team” we did have kind of split up). Solo/duo is stressful for a variety of reasons and there needs to be an outlet for groups of 3+ that isn’t unranked or ATs.

If you are worried about stress queueing with 2, I’m not sure how queuing with one more person helps. I would think hotjoin or unranked would be a better fit than ranked. Also you can queue more than two in ranked in between seasons.

There’s far more toxicity in solo/duo than there ever was in mixed queue. I don’t feel the need to get berated by teammates every few games or have them go AFK 30seconds into a match because we lost the initial mid fight. Or better yet have them throw for someone on the other team. Match manipulation is far more rampant than it used to be (season 1-4 had it’s issues, too, but that was mostly related to how the match maker selected teams and got abused that way).

With more people you can control who you get on your team and therefore reduce the possibility of having issues like these happen. In solo duo you have no idea what you’re going to get and that in and of itself is stressful.

Telling me to go play hotjoin or unranked isn’t the same thing in the least and is a little bit insulting actually. It isn’t a viable solution when we had a perfectly fine system before that could have been improved on just by splitting the queue. There are tons of people like me who pretty much stopped playing ranked due to the solo/duo changes. Pretty much everyone I pvped with feels that way.

the form of controling the afkrs problem is not letting you chose your teammates is making a real report and punishment politic of afkrs trolls and bad spormanship teams corrupts the personal skill ranking system shadowing under your social skill to make more gaming skilled friends

Holy god punctuation is a thing.

There are two ways to help prevent afks:

1) punish it more severely. This helps after the fact and does nothing to prevent it in the moment.

2) Let you choose your teammates. The more people on your team that know you the less likely you are to run into afks. This is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to prevent afks on your team.

No one is suggeting we get rid of solo/duo. We just want an option to have mixed/team queue again.

1) after some people have tasted the punishment it prevents in the moment
2)yes… to farm soloers with your premade… yes
until sistem can factorize the “premade factor”(they never will do it) to throw equilibrated matches, no mixed qs
chosing your teammates corrupts individual ranking calculations, this is a fact . you could have most skilled friends that boost your rank or less skilled ones that drags down your and you boost their