Win Predictions and Professions

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I have the last 10-15 games or so successfully predicted the outcome of the PvP matches I played. I counted the number of Dragonhunters on each team and the team with the most Dragonhunters got my vote. I am interested, if others will have the same experience for my sample size is too small.

This says nothing about the state of Dragonhunter though (for anyone who wants to use this as proof for or against something). Correlation and Causation aren’t the same thing (if the suspected correlation even exists). I am just interested, if this observation is just an oddity on my part or systematic.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


What about counting? Since every game has a 4v5 on either side its quite safe to say thats the main factor.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Its not true, I encountered teams with 2 DH while I was solo there and we won many times, It’s about ppl who knows their and opponent classes.

One cannot simply charge to DH while there are 2 of them there.

Play smart, stop charging into your death.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


i usualy count the number of DH and number of warrior.
Usualy if opponent team has one warrior and our team none, i feel advantaged.
Also opponent team having double thief makes me confortable.
If opponent team has 3+ dragon hunter (this happens often) + random class comp between reaper/druid/scrapper, i feel like pwned at the beginning.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: KrayTsao.5604


I count dragonhunter, warrior and thieves, DH +1, warrior -1, thief -1.
The team with the highest number will get my prediction win.

This is not 100% accurate though.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I count dragonhunter, warrior and thieves, DH +1, warrior -1, thief -1.
The team with the highest number will get my prediction win.

This is not 100% accurate though.

That might be true but DD’s are competitive. Especially p/p ones. They can beat any DH easily.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Its not true, I encountered teams with 2 DH while I was solo there and we won many times, It’s about ppl who knows their and opponent classes.

One cannot simply charge to DH while there are 2 of them there.

Play smart, stop charging into your death.

How can you say my measurements aren’t true? I mean you can assume I am lying, but than any discussion is pointless. I am saying nothing about the state of DH (I have some thoughts on it… but I kept them to myself so far^^).

I am simply stating a certain observation and ask, if others observed different things. If the above mentioned “algorithm” doesn’t meet your experience, that is fine. But don’t assume I am trying to feed into a certain agenda here.

I have also edited the title of the thread, to not contribute to a certain toxicity

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Its not true, I encountered teams with 2 DH while I was solo there and we won many times, It’s about ppl who knows their and opponent classes.

One cannot simply charge to DH while there are 2 of them there.

Play smart, stop charging into your death.

How can you say my measurements aren’t true? I mean you can assume I am lying, but than any discussion is pointless. I am saying nothing about the state of DH (I have some thoughts on it… but I kept them to myself so far^^).

I am simply stating a certain observation and ask, if others observed different things. If the above mentioned “algorithm” doesn’t meet your experience, that is fine. But don’t assume I am trying to feed into a certain agenda here.

I have also edited the title of the thread, to not contribute to a certain toxicity

You know you can’t measure if something is op or not from 15 games. You need at least 10 000 games to gather information about everything.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


Its not true, I encountered teams with 2 DH while I was solo there and we won many times, It’s about ppl who knows their and opponent classes.

One cannot simply charge to DH while there are 2 of them there.

Play smart, stop charging into your death.

That’s really nice coming from a DH.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Its not true, I encountered teams with 2 DH while I was solo there and we won many times, It’s about ppl who knows their and opponent classes.

One cannot simply charge to DH while there are 2 of them there.

Play smart, stop charging into your death.

How can you say my measurements aren’t true? I mean you can assume I am lying, but than any discussion is pointless. I am saying nothing about the state of DH (I have some thoughts on it… but I kept them to myself so far^^).

I am simply stating a certain observation and ask, if others observed different things. If the above mentioned “algorithm” doesn’t meet your experience, that is fine. But don’t assume I am trying to feed into a certain agenda here.

I have also edited the title of the thread, to not contribute to a certain toxicity

You know you can’t measure if something is op or not from 15 games. You need at least 10 000 games to gather information about everything.

I wasn’t aware that I measured “OPness”…

Also interesting how exactly 10,000 games seem to be enough…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Had now 2 games (out of 18), where the team, which had more Dragonhunters (in both cases 2:1) didn’t win. My prediction machine seems to be broken^^

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: alain.1659


Best (and the cheapest) way to counter dragon hunter-ed team is to have one LB ranger (yes i am not joking), one sustainable class with invul utilities, and one good burst-damage class. Most dragon hunters are not well skilled with their classes so this will be enough (at least it was enough for my sake)

But for really skilled dragon hunters you will need some HoT professions.

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


Too many factors at work to make this accurate. E.g. are any of the teams a premade? If so, how many of them are together? Are they on ts (coordinated)?

Having more DH when you win does not neccesarily equate the number of DH being the main factor causing your victory. As you’ve said, causation =/= correlation.

Also, if your intention is as you stated, then this post is moot. I can grab any factor that affects my win rate in pvp and do the same thing. Which is also why im skeptical despite your disclaimers. Seems too convenient to post about a topic like this at such a time. Just my 2 cents. No offense.

Before anyone accuses me of maining DH, I dont. I main tempest. I dont condone DH either but just felt i should point this out.

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Win Predictions and Professions

in PvP

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


To quote xkcd- Correlation doesn’t imply Causation but it does waggle its eyebrows furtively and whisper “Look over there”.

On topic, my weighting over most classes would be- DH+2, Druid +1.5. All thieves -1 except daredevil at -0.5. Warrior +0.5, reaper +0.5. If anyone actually wants me to test this let me know, or take it as the joke it’s meant to be.