Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP
1. Tone down Reaper, Revenant, Scrapper, Druid, Tempest (support), and Chronomancer (elites and utility), buff Dragon Hunter, Daredevil and Berserker. Balance all the classes to make them all optimal picks and more variety for builds.
2. Add more maps to conquest, death match and stronghold (mainly conquest)
3. Add a queue option for Death match (Courtyard) at least In unranked, and if courtyard is not ranked, neither should stronghold.
4. Map mechanic changes to existing maps such as making Ferocity more useful on Temple of the Silent Storm and making lord have more health and/or a downstate in Legacy of the Foefire.
5. Add more stuff to Heart of the Mists such as mystic forge and crafting stations, and making it look a lot better and/or letting us queue from outside of Heart of the Mists.
In response to point 5. ANet have said(in the recent reddit AMA) queuing out side of HoTM is not possible dew to tech limitations.
And yet we could do just that until ~a year ago when they turned it off.
1. Duel based arena for 1v1, 2v2. (Are you scared to show how bad balance is? :>)
2. Allow queueing in open world/WvW.
3. Split balance on skills in PvP/PvE/WvW.
4. Don’t allow class changing in a ranked match and limit class stacking.
5. King of The Hill, CTF, Deathmatch, Juggernaut.. there are ALOT of awesome game mode and you give us Stronghold?…. Really Anet?!
Make details about premade teams available before the end of a game.
1. Allow players to queue outside of Heart of the Mists.
2. Bring back Raid on the Capricorn (at least to custom arenas) and allow custom arenas to host activities (such as Keg Brawl) which are technically a modified version of PvP.
3. Fix the immobilize bug (since 2012) and the stuck bug (showing up a lot more since HoT).
4. Make PvP rewarding- and I’m talking about liquid gold. There is no reason PvE players should make gold exponentially faster than PvP players.
5. Come up with a new system to distribute gems earned from community tournaments. There is no reason people should wait 2+ months.
I’m not the greatest player in the world but my team mates, some of whom have made top 1000, say that I’m solid. Not great, but competent and a solid team player. With that said:
I know that it’s not normally done but because of the following reasons S2 matchmaking needs an emergency patch asap, even in mid season. Else, half the players may just quit in disgust due to futility.
And solo queue has become utterly futile for some of us at this point.
When I queue with people I know we get a 50/50 win rate, which is good match making. But they aren’t on much anymore and haven’t been on for about a week. So I had no other choice but to solo queue. Then I got on a losing streak.
Losing streak people get paired with losing streak people, winning streak with winning streak… but that’s not the worst of it:
The worst of it is that the longer your losing streak goes on the more hapless your teammates get.
- My next to last match had one guy who followed me around +1ing free caps, including going home off the start. This was after I asked who wanted home before the start and got no response at all.
- My last match had 4 ppl on the boss as I took home, which is fine. I saw an enemy coming in steal our boss and said so. The guy got targeted and you know what? He got the boss and got away… 1v4. Yea, my team mates couldn’t take one guy out when they had a 4:1 advantage.
Then I went to mid and found out I was alone. Not sure where my team went, maybe out to lunch or something.
If you get on a losing streak it’s like a black hole that sucks you in deeper and deeper. I’m finally reached the point where all I draw is slaughter after slaughter after slaughter.
So what’s the point? If I can’t find people to queue with then I’m just wasting my time and running up my blood pressure. So like many, many others, I’m on the sidelines unless I can get a group, which means my season is basically over.
Unless there is a change to the matchmaking in mid season, which is never a good thing to have to do.
3. Allow division drops – Same as above, and even more important.
Hell no!
Why aren’t Skyhammer and SPirit watch in the rotation? I have yet to have anyone give me a legitamate reason for this? We need mroe variety, not LESS!
1.) Bring daily automated tourneys for guilds/premades
2.) Best teams earn qualification points
3.) A predefined amount of qualification points allows your team to enter a monthly ingame tourney, afterwards qualification points get reset.
Basically the gvg system from gw1, this would be a great step into esports for everyone, not only the proteams!
1. Read the kitten weekly reports…
Fort Aspenwood
1.. Remove All Amulets and let us create our own builds like PvE Armor starts or give choossable. (This way u can prevent that META kitten….) There will be more build and u can no longer forve players to play with just limited builds. Or give us the points we can turn them to power, precision, thoughness… etc..
2. PvP Rank 80 soo meanless while WvW has 9999 ranks. For Separate experinced or unexperinced players. Or dont make PvP Rank points farmable like coustom Arenas. That point just could gain from Unranked or Ranked matches.
3.. Please make lords hard to kill solo or duo players. Give them more power. Beacuse they are fightin like ordinary soldiers not like lords
4.. Please dont let any professions can get in ranked matches. Make a rules of experince with that professions to get in ranked matches. Beacuse most of ppl usin ranked matches to make some practice with their new professions.
5.. Please make all professions usable in pvp. And give each professions to unique buff/skill/Conditions for share with team or give to enemy. We Really REally got bored from playin aganist same professions and same builds.
6.. And please dont let them make party with unexperinced div1 player with experinced high division players. Give them -/+ 1 division they can make parties.
7.. Please just make CCs weapon/utitly/elit skills based. Dont traits/runes/sigils give cc’s. And limited CCs for each professions and balance cc and cc breakers for each professions.
1. Queuing outside HOTM or give us more to do in HOTM.
2. Fix ranked matchmaking so we play with and against players of similar mmr.
3. Players begin a ranked season in a division corresponding to their finish in the previous season. Rework crossing division achievements as a result of this.
4. No more than 2 of the same class allowed on a team.
5. Higher focus on balance.
5. More variety in amulets needed with the removal of several amulets.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I know that it’s not normally done but because of the following reasons S2 matchmaking needs an emergency patch asap, even in mid season. Else, half the players may just quit in disgust due to futility.
And solo queue has become utterly futile for some of us at this point.
If you get on a losing streak it’s like a black hole that sucks you in deeper and deeper. I’m finally reached the point where all I draw is slaughter after slaughter after slaughter.
^^ this ^^
1. Provide alternate methods of earning currently PvP-exclusive rewards to other game modes, so that players who do not enjoy the core elements of PvP are not forced to participate in PvP anyway if they want those rewards. It does not benefit ANYONE, including hardcore PvPers, to have players in the mode that have no desire to be there.
2. Provide PvP paths towards gaining currently PvE-exclusive rewards, such as Legendary weapons. These methods can’t be simple reward tracks, obviously, but complex meta-achievement chains that require as much time and effort for even the best of players as the PvE methods would be fine.
3. Do a better job of preventing blow-out matches. Stop pitting highly effective teams against significantly weaker teams. This is unfair to both sides.
4. Never make a balance chance that is intended to make PvP more balanced that provides an unnecessary nerf to any PvE gameplay. If something is fine in PvE but unbalanced in PvP, correct it in PvP ONLY.
5. Balance out Bunker vs. Burst so that neither is terribly effective. Characters should neither live forever nor die instantly, most 1v1 battles should last at least 10-20 seconds. Players should be able to sustain themselves for 30-60 seconds, but not much more than that if under sustained 1v2 attack.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
1) Eliminate power creep, nerf ALL elite specs to be more in line with the core ones.
2) Promote more skillfull play, actual cast times/animations and redistribution of damage into high damage or high utility skills, ie pindown from shoutbow meta
3) Completely remove passive procs, in relation to 2
4) Promote more community tournaments such as AG weekly, advertise them more
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.
1) Test out a balance patch before the PVP season. All classes should be PVP viable. You can usually tell within the first 3 days of a season which classes are OP… rather than buffing the other classes, sometimes it’s good to trim the excess fat around the necro’s waist *cough *cough. With this adjust skills/traits so that each class has more than one “meta” build. It’s nice that we have some variety in the skills and traits, not so nice if it lacks utility. Balance conditions vs/ direct damage.
2) Get rid of class stacking. Once that trumpet noise announces you’ve been matched up, that’s it. If you’re thief, you’re playing thief, Necro=Necro, etc… Know that you’ll be the only 1 or at MOST 2 of your class on your team. If the matchmaker is slow, know it’s because too many people are playing whatever class you’re on and that if you change to a class not everyone is playing you’ll be matched up faster.
3) Whatever the heck is going on with the matchmaking system, fix it. Take the current matchmaking system and set it on fire then pee on it to extinguish it. Don’t give it the courtesy of a proper burial. Instead leave it in a parking lot with a sign that says kick me. Having a system decide you’re a “bad” player and deserve “bad” matches because it’s given you “bad” matches before is a “bad” system.
4) If you’re in the same guild, or the same party… you should be paired against other players that are in a guild or a party. Even if it’s just two of you… In a three point system like we have, you only need to hold two points, and two people can do that quite effectively. Assume that if they are same party, and especially same guild that they share a teamspeak connection, giving pugs a disadvantage. Thought this was fixed this season, was wrong.
5) A couple new conquest maps would be fantastic. Perhaps a labyrinth style map. Or a map where gliding, stealth gliding, etc… are helpful.
Inspired by the very useful post from Sirendor.1394 @ the WvW forums.
Lets share constructive posts on this subject!
The folks at ANET like it better that way
Here are my Top 5:
1. Limit class (profession) stacking to a max of 2 only in RANKED matches – Promotes more balanced matches and less player frustration.
2. Don’t allow changing characters after a RANKED map is loaded – This is necessary in order to avoid class stacking w/o affecting queue times too much. Allowing, spec/skill slot changes is good enough imo.
3. Don’t match high MMR teams against low MMR teams – No one enjoy it that way – Good players get bored of non-challenging matches and bad/average players lose interest to progress (enjoying a fair match is better than only caring about winning or losing). This will also eliminate the need of playing only the meta builds in order to stand a chance while encouraging build diversity. In addition, you will bring back the soloQ viability that popularized sPvP in GW2. It’s a win/win for u ANET.
4. Allow players to duel at the PvP lobby (Happier better experience while waiting queue, even if they are longer) – This will buy you time for better matchmaking as a trade-off for longer queues w/o making people feeling desperate/tired of waiting.
5. Add crafting stations to pvp lobby – Same effect of suggestion #4
Yes to all this but for my number 5.
5. Queuing in the Open World —- I would so love to actually play the other content in this game. World of Warcraft allows you to queue anywhere for Battlegrounds and after the battle you’re teleported back exactly where you left off. This would be bliss in GW2.
More PVE’ers would PVP… more PVP’ers would PVE – Win/Win!
(edited by Dirtyrascal.1023)
1) Visible MMR. In ranked it should be visible to everyone on both teams at the end of matches. Unranked I’m fine with just personal MMR being visible.
2) Class MMR. Tied to #3
3) No class swap pre-match or during match.
4) Matchmaker tries to avoid class stacking moreso than now. I realize it can’t do anything if there’s 3 or 4 of a class in a single party, but if there’s 3 of the same class in a party, it shouldn’t give that team a fourth random of that same class. It seems like right now as soon as a team has any party of even 2, it completely throws away all the class rules.
5) Continue regular balance shake-ups. I don’t think that perfect balance is achievable or should be the goal. I’d rather see quarterly balance updates that have the goal of making multiple differing specs for each class viable at different times. There’s a fine line between overpowered and viable, but multiple specs catering to different playstyles for each class should have a chance to shine.
(also, many more things to do in Heart of the Mists or open world queueing)
(edited by Tamasan.6457)
5. RESET MMR each YEAR. Many high MMR players got there because of their 2014 META build and stop playing. When they come back, they play 2 games and they are back on TOP. This cause some actual High MMR player to drop the MMR chart for obsolete PLAYERS. Many bads got carried at high MMR (playing off peak time hours) and they should get back to where they stand.
this is really interesting if true. i had no idea this was possible. sounds extremely ridiculous at first, but if its really happening, then wow lol.
5. Queuing in the Open World —- I would so love to actually play the other content in this game. World of Warcraft allows you to queue anywhere for Battlegrounds and after the battle you’re teleported back exactly where you left off. This would be bliss in GW2.
More PVE’ers would PVP… more PVP’ers would PVE – Win/Win!
wasnt this possible shortly after launch? might be trippin, i didnt pvp much at all during that time. anyways, im pretty sure anet addressed this and gave decent reasons for why they havent enabled the option.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
5. RESET MMR each YEAR. Many high MMR players got there because of their 2014 META build and stop playing. When they come back, they play 2 games and they are back on TOP. This cause some actual High MMR player to drop the MMR chart for obsolete PLAYERS. Many bads got carried at high MMR (playing off peak time hours) and they should get back to where they stand.
this is really interesting if true. i had no idea this was possible. sounds extremely ridiculous at first, but if its really happening, then wow lol.
5. Queuing in the Open World —- I would so love to actually play the other content in this game. World of Warcraft allows you to queue anywhere for Battlegrounds and after the battle you’re teleported back exactly where you left off. This would be bliss in GW2.
More PVE’ers would PVP… more PVP’ers would PVE – Win/Win!
wasnt this possible shortly after launch? might be trippin, i didnt pvp much at all during that time. anyways, im pretty sure anet addressed this and gave decent reasons for why they havent enabled the option.
Not sure about open world queuing but until fairly recently (less than a year) you used to at least be able to play hotjoins while you waited.
The only explanation I’ve seen for not being able to queue in the open world is that if the queue pops while you’re in a loading screen it can cause issues. Other games manage it mind you. . .
1. Revive the guardian profession.
2. Revive Warrior.
3. Do something to thief.
4. at least bring back bunker guard
5. Fix guard.
P.S. You might notice I have a theme here.
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Lord and beasts are not gimmicks,
So you think an NPC, sitting in a castle where some classes can jump over the walls and with bugged warning so that you sometimes get a warning AFTER he is dead, and giving roughly 1/3 of the points needed to win a PvP match is a good mechanic? Beasts where only the last hit counts, which makes it to a lottery in favor of some classes, are a good way to decide tight matches?
Shall we remove trebs and channels?
I’m not against “Secondary Mechanics” but in general they should be skill based, no gimmicks, not in favor of some classes, no RNG and of course they should be SECONDARY and not giving a such big advantage that they dominate the whole match. So channels are good, trebs are a little bit problematic because they take only direct damage which is a big advantage for power builds.
Lets have maps that offer nothing but different terrain. That will make for a fun game mode.
I hoped the game designers of anet would find better ways to make matches fun and interesting than gimmicks and PvE.
If I want to kill mobs I go to PvE, there are thousands of mobs to kill. ;-)
Hard to pick just 5, but:
1.Different areas of the lobby that are off limits to players below a certain rank. For example if an amber tries going into the emerald area a convo window will appear:
Bouncer: “Where do you think you’re going?”
PC: “Just your average soldier strolling through.”
Bouncer: “Don’t flatter yourself. Come back when you’ve earned that label!”
Conversely if a sapphire or above tries the bouncer would say,
“You’re slumming it huh? Go right on in.”
And the league areas would be like onion layers with the legendary in the center then diamond outside of that, etc. The higher the division the more elaborate and cool the area. The Dreamer pony, Llama, and other notable figures would be in the legendary lounge and their backstories elaborated upon and lots of cool obscure lore discovered from NPC’s in each lobby. Like in diamond you could find out the nameless god above Abaddon’s name and fate.
2.Rebalancing (not nerfing) mesmer. Take moa down to 5 second but reduce the cool down in half.
3.Put a cap on chill duration and make it unrefreshable while up (effectively avoiding spam and making chill applications count strategically instead of use chill skill, has one second left, reset, repeat) and give a one second immunity after cleansing it or letting it run its course. So if you do three seconds of chill it will last three no ifs ands or buts and need to wait a second before further reapplication.
4.More conquest maps and game modes. Under this we can say a conquest map inspired by Sen’s Fortress with narrow walkways with pendulums and three floors. The bottom floor with no nodes and the stairways up are chokepoints, second floor with two nodes, and third floor with a node. Not all areas would be narrow but the only way to the nodes is through the walkways with swinging pendulums.
5.Preseason for division placement at the start of a season. If someone’s placed in ruby for example it’ll treat it like crossing three divisions.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
1. ANET needs to make a conscious decision about what type of playerbase they want for sPvP mode.
- Oil and Water do not mix. So called MMO carebears and highly skilled players also do not mix. If ANET wants to remove casual playerbase from sPvP in a systemic manner, I think the matchmaking system of season 2 will provide a pretty good path forward to that objective of preserving this game mode for creme de la creame players (similar to raid in PvE). There is nothing wrong in this approach as long as it is the goal.
If creation of a highly competitive environment for a select few players is not really the goal then do not force a player on a loss streak by matching him/her in a team that the player will probably lose the match. Timeout the player for 5 mins and match that player in a team that gives the player best chance to get out of loss streak. Use the similar approach for players who are about to cross a tier and is on their 3rd or more tryout.
2. Segregate Solo Queue and 5-manTeam/Duo/Trio/Quad Queue.
- I can’t stress how important this is. Team arena should be team arena. A Solo Player will not be able to join Team arena. A team of more than 1 player should not be able to join Solo arena.
3. Remove personal scores from the scoreboard. Substitute w/ 0 or 1.
- Only Non-zero score matters to gain rank point for a match. Why not just have a score of 1 or 0 or scoreboard. Anyone with 1 will get rank points and 30s/15s for win/loss and anyone with 0 will get nothing.
4. Show meaningful details in the details tab of the scoreboard.
- Show how the current match impacted the MMR of an individual player even if you do not show actual MMR figure. Show # of interruptions, decaps, etc.
5. Add a pre-season and create 3 player pools for the league in season 3.
- Pool 1 (Season 2 diamond tier 4 and above) – People who reached diamond tier 4 and above should be kept in the same pool of players next season and will never be matched against or with other pool of players. They can start in Amber to progress upwards (same as pool 2 and pool 3 system described below) but, they should never be matched with players from Pool 2 and Pool 3. This may mean longer queue times for these players depending on population at these levels. ANET may want to rethink the pip distribution for wins and division spreads if this truly is an issue. Let these players get 2 pips for each win and 3 for winstreak to compensate for longer queue time while these players are Ruby and below.
Pool 2 – People who have more than 500 matches played and are rank 80 will be in pool 2. These players will be placed in the first tier of Amber in Season 3 automatically.
Add a pre-season to decide tier placement in Amber. In the pre-seaon, every 10 wins will earn a league pip advantage and every 30th win will position the player to the next tier in Amber. That means John with 30 wins will start at amber tier 2 while Joe with 0 wins/did not participate in pre-season will start at Amber tier 1 as long as Joe meets minimum qualification for pool 2. Max benefit from wins in preseason will be limited to 120. Players with 120 wins will be placed in tier 4 of Amber.
Pool 3 – People who have less than 500 matches played and are not rank 80 yet should be in this pool. These people must qualify by playing in pre-season and register 50 wins to be placed in Amber tier 0. After 50 wins, these players can improve their tier placement within Amber like Pool 2 players by winning more matches in pre-season. For these players, another 120 wins will be required to be placed at Amber tier 4.
(edited by velmeister.4187)
My only suggestion:
Profession Balance needs to be an “ongoing effort”.
Big changes are still done between seasons, but during the leagues there should be “tweaks”. Cool downs, damage multipliers, healing coefficients, etc., can all be adjusted to “fine tune” the balance during the season leading into the tournaments.
Doesn’t matter how many,; having professions that are obviously stronger to others is never good for the game.
1) Nerf Elite specs put in line with core specs. They where supposed to be a choice elite spec or core. With your power creep its not a choice if you want to be competitive.
2)Split PVP and PVE
3)Put the removed amulets back in and let us actually have build diversity. This would mean you would have to actually balance skill/traits/amulets.
4)Bi-weekly balance to said traits/skills/amulets.
5) STOP MAKING BIG CHANGES TO THE BALANCE. Every time you “balance” you swing the pendulum the complete other side. zerk to bunker ..bunker back to zerk.
1. Re-balance the “elite” specializations as they clearly outshine the core specializations
2. Bring Scrapper and Reaper back into line with other classes, I’m not sure why it takes the balance team so long to respond to significant balance problems.
3. Match teams so that games will be competitive, this season’s matchmaking has caused me to have numerous one-sided games that weren’t remotely fun.
4. PVP balance team needs to interact more with the community and provide the logic used to support many of the changes or in some cases why no changes were made to a class or skill. The lack of communication between developers and the PVP community only encourages negativity among players.
5. Something to do while setting in HotM waiting for a match to begin
1. Remove the tier stamp, it is bullying for low tier players.
2. Nerf elite specs or buff core classes.
3. Fix unhappy MMR.
4. New PVP mode, ten melee survival mode.
5. Fix balance every two weeks.
1. Tone down AoE Damage.
2. Don’t stack AoE damage from same classes.
3. Grant immunity to cc of the same type for 3 seconds.
4. Add Amulets with resistances not to have all types of resistance on one amulet.
5. Add an amulet with an ablative.
6. Raise most direct damage in the game.
(edited by cosmicegg.8502)
1. Allow players to queue outside of Heart of the Mists.
2. Bring back Raid on the Capricorn (at least to custom arenas) and allow custom arenas to host activities (such as Keg Brawl) which are technically a modified version of PvP.
3. Fix the immobilize bug (since 2012) and the stuck bug (showing up a lot more since HoT).
4. Make PvP rewarding- and I’m talking about liquid gold. There is no reason PvE players should make gold exponentially faster than PvP players.
5. Come up with a new system to distribute gems earned from community tournaments. There is no reason people should wait 2+ months.
Allowing queuing outside of heart of the mists would encourage PvE players to try pvp more, so that would be awesome! Sure the occasional PvE player might decline queue for a world event or such, but the queues would be so much faster that it wouldn’t matter.
Second one would be cool
Third one not sure if it’s an easy bug to fix, and even though it’s annoying, I don’t think it’s a big deal
Fourth completely agree
Fifth yeah it seems like it should be simple, but this is also a problem that affects a small minority of gw2 :/ so just unlucky us. It does seem like something that would be easy to do though if it was just taken care of immediately rather than waiting months on it.
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]
Very simple solution… separate organized premade teams from solo players ( not only would it be more fair but premade teams would actually have a challenge rather than a slaughter fest) and take mmr out of the equation since it means nothing except you got lucky with match making aka got put on a team with 4 necros etc
Very simple solution… separate organized premade teams from solo players ( not only would it be more fair but premade teams would actually have a challenge rather than a slaughter fest) and take mmr out of the equation since it means nothing except you got lucky with match making aka got put on a team with 4 necros etc
It’s hard to tell which teams or organized and which aren’t though. Some premades get absolutely wrecked. I’m pretty sure MMR is out of the equation now. It’s only rank now.
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]
Well 90% of premades are way more organized than non premades so those 2 should never be put together in a match it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know whos gonna lose most of the time. And they can’t say its not possible cause that’s how it was in the begining solo vs solo, team vs team , and it was much fairer and more fun matches
In theory, we shouldn’t need to ban class stacking if the game is balanced. Classes SHOULD be able to preform very different roles. For example in the past you could have a direct damage Warrior, a Condi Warrior, a Healing/Support Warrior, and a CC Warrior all on the same team and be “balanced.”
We only see class stacking when a build is too strong. As a result my suggestions are as follows:
1. Have someone be fully dedicated to class balance. From what I have picked up from Dev comments, there’s no dedicated balance person.
2: Consult experienced players on proposed balance changes. The players dedicated to playing one class can often provide insight that someone who is responsible for all the classes may not be able to see.
3: Consider taking a page from Battlefield 4 and have a community test client. The people willing to download a separate client that updates frequently are probably going to be very vocal and will gives decent feedback. This took BF4 from a struggling game into one that has a thriving community even after being out for a good while. You could cut down on download size by just having it be the HotM and a few servers that have proposed changes.
4: Make more frequent small balance changes throughout the season as needed. It is not fair to players who want to play a specific class to be disadvantaged for an entire PvP season. If just 1 or 2 small changes for underperforming/overpreforming classes come once a week it will change the meta but hopefully for the better. There will always be a meta, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t try to make as many builds viable as possible. PvP wins should be determined by skill, not builds. Having the test client mentioned above would hopefully give you a good way to bug test and see how the changes affects the meta.
5. COMMUNICATE! There was a period of time where we saw a lot of red posts and it was great. Recently though, we’re back to mostly vague statements. Also, there’s been a tendency to say things such as “These are just some of the changes that are coming” and then it turns out that that was actually all of the changes except maybe 1 or 2 minor things. It’s really frustrating to be left in the dark. I understand this is because you don’t want to make promises you might not be able to keep, but if you phrase things correctly it shouldn’t be a problem. Even something as simple as “We are looking into buffing X things and nerfing Y things” would be great.
In my opinion there are few things more important to a PvP game than balance. Game mode design and matchmaking are significant as well, but if the basic gameplay is fun for as many people as possible then you’ll be able to improve on other things gradually and will have less people complaining. This is just one mans opinion, but I’ve put up with some games that have lackluster aspects purely because the balance was there enough to where I didn’t feel screwed over because of what I chose to play as.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
1. Tone down Reaper, Revenant, Scrapper, Druid, Tempest (support), and Chronomancer (elites and utility), buff Dragon Hunter, Daredevil and Berserker. Balance all the classes to make them all optimal picks and more variety for builds.
2. Add more maps to conquest, death match and stronghold (mainly conquest)
3. Add a queue option for Death match (Courtyard) at least In unranked, and if courtyard is not ranked, neither should stronghold.
4. Map mechanic changes to existing maps such as making Ferocity more useful on Temple of the Silent Storm and making lord have more health and/or a downstate in Legacy of the Foefire.
5. Add more stuff to Heart of the Mists such as mystic forge and crafting stations, and making it look a lot better and/or letting us queue from outside of Heart of the Mists.
In response to point 5. ANet have said(in the recent reddit AMA) queuing out side of HoTM is not possible dew to tech limitations.
And yet we could do just that until ~a year ago when they turned it off.
Really? I remember things differently. I don’t ever remember being able to. Since launch the game has always told me I’ve had to go to HoTM to queue.
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Allowing queuing outside of heart of the mists would encourage PvE players to try pvp more, so that would be awesome! Sure the occasional PvE player might decline queue for a world event or such, but the queues would be so much faster that it wouldn’t matter.
Honestly, I doubt this would make a huge difference. If I’m in the open world, I’m typically doing something, and couldn’t respond to a queue popping right away without abandoning that goal. I mean it might be useful for people doing harvesting circuits, or who’d rather be in LA or Guild Halls than HotM, but I just doubt it would speed up queues that much, and would involve a lot of dropped queues.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
1. Reduce points from Foefire Lord.
2. Get rid of Foefire Lord.
3. Make Foefire Lord harder to kill
4. Remove Treb from Khylo or remove repair kits.
5. Remove Beasts from Forest.
All about removing that PvE from PvP lol
….. And Elementalist.
1. Reduce points from Foefire Lord.
2. Get rid of Foefire Lord.
3. Make Foefire Lord harder to kill
Just remove Foefire from the map rotation entirely. It’s the worst map and yet it constantly pops up.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
1. Remove Clerics Amulet, too many bunkers using it. Fights last forever if you run into 1 or 2 people using it.
2. Remove boon duration runes and Amulets. Only a few classes can boonstack to a large degree and creates an unfair balance.
3. Remove condition duration Runes and Amulets. Conditions are still pretty rampant, lowering the durations will help a lot.
4. Add new Runes that are similar to Trooper runes but for different skills (-1 condition per second on allies in Wells. -1 condition per 10 Energy or 5 Initiative used. And so on) to counter conditions easier.
5. More class balance updates but this isn’t quite specific to PvP.
1. Tone down Reaper, Revenant, Scrapper, Druid, Tempest (support), and Chronomancer (elites and utility), buff Dragon Hunter, Daredevil and Berserker. Balance all the classes to make them all optimal picks and more variety for builds.
2. Add more maps to conquest, death match and stronghold (mainly conquest)
3. Add a queue option for Death match (Courtyard) at least In unranked, and if courtyard is not ranked, neither should stronghold.
4. Map mechanic changes to existing maps such as making Ferocity more useful on Temple of the Silent Storm and making lord have more health and/or a downstate in Legacy of the Foefire.
5. Add more stuff to Heart of the Mists such as mystic forge and crafting stations, and making it look a lot better and/or letting us queue from outside of Heart of the Mists.
In response to point 5. ANet have said(in the recent reddit AMA) queuing out side of HoTM is not possible dew to tech limitations.
And yet we could do just that until ~a year ago when they turned it off.
Really? I remember things differently. I don’t ever remember being able to. Since launch the game has always told me I’ve had to go to HoTM to queue.
That means you are either very forgetful or didn’t start PvP until recently with it disabled.
1: implement another pvp mode that has less players, like 3v3 or 2v2 where its team death match, but not in the tiny courtyard map.. something with more space etc.
2: ever so slightly nerf all the bunking in conquest… i really hate it when enemy team has two cap and you just cant kill them no matter what… its boring.. same thing for when my team does it.. bunker never dies.. just holds the point until you win.
3: more pvp maps that also have larger point nodes like in legacy of foefire
otherwise the game is fine and fun to play
1. Remove
3. Invulnerability
4. From all classes
5. In PvP
That’s the dumbest kitten i’ve seen in any mmo.
1. Let us queue from outside the mists.
2. Make new larger maps 10v10, 15v15, alterac-like 20v20…
3. Bring gliding into new awesome battlegrounds !
4. Make PvP rewarding (pvp special skins, wvw oil and food, more pvp titles…)
5. Allow players to duel at the PvP lobby
My personal top list:
- Improve visibility from PvP matches for spectators. This includes a better overlay (e.g. access to all the skill bars of players currently fighting on the point in question), a reduction of visual noise. The amount of visual noise the currently playing player and the view have to see, are quite different. For the player it is quite important to see every damaging ability and trying to avoid it. For the viewer, only the really game-changing are important. A viewer should never overlook a thrown battle standard (or the interrupted attempt). (For the start, we probably also need better shoutcaster, who can point out this important game-changers when they happen.)
The is probably the #1 reason why gw2 pvp matches get so few twitch viewers.
- Let players in ranked fight opponents with (about) the same MMR. Reward pips based on MMR-difference (e.g. like lol or sc2 is doing it).
- Yesterday, I lost two games because of a troll who has already reached legendary. (I am sure he will not get punished for trolling.) Therefore, add suitable report options and/or the possibility to add a small info to the report. Why did I report him for botting? Why is his name inappropriate? Maybe it is something in my first language, then I could include the info and reduce the time, the staff has to invest to investigate why I reported.
- Balance is a really hard job, how about we make it easier? Split every profession into multiple sub-professions. E.g. a mesmer into 5 subprofessions: condi-shatter, burst-shatter, phantasmal pve dps, support-bunker and chronomancer.
Since the sub-professions are far-less complex (with basically only 1 trait line) and don’t share utilities and skills, it should be far easier to make them all viable. (I know, it won’t happen. This was basically what I imaged after the first announcement of the elite-specs.)
- Constant balance shavings in every little patch and hotfix.
- Forum badges showing your division.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
(edited by Teutos.8620)
1. 100% copy GW1 pvp map in GW2
2. need pvp Replay like GW1.
3. edit / save /read “pvp build” in game,like GW1.
Some unpopular opinions here and a wall of text:
1. Don’t bring back SoloQ! Me and most of my friends only play because we can duo/trio. The queue times have increased due to the fact that the algorithm looks for people with the same MMR as you in a restricted pip range. I don’t want imagine how atrocious the wait times would be with SoloQ. Plus, it wouldn’t work with the League system. You can’t have two queues for the same league.
Most people don’t realize, but the underlining issue is the lack of methods of communication. It’s the only artificial advantage a premade will have. Give us a form of Team Speak and every solo team will play exactly like a premade. Every other serious ESport game has it, why not Gw2?
2. Buff/rework unused traits, utilities and weapons! I think this one is the most important by far. If you truly want Gw2 to succeed as a competitive game, it needs variety. There will always be a meta, but unfortunately, the current alternative builds are not even closely competitive, except a few.
A Moba will have over 80 heroes to chose from, each with a unique identity and role, Gw2 has only 11, with some of them being a bit subpar!(meta+great as seen on metabattle) The alternative builds in Gw2 should get the same unique identity and utility. People will try more classes and builds, the tournament team compositions will differ more and theorycrafting would be quite fun and engaging. This would greatly boost the health of PvP.
3. Don’t restrict class stacking! If every class is tweaked as suggested at point 2, we’ll get diverse and interesting matches with the same class stacked. Maybe restrict it to 3, until a good variety of builds is introduced.
4. Improve Stronghold! I personally see a lot of potential in this game mode, but at the moment it’s far too straightforward and has some balance issues.
Almost all the PvE elements lack depth. Everyone spams bombers until the doors go down, after which everyone spams archers. It’s the same pattern over and over again. It would be nice to use your resources more diversely. For example, you should be able to repair your gates using them, summon and/or upgrade your guards and maybe summon units that grant buffs to the other units and your team.
Another issue is the fact that there is no comeback mechanic. Once all the doors are down and your lord is exposed, the enemy team will keep throwing themselves at you and there’s nothing you can do. One quick fix is substantially increasing the death timer in late game, so a defending team can regroup after repelling an attack and launch a counterattack of their own. Added to this, for each enemy hero killed in the Lord room, an archer will be summoned on your attack lane. I think this will prevent mindless zerging and add some strategy to the game mode.
5. The idea of fixed stat amulets is obsolete! I think players should be able to mix and match any stats into a 3 or 4 stat amulet combo, with the exception of adding defensive stats as being primary. When healthy balance and diversity have been achieved, this is the next natural step of supporting them. Some builds are already kitten because some stat combos are unavailable. And why should they be unavailable if they don’t promote a bunker meta?
Thanks for reading!
Edit: Is gim5ped a bad/curse word? O.o
(edited by Sardath.8524)
3. Allow division drops – Same as above, and even more important.
Hell no!
Without division drops, and with all the current pip and tier safeguards, matchmaking below (and to some extent in) Ruby is completely useless. If they want a truly competitive ranking system and matchmaking that actually works, they’ll have to drop the safeguards OR, as others have suggested, match and rank purely by MMR. Either way, they’re going to have to rework how the league rewards currently function.
1. Don’t bring back SoloQ! Me and most of my friends only play because we can duo/trio. The queue times have increased due to the fact that the algorithm looks for people with the same MMR as you in a restricted pip range. I don’t want imagine how atrocious the wait times would be with SoloQ. Plus, it wouldn’t work with the League system. You can’t have two queues for the same league.
I don’t think they should bring back soloQ in full, but they should bring it back in spirit. Just as you can choose to only play Conquest or only play Stronghold, you should be able to set your own matchmaking preferences.
There should be a toggle “Only match me with other solos,” another “ONLY match me with small groups,” and another “Match me the fastest.”
If you pick ONLY solo, then nobody on either team would ever be in a group, although this might be slower to get. Of course you can only solo yourself to use this feature.
If you pick ONLY small groups, then it would never match you against a five-man pre-made, but might put you into a 4+1 v 2+3, or other mixed/solo grouping. Of course you cannot be in a five-man and use this (it would just automatically ignore this toggle if you’re in a five-man).
If you pick “Fastest” then it doesn’t care, it’ll match you with the first four players against the first five players that it can find, which means that you will end up in mixed matches, and would be ideal for pre-mades or people who think they can handle pre-mades.
If it takes more than a few minutes to find a match, perhaps there would be a pop-up that asks if you’d prefer opening up your options to a winder selection, but you could always just wait it out.
As to your second point, queuing and the leagues are two separate things. All the League tracks is that you won/lost a ranked match, it shouldn’t matter to league standing whether that match was team or solo queued. If you believe that either solo-Q or non-solo would have an unfair advantage over the other type, then that just highlights that there IS an imbalance that is unfair to those who currently play that way.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
@Ohoni, it would be a great middle ground, if the queue times won’t be too affected. If the game gets a boost in population, then it wouldn’t be an issue at all. For my second point, it would work using your method, but others suggested a completely separate queue for solo players, meaning in the same league, there will be two different sets of players that will never meet. For example, for people in SoloQ Ruby, the average MMR/Skill could be way lower than in the TeamQ Ruby. It won’t be skill representative. This has already happened with Stronghold. People farmed there, inflated their MMR and then switched to Conquest.
But in my opinion, it still ignores the underlining issue. If we had Team Speak, we wouldn’t need any other queue implementations. Most of the matches I lost were lost due to poor communication and it’s the only artificial advantage premades have.
1) Nerf all HoT madness
2) Don’t disable ranked inbetween seasons, instead use it as a qualifier for ranked seasons
3) Fix skyhammer/spirit watch, DON’T remove. Reintroduce deathmatch. Improve stronghold to be on par with GvG in GW1
4) Allow players to drop divisions, if natural selection is what you want, be consistent
5) More frequent and smaller balance fixes
Class stacking will solve itself when there’s more options, introducing a class stacking algorithm will skyrocket queue times.
(edited by Siren.2843)