Yaks Bend
(edited by Braxxus.2904)
When many people call you out as having a bad elitist attitude then chances are it’s because that’s how you come off. Of course barring a few select players that seems to be the standard behavior/personality of the ‘pros’ here on the forums.
Also no matter how many times you say “TEAM!” and “not 1v1!” it really doesn’t change the fact that the larger proportion of the playerbase isn’t interested in jumping through the hoops, arsekissing, and sillyness it takes to organize their life around a team. Nor does it change the fact that more people would be interested in 1v1 balance and small scale (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) pvp which is much more conducive to playing with some friends than they are with the whole ‘pro team yo!’ style of 5v5.
This has pretty much held true with PvP in recent MMO’s as a collective whole as well. People like duels, people enjoy seeing who is the better player in 1v1’s. People have expressed this constantly in game after game after game. Yet the reply is always “but but TEAM! 1v1’s can never be balanced! It’ll remove class diversity!” and all the other myths which attempt to cover up the truth that “1v1 balance is harder than hiding behind a group-based-game defense, so why bother”.
Constantly saying “I’m awesome, you’re bad, L2P” (yes that’s what your posts sound like no matter how much you try to say that’s not what you’re saying) is meaningless beyond stroking your own kitten. Especially when you reduce yourself to the ridiculousness of bragging about your 1337 math skillz yo and how your kid is brilliant because he learned to walk, of course because of your crazy swag parenting skills dawg.
(edited by Braxxus.2904)
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
You just quoted Vain in the SOTG. Go and listen to the SOTG again.
Vain also states that more classes need skill shots, time warp needs to be changed so that its not so essential in 5v5 and particularly team fights (I.e it needs a smaller radius and a negative effect) and Vain also thinks Portal should be changed to be used by the Mesmer and Mesmer only.
All points I agree with. Don’t use one comment by Vain exclusively but then whinge and kitten about people asking for changes to mesmer Timewarp and Portal when the same person endorses those comments.
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
Making up that I was QQing in order to make you feel better are you now? well that is a pretty basic and simply approach to getting your point across. I do not need help with Mesmers as I can handle them very easily. Why you thought I couldnt is beyond me. But just because I find them easy enough to deal with doesnt mean that they are fine, perhaps someone else may have a different opinion. I just don’t see it a point in assuming I know everything about everything. Unlike you.
I do enjoy how you never answer anyone directly, you make something up, get owned, then make something else up in order to try and appear that you have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Your spelling (lack of) doesn’t suggest anything to me, English may not be your first language. But your idiotic approach to a debate, your frankly bizarre boasts really do expose you as little more than a child up past his bed time.
If you are right in what you say, we should not see any patch notes for PVP ever again unless its to add new content. But I think we all know how you will respond if they do though, you will claim “oh they listened to the forum QQers”. Stop posting as you haven’t a clue what your talking about and its VERY obvious.
Lol is this guy for real? All these posts complaining about people complaining?
And now I have images of like…..toddlers tumbling over boxes while some lunatic frantically grinds QPs.
Lol is this guy for real? All these posts complaining about people complaining?
And now I have images of like…..toddlers tumbling over boxes while some lunatic frantically grinds QPs.
I feel like how Dr Grant (Sam Neil in Jurassic Park) felt when he first sees the dinosaurs. Only instead of amazing wonderment at how they brought it back, but instead full of questions like “can he vote” and "seriously, does he have a vote? in an actual election?!
This has gone on for far too long.
SAt, you’ve bought up good points on your post. Yes, people should learn to cope with imbalances or cheapness. I personally believe no one gets anywhere by complaining and if they want to become better they have to go with the flow of the game (Despite it being against them) and figure out ways to defeat a particular class through strange means (I enjoy most of Defektive’s builds for such a case of originality.). People should “fail better” in a sense and in my opinion.
However, the way you presented your point is flame-war worthy and shows absolutely no modesty or humbleness. It was that fact which caused many people to not only disagree, but call you out on your other posts. L2P is not mean in your regards, but in actuality you’re beckoning people to reply back because you’re belittling them. You constantly show no modesty and an extreme prideful arrogance by continuing to tell people to go to you as if you’re the messiah that will lead people out of some dark age, or even someone sneak-advertising to get “popular” with the masses for some sort of likes or subscribers or +1s.
Fourth is right. The only info you’ve actually shared that actually concerns game strategy is to keep distance from a melee class (As if new players didn’t already know that..) and time enemies CDs.
Alongside that, you’ve constantly been snarky or downright elitist to people who have disagreed with you right from the getgo. One of your posts states that you’re fine with people disagreeing with you but then later on say “some ppl have to QQ instead of L2P.”
If you truly want your word to go out to the populace and change up mindsets, you have to show at least a form of respect in your posts. L2P and QQ terms are usually, if not always, disrespectful. You can tell a person to learn about something, but the terms you are using can really beckon a person to just come and argue with you especially if they do not know you. Make videos also even as they better show who you are as a player rather than simple talking and pics.
In the AC3 community there are two guys who aren’t quite the humblest of people, but they make videos and good points and they are well known and usually respected. They know when certain words could be taking it too far past the line between “acceptable” and “elitist”.
Tl;dr: Yes, I’m attacking you and your post structure. I’d suggest to stop using derogatory terms to “help” people. If you really want to help, be tolerant, respond to things they say with a calm tone, offer to “pm” only once, in bold, in your starting post instead of telling random people that if they arent good pm you. If you really really want to help, start a playlist of tutorials, howtos, or general info on a video site or a guide/infographic on a forum. Trust me, you’ll be doing more good with that for both the game and you as a player.
My Heart Will Go On
Anyone want some????
This post is simply an indepth look into the mind of a moron.
Because 1 guy is good at a warrior the class is balanced lmfao no that warrior is simply a better player than you.
You don’t balance things from the top you idiot you balance them from the middle the average, percentages, do you even understand that?
A great pvper will make copper into gold, sadly when given a OP class they’ll turn a mortal into a god.
There’s never been an MMO that one guy didn’t turn a bad class into something that looked good. But when that class has higher than a 20% represention in the top tiered players, common sense would dicate it isn’t that all the players that roled that class all happened to be the best pvper’s but the class itself is OP.
This has gone on for far too long.
SAt, you’ve bought up good points on your post. Yes, people should learn to cope with imbalances or cheapness. I personally believe no one gets anywhere by complaining and if they want to become better they have to go with the flow of the game (Despite it being against them) and figure out ways to defeat a particular class through strange means (I enjoy most of Defektive’s builds for such a case of originality.). People should “fail better” in a sense and in my opinion.
However, the way you presented your point is flame-war worthy and shows absolutely no modesty or humbleness. It was that fact which caused many people to not only disagree, but call you out on your other posts. L2P is not mean in your regards, but in actuality you’re beckoning people to reply back because you’re belittling them. You constantly show no modesty and an extreme prideful arrogance by continuing to tell people to go to you as if you’re the messiah that will lead people out of some dark age, or even someone sneak-advertising to get “popular” with the masses for some sort of likes or subscribers or +1s.Fourth is right. The only info you’ve actually shared that actually concerns game strategy is to keep distance from a melee class (As if new players didn’t already know that..) and time enemies CDs.
Alongside that, you’ve constantly been snarky or downright elitist to people who have disagreed with you right from the getgo. One of your posts states that you’re fine with people disagreeing with you but then later on say “some ppl have to QQ instead of L2P.”If you truly want your word to go out to the populace and change up mindsets, you have to show at least a form of respect in your posts. L2P and QQ terms are usually, if not always, disrespectful. You can tell a person to learn about something, but the terms you are using can really beckon a person to just come and argue with you especially if they do not know you. Make videos also even as they better show who you are as a player rather than simple talking and pics.
In the AC3 community there are two guys who aren’t quite the humblest of people, but they make videos and good points and they are well known and usually respected. They know when certain words could be taking it too far past the line between “acceptable” and “elitist”.Tl;dr: Yes, I’m attacking you and your post structure. I’d suggest to stop using derogatory terms to “help” people. If you really want to help, be tolerant, respond to things they say with a calm tone, offer to “pm” only once, in bold, in your starting post instead of telling random people that if they arent good pm you. If you really really want to help, start a playlist of tutorials, howtos, or general info on a video site or a guide/infographic on a forum. Trust me, you’ll be doing more good with that for both the game and you as a player.
I think your a bigger idiot than the poster, common sense alludes you.
A skilled pvper doesnt need to tell anyone how good they are, they know it balls to bones.
A great pvper doesn’t pick the most OP classes in a game, pretend to be ignorant as to why those classes are OP and then tell everyone else to L2P.
NO they pick classes that are considered Underpowered and perform better than anyone else could with that class. If they choose to pick an OP class for whatever reason they don’t deny the fact that they are OP. A great pvper always knows when they picked something OP because it is so much easier than what it usually takes to gain victory.
It is the same reason why people who are born rich swear they earned it, because no one wants to believe they just got lucky, or the deck was stacked in thier favor.
I think your a bigger idiot than the poster, common sense alludes you.
A skilled pvper doesnt need to tell anyone how good they are, they know it balls to bones.
A great pvper doesn’t pick the most OP classes in a game, pretend to be ignorant as to why those classes are OP and then tell everyone else to L2P.
NO they pick classes that are considered Underpowered and perform better than anyone else could with that class. If they choose to pick an OP class for whatever reason they don’t deny the fact that they are OP. A great pvper always knows when they picked something OP because it is so much easier than what it usually takes to gain victory.
It is the same reason why people who are born rich swear they earned it, because no one wants to believe they just got lucky, or the deck was stacked in thier favor.
I was barely talking about what makes a person a great PvPer (Moreso good player), just that the OP has a condescending attitude even though he states wishes to better the community in one of his posts. Instead it’s a case where he pretty much says he is better then everyone else and tells everyone to L2P in every single one of his posts..
I’m not saying he is, just that regardless if he is or isn’t he should not be acting in such an attitude that is sure getting flak from everyone else.
Like I said, my post was aimed at the poster and his style, not the post itself. All these comments within three pages all happened because of how he has acted. If it was his post in a better style (Like, saying that people should cope with what we have, that arguing on forums usually gets us nowhere after a monthly update.), it would at least be more constructive.
P.S: If you’ve read “Fourth” as his number 4, I mean the forum user Fourth..first page bottom post.
(edited by Oracle Fefe.5078)
ITT: Everyone l2p except mesmers
Seriously though, how do you beat a shatter mesmer as a warrior?
ask hman because he beats me 7 out of 10 times as a warrior.
(im going to tell you to L2P and that isnt mean. it means find a warrior who can do it aka HMAN and ask him to teach you)
you just need to L2PThis is again nonsense. +Learn-to-Think again for you.
Not everyone has skill level that hman has. One player does not prove anything since hman can be 5 skill levels above you and 2 skill levels above everyone else in the game. If mesmer and warrior were balanced 1v1 hman would maybe be defeating you 1000:1. (or maybe if balance goes other way (I doubt) you would be beating him.
Even if there was ranked 1v1 que and hman was ranked 1st it gives very little info on where warriors as a class are balance-wise (what if the next ranked warrior is in 153rd place?).What is needed is statistical data on 1v1 (ranked que by (account,class) ). Only when warriors as a class and mesmers as a class have similar representation in top100 and top500, people will stop complaining and QQ will stop. Understand that. You cannot tell them “look at hman”, it means nothing.
And the same thing with you mentioning ‘using warrior in your team’ or ‘using engineer in your team’. It means nothing, with sufficient skill a player can compensate for severe imbalances (underpowered) of the class. But that is a single player, it gives almost no information about how balanced the class is.
so i go play paids and your still on here making 0 sence i never said “go look at hman” i said"ask hman"
and i mention we have classes we run with that are not what you qq ppl say are “OP must have classes” what i am doing is disproving your silly ness.
and again you are saying if i wasant such an op class that i would lose everytime? well i will just say to you try hoping on a mesmer hop in paids so i can show you how wrong you are.
but the one thing you did say that made sence was not everyone has same skill as hman. so when you and the rest of the ppl QQ ing about nerf 110b frenzy its silly cause just because 1 person is good you want to nerf the class??/ thats silly. how about you L2P so then nothing seems op to u
Oh, it is the ‘I-am-the-champ-of-the-game-noone-plays-measured-by-grind-metric’ guy.
I assume you are a mesmer. By the fact that mesmers are consider pretty much a must-have in current teams you know that in top rankings (for 5v5 conquest) you would have more than 20% mesmers. That is almost double the ideal balance point (12.5%). That is considered severely OP (you essentially destroy presence of one whole class).
They need to give us ranked ques (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5) and start balancing from there.
You define balance as having the same representation for all classes in top rankings (top100&top500) (about 12.5 for each class).You balance first dmg with 1v1.
Once that is done (dmg balanced) you start balancing 2v2-3v3 with combo fields and diminishing returns on group effects of skills (buffs/aoe dmg etc).
Further you balance 3v3 and 5v5 with further diminishing returns and nerfing skills/utilities/elites that benefit large groups the most (TW, portal,… you know, stuff that makes you guys severely OP in group settings)
The name of the game is GUILD WARS… GROUP Utility is freaking part of it! They will not make it a 1v1 based system because it has no place in the entire game. If every class was balanced based off 1v1 then the classes would lose their uniqueness… BTW whoever think engineers still suck seriously an engineer with a net turret/flame thrower and bomb kit can hold a point easy… not to mention supply drop which is OMGERED your whole team is dead cuz I just mega stunned you beezys… If every class was on the same level 1v1 it would defeat the design of the game… Anyone ever wonder why they have 8v8 in sPvP… mmmm how many professions does this game have… Omg DING DING DING DING…
So, because it is not a 1 v 1 game it’s ok for certain professions to be great in a 1 v 1 setting and great in group settings? Makes sense…
see you are very confused i see you need to L2P (not in a bad way just you need to whisper me for advice)
if your saying a mesmer is good in a group then 1v1 you are so wrong its so sad.
heres is a story about your super mesmer that apparently only you have (i really want to play u in paids to see him) he goes home point and caps it places a portal then runs to mid. he blows time warp ASAP so my team backs out and our guard uses santuary and stability for the team.
during this SAtaarcoeny tells skovex im going to hit the mesmer go to there point now. SAtaarcoeny hits the mesmer 4 times makes him use distortion and a heal.
back to the super mesmer only u have. the mesmer sees his home is being capped so he portals back. now with no elite no heal no distortion a wasted utility because it was used for portal he has to try and beat a fresh face……. you tell me when he wins that fight 1v1.
again please know what you are talking about before you post silly nerf stuff cause you just look silly and it all goes back to a L2P.
i enjoy telling you guys how to play and think if we keep this post up then a lot of readers taking my train of thought and emplemiting it into there playstyle will become a lot better
All I really need to say to this is, “ROFL”!
You have no understanding of what you just wrote…
Let anyone blow cd’s in a team fight and forced into a 1 v 1 and that’s going to happen, the problem (as I was stating in reference to the other person’s post was) mesmers excel in BOTH areas of the game. 1 v 1 AND team fights, let that sink in and reread the post I was responding to. Perhaps you need to “l2read”, not in a bad way. You can whisper me in game and I’ll give you some pointers.
im sure you think mesmers excel in both 1v1 and team fights but you are mistaken. if you dont blow any cool downs you just portal back to point when vyndetta is there let me know how well your super mesmer does. i didnt see you in paids tonight so you can show me. maybe tomorrow.
but reading it again you say mesmers excel in both i could say the same for any class.
warriors can cleave 5 ppl down in 1 sec or 1v1 1 person in 1 sec.
engis can aoe stun aoe damage and in a solo fight outlast and rez themselvs.
eles have awesome group aura share plus 6k heals on group every 10-15 seconds
i can keep going but i dont think you have done anything other then hotjoin so this isnt getting through to you. your just here to troll not learn.
When many people call you out as having a bad elitist attitude then chances are it’s because that’s how you come off. Of course barring a few select players that seems to be the standard behavior/personality of the ‘pros’ here on the forums.
Also no matter how many times you say “TEAM!” and “not 1v1!” it really doesn’t change the fact that the larger proportion of the playerbase isn’t interested in jumping through the hoops, arsekissing, and sillyness it takes to organize their life around a team. Nor does it change the fact that more people would be interested in 1v1 balance and small scale (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) pvp which is much more conducive to playing with some friends than they are with the whole ‘pro team yo!’ style of 5v5.
This has pretty much held true with PvP in recent MMO’s as a collective whole as well. People like duels, people enjoy seeing who is the better player in 1v1’s. People have expressed this constantly in game after game after game. Yet the reply is always “but but TEAM! 1v1’s can never be balanced! It’ll remove class diversity!” and all the other myths which attempt to cover up the truth that “1v1 balance is harder than hiding behind a group-based-game defense, so why bother”.
Constantly saying “I’m awesome, you’re bad, L2P” (yes that’s what your posts sound like no matter how much you try to say that’s not what you’re saying) is meaningless beyond stroking your own kitten. Especially when you reduce yourself to the ridiculousness of bragging about your 1337 math skillz yo and how your kid is brilliant because he learned to walk, of course because of your crazy swag parenting skills dawg.
i dont know how you exspect my attitude to be with a post titled “im sick of it” i came in here to tell QQ ers they are wrong this game is balanced for 5man pvp. just because you cant come up with strats or map awareness and you either get back capped or insta gibbed because your necro didnt throw a fear mark on you knowing a thief was incomeing or you got bull rushed 100B because your guard didnt give you stability… those are all L2P tips i just gave you for free. so dont tell me about my attitude when im helping ppl.
this is not a 1v1 game get it in your head its that simple. when ppl ask me to 1v1 i laugh at them because its silly. if you want to play gears of war or bomberman we can 1v1 because those are games were everything is the same (the only way for perfect 1v1 balance) sorry your bubble got bursted but its a fact. so there is no point in QQ about it. i wish i was 20 again being 25 is hard but there is no point in QQ about it how would that help? so what i do is i go the the gym and stay an extra 10 min to keep my build.
you ppl as stated before are in the wrong mind state. you need to put in the work for results. asking for ANET to nerf everything isnt going to help you it will actually make things worse another example is my kid likes to play games also so i have a game room for him with the kinect so he stays fit also. i put the volleyball game on hard so he gets better. i would never consider putting it on easy because i want him growing up in the mind mentality that pushing yourself is good. because it is and it pays off plese try it ppl stop QQ JUST L2P the right way and you will enjoy this game i promise.
and i never said anyone is bad just not experienced in the correct way i even said i need to L2P. please read before you post replys like this. and using examples from my real life to help you understand saddens me when all you do is take the wrong meaning from it. yes my kid is brilliant and so is my girl but the point of that was you shouldnt ask to get babyed so you will get better sooner.
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
You just quoted Vain in the SOTG. Go and listen to the SOTG again.
Vain also states that more classes need skill shots, time warp needs to be changed so that its not so essential in 5v5 and particularly team fights (I.e it needs a smaller radius and a negative effect) and Vain also thinks Portal should be changed to be used by the Mesmer and Mesmer only.
All points I agree with. Don’t use one comment by Vain exclusively but then whinge and kitten about people asking for changes to mesmer Timewarp and Portal when the same person endorses those comments.
well i only agree with him saying this game is the most balanced and its not just a quote from him. most everyone i know says the same thing. and if i was on the SOTG i would have rebuttled vain when he said those silly things.
i dont care who it is the QQ nerf this or nerf that needs to stop im sick of it.
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
Making up that I was QQing in order to make you feel better are you now? well that is a pretty basic and simply approach to getting your point across. I do not need help with Mesmers as I can handle them very easily. Why you thought I couldnt is beyond me. But just because I find them easy enough to deal with doesnt mean that they are fine, perhaps someone else may have a different opinion. I just don’t see it a point in assuming I know everything about everything. Unlike you.
I do enjoy how you never answer anyone directly, you make something up, get owned, then make something else up in order to try and appear that you have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Your spelling (lack of) doesn’t suggest anything to me, English may not be your first language. But your idiotic approach to a debate, your frankly bizarre boasts really do expose you as little more than a child up past his bed time.
If you are right in what you say, we should not see any patch notes for PVP ever again unless its to add new content. But I think we all know how you will respond if they do though, you will claim “oh they listened to the forum QQers”. Stop posting as you haven’t a clue what your talking about and its VERY obvious.
great you can handle mesmers so instead of posting silly insults how about you help the community by teaching others how to handle mesmers. your in a delusional fight between you and me that i am not apart of your attacking me and asking why im not reponding well its simple im here helping ppl so i wont respond directly back to your attacks.
and if you read anything i write i do want changes i want buffs to so many skills and traits to make this game more variety more metas and eventually more exciting so we go ESPORTS.
edit (i do know everything about everything duh im SAtaarcoeny)
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
You just quoted Vain in the SOTG. Go and listen to the SOTG again.
Vain also states that more classes need skill shots, time warp needs to be changed so that its not so essential in 5v5 and particularly team fights (I.e it needs a smaller radius and a negative effect) and Vain also thinks Portal should be changed to be used by the Mesmer and Mesmer only.
All points I agree with. Don’t use one comment by Vain exclusively but then whinge and kitten about people asking for changes to mesmer Timewarp and Portal when the same person endorses those comments.
well i only agree with him saying this game is the most balanced and its not just a quote from him. most everyone i know says the same thing. and if i was on the SOTG i would have rebuttled vain when he said those silly things.
i dont care who it is the QQ nerf this or nerf that needs to stop im sick of it.
all the rambling on the spvp forums is nothing but qq and subjective opinions of this guy said this and that guy said that. Truth is the census of opinion but the forum makes a very small census at best
my advice: don’t feed into it just ignore it. not even worth the time getting mad over it or making this thread, cuz I guarantee you this forum probably makes up very little of the changes that happen ingame. dev’s just use it to kinda get an idea on things
I will refrain from posting in this thread. OP is just a guy who seems to have no life outside of the game and is ready to fight any argument put in front of him with unbelievable ferocity and without even at least trying to understand other points of view.
The manner in which you answer and the way you organise your posts shows your lack of respect to other posters.
Sataarcoeny, I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
This definitely isn’t a person I enjoy talking to.
(edited by leman.7682)
This has gone on for far too long.
SAt, you’ve bought up good points on your post. Yes, people should learn to cope with imbalances or cheapness. I personally believe no one gets anywhere by complaining and if they want to become better they have to go with the flow of the game (Despite it being against them) and figure out ways to defeat a particular class through strange means (I enjoy most of Defektive’s builds for such a case of originality.). People should “fail better” in a sense and in my opinion.
However, the way you presented your point is flame-war worthy and shows absolutely no modesty or humbleness. It was that fact which caused many people to not only disagree, but call you out on your other posts. L2P is not mean in your regards, but in actuality you’re beckoning people to reply back because you’re belittling them. You constantly show no modesty and an extreme prideful arrogance by continuing to tell people to go to you as if you’re the messiah that will lead people out of some dark age, or even someone sneak-advertising to get “popular” with the masses for some sort of likes or subscribers or +1s.Fourth is right. The only info you’ve actually shared that actually concerns game strategy is to keep distance from a melee class (As if new players didn’t already know that..) and time enemies CDs.
Alongside that, you’ve constantly been snarky or downright elitist to people who have disagreed with you right from the getgo. One of your posts states that you’re fine with people disagreeing with you but then later on say “some ppl have to QQ instead of L2P.”If you truly want your word to go out to the populace and change up mindsets, you have to show at least a form of respect in your posts. L2P and QQ terms are usually, if not always, disrespectful. You can tell a person to learn about something, but the terms you are using can really beckon a person to just come and argue with you especially if they do not know you. Make videos also even as they better show who you are as a player rather than simple talking and pics.
In the AC3 community there are two guys who aren’t quite the humblest of people, but they make videos and good points and they are well known and usually respected. They know when certain words could be taking it too far past the line between “acceptable” and “elitist”.Tl;dr: Yes, I’m attacking you and your post structure. I’d suggest to stop using derogatory terms to “help” people. If you really want to help, be tolerant, respond to things they say with a calm tone, offer to “pm” only once, in bold, in your starting post instead of telling random people that if they arent good pm you. If you really really want to help, start a playlist of tutorials, howtos, or general info on a video site or a guide/infographic on a forum. Trust me, you’ll be doing more good with that for both the game and you as a player.
for all the readers that actually did want advice they have been whispering me in game and sending me mails so part of what i wanted to do has been done ppl know if they need help there is ppl out there that can help. and i have said plenty of ways in here on what we do to avoid ppl so called op classes please go read it all again.
i dont understand what you mean by i need to change my personality to help ppl that is false. i been helping ppl sense day one of this game. if ppl get mad that im sick of the QQ that is on them they have no right to attack me for it. from all the whispers and ppl that jumped in my mumble today im not the only one.
please link to me were i said “your not good whisper me in game” i have and still say if you dont know something you need to LEARN it if you dont know how to play that doesnt mean your bad you just need to l2p so me telling someone if they dont know what to do against a thief i say if you want to L2P whisper me in game i will teach you how to kill the thief and that is great thats what i want. i dont want ppl saying i cant kill thief let me go QQ im sick of that.
also im not the only one that can teach ppl how to play i have a friends list full of ppl so when ppl whisper me in game if i cant help i always have someone who can.
sorry bro my personality makes me me i cant change it. im an old dog
This post is simply an indepth look into the mind of a moron.
Because 1 guy is good at a warrior the class is balanced lmfao no that warrior is simply a better player than you.
You don’t balance things from the top you idiot you balance them from the middle the average, percentages, do you even understand that?
A great pvper will make copper into gold, sadly when given a OP class they’ll turn a mortal into a god.
There’s never been an MMO that one guy didn’t turn a bad class into something that looked good. But when that class has higher than a 20% represention in the top tiered players, common sense would dicate it isn’t that all the players that roled that class all happened to be the best pvper’s but the class itself is OP.
so what your saying is instead of L2P and get good like hman (for example) we should nerf everything? and sense hman is the only warrior because it to hard of a class to play they should buff it so more ppl play it? wouldnt that make hman able to 1v5 in paids all day? (and you call me an idiot)
who are these op players on op classes you are referring to? i havnt seen any bad players on a mesmer or thief that were gods and they did all these super things you ppl are talking about
it seems from your comment that you have never taken the time to L2P in any mmos it seems like from what you said you been QQ ing about op classes in a lot of MMO’s and that makes me sick.
you do understand every class every trait is tested against eachother thats why the game takes so long to be made. nerfs dont come a balance issue they come from a skill cap issue. ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports. thats why i came to this game.
but this game is about individual skill put into a 5 man team setting its kinda weird how you have to be a team player but have individual skill all at the same time and truthfully as much as it saddens me to say were at that point were its enough you either are ready to learn to play or you need to realize this game isnt for you. but if anymore nerfs go on this game will be at a state of the game were u have to have certain traits certain eletes play certain classes to compete and thats not what GUILD WARS 2 is.
I will refrain from posting in this thread. OP is just a guy who seems to have no life outside of the game and is ready to fight any argument put in front of him with unbelievable ferocity and without even at least trying to understand other points of view.
The manner in which you answer and the way you organise your posts shows your lack of respect to other posters.
Sataarcoeny, I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
This definitely isn’t a person I enjoy talking to.
i think you just accidently posted bro. and i been reading the QQ nerf this post nerf that post for over 4 months now so dont tell me im not trying to understand. i do understand even after 4 months ppl are to lazy to ask someone for help in understanding how to play.
i understand the nerf this and that posters are wanting the game to become simple becasue they dont want to L2P
i understand that me offering ppl help is making ppl very angry because when i do talk i tell it like i see it and when they realise they are acting like lazy ppl expecting everything handed to them they are mad.
so after understanding (not trying to understand) ppl on here i told you my reply to it. it makes me sick and it needs to stop/
More videos from tPvP matches with each class , would be better than this pointeless thread (without toughness would be apriciated) :P
I played my mesmer in what started as a 2v3 but because my staff ele friend died it became a 1v3… Took a ranger an engi and a d/d ele to get me because all of my skills were on cool down… My friend had played with mesmers before and all she said is “Wow… you are amazing.” The only really viable elite skill we have that is great group utility is mass invis… but that is only if we want to chain stealth (need veil to go with it). Btw the entire time I was fighting these 3 PROFESSIONS I did not use time warp or any elite… I just played the class how it was supposed to be played… But you know what since I lost to these three professions I kindly request they be nerfed as well…I was knocked back by a longbow… None of that for rangers anymore… The kitten wolf had a fear skill… this totally needs removed HUNTERS CALL almost got me twice man not cool okay please remove the bleeding conditions that it brings with it…. The engineer had a flamethrower then pistols then a bomb kit… SO NOT OKAY please increase the cooldown between their kit swaps… And the d/d ele stunned me like 5 times… Seriously nerf all of these skills and professions so that next time I can 1v3 them and win to save my pride dignity and huevos… Wait… If I seriously whine about something like that then that means I have no huevos… Hmmm.
@Sataarcoeny: When I read your first couple of posts you came across as an arrogant person. But … seeing that you actually care to help out and make teams etc … my opinion of you has changed. Using time on other people is not something one should take for granted or underestimate the value of.
However … in all sincereness … your language is not working with you, but rather against you. I think it would be beneficial for everyone if you worked a bit on it. How you express even the best intentions is not irrelevant.
Hope I made myself clear.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
@dalincida please read under my name it says dont make fun of my spelling. i never L2S (im sure you know what that stands for) i had a different up brinning then you so that is very much a sensitive subject for me.
Point still stands, you come off as an elitist moron who has nothing to back up their claims. The game has balance issues, anyone claiming otherwise needs to wise up. What those issues are is a point for discussion, unless you are suggesting this is somehow a magical game that is perfectly balanced, something which no MMO has ever been able to do, let alone a 6 months from launch.
ignoring your first 2 comments cause your trying to bait me into a infraction with your sillyness kid.
your interpretation of me is wrong on so many lvls “elitist”? i help everyone. “moron” because i type so fast and dont bother with grammar because my mind keeps racing with thoughts that i make many threads about that many ppl agree with? (do on google and tell me all the smart ppl know how to spell and have proper grammar"
this game has no balance issies unles u look at this game from a 1v1 perspective then i agree with you. to bad this is not a 1v1 game and if you wise up you can L2P guild wars 2 (this is not solo man2) whisper me in game if you need help against super mesmers or thiefs i can help you bro thats why im here.
and yes as stated in the SOTG by vain “this is the most balanced game he has played”
i understand you want to poke at me but i still see in your replys u want to get defend QQ ing but truthfully it wont help this game
Making up that I was QQing in order to make you feel better are you now? well that is a pretty basic and simply approach to getting your point across. I do not need help with Mesmers as I can handle them very easily. Why you thought I couldnt is beyond me. But just because I find them easy enough to deal with doesnt mean that they are fine, perhaps someone else may have a different opinion. I just don’t see it a point in assuming I know everything about everything. Unlike you.
I do enjoy how you never answer anyone directly, you make something up, get owned, then make something else up in order to try and appear that you have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Your spelling (lack of) doesn’t suggest anything to me, English may not be your first language. But your idiotic approach to a debate, your frankly bizarre boasts really do expose you as little more than a child up past his bed time.
If you are right in what you say, we should not see any patch notes for PVP ever again unless its to add new content. But I think we all know how you will respond if they do though, you will claim “oh they listened to the forum QQers”. Stop posting as you haven’t a clue what your talking about and its VERY obvious.
great you can handle mesmers so instead of posting silly insults how about you help the community by teaching others how to handle mesmers. your in a delusional fight between you and me that i am not apart of your attacking me and asking why im not reponding well its simple im here helping ppl so i wont respond directly back to your attacks.
and if you read anything i write i do want changes i want buffs to so many skills and traits to make this game more variety more metas and eventually more exciting so we go ESPORTS.
edit (i do know everything about everything duh im SAtaarcoeny)
You are not part of an argument, he writes in response to my post. I am not called you a gobkittene, you gobkittene. You want buffs? well how about bug fixes first as a lot of traits are not working as intended. Your talking crap and you continue to talk crap and I suspect with an immense degree of certainty you will always talk crap. This game will not go into e-sports in its current state, and if you were at the helm it would be even worse.
I have no idea what your suggesting other than “be helpful by repeating l2p” “I know everything” “any opinion that is not the same as mine is wrong” “WAAAH WAAAAH WET NAPPY”.
I mean, what the hell was the childhood post all about? why have you not extended upon that, you brought it up so it must mean something. kitten me, nothing you say makes sense other than you think your amazing with your super smart kids (which you don;t have) your a genius (which your not and never will be) this game is balanced (no game ever is) everything is fine (contradicting your other posts, but that’s wrong as well) and you are not arguing (which you are, lots)
Next you will be quoting all the games you have won and how you were top in school
K well, this thread has grown significantly since i first saw it. But the gist of what most posts are saying are
A. The game is fine and the QQ posts are made about people who need to learn how to play the game before insisting on a change.
B. The game is not fine and there are some major imbalances, the target of this thread being mesmers.
C. Sataar needs to cool his attitude roflmao
But in all seriousness, all these top players in this thread need to realize that every game has QQ posts about pub stomp kitten. That’s part of the game, some professions are better at taking advantage of noob players than others, and its the dev’s job to handle that situation and still create a competitive environment for the pros. So, sataar, it’s basically impossible to stop these QQ posts about thieves, mesmers or 100b warriors because hotjoins are still a part of the game.
On a more serious note. Lets say this state of the game was deemed perfect and nothing was changed for lets say 5 months. I am of the opinion that 2 things will be more widely considered imbalanced among the top tier teams. #1: Mesmer portal + timewarp and #2: Necro rez sig (also if engineer becomes more widely used elixir R is still pretty insane).
The reason why I think these spells are imbalanced is because the power behind these spells is enormous relative to other similar spells other professions possess. Key word being relative, you could nerf these spells to be on par with other professions… OR you could give each profession a class defining powerful utility that they dont have to trait for. The second option being preferred.
However, in conclusion, vain is right. This is the most balanced mmo in my experience or even possibly in existence. However, you cant sit here and tell me that it’s perfect and L2P.
anyway, happiness out!
However, in conclusion, vain is right. This is the most balanced mmo in my experience or even possibly in existence. However, you cant sit here and tell me that it’s perfect and L2P.
anyway, happiness out!
Enough said… Remember the days when it was required to have a designated healer/tank/and a DPS at minimum… Now all classes (except mesmers) have a group heal. And they can all trait to be either tanks/ or DPS glass cannons… It is player preference. hehe.
reduce dmg by 30% in hotjoin. nobody in tournies will care anyway, just make it more friendly to new players.
update the default profession builds based on meta, so you aren’t giving players useless specs out of the gate.
everything else has already been asked for.
….but the one thing you did say that made sence was not everyone has same skill as hman. so when you and the rest of the ppl QQ ing about nerf 110b frenzy its silly cause just because 1 person is good you want to nerf the class??/ thats silly. how about you L2P so then nothing seems op to u
L2P me again? Dude I just challenged you and your guild (8 different ppl with 8 different classes) to a series of duels and you backed out. Then you told me to go ask advice from person I beat in duels. Seriously, are you ok?
I never qq-ed about 100b. I think 100b is a joke, and you are a joke for talking to me that way. Actually I got infraction on forum and post deleted by mod because I told someone to l2p when he complained about 100b.
I never qq because 1 person is good…what are you talking about? I was saying completely the opposite, that you cannot judge class based on 1 person performance. You simply do not understand what you read. It is really sad how much you post given that you fail to understand more than 50% of what people write back.
I have never lost duels to a warrior (or many other classes). Yes, a warrior can get me here and there but over 5+ games I have never seen one defeat me. I doubt hman can either. And I do not think warrior is OP, I think one needs quite a high skill level to play warrior well in current balance as is.
I’ve been keeping up with the thread and this kind of hit a cord.
“ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports.”
Sata…. Your going way too far now. You need to lose about 60% of the ego you have. Now saying that there aren’t enough skilled players in the game is so far from wrong and maybe you’ve been stuck in your little circle for to long.
The other day my team vs’d you guys in paids. We lost of course because we got outplayed. I came to henge 4 times that game. The first time I popped my elite because how Sata always says “#1 mesmer NA/EU” I thought I was going to have some crazy battle. I was wrong, 30 seconds in Sata dropped and I took the point for about 10 seconds before 2 members of his team came to reclaim it. After I res’d I went back to put more pressure because at that time I felt as if you weren’t anything special. I didn’t pop my elite this time not because it was down. Didn’t think I’d needed it to beat you. We vs’d again I stomped you with most of my health remaining and got the point for maybe 15 seconds before back up (great roamers on his team). The last 2 matches you won because help came before we could finish.
I don’t care if no one believes me and you say it’s lies, I know you remember and please remember that well. I’m not saying I’m a better player than you and trying to get attention. I’ll even say it out front, Sata is a better team player(well I’m assuming because he’s team does so well in paids)
Maybe you dueling Caed isn’t the best choice for 1v1’n a thief. Caed has the same ego as you. People with that attitude will never get any better because they already think they are superior to everyone else. From what I seen you still need to L2P.
You setting the meta, stfu. Anet setup the meta and will always be the one controlling it. As good players we find the best comp/strats that works. We aren’t setting the meta though. We just follow the path Anet left out for us.
I think it was a month ago or so, you made a post about making another team. I messaged you in game and telling you I was interested. He told me I need to talk to the leader of the group. Which I did, the kid was like “OMG, Goobs” so we had the team together. This kid leading this group had to be 12 years old and was horrible. I won’t mention his name. The group fell apart of course but I gained a friend from the group so that was a plus. You didn’t even try to put a group together, I’m guessing the other groups failed the same way. Lasting a whole 2-4 hours. Sata’s your attempts to make groups just seem like a show to me. You like the spot light on you and everything you do is to keep that attention on you.
Anyways, Props to your teammates they are amazing. Hopefully they can take some of the weight off their backs at some point.
{ (edit) From my phone, took forever }
(edited by Goob.9752)
thinking you know everything, winning what.. 80%+ of the tourny games you’ve played in… and only playing mesmer. your perspective is not nearly broad enough. you’ve been playing the one most powerful class in the game, for the entire game, with many of the best players in an environment where you rarely lose. no wonder you can’t understand why people are qq’ing about this and that. mesmers can beat every class. You said it yourself, against the top players in the game, you have the possibility of winning. not every class has that ability. and you simply refuse to acknowledge that.
so very close minded, sataarcoeny. for someone who calls themselves top na and eu, you play in such a privileged environment (teammates are very strong players) with the most powerful class. not even having tried any of the other classes but guardian lol. how you are even able to argue with these people is beyond me. you haven’t even tried to understand their perspective even though you claim otherwise. L2P L2P L2P? how about You L2P other classes.
I’ve been keep up with the thread and this kind of hit a cord.
“ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports.”
Sata…. Your going way too far now. You need to lose about 60% of the ego you have. Now saying that there aren’t enough skilled players in the game is so far from wrong and maybe you’ve been stuck in your little circle for to long.
The other day my team vs’d you guys in paids. We lost of course because we got outplayed. I came to henge 4 times that game. The first time I popped my elite because how Sata always says “#1 mesmer NA/EU” I thought I was going to have some crazy battle. I was wrong, 30 seconds in Sata dropped and I took the point for about 10 seconds before 2 members of his team came to reclaim it. After I res’d I went back to put more pressure because at that time I felt as if you weren’t anything special. I didn’t pop my elite this time not because it was down. Didn’t think I’d needed it to beat you. We vs’d again I stomped you with most of my health remaining and got the point for maybe 15 seconds before back up (great roamers on his team). The last 2 matches you won because help came before we could finish.
I don’t care if no one believes me and you say it’s lies, I know you remember and please remember that well. I’m not saying I’m a better player than you and trying to get attention. I’ll even say it out front, Sata is a better team player(well I’m assuming because he’s team does so well in paids)
Maybe you dueling Caed isn’t the best choice for 1v1’n a thief. Caed has the same ego as you. People with that attitude will never get any better because they already think they are superior to everyone else. From what I seen you still need to L2P.
You setting the meta, stfu. Anet setup the meta and will always be the one controlling it. As good players we find the best comp/strats that works. We aren’t setting the meta though. We just follow the path Anet left out for us.
I think it was a month ago or so, you made a post about making another team. I messaged you in game and telling you I was interested. He told me I need to talk to the leader of the group. Which I did, the kid was like “OMG, Goobs” so we had the team together. This kid leading this group had to be 12 years old and was horrible. I won’t mention his name. The group fell apart of course but I gained a friend from the group so that was a plus. You didn’t even try to put a group together, I’m guessing the other groups failed the same way. Lasting a whole 3-4 hours. Sata’s your attempts to make groups just seem like a show to me. You like the spot light on you and everything you do is to keep that attention on you.
Goobs, Idk who you are, but I love you.
“I’m too black for this” – Saatarcoeny 2013
I’ve been keep up with the thread and this kind of hit a cord.
“ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports.”
Sata…. Your going way too far now. You need to lose about 60% of the ego you have. Now saying that there aren’t enough skilled players in the game is so far from wrong and maybe you’ve been stuck in your little circle for to long.
The other day my team vs’d you guys in paids. We lost of course because we got outplayed. I came to henge 4 times that game. The first time I popped my elite because how Sata always says “#1 mesmer NA/EU” I thought I was going to have some crazy battle. I was wrong, 30 seconds in Sata dropped and I took the point for about 10 seconds before 2 members of his team came to reclaim it. After I res’d I went back to put more pressure because at that time I felt as if you weren’t anything special. I didn’t pop my elite this time not because it was down. Didn’t think I’d needed it to beat you. We vs’d again I stomped you with most of my health remaining and got the point for maybe 15 seconds before back up (great roamers on his team). The last 2 matches you won because help came before we could finish.
I don’t care if no one believes me and you say it’s lies, I know you remember and please remember that well. I’m not saying I’m a better player than you and trying to get attention. I’ll even say it out front, Sata is a better team player(well I’m assuming because he’s team does so well in paids)
Maybe you dueling Caed isn’t the best choice for 1v1’n a thief. Caed has the same ego as you. People with that attitude will never get any better because they already think they are superior to everyone else. From what I seen you still need to L2P.
You setting the meta, stfu. Anet setup the meta and will always be the one controlling it. As good players we find the best comp/strats that works. We aren’t setting the meta though. We just follow the path Anet left out for us.
I think it was a month ago or so, you made a post about making another team. I messaged you in game and telling you I was interested. He told me I need to talk to the leader of the group. Which I did, the kid was like “OMG, Goobs” so we had the team together. This kid leading this group had to be 12 years old and was horrible. I won’t mention his name. The group fell apart of course but I gained a friend from the group so that was a plus. You didn’t even try to put a group together, I’m guessing the other groups failed the same way. Lasting a whole 3-4 hours. Sata’s your attempts to make groups just seem like a show to me. You like the spot light on you and everything you do is to keep that attention on you.
Goobs, Idk who you are, but I love you.
LOL, ty… I’m just some random scrub. Love you too!
I’ve been keeping up with the thread and this kind of hit a cord.
“ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports.”
Sata…. Your going way too far now. You need to lose about 60% of the ego you have. Now saying that there aren’t enough skilled players in the game is so far from wrong and maybe you’ve been stuck in your little circle for to long.
The other day my team vs’d you guys in paids. We lost of course because we got outplayed. I came to henge 4 times that game. The first time I popped my elite because how Sata always says “#1 mesmer NA/EU” I thought I was going to have some crazy battle. I was wrong, 30 seconds in Sata dropped and I took the point for about 10 seconds before 2 members of his team came to reclaim it. After I res’d I went back to put more pressure because at that time I felt as if you weren’t anything special. I didn’t pop my elite this time not because it was down. Didn’t think I’d needed it to beat you. We vs’d again I stomped you with most of my health remaining and got the point for maybe 15 seconds before back up (great roamers on his team). The last 2 matches you won because help came before we could finish.
I don’t care if no one believes me and you say it’s lies, I know you remember and please remember that well. I’m not saying I’m a better player than you and trying to get attention. I’ll even say it out front, Sata is a better team player(well I’m assuming because he’s team does so well in paids)
Maybe you dueling Caed isn’t the best choice for 1v1’n a thief. Caed has the same ego as you. People with that attitude will never get any better because they already think they are superior to everyone else. From what I seen you still need to L2P.
You setting the meta, stfu. Anet setup the meta and will always be the one controlling it. As good players we find the best comp/strats that works. We aren’t setting the meta though. We just follow the path Anet left out for us.
I think it was a month ago or so, you made a post about making another team. I messaged you in game and telling you I was interested. He told me I need to talk to the leader of the group. Which I did, the kid was like “OMG, Goobs” so we had the team together. This kid leading this group had to be 12 years old and was horrible. I won’t mention his name. The group fell apart of course but I gained a friend from the group so that was a plus. You didn’t even try to put a group together, I’m guessing the other groups failed the same way. Lasting a whole 2-4 hours. Sata’s your attempts to make groups just seem like a show to me. You like the spot light on you and everything you do is to keep that attention on you.
Anyways, Props to your teammates they are amazing. Hopefully they can take some of the weight off their backs at some point.
{ (edit) From my phone, took forever }
lol if sataar wasnt owned enough in this thread this takes the cake
Am I the only one here that caught something in the screenshot he provided on the first page?
He has 1526 hours played. (Which must be unhealthy in 4 month.)
He also has 1532 hours played across all character.
Does anyone see something weird here?
We have someone telling us how the game is balanced. That person as a lot of experience and is in a top team. So It make sense. But that person played 6 hours with something else then a mesmer? How the hell is he supose to know anything about balance?
He played 64 days worth of time in those last month, and only like 1/4 of a day have been on something else then a Mesmer.
Does anyone expect him to not be biased toward mesmer? For sure he will defend them. If I played a class that is on top in the pvp chain, and I wanted it to stay that way, expect me to say the game is balanced.
Balanced game = no nerf.
No nerf = Mesmer stay top.
And I’m won’t write about his elitism attitude.
Am I the only one here that caught something in the screenshot he provided on the first page?
He has 1526 hours played. (Which must be unhealthy in 4 month.)
He also has 1532 hours played across all character.
Does anyone see something weird here?
We have someone telling us how the game is balanced. That person as a lot of experience and is in a top team. So It make sense. But that person played 6 hours with something else then a mesmer? How the hell is he supose to know anything about balance?
He played 64 days worth of time in those last month, and only like 1/4 of a day have been on something else then a Mesmer.
Does anyone expect him to not be biased toward mesmer? For sure he will defend them. If I played a class that is on top in the pvp chain, and I wanted it to stay that way, expect me to say the game is balanced.
Balanced game = no nerf.
No nerf = Mesmer stay top.
And I’m won’t write about his elitism attitude.
So many awesome people in this thread. Good find.
I’ve been keeping up with the thread and this kind of hit a cord.
“ANET expected a lot more skilled players in this game thats why they said it will be esports.”
Sata…. Your going way too far now. You need to lose about 60% of the ego you have. Now saying that there aren’t enough skilled players in the game is so far from wrong and maybe you’ve been stuck in your little circle for to long.
The other day my team vs’d you guys in paids. We lost of course because we got outplayed. I came to henge 4 times that game. The first time I popped my elite because how Sata always says “#1 mesmer NA/EU” I thought I was going to have some crazy battle. I was wrong, 30 seconds in Sata dropped and I took the point for about 10 seconds before 2 members of his team came to reclaim it. After I res’d I went back to put more pressure because at that time I felt as if you weren’t anything special. I didn’t pop my elite this time not because it was down. Didn’t think I’d needed it to beat you. We vs’d again I stomped you with most of my health remaining and got the point for maybe 15 seconds before back up (great roamers on his team). The last 2 matches you won because help came before we could finish.
I don’t care if no one believes me and you say it’s lies, I know you remember and please remember that well. I’m not saying I’m a better player than you and trying to get attention. I’ll even say it out front, Sata is a better team player(well I’m assuming because he’s team does so well in paids)
Maybe you dueling Caed isn’t the best choice for 1v1’n a thief. Caed has the same ego as you. People with that attitude will never get any better because they already think they are superior to everyone else. From what I seen you still need to L2P.
You setting the meta, stfu. Anet setup the meta and will always be the one controlling it. As good players we find the best comp/strats that works. We aren’t setting the meta though. We just follow the path Anet left out for us.
I think it was a month ago or so, you made a post about making another team. I messaged you in game and telling you I was interested. He told me I need to talk to the leader of the group. Which I did, the kid was like “OMG, Goobs” so we had the team together. This kid leading this group had to be 12 years old and was horrible. I won’t mention his name. The group fell apart of course but I gained a friend from the group so that was a plus. You didn’t even try to put a group together, I’m guessing the other groups failed the same way. Lasting a whole 2-4 hours. Sata’s your attempts to make groups just seem like a show to me. You like the spot light on you and everything you do is to keep that attention on you.
Anyways, Props to your teammates they are amazing. Hopefully they can take some of the weight off their backs at some point.
{ (edit) From my phone, took forever }
This is an interesting read for those of us who haven’t experienced Sataar first hand
Glad you at least gained a friend from that experience.
It doesn’t have to be bad intentions really … some people just can’t focus one one thing for very long, but instead start up a lot of different projects that they can’t follow through … or they simply lack organization-skills.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
Am I the only one here that caught something in the screenshot he provided on the first page?
He has 1526 hours played. (Which must be unhealthy in 4 month.)
He also has 1532 hours played across all character.
Does anyone see something weird here?
We have someone telling us how the game is balanced. That person as a lot of experience and is in a top team. So It make sense. But that person played 6 hours with something else then a mesmer? How the hell is he supose to know anything about balance?
He played 64 days worth of time in those last month, and only like 1/4 of a day have been on something else then a Mesmer.
Does anyone expect him to not be biased toward mesmer? For sure he will defend them. If I played a class that is on top in the pvp chain, and I wanted it to stay that way, expect me to say the game is balanced.
Balanced game = no nerf.
No nerf = Mesmer stay top.
And I’m won’t write about his elitism attitude.
Only people who effectively play 1-2 professions maximum should be allowed to give any suggestion about balance, people who have mastered at least one profession are more capable to discern strenghts and weaknesses of the class, compared to kids who keep jumping from one fotm profession to the other.
Generally the FOTM kids see only strenghts therefore their comments are useless, the fact is, no profession is unbeatable in this game as it has been proved dozen of times, of course people who jump from one profession to the other will never be able to compete against somebody who is fully aware of his class strenghts and weaknesses
Anet’s mistake was to expect a level of skills equal to the one found in the GW1 community, given how easy is to enjoy PvP in GW2 compared to the original, even people who should not even speak..feel entitled in giving their opinion about balance.
In GW1, whenever a “top dog” would open his mouth..everybody would just sit quietly and listen..but here in GW2, every scrub can go and join a zerg, reach r20+ and think to have mastered a profession.
Unkillable XX profession? OP build?…These are the comments you get only from people who zerg 24/7 in sPvP and never even played a paid tournament.
@Arheundel: Are you in all seriousness suggesting that only people with a huge blind-spot should speak of balance? I can draw some fancy parallels if you can’t see the inherent flaw.
Oh, it is the ‘I-am-the-champ-of-the-game-noone-plays-measured-by-grind-metric’ guy.
I assume you are a mesmer. By the fact that mesmers are consider pretty much a must-have in current teams you know that in top rankings (for 5v5 conquest) you would have more than 20% mesmers. That is almost double the ideal balance point (12.5%). That is considered severely OP (you essentially destroy presence of one whole class).
They need to give us ranked ques (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5) and start balancing from there.
You define balance as having the same representation for all classes in top rankings (top100&top500) (about 12.5 for each class).You balance first dmg with 1v1.
Once that is done (dmg balanced) you start balancing 2v2-3v3 with combo fields and diminishing returns on group effects of skills (buffs/aoe dmg etc).
Further you balance 3v3 and 5v5 with further diminishing returns and nerfing skills/utilities/elites that benefit large groups the most (TW, portal,… you know, stuff that makes you guys severely OP in group settings)
The name of the game is GUILD WARS… GROUP Utility is freaking part of it! They will not make it a 1v1 based system because it has no place in the entire game. If every class was balanced based off 1v1 then the classes would lose their uniqueness… BTW whoever think engineers still suck seriously an engineer with a net turret/flame thrower and bomb kit can hold a point easy… not to mention supply drop which is OMGERED your whole team is dead cuz I just mega stunned you beezys… If every class was on the same level 1v1 it would defeat the design of the game… Anyone ever wonder why they have 8v8 in sPvP… mmmm how many professions does this game have… Omg DING DING DING DING…
So, because it is not a 1 v 1 game it’s ok for certain professions to be great in a 1 v 1 setting and great in group settings? Makes sense…
see you are very confused i see you need to L2P (not in a bad way just you need to whisper me for advice)
if your saying a mesmer is good in a group then 1v1 you are so wrong its so sad.
heres is a story about your super mesmer that apparently only you have (i really want to play u in paids to see him) he goes home point and caps it places a portal then runs to mid. he blows time warp ASAP so my team backs out and our guard uses santuary and stability for the team.
during this SAtaarcoeny tells skovex im going to hit the mesmer go to there point now. SAtaarcoeny hits the mesmer 4 times makes him use distortion and a heal.
back to the super mesmer only u have. the mesmer sees his home is being capped so he portals back. now with no elite no heal no distortion a wasted utility because it was used for portal he has to try and beat a fresh face……. you tell me when he wins that fight 1v1.
again please know what you are talking about before you post silly nerf stuff cause you just look silly and it all goes back to a L2P.
i enjoy telling you guys how to play and think if we keep this post up then a lot of readers taking my train of thought and emplemiting it into there playstyle will become a lot better
All I really need to say to this is, “ROFL”!
You have no understanding of what you just wrote…
Let anyone blow cd’s in a team fight and forced into a 1 v 1 and that’s going to happen, the problem (as I was stating in reference to the other person’s post was) mesmers excel in BOTH areas of the game. 1 v 1 AND team fights, let that sink in and reread the post I was responding to. Perhaps you need to “l2read”, not in a bad way. You can whisper me in game and I’ll give you some pointers.
im sure you think mesmers excel in both 1v1 and team fights but you are mistaken. if you dont blow any cool downs you just portal back to point when vyndetta is there let me know how well your super mesmer does. i didnt see you in paids tonight so you can show me. maybe tomorrow.
but reading it again you say mesmers excel in both i could say the same for any class.
warriors can cleave 5 ppl down in 1 sec or 1v1 1 person in 1 sec.
engis can aoe stun aoe damage and in a solo fight outlast and rez themselvs.
eles have awesome group aura share plus 6k heals on group every 10-15 seconds
i can keep going but i dont think you have done anything other then hotjoin so this isnt getting through to you. your just here to troll not learn.
This whole thread is you speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
“…here to troll not learn”, I’ve asked you already about ways to beat a mesmer. Please do enlighten me or do you plan on telling me again to whisper someone in game?
God and learn are the words of the day! My god you don’t get it do you? For god’s sake! My kittening god! My god!!! ahhh I love this community <3
Learn to read! Learn to play
! Learn to climb wall
! Learn to think
! Learn love Poplolita?
(edited by Poplolita.2638)
Hard to take anybody seriously who claims to be serious. If one really wanted to be pro at a video game, they would have ditched this title a long time ago. The dudes sticking around are either casuals who enjoy the light competition from the few remaining teams and occasional decent pugs or delusional dudes hoping that GW2 will somehow become an eSports success over night and they will have a leg up on the actual pro gamers who start playing the game.
It’s also hard to conceptualize a world in which balance is dictated by the few top-level casuals (pretending to be serious) at this stage in the game’s life. If there was a real pro scene, I can understand not wanting to balance for the common denominator. There isn’t. As such, I can’t really bite on the learn-to-play argument. Why make a small community smaller by forcing lower level players to learn every nuance of the game before they can enjoy playing it?
Hard not to read this thread merely as a tryhard Mesmer who wants to continue to be relevant by playing an indispensable class.
What you are saying doesn’t have any sense.
You have to play others classes to know how they are balanced, how they feel in combat. You can’t only rely your opinion from external perspective of other class. I used to think necromancer were weak, until I played them to the fullest and did comparaison with other classes.
Don’t take it as an insulte, but you sound more like a fanboy then anything. Why should I listen to someone that only played one class about balance.
The way he express his opinion, using an elitism tone, braging about everything, not listening to anyone else argument. All those thing lead me to not listen to him. Should he be the best player in the world, it doesn’t change a thing.
I would trust Hiba, Hman, or others “pro”. I wouldn’t do it without a critic sense, but they deserve more respect then OP.
So I supose you are calling me a FoTM kid. Weird since my 3 mains are Engineer, Necro and Ranger. You are speculating about something you don’t know.
Everyone is entitled to his opinion, especially since the paid tournament are a dying place right now.
You are living in the same world as OP, in a world of Elitism were you think everybody should looks up to you.
Sorry, we don’t live in the same world.
(edited by Kardiamond.6952)
clearly sirconnery is just 2 months ahead of everyone elses meta
simple as that.
playing only one class and talking about balance is like a goalie telling the offense to l2p.
Seem to be missing the point that less than 95% of the game population play in “Your” level of paid’s.
Balancing a game for the top 1-5% is a really good way to ruin the game for the other 99-95%.
I don’t have major problems with any classes, although I can still see the flaws in some which need to be changed.
I played my mesmer in what started as a 2v3 but because my staff ele friend died it became a 1v3… Took a ranger an engi and a d/d ele to get me because all of my skills were on cool down… My friend had played with mesmers before and all she said is “Wow… you are amazing.” The only really viable elite skill we have that is great group utility is mass invis… but that is only if we want to chain stealth (need veil to go with it). Btw the entire time I was fighting these 3 PROFESSIONS I did not use time warp or any elite… I just played the class how it was supposed to be played… But you know what since I lost to these three professions I kindly request they be nerfed as well…I was knocked back by a longbow… None of that for rangers anymore… The kitten wolf had a fear skill… this totally needs removed HUNTERS CALL almost got me twice man not cool okay please remove the bleeding conditions that it brings with it…. The engineer had a flamethrower then pistols then a bomb kit… SO NOT OKAY please increase the cooldown between their kit swaps… And the d/d ele stunned me like 5 times… Seriously nerf all of these skills and professions so that next time I can 1v3 them and win to save my pride dignity and huevos… Wait… If I seriously whine about something like that then that means I have no huevos… Hmmm.
lol nerf it all so you can win 1v3. i know your joking here but the funny thing is ppl on the forums are so serious when they say stuff like this. they are asking for all these nefs so they become better.
BTW if you have a super so called mesmer why were u not able to when the 2v3 when your staff ele friend was there?
idk ppl these so called super classes and professions i still havnt seen any evidence that they exist
I played my mesmer in what started as a 2v3 but because my staff ele friend died it became a 1v3… Took a ranger an engi and a d/d ele to get me because all of my skills were on cool down… My friend had played with mesmers before and all she said is “Wow… you are amazing.” The only really viable elite skill we have that is great group utility is mass invis… but that is only if we want to chain stealth (need veil to go with it). Btw the entire time I was fighting these 3 PROFESSIONS I did not use time warp or any elite… I just played the class how it was supposed to be played… But you know what since I lost to these three professions I kindly request they be nerfed as well…I was knocked back by a longbow… None of that for rangers anymore… The kitten wolf had a fear skill… this totally needs removed HUNTERS CALL almost got me twice man not cool okay please remove the bleeding conditions that it brings with it…. The engineer had a flamethrower then pistols then a bomb kit… SO NOT OKAY please increase the cooldown between their kit swaps… And the d/d ele stunned me like 5 times… Seriously nerf all of these skills and professions so that next time I can 1v3 them and win to save my pride dignity and huevos… Wait… If I seriously whine about something like that then that means I have no huevos… Hmmm.
lol nerf it all so you can win 1v3. i know your joking here but the funny thing is ppl on the forums are so serious when they say stuff like this. they are asking for all these nefs so they become better.
BTW if you have a super so called mesmer why were u not able to when the 2v3 when your staff ele friend was there?
idk ppl these so called super classes and professions i still havnt seen any evidence that they exist
Seem to be missing the point that less than 95% of the game population play in “Your” level of paid’s.
Balancing a game for the top 1-5% is a really good way to ruin the game for the other 99-95%.
I don’t have major problems with any classes, although I can still see the flaws in some which need to be changed.
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