leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


I know that leaderboard decay is already going to be a thing so of course I’m not going to mention that. However I feel the following needs to be addressed.

1- Why are the current leaderboards based off the individual player and not a team? I understand there needs to be some sort of option added to guild wars 2 to differentiate a “team” from a “guild”. Currently the only way is to make a guild with a team name and call it the team. The two should be each their own. A guild when it comes to guild wars 2 Spvp ONLY is meaningless. Of course when it comes to pve, and world v world there is of a meaning and benefit to being in a guild.

The solution to this would require two things. First a complete rework of the leaderboards would be required, base the rankings based off each team, NOT each player. Therefore by doing that not only would you require each team to stick together longer and work together, but you would in turn have more active teams playing. Therefore promoting more people to create teams and join in and compete. The more teams that play, the more attention for the game, which will spark new players that have not played yet. It’s a win win.

Number 2 would be making a team based slot for the current team your currently with. This team “whatever the name of the team is” will be what’s shown on the leaderboards. Also there should be a rule that only the 5 members who have played the majority of games with said team will be displayed based off how good or bad they do on the leaderboards, "Or atleast something to differentiate the number of games each player has played . So for example, if you have 5 players to start. And a sixth member joins in, then the #6 guy will not have his name displayed on the leaderboards until he plays a majority number of games, therefore earning his place on that particular team.

The next topic is SPvP roster Signup

This has been bothering me ever since guild wars 2 was released, and it continues to bring down the game. The fact that you can swap out characters in a tourne game is utterly pathetic. Never in a organized game like this have I ever seen such abuse when it comes to counter comping, and swapping out a character for another one in mid match to attempt to gain a advantage over the opposite team.

I’ve seen time and time again how the teams would go in, check out their composition and then character change because they feel as if they would lose because of what they brought to the table. My response to this is simple. If you honestly feel the need to swap out characters in a attempt to counter comp then you honestly don’t deserve to play Spvp. Not only does it undermine the entire thought process of team synergy, but it’s just downright cheap. I’ve seen people treat it like e-bay in a sense. swapping out characters until the timer runs out before the match starts. And whoever is the quickest or the last to switch responding to the opposing team wins, because they counter comp’d last.

My solution to this problem is to lock your characters when you register for a tourne. It’s a simple solution, that would make Spvp so much more fun. This promotes teams to synergize with the comp that they feel would do well, NOT to go with another comp last minute based off what team they face.

The last topic is Seeing the team your facing before the match starts.

Personally I don’t think you should be able to see any roster at all in Spvp. Period. This actually tests teams to actually think on their feet, to be able to devise certain strats based off what team there facing ON THE FLY. Of course it’s common knowledge that teams currently playing have strats that work well against some compositions but on the flip side do not work well against others. Not being able to see the team your facing until the game physically starts would give things like the element of surprise meaning again. This idea also has no negative aspect’s to it when it comes to balance and fairness, and would be a great addition to guild wars 2 along with the rest of ideas I presented in my humble opinion.

Thank you for reading this, and let me know what you guys think.

Your Pal —- Countless

leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


bump bump bump bump

leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


While a team ranking obviously makes a lot of sense given other games/sports. This is very presumptuous of me, but it seems like many players rather be individually ranked. If that’s what most want then I guess it makes sense to prioritize individual ranks + teams fall apart so easily it’s probably easier to do it like this.

I agree with your 2, I believe anet agrees with it and many players but they’re working on other things (which I don’t disagree with).

I think 3 is certainly valid. Seeing the other team should take place after you’re locked in.

The great forum duppy.

leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Solutions too EEEZZEEE

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

leaderboards, Tourne Signup - Issues

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


I really don’t understand why the kitten they dont implement TeamQueue ?!

It really make me think to quit playing cause in 90% of the cases you soloqueue you lose and play agains a premade .

Is it really so hard to create a seperate team-queue ?

They even have teamnames ingame, and you can sign up as team, so why the heck they dont split ?

Scared of the fact that only 10 teams are left in all EU ?

How about adding some (really) nice ingame items for the top 10 at the end of the month.

And something for soloqueue as well ( perhaps top 100 ) ?