pvp sucks and heres why:

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Axl.8924


I can’t seem to find a team to group with ever.I was waiting for a long time to form a group for unranked and no ranked team.

I was being voted to be kicked for unranked on ele(Dumb)

Nobody even talks to me when i teamsay hi and they just ignore me.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Omcrazy.4756


If you don’t have people to partner with just soloQ, that’s what a lot of people do. It won’t really hurt you in unranked. You’ll occasionally get wrecked by a 4 person party or something but more often than not you will only see duos or trios at most, and 50% chance they are on your team.

I’ve literally never been vote kicked or seen it done, didn’t even know it was possible until this post. This leads me to wonder about the answer to my next paragraph.

True, people are fairly unresponsive, but… I still typically see some responses to a hello. Maybe not the entire team, but 1 or 2. Only exception is when the person is being obnoxious. Are you being obnoxious? Are you really just saying hi or are you saying something annoying like “hi guys, please don’t suck like my last team” because thats a quick way to get ignored.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Axl.8924


No i just said hello guys and thats it.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: LUST.7241


PvP sucks because you tried making a party for Unranked and the one time you did no one responded to you? Ok…

Did you use the LFG system? If you did: More likely than not you created an LFG in the wrong subsection and were kicked because of it. If you want a party for PvP, you join the PvP lobby and ask in chat.

It takes a while to make a group for PvP as most players just Solo.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Axl.8924


I made a group for unranked in the lfg section and there was nobody, and reason was because i was told that i shouldn’t be calling out in map asking for group because i won’t find any or it will be for ranked.I actually did find one once and i said specifically for my druid on non ranked match and it was a thief for ranked.Granted:I had fun.

(edited by Axl.8924)

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Omcrazy.4756


I made a group for unranked in the lfg section and there was nobody, and reason was because i was told that i shouldn’t be calling out in map asking for group because i won’t find any or it will be for ranked.I actually did find one once and i said specifically for my druid on non ranked match and it was a thief for ranked.Granted:I had fun.

Solo Q or look for an spvp guild to play with (or friends). I don’t believe the LFG tool is used very much for spvp unranked matches. A) Ranked season is currently going on so serious pvpers are typically playing ranked (solo or duo only) and there is already matchmaking so why make a point of bringing an LFG tool built PUG? You’ll get a PUG just by queuing.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Axl.8924


I made a group for unranked in the lfg section and there was nobody, and reason was because i was told that i shouldn’t be calling out in map asking for group because i won’t find any or it will be for ranked.I actually did find one once and i said specifically for my druid on non ranked match and it was a thief for ranked.Granted:I had fun.

Solo Q or look for an spvp guild to play with (or friends). I don’t believe the LFG tool is used very much for spvp unranked matches. A) Ranked season is currently going on so serious pvpers are typically playing ranked (solo or duo only) and there is already matchmaking so why make a point of bringing an LFG tool built PUG? You’ll get a PUG just by queuing.

the reason being i want to find a decent team to play with so i don’t die all the time and can have fun.Its no fun being downed in seconds by enemy team cause the random pug don’t care, cause eles are weak vs condies.

Btw thanks for keeping topic civil omcrazy.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Omcrazy.4756


That’s reasonable, but my experience as a solo Q is its still about 50/50. I just wouldn’t expect too many people will want to do unranked pvp right now.

I would take it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Most Ele I see in ranked are pretty tough to take down. Check out metabattle builds and videos and builds in the forum, etc. Not to say its your fault you are getting rolled, sometimes bad matches happen and there is nothing you can do about it. Especially in unranked where the skill levels can be so variable.

But I wouldn’t say pvp sucks because you can’t find a group. I just think people are less likely to want to sit in the LFG tool just so they can build a PUG (with randoms they don’t know anything about) and then join an unranked match (in the middle of ranked season) with that PUG. If you do find people who are willing to spend the time sitting in LFG to find a group, they are likely to be more picky about who they let join. Not sure why they would autokick an elementalist, but maybe that was just that one time and they kicked you for other reasons (ie, had a friend logging in to join or

Also, another thought. After an unranked match you have an opportunity to join up and queue with teammates (left side of the score screen). If you find yourself with a decent team or a team you want to play more with, suggest they group up at the end. Now you’ve got yourself a little premade.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: Axl.8924


Granted you can maybe get a guild for pvp but the biggest reason is toxicity.
I was actually told to shut up and one person was angry and said he hated necros wanted them to be nerfed into the ground wanted reaper nerfed and wasn’t being objective said we are op cause i was complaining that reaper gets shut down super easy outside of reaper which is a very tanky, but thats a different topic.Another guy was whining about thieves and wanting shorbow to be nerfed and i was like:You guys ever going to be happy? what do you want? thieves to just stand still and be free kills? you wanted them to be nerfed in dodges now they trait dodge into condies and go shortbow and d/p.

Granted there was 1 guy who was nice enough to talk to me after i blocked the trolls, but yeah there are quite a lot em.

pvp sucks and heres why:

in PvP

Posted by: LUST.7241


People aren’t always going to approve what you do. The best you can do is ignore them and play the best you can and making sure you are getting the best out of your profession (following the respective meta build is a good start).

Same goes for any mode (PvE, WvW, PvP), you will have some toxicity. Just in PvP, people want to win and as toxic as it may get, you shouldn’t read into so much. Just ignore them and move on.

There’s always room for improvement. If you are doing your best, you’ll notice way less toxicity headed your way. And if toxicity is headed your way, just don’t respond to it.