would you play paids more if. (please reply)
I find it really cool. Especially the reward.
after doing pug paids and playing with alot of new ppl latly my point on needing an advanced playlist because of ppl needing to learn how to play was just re confirmed.
putting a ladder into this game right now is going to utterly kill it. there is noone ready for it. i can say maybe 2 teams are ready to compete in a ladder but we will absolutley dominate everyone else and they are going to get discouraged and then it ill be worse then it is now cause noone will q for ladder because they know ladder matters and looking bad on a ranking system wont fly with ppl.
i never get replies from devs on these types of posts but can i get a reply on this one if its possible or what your thoughs are?
i had the number one pvp team on SWTOR and this is what happened we win all the time 99% win rate then ranked comes out cause ppl was crying they want ranked (but noone was able to practice with 8 ppl for ranked) then we won 90% of ranked every team quit but 3 so it got boreing and we quit for GW2
if ppl dont have more time to practice ladder wont help infact its going to make less teams imo. and everyone that disagrees with me is wrong.
This is one of the best ideas I have ever seen on this forum!
The rewards might have to be reduced though for 2nd,3rd and 4th place for 2 reasons :
1. Give some meaning to winning 1st and 2nd place and not a mere 20-40 gems difference
2. Anet greedy financial people will never agree to handing gems so easily. They already reduced gems for 1st and 2nd place once for no apparent reason.
2nd place = 80 gems
3rd place = 4 tickets 30 gems
4th place = 4 tickets
P.S. I am still baffled as to WHY they removed 4 tickets reward from 3rd and 4th place. They just like killing competitive PVP in any way possible. Guess too much of a hassle.
(edited by Shay.7534)
Well, it’s quite simple: the better you play, better rewards you get and longer you play (more fun you have). Seems quite legit for me.
when i go into tournaments there is 2-3 teams i want to go up against and its not to beat them to laugh at them like it may seem but the reason is for me to get better as a player and teach teammates how to get better.
but what makes me mad is we play a new team and i get whispers
“really we have to play the best mesmer”
“this is why we dont q”
“great a top team im done with paids”
“5 tickets down the drain ty SAtaarcoeny”
devs cheak my whispers this is what i get all day and its dumb.
implement this system and all the discouragement will be gone ppl wont fell like they wasted 5 tickets for nothing. please acknowledge this post
I definitely agree with what Sataarcoeny is bringing to the table right now. GW2/Devs please take note that as of right now, the reward system is not greater than the actual risk of queing for paids.
When you que up, your goal is to win… Plain and simple. If your a brand new team that can’t make it past 1st round because you keep going against more experienced teams, then the incentive to play is gone.
Making a team is more than just having skilled players. You have to take motivation and morale into account. I know multiple teams that have broken up just because of either of those issues alone.
Anet, GIVE people the incentive to que and keep on pushing. You will never see new teams, nor Esport play if people don’t have the motivation to keep on playing.
The rewards from paid tournaments need to be sought after, in my opinion. It should be something more than just paid tournament gear and some gems. The items in the gem store aren’t enticing as it is. I truly only ever use my gems to buy more tickets, and get gold every once in awhile.
As Sataarcoeny stated above, the only reason to actually compete in paid tournaments is bragging rights. Nothing more, nothing less. It is long gone to even remotely think about being on top of the QP Leaderboard for new teams. Sure, the people that are on top keep pushing for a better place on that leaderboard, but what about new teams with 0 QPs? They truly will never catch up unless the other top players on that leaderboard stop playing or quit the game. Give NEW and OLD teams alike more incentive to play, and you’ll have a broader player base.
The End.
QT Vain
Team [CUTE]
QT Vain
Anet needs to do something ASAP. The game in its current state is pathetic, no matter how good the pvp combat is. Structured PVP is not going anywhere when there’s an active population of less than couple hundred players.
@Anet, go F2P please, swallow your pride and do it, cause you know this kitten is fading
I definitely agree with what Sataarcoeny is bringing to the table right now. GW2/Devs please take note that as of right now, the reward system is not greater than the actual risk of queing for paids.
When you que up, your goal is to win… Plain and simple. If your a brand new team that can’t make it past 1st round because you keep going against more experienced teams, then the incentive to play is gone.
Making a team is more than just having skilled players. You have to take motivation and morale into account. I know multiple teams that have broken up just because of either of those issues alone.
Anet, GIVE people the incentive to que and keep on pushing. You will never see new teams, nor Esport play if people don’t have the motivation to keep on playing.
The rewards from paid tournaments need to be sought after, in my opinion. It should be something more than just paid tournament gear and some gems. The items in the gem store aren’t enticing as it is. I truly only ever use my gems to buy more tickets, and get gold every once in awhile.
As Sataarcoeny stated above, the only reason to actually compete in paid tournaments is bragging rights. Nothing more, nothing less. It is long gone to even remotely think about being on top of the QP Leaderboard for new teams. Sure, the people that are on top keep pushing for a better place on that leaderboard, but what about new teams with 0 QPs? They truly will never catch up unless the other top players on that leaderboard stop playing or quit the game. Give NEW and OLD teams alike more incentive to play, and you’ll have a broader player base.
The End.
QT Vain
I support this post.
Well Whale Well
QT Vain’s first post ever is in this thread. It must be important. Reward changes sound good.
I’m not entirely sure about the system. I’m going to talk about free tournaments, but i have a countless number of matchs where my party is 4/5 ( from the beginning or during the match), whether we’re winning or not.
Usually the player isn’t reconnecting so, having to play 2 more rounds with less players isn’t really passionating. I believe the actual system is good because you can do an other tournament directly if you lose.
However, i do agree with rewards.
great idea.
main problem are tournaments, thats the worst main mode i have ever see…
but lets give ANet a chance and wait until they implement rating…
but seriously, im afraid tournaments + rating will be epic fail if they implement it this way :/ GW2 just dont have enough SPVP players to get this work, even now, paids are almost unplayable and frees are closer and closer to “prime time only” mode
(edited by MaXi.3642)
i read so many things about try again and again but in the current system when you lose your out and cant try again its just epic fail.
if you lose then you have to wait 45 min to an hour to try again all that happens in that hour is finger blaming eachother (no thats not good) felling mad and getting un hype. so the next game your not fully in it to win it
when you fall off a horse you need to get right back on it. so apply that saying to this game. if you lose roun d one dont give ppl time to freak out let them play round 2 then 3. even if they lose all 3 rounds they still get practice on all 3 plus they got to play instead of yell at eachother while they either wait for next one or stop q ing all together cause losing round one is curage breaking.
yeah this is a really good idea if they want to stick with the tournament system.
It’s not about rewards, but about being able to play more. Especially teams that get knocked out on the first round because they go up against a top team.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends
Bump. Keep this on the top of the forum until we get a response from a developer – I’d be much less hesitant to pay 5 tickets for a paid tourney if I knew my team was going to get 3 games to practice, and we didn’t have to wait 2 hours for 1 game. This would literally reinvigorate my interest in this game, and I imagine that it would do the same for many other players.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Hope this is seen by a dev and they have something to support your idea! Seems promising. ~Zyphics
+1 awesome idea
+7. Best idea yet, but seeing how ANet refuses to even acknowledge players’ ideas on how to improve the flawed current system… This post is only a fairy tale. If ANet does actually look at this and take a chance to change the system, I would bet money that PvP would see a very large increase in competitive teams (considering there are only about 10-15 decent teams in the entire game).
Currently the game is single elimination style. Making it as SAtaarcoeny suggested or Double elimination isn’t a huge change. There are many different styles of brackets and ways to run a tournament. I’m glad they stuck with they most typical style at first, because the game is new. But I’m sure with all the positive feedback of this post Anet is sure to be doing some internal testing of some new styles; hopefully something that will promote the most game play.
Well actually yeah they could copy GW1 style tournaments, just with 3 rounds, even 8 teams. They don’t have to make anything new, just implement the system they already have.
I would play so many more paids if this were the case because waiting all that time to get in the tourny [Espcially with a pug team] and then having one fifteen minute or less match blows. this is a could idea and should be incorporated into the game.
This idea sounds great with an ACTUAL structured ranking system. glares at anet
<3 Pintresting
(edited by Reveaux.5720)
Paid tourneys are like Disney World right now… You wait an hour to go once and it’s a 5 minute ride lol
While I think the horrible idea of tournaments should be scrapped entirely, if they want to keep this piece of sh system they should definitely make this adjustment.
yes yes YES YES YES
very good idea
People can practice more and Play more competetive games
but by the way i have a second gameaccount on NA Server but i havent gotten any paidtourneychests. I WAN MY QUALIPOINTZZZZ ’n tickets^^ why cant i Play with american menz . they are so nice and friendly
I support this post 100%. As a member of a new team trying to become competitive in the NA tpvp scene its incredibly demoralizing to get to the first round and just get wrecked by some of the top teams, often all we see all night. So rather than keep wasting our tickets we que up for frees to make some back and get practice vs. a good team hopefully third round.
This would allow people to practice vs. similar caliber teams and not have to do frees because playing vs. pugs isnt as fun as games in paids where we’re forced to make a lord rush at the end and win by 6 points.
-Three Cap Fore [Cast]
Okay I’ve been doing some more thinking about paid tournaments, and i need a few questions answered, and these questions will be directed towards sataar and anyone else who wants paids to pop more.
1. What is the goal behind these changes? If the plan is to make paids pop almost as often as frees through ticket refunds then what would be the difference?
2. I like your previous idea of an advanced option acting as a medium between paids and frees. But wouldn’t a well thought out matchmaking system that seperates people according to their skill levels do this better?
I think the ultimate goal for all of us who wants arena net to succeed is having Guild Wars 2 become popular, fun and hopefully an e-sport. While almost any change at this point would be beneficial, we have to look at cost and I’m not sure this sort of change would be in everyone’s best interests in light of other changes.
Allow me to elaborate, potentially the reason why paids are not popping very often is that there arn’t enough players willing or able enough to sustain paids. Now what seems to be most people’s solution to this problem is offering a ticket refund similar to what arena net already had in place before the latest reward change. But that system didn’t help queues…
The reason why I think it didn’t help queues is because it did nothing to support the overall population. This lead me to thinking that maybe the best way to get people into paids is have more people doing free tournaments. Free tournaments, are reasonably appealing to everyone except for those who get bored from stomping noobs, and noobs who get bored from getting stomped.
This train of thought has lead me to believe that a matchmaking system in frees which has a population to sustain it, might coerce newer players into sPvP. More players > more tickets > more paids.
This is based on a lot of assumptions and I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on it!
Good teams simply need to be on good terms with one another and set up private scrims in 5v5 servers. This is how most teams from other competitive games practice and it avoids the demoralizing issue. A proper ladder is there for use during down time.
Paids should be completely scrapped. It is a system for a card game which not even the online versions of said card game use. Paids just have too much on the line and really just promotes bad blood between teams.
(edited by Fourth.1567)
Get a ladder system.
While Sataa thinks a ladder will kill the game I am not talking about a team ladder. This game needs a solo queue ladder, which will pair them up with teammates and enemies close to their rating levels. This will allow newer players to come into the game and start on a level playing field instead of getting frustrated from losing the first map 500-0 and quitting the game.
Once a ladder system is in place more teams will start to form due to an increased interest in the game. People with similar ladder rankings can form a team and then start to join a team ladder. This will grow both the overall sPvP population and then, once players feel up to it, the tourny team pool.
I have not seen ANY of the players on the other team [Screen below] since that happened, a month ago. These people end up quitting, not re-queuing. There is no incentive for new players to play, so they get nothing for winning and lose everything when they get defeated.
Okay I’ve been doing some more thinking about paid tournaments, and i need a few questions answered, and these questions will be directed towards sataar and anyone else who wants paids to pop more.
1. What is the goal behind these changes? If the plan is to make paids pop almost as often as frees through ticket refunds then what would be the difference?
2. I like your previous idea of an advanced option acting as a medium between paids and frees. But wouldn’t a well thought out matchmaking system that seperates people according to their skill levels do this better?
I think the ultimate goal for all of us who wants arena net to succeed is having Guild Wars 2 become popular, fun and hopefully an e-sport. While almost any change at this point would be beneficial, we have to look at cost and I’m not sure this sort of change would be in everyone’s best interests in light of other changes.
Allow me to elaborate, potentially the reason why paids are not popping very often is that there arn’t enough players willing or able enough to sustain paids. Now what seems to be most people’s solution to this problem is offering a ticket refund similar to what arena net already had in place before the latest reward change. But that system didn’t help queues…
The reason why I think it didn’t help queues is because it did nothing to support the overall population. This lead me to thinking that maybe the best way to get people into paids is have more people doing free tournaments. Free tournaments, are reasonably appealing to everyone except for those who get bored from stomping noobs, and noobs who get bored from getting stomped.
This train of thought has lead me to believe that a matchmaking system in frees which has a population to sustain it, might coerce newer players into sPvP. More players > more tickets > more paids.
This is based on a lot of assumptions and I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on it!
A rank based matchmaking system will take time and resources (Obviously, seeing as we still don’t have one). In the interim, matching the losing teams up against eachother is a psuedo-matchmaking system that will make everyone happier – In conjunction with more teams playing, its more opportunities to practice with your team, to see what work and what doesn’t, and you’re not always playing experienced teams that just stomp you – those guys are winning first second and third places, while your team gets to keep playing at least against teams hopefully more your skill level. It also gives the losing teams at least something to try for (I’d enjoy it more if I came in 7th place by virtue of winning a game, rather than the current system).
Free tournaments at the moment are a bit poor – you very rarely find an “average” team – it’s generally pugs who get stomped, or teams good enough to play paids stomping you. This obviously isn’t always the case, but Sataar’s suggestion goes a long way towards making tPvP fun IMO.
There’s also the issue of waiting – I’d like to be able to queue for a paid tourney, and be confident that its going to pop in 15 minutes or less (lets assume prime time here) – I’ve got a job,responsibilities and a wife, I can’t queue up for a paid tourney and wait 1-2 hours for it to pop. I’ve got over 100 tourney tickets sitting around – the last thing I want to do is spend 5 of them, wait an hour and 20 minutes, then play a 500-100 blowout game for 5 minutes against an experienced team so I can get out and do it all over again.
If we adopted Sataars suggestion, even if that team annihilated us the first round, there’s a chance that the second and third rounds could go differently (and at least I’m getting 3 games for my hour and 15 minute wait).
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
So you are pretty much talking about a swiss where everyone gets to play everyone? As someone who frequently plays magic the gathering, this is simply how all 8 player drafts are done. I think it’s a fantastic idea!
You would run into the issue of a pug giving up hope after round 1 or 2 and one or more people dropping out, so then you would have to award byes to the odd numbered team. Enjoy sitting around for 15min in the mists twiddling your thumbs waiting for rounds to start. lol Still, a good idea.
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry
Another thing, free tourny rewards are useless to anyone who’s done them 100 times. I stopped opening my chests from them a long time ago because it’s more of a hassle to salvage what’s inside them than to just let them sit there.
Okay I’ve been doing some more thinking about paid tournaments, and i need a few questions answered, and these questions will be directed towards sataar and anyone else who wants paids to pop more.
1. What is the goal behind these changes? If the plan is to make paids pop almost as often as frees through ticket refunds then what would be the difference?
2. I like your previous idea of an advanced option acting as a medium between paids and frees. But wouldn’t a well thought out matchmaking system that seperates people according to their skill levels do this better?
I think the ultimate goal for all of us who wants arena net to succeed is having Guild Wars 2 become popular, fun and hopefully an e-sport. While almost any change at this point would be beneficial, we have to look at cost and I’m not sure this sort of change would be in everyone’s best interests in light of other changes.
Allow me to elaborate, potentially the reason why paids are not popping very often is that there arn’t enough players willing or able enough to sustain paids. Now what seems to be most people’s solution to this problem is offering a ticket refund similar to what arena net already had in place before the latest reward change. But that system didn’t help queues…
The reason why I think it didn’t help queues is because it did nothing to support the overall population. This lead me to thinking that maybe the best way to get people into paids is have more people doing free tournaments. Free tournaments, are reasonably appealing to everyone except for those who get bored from stomping noobs, and noobs who get bored from getting stomped.
This train of thought has lead me to believe that a matchmaking system in frees which has a population to sustain it, might coerce newer players into sPvP. More players > more tickets > more paids.
This is based on a lot of assumptions and I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on it!
From what I see this would do a couple things. I don’t think it’s an alternative to matchmaking, or anything like that. I think matchmaking is the single most important thing this game needs right now. However, I see this as an improvement to the tournament system if Arenanet chooses to keep running with it.
The idea is that currently 4/8 teams play 1 round, lose, and then have to wait for the next round, sometimes 2 rounds, to play paid tournaments again. It’s like this because there aren’t 50 paid tournaments going on at one time. So this change would allow people to continue playing the paid tournament for all 3 rounds.
1. Not as many people are waiting around for the next paid tournament to pop
2. You have a better chance of playing people around your skill-level for more exciting matches. The top teams will move on like always, but now the middle-tier teams will be more likely to play each other in the “lower bracket” rounds. It’s like a semi-matchmaking system. And when mid-tier teams start beating other mid-tier teams, they’ll start getting hungry to play top-tier teams instead of saying in map chat “nooo it’s X, gg.”
3. You will get a specific rank. So lets say you’re a mid-level team and you queue a paid. You play a top team and lose badly. Now you think you suck, and you feel like you came in last. With this new change you get to play again, and then one more time so that yeah maybe you lost the first round, but you ended up winning the next one and losing the last so you got 6th. It might not seem like much, but it’ll be a big boost psychologically for most people.
4. People get to play more. They’re spending 5 tickets now to play 3 rounds no matter what. The final rewards don’t change, but they get more fun for the same amount of tickets. Currently if you lose the first round you spend 5 tickets for 5-10 minutes of playing. With this change, you spend 5 tickets and get 30?+ minutes of playing. That’s a big difference.
5. More people will start playing. You won’t see 50 paid tournament queues at once, but it will probably get more people to start playing. Especially on nights where we can coordinate people from top teams to lead pugs.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends
I think this sort of scheme would be great for both paid and free. The 5th-8th slots in frees just giving a lump of glory/rank rather than anything special, but still giving those of us that pug a chance to experience something other than Forest of Niflhel for the eight hundredth time (which was my least favorite map before I even started doing TPvP) sometimes followed by a very abrupt stomping in Foefire when the premade we managed to dodge a match up with in round one finds us in round two.
@follidus Alright I can understand that, but if this system were to be implemented the tournaments would take longer because no one is getting kicked out of first round, thus making the next tournament queue take longer.
Idk why I’m being such a pessimist today lol, but I’ll say one thing. I would rather this system be implemented than what’s currently in place. I would like matchmaking first but I would rather have this be the next major change following matchmaking or something similar than obs mode/custom servers.
I think something of this nature would be a step forward to fixing the lack of fun problem.
Someone once told me that tournaments arnt that great because you still feel like you lost even if you get second place. Maybe sataars change would do something to address that.
(edited by HappinessFactory.4910)
Forgot to add that this is an awesome idea, but the major problem now is how can Anet attract more players into Structured PVP? Will a potential buyer look at GW2 and think “Oh em gee, it has a ranking system, I must buy” — Probably not.
To get anywhere near E-sports the game must have a big kitten population, some (not all) competitive players do not see the incentive to commit to a game when what it seems is to be a dying MMO. I THINK the only solution now is to go F2P, as horrible as that sounds (BRs inc), I don’t see any other way for the population to grow atm. Pardon my lack of hope for this game but don’t get me wrong I love gw2 and would love to see it become successful.
Forgot to add that this is an awesome idea, but the major problem now is how can Anet attract more players into Structured PVP? Will a potential buyer look at GW2 and think “Oh em gee, it has a ranking system, I must buy” — Probably not.
To get anywhere near E-sports the game must have a big kitten population, some (not all) competitive players do not see the incentive to commit to a game when what it seems is to be a dying MMO. I THINK the only solution now is to go F2P, as horrible as that sounds (BRs inc), I don’t see any other way for the population to grow atm. Pardon my lack of hope for this game but don’t get me wrong I love gw2 and would love to see it become successful.
But it should be quick and easy to implement – there’s no need for new complicated measures, just have everyone progress to the next map, with matchups based on whether they won or lost. It should take less than a week to design, test, and implement this change, and it would do wonders as a holdover for bigger changes.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
I think giving teams more play time within a tournament queue will open up doors. The chances for a newly formed team to encounter a solid synergized team in a paid queue are very high. As mentioned earlier, these new teams, if encountering a solidified team, will generally lose on Forest of Niflhel and must usually wait for that entire tournament to be over with in order get another chance to even get some practice in. Rewards aside, these teams spend much more time waiting for a new tournament cycle than they do playing the game, and when they finally do play they revisit the same situation and it then turns into a vicious cycle. This means that new teams actually have the odds of even just getting solid practice in against them, which leaves very little room to grow. I support any idea that can help these teams play and have an active environment to grow in. Great read and I love the positive comments given to support new players thrive and enjoy their time within our small but convicted PvP scene!
(edited by Gasmask The Suffocating.2567)
I’m just curious why 7th place gets gems, but 6th doesn’t (in your list of suggested rewards)
If I was there, i’d rather lose on purpose for 7th place just to get the gems lmao.
Definitely a great idea, My team is a newer team so getting to practice more against the Top teams would be a great thing.
Necro – Team U S A [USA]
@devilesglare your my favorite person in GW2
@absigal. i wouldnt want this system in free tournaments just in paids. there is no reason to have to stick around in a pug because like u said ppl do just leave
@maxi . i agree
@follidous exactly bro ppl want to play above all else
@evilapprentance. this is the type of reply i wanted i want to know that it will get ppl playing and having fun getting better.
@walrox you read it here first bro give johnathon sharpe credit he will light a fire under anet to put this in after the attention its gonna get. just have hope
@seether. yeah bro i for some reason really like tournament mode and i think anet wants to keep it around. so with that in mind this idea was created its what i think will let them keep there system in place and we can start having fun and getting better instead of waiting 3-4 months for them to make a new system
@ultima yeah man ty for support and i hope they fix the chest bug soon i had that problem on EU.
@shannanagins ty another exact reason i made this post was for ppl like you. i want your new team to be successful and not get disscoraged. ty for the reply
@happy…… …… …… ….. … .. . . . ok i read it all nvm there is another book… …. … .. .. .. ok finished. so my overal goal for this new system is having more ppl do paids because paids make you better. less teams will break up because now u wont sit around for 1 hour fighting about why sataarcoeny aka best mesmer beat you. they will keep playing. yes you fall off a horse u get mad and frustrated but like they say if u fall off the horse you need to get right back on. (if you lose first match u need to play again not wait 1 hour)
I would like to see a 4 teams champ:ionship:
first map
A vs B
C vs D
second map
A vs C
B vs D
third map
A vs D
B vs C
the team who score the highest numbers of victories win.
Was playing paid pugs for the past 1.5 hours and got teamed up against Super Squad lads three times in a row, which obviously left us with gaping buttholes and shattered dreams. QQ
1: i see your frustration in your post bro but 2 things i gotta say. great teams dont wanna set up scrims we just dont its not fun for us and no reward we want that anticipation on who we playing and what map.
2: anet spent 5+ years making this system i dont want them to scrap it for that reason alone. lets give it a chance we been basshing tournaments since day one. if they apply this change trust me you will love this game again.
@narcisis like i said above anet is different lets not make them like everypne else they want a tournament style not a solo q style. yes a solo style is easier for everyone but that too leads to problems even for top teams. trust me i have been at the top a long time and seen what beating other top players does to them at least a tournament style gives variety to everyone. learning new playstyles and strats not building a strat and comp just to try and beat SAtaarcoeny.
@infatum. ty bro for your post i never considered ppl in free might like this also. if you can do me a favor and all weekend when you do frees can you post this post in map chat so we can get more opinions from ppl that do free to see if they want this also for free tournaments.
@happy. i fell you bro this game has been making even the best of us fell a little pesimistic but more paids would pop you wont have to worry about sitting around the mist as much anymore for 2 reasons.
1: more teams will q because of the second reason so you can be in q faster
2: teams will be able to play every map and get better nomatter the outcome
3: (i hope everyone laughs here)
@klassic. we do have a huge population i dont know if ppl realize that but if everyone in hotjoin made a team at any given time we could have over 400 teams on all day. now lets give them a reason to play what they should be playing
@evilapprentance. i hope they can put this in by janurary 14th.
@raeblfl i made these rewards based off of what i would want if i got these places. and no you wouldnt just lose from 6th for 7th place because that isnt even possible because 5th plays 6th. you would have to lose your chance at 5th place for a chance at 7th
so go hard bro all day.
@fusion. another great reply this is why we need this good luck bro.
I think giving teams more play time within a tournament queue will open up doors. The chances for a newly formed team to encounter a solid synergized team in a paid queue are very high. As mentioned earlier, these new teams, if encountering a solidified team, will generally lose on Forest of Niflhel and must usually wait for that entire tournament to be over with in order get another chance to even get some practice in. Rewards aside, these teams spend much more time waiting for a new tournament cycle than they do playing the game, and when they finally do play they revisit the same situation and it then turns into a vicious cycle. This means that new teams actually have the odds of even just getting solid practice in against them, which leaves very little room to grow. I support any idea that can help these teams play and have an active environment to grow in. Great read and I love the positive comments given to support new players thrive and enjoy their time within our small but convicted PvP scene!
you know i have to give you a individual reply cause i know u need my full undivied center of attention. great reply bro exactly on point.
Was playing paid pugs for the past 1.5 hours and got teamed up against Super Squad lads three times in a row, which obviously left us with gaping buttholes and shattered dreams. QQ
Offtopic: Hurr Durrr. You elitist. Making mom-jokes in HoM. :p Remember me? (the r11 desperately looking for groups :p).
Anyway, on-topic!
Great idea, I’d like to do paids sometime. And the gems as a reward are very attractive.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Really solid suggestion overall, gives those teams knocked out early some more PvP.
If they don’t want to rework the whole “tournament-system” (which means only ONE map instead of three per queue), than this is the only way I see for them reattracting people back for GW2 pvp.
I really hope SAtaarcoeny’s suggestions is getting the attention it deserves!