[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ravrohan.8231


I saw in another thread some people were put back several steps in their quest as a way to get a clean fix. I would happily accept being put back to where we select our greatest fear if it mean I got to move forward again. Or just to be skipped ahead to the next quest.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eskali.1380


Im still experiencing the bug with talking to Trehearne on my Engineer, my Thief did this just fine.

@doxxx.9206 @AlySedai.6147 sometimes the NPC’s die that are meant to help, you either need to reset and keep them alive or jump down the side to avoid the Knights and then kite and kill groups one at a time, its doable.

Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.

(edited by Eskali.1380)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: charmandah.4216


I too have gotten stuck at Take back the Docks. The knights keep respawning, and all the mobs are non-aggressive toward the instance leader, but aggressive for the rest of the team. I’ve done most of the story quests co-op and my greatest fear was letting someone down.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: LexusSinn.3985


I’m stuck and have been since my bf and I played like a month ago. We have done everything together, we did this part of our story, his updated, mine did not, and I’m still stuck at this part of my personal story even after the update. It just won’t start. Trahearne won’t activate the next part of the story after discussing the Asuran gates. I’m frustrated as it seems my copy of GW2 is perpetually broken and his is working like a charm, 10 feet away from me!!! Please fix this so I can continue on with what GW2 was suppposed to be about, PERSONAL STORY!!! Thank you for your time

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: exilez.4085


Also stuck on this quest. Im on the Defending the Docks part. The undead ships appear and I get one wave of mobs appear at the end of the docks which are easily killed and then nothing happens.

Orpheus Volkov
Sylvari Ranger level 76
Durmond Priory – previous quest was “Intercepting the Orb”

Swam under the docks and when I came out of the water I could see the nameplate of a mob stuck under the docks in an area I cannot reach. This would appear to be why things are bugged because not all the mobs are dead but equally I cannot reach the last remaining one that is still alive.

Pic attached to show where the mob is located under the docks.


(edited by exilez.4085)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: exilez.4085


Cant edit my post above – but managed to get the quest working by going to the end of the left pier and dying when the mobs spawned there. When I respawned – the NPCs had killed the mobs for me and the quest then proceeded as it should and I managed to complete it.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer



I just found and fixed (for reals) the problem with the story stalling when you tried to talk to Trahearne. Turned out to be some corrupt data, so it looked ok in some cases, but was failing on the Live server. While I was at it, I also thinned out a lot of the spawns. I’m still seeing weird name color issues at the end, and I’ve asked our programmers to look into it. (They’re showing up on the correct hostile team, but displaying the wrong color for some players.) It’s currently in the queue for our testing department to run through it, I’ve asked that this be expedited and added to the 10/8 update since this story step has been such a huge problem.

Since it’s 4:30pm local time, it won’t hit testing until tomorrow, but I’ll post another update once I get approval to add this to the 10/8 update.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Byakko.8124


Yea i am still stalling at Trahearne, hopefully after the 10/8 ill be able to proceed!

Thanks Senior Vaughn!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Venn.8931


Yay! Glad to see the data was found. Thank you for the update!

Maybe it’s the same data that’s messing up those Asura Gates!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Byakko.8124


Yay! Glad to see the data was found. Thank you for the update!

Maybe it’s the same data that’s messing up those Asura Gates!

LMFAO ive probably heard the conversation 100 times

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


hope per 10/8

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Relica.5023


Thanks for getting back to us on this again. Hopefully it will be (for reals) fixed this next time. Sorry to say, but this has turned me into the pessimist.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Update 2:

Sounds like the fixes passed stage 1 of testing, so they’re moving it into the 10/8 update for further testing. Specifically, this should fix the block for some folks when they talk to Trahearne at the start, and reduces a lot of the spawns across the story step. There’s still some funkiness with the enemies at the end displaying as white/yellow instead of red, but that’s a seperate issue we’re looking into for a later update.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


I am not having a problem with the start, there is a risen stuck under the dock. I ran around the outside and let the veteran ogres kill me ( really didnt have much choice ) the re spawning didn’t solve the issue. I cant kill it because I cant get to it.

I left the instance and restarted it, I made sure on the defend the docks portion I cleared the left side spawn first and the rest of the mission was trouble free.

(edited by Sandie.1964)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: drumbum.7045


Race: Norn
Class: Guardian
I ran into the issue with this part of the story this morning. I can get all the way up the “defend the docks” section, and then the mobs never show up. The cannons will continuously fire at the ship (causing no damage), and I’m left to sit around doing nothing. I have had no issues with any aspect of the story up until now.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eye of the Night.2157

Eye of the Night.2157

Also stuck on this quest. Im on the Defending the Docks part. The undead ships appear and I get one wave of mobs appear at the end of the docks which are easily killed and then nothing happens.

Orpheus Volkov
Sylvari Ranger level 76
Durmond Priory – previous quest was “Intercepting the Orb”

Swam under the docks and when I came out of the water I could see the nameplate of a mob stuck under the docks in an area I cannot reach. This would appear to be why things are bugged because not all the mobs are dead but equally I cannot reach the last remaining one that is still alive.

Pic attached to show where the mob is located under the docks.

I had the same problem today – but with your post, I was able to find the mob and cast and AoE spell on it. Once it started taking damage, it popped out of the ground. After killing this mob, the rest of the instance played out without any further problems.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Winespring Brother.2970

Winespring Brother.2970

Update 2:

Sounds like the fixes passed stage 1 of testing, so they’re moving it into the 10/8 update for further testing. Specifically, this should fix the block for some folks when they talk to Trahearne at the start, and reduces a lot of the spawns across the story step. There’s still some funkiness with the enemies at the end displaying as white/yellow instead of red, but that’s a seperate issue we’re looking into for a later update.

I was able to complete this story though it may have been due to the fact that I went as a guest on someone else’s story – whatever the reason, I am very glad!

Yak’s Bend
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


This quest is still quite buggy.

The ‘defending the docks’ portion, the risen are yellow and non aggressive to you at the beginnign. Though they seem to kill your NPC allies, but they won’t aggress them if you rezz the allies.

Additionally the risen knights at the entrance to the docks perma spawn – so that when you have ‘secured the docks’ and trahearne tells you everything is secure, you stumble into a giant flying pack of risen on your way back into the fort. They aren’t aggressive, but still, very immersion breaking.

There is also one gray risen defender asura standing next to one of the cannons, all by himself, on the docks.

Additionally, if you aggro a group of risen and run away, it looked like as they leashed back, the quaggans and kraits and risen would fight each other.

Then when you finish, a cutscene pops up of the pact fighting undead. If there is supposed to be a voiceover or text for this, there isn’t any. It doesn’t explain what is going on.

However after that finishes, the cutscene with you and trahearne starts and trahearne says “I’m glad Zhaitan knows our names and faces now” which is a huge jump from where you were seconds ago it seems to me.

Also most of the mosntesr do not give exp or loot, although a couple do.

(edited by Vorpal.4683)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mr Quinn.9815

Mr Quinn.9815

can we use the trebuchet now ???

do us all a favour … please post known bugs in an easy to read list … I know this will be a very, very long list … instead of telling us you fixed the bugs that have NOT been fixed in patch (bugs) notes.

Better still, just email me when you have a working game along with reimbursement for lost “play time” … I personally am getting a bit fed up with these personal story bugs.

It’s not just one character.

this notice was brought to you by a Misguided Misfit

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.

Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Venn.8931


Yup the fixed has allowed me to see the first cut scene so I can play the first 2 and a half minutes until the next blocked progress issue. “Defend the Front Gate” stalls and the zombie army is MIA.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I would also like the 2 1/2 silver I paid to warp out there back. As many times as we have tried this and had it bug out, that’s starting to add up.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ravrohan.8231


I would also like the 2 1/2 silver I paid to warp out there back. As many times as we have tried this and had it bug out, that’s starting to add up.

Why didn’t you just run for one of the borders?

Well I’m happy, finally finished this tonight

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Raz.7153


My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.

Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

suffering from this as well now, guess i will not be continuing the story for a while till anet fixes it

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.
Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

Sorry but this happens after the new update???

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mr Quinn.9815

Mr Quinn.9815

My husband’s story previously stalled because no cutscene played when he talked to Trahearne. Now we get to the “Defend the front gate” portion but the giants never show up.
Please hotfix this. It’s really gotten a little silly by now.

Sorry but this happens after the new update???


I just tried, again, to use the Trebuchet, can only “use” one of the two that are there, and it, cannot aim at ANY target … so, no “fix” in this update.

and my skills were moved, kitten cite>??

this notice was brought to you by a Misguided Misfit

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


… simply unbelievable , i think that this bug is something like a “candid camera” because a can not believe that is STILL bugged after a wait of about a month!!! i’ll be ever able to finish my personal story????

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Update: Ok good news/bad news.

Good news: we found and fixed the problem with the story stalling out when you meet Trahearne.

Bad news: it won’t go live until the 10/1 update. (So 10 days to go.)

I’m also looking at the problem with the docks stalling out, bad AI behavior, and a few other misc issues.

Small question here: Will this also fix the problem of the storyline changing during The Battle of Fort Trinity? For example, I picked death of an innocent, did Breaking the Bone Ship, but during The Battle of Fort Trinity everyone talks about the Krait Orb as if I had chosen the suffering of others, leading to Liberating Apatia for the next quest.

EDIT: On second thought, nevermind. I just checked again and apparently it was already fixed. Or maybe I was just confused because it happened with my first character.

This, however, happened to me. I was doing it with a friend that also picked death of an innocent, and when we were finishing the quest, a bunch of stuff that made absolutelly no sense at all started happening, which later i found out was the path for another fear, the suffering one, where we went on to kill a mesmer. Will this be fixed? Will i get another chance to re-do this and see the story i was actually meant to see, or will it only fix on my personal story log?

I have the same problem. Did the quest with a guild member that have another fear. In the end we got the same next quest, meaning I jumped from my quest chain to his. I reported it in-game, hoping will be fixed with today’s patch but it was not.
I don’t want to continue doing the personal story which is not personal anymore. I’m still hoping I can redo the battle again.
And I hope someone will answer. Thank you.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: LexusSinn.3985


Bugged Bugged Bugged, I can’t believe that they can’t fix this problem, finally I got the cut scene from Trahearne but I can’t get passed defend the front gate part. I’ve been pretty calm about all the bugs that I’ve been playing with while my boyfriend who sits 10 feet away from me plays with no problems whatsoever but I’m done being calm, this is crap. Utter crap. I just want to be able to play the game the way its intended but NOTHING WORKS for me!!!! Only him. Fix the game!!!! why can’t you just fix the game so it can be played like its supposed to. Please!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Relica.5023


Still stalls out on me and won’t give me a cut scene with Trahearne. Is this still going to be in the patch notes tonight, or was this the “for reals” fix you were talking about in your previous post?

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Venn.8931


Well it finally ran through this morning. I’m not sure if had anything to do with the fact that I ran it solo instead of with a guest.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


I would also like the 2 1/2 silver I paid to warp out there back. As many times as we have tried this and had it bug out, that’s starting to add up.

Why didn’t you just run for one of the borders?

Well I’m happy, finally finished this tonight

I mean the 2 1/2 silver I pay to get out to Fort Trinity in the first place, not leave the instance.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: shadowshift.5320


I got the bug with the Defend the Front Gate when I initially tried to do it after the patch with 3 other guildies. After going to HoM to reset the instance and going back into the personal story instance solo, I was able to progress and finish this part of the personal story. I would suggest to try running it solo, if you haven’t yet, to see if it’s an issue with trying to do this in a party.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Relica.5023


I got the bug with the Defend the Front Gate when I initially tried to do it after the patch with 3 other guildies. After going to HoM to reset the instance and going back into the personal story instance solo, I was able to progress and finish this part of the personal story. I would suggest to try running it solo, if you haven’t yet, to see if it’s an issue with trying to do this in a party.

I got farther with a guildie than I did solo. His bugged at defending the front gate. I still get stuck waiting for my cut scene.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


If you’re stalled at the front gate, look around. There’s almost certainly a zombie hiding out somewhere. Once it dies, the next wave will spawn.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: kazimir.9025


We have the same problem here. The first stall was directly after the first wave. We ran around about 15 minutes to look for a bugged enemy, but there was none.
After restarting the mission we fought againts a lot of waves at the front gate, but after killing them, we were stalled again.

That’s annoying. We waited about two weeks to fix “forging the pact” and now after 4 other missions, we are bugged again. I’m really getting mad!!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


“We”? How many players were in the group?

We’ve now played through this about a dozen times with no blocking issues, so I’m having a hard time trying to identify the problem.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: kazimir.9025


We were only two players in the group and have both the same story quest.
We are both level 80 and are an elementalist and a ranger.
The first time i killed some enemys with one of the arrow carts. There were only about 10 enemys in total until we stalled.
The second try there were about 5-6 waves of enemys. Treahearn died but we ressurected him after killing the waves. At the last wave we tried to pull the enems into the fort to getting help from the other NPCs.

(edited by kazimir.9025)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Try running it solo, it might be a scaling issue.

EDIT: It looks like it’s set up correctly, so the only thing I can figure is that one of the undead is either spawning in a bad spot, or being pulled to a bad spot by combat. Check around all the routes they attack from, and check around the fortress gate, to see if any are “stuck”.

(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: kazimir.9025


Yay…doing it solo worked for both of us. The defence of the first gate is very difficulty if you’re doing it solo, because there a are only three pact scholars, that will help you and they died in the first wave. So the only possibility to kill them was pulling one of them and running inside, so that the other NPCs can help

Thanks a lot!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: primo.6701


Grabbed the update last night and was able to complete this part of the story with no issues. Also, when defending the front gate, there was an add just left of the gate sort of hiding underneath it. Was easy to find, if you look, and easy to kill to move the story along.

Thanks anet for the fix.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Underdark.3726


any info on my problem? when will be resolved? Thank you.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


As posted above:

1 – Try the story solo. This seems to only pop up when doing it with multiple players.

2 – Look around the gate, it seems to be a nefarious zombie that’s hiding out under/around the ramp leaing into the fort.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: cerulean moth.2743

cerulean moth.2743

I had a similar issue, but my story completed before the retake the docks event. We retook the center of the Fort Trinity, then the mission ended abruptly and the video played. Then, I was at the docks and there were infinite monsters respawning. I fought them for a while, but just used the story exit door to leave. I was able to continue my story from there, but I certainly didn’t experience the epic takeover that the video showed.

That whole event was buggy for me. Monster popping out of nowhere, spawning far too quickly or in some cases not unless I was standing exactly in the right spot. It should have been the most epic battle I’ve experience in story thus far, but it was just a big letdown. Least fun I’ve had in a story mission.

Hopefully you guys can fix it, as it’s framed well. The minion spawns just don’t make sense and too many bugs.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: skjidi.5240


Bugged here aswell, just tried it 5 minutes ago.
Search the whole area for a mob wich wasnt there, the green circle at the front gate stayed.

Had no other option then to leave the area.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Underdark.3726


As posted above:

1 – Try the story solo. This seems to only pop up when doing it with multiple players.

2 – Look around the gate, it seems to be a nefarious zombie that’s hiding out under/around the ramp leaing into the fort.

not sure if this is a response to my problem, but I don’t have a problem with the quest it self but with the quest after. or better my next quest doesn’t follow my personal story. I want to redo the battle of fort trinity or if this is not possible to get the next I am supposed to get.
Thank you.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: TuxedoJericho.6052


As posted above:

1 – Try the story solo. This seems to only pop up when doing it with multiple players.

2 – Look around the gate, it seems to be a nefarious zombie that’s hiding out under/around the ramp leaing into the fort.

Jeffery, I am doing this solo, and I have been all around the ramp and saw no sign of any enemy. Sadly, if he’s in the area, he’s a master of hide and seek.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rusty.3875


How could “Try the story solo” possibly be a response to this issue? How about “Program harder”.

I used to be able to get to defend the docks, now I can’t even do that.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


I’m trying to offer a possible workaround for a bug that I cannot reproduce after playing through the story step a dozen times. Since I can only test solo myself, it might be an issue with multiplayer.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rusty.3875


I don’t mean to be an kitten but I don’t understand how this has been an issue for so long when it’s an issue that prevents completion of the main plot of the game. I’m sure you guys are working on it, and I appreciate that. I was just so hopeful that this last patch fixed the issue.