A little help for the unlucky warrior

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biondo.2570


Since a lot of warriors are complaining about being not competitive enough, i’d like to share some ideas for improve our toons (i hope some developer will read :P):

- Give warriors another weapon slot and give us f2 and f3 for switch them…three weapons instead of two would be a little better.

- Give warriors ten traits more, they would be the only class with 80 trait points instead of 70.

- Improve a bit the healing skills, for example give us regeneration or protection for 5 seconds when we use a healing skill.

- Give burst skills no cooldown, when they are ready they become usable.

- Give us some more skills for block/protection/toughness since warrior is a class that has a weak condition remove.

Those are just 5 ideas, i don’t know if they would be too strong or too useless.
I hope that will start a nice conversation and that developers take ideas for improve that unlucky class!
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A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So basically making Warriors extremely OP?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


So basically making Warriors extremely OP?

Idk, that seems excessive… 4 weapon slots just feels like to much and spam-day.

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A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biondo.2570


So basically making Warriors extremely OP?

Idk, that seems excessive… 4 weapon slots just feels like to much and spam-day.

I meant 3 weapons, not 4.
And anyway that were ideas, i didnt mean that anet has to give everything i said.

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED.4739


I understand what you’re saying Biondo. However, I think some of your suggegtions, if ALL put together, could give Warriors an extreme advantage over some if not all other classes. I like your idea of added effects while using healing skills, without burning trait points on it. Then again, that would make Full Berserker gear characters still able to survive somewhat of a beating, and gear is a big part of the consideration for play style. I think removing burst skill cooldowns could result in even MORE all-out dps builds that focus solely on adrenaline building, making those overpowered potentially as well. And as for extra trait points, I don’t that’d be fair for any class, it’s part of the balancing that keeps, Warriors for example, level with the others. Warriors are already the preferred class for damage in any dungeon, as they probably should be, but buffing them so extreme in this way would probably mean bad news for the rest of the classes haha.

In general when I play a character, I like to focus on stats like Power, Precision, Crit damage, tougness on my gear, but then compensate for the lack of defense with very defensive utility skills and probably either the toughness or vitality trait line. Try looking up some good BALANCED warrior builds people have come up with, and see if you can incorporate some of the effects you were talking about.

On the other hand, I did love the idea of an extra weapon slot. Or another possibility could be allowing warriors to use 2 two-handed weapons at the same time, kind of like a Diablo Barbarian. This would give you some extra skills to try out, but then again, expect to lose out on some survivability if you go this route, unless they allowed a major trait like weapon blocking

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biondo.2570


I understand what you’re saying Biondo. However, I think some of your suggegtions, if ALL put together, could give Warriors an extreme advantage over some if not all other classes. I like your idea of added effects while using healing skills, without burning trait points on it. Then again, that would make Full Berserker gear characters still able to survive somewhat of a beating, and gear is a big part of the consideration for play style. I think removing burst skill cooldowns could result in even MORE all-out dps builds that focus solely on adrenaline building, making those overpowered potentially as well. And as for extra trait points, I don’t that’d be fair for any class, it’s part of the balancing that keeps, Warriors for example, level with the others. Warriors are already the preferred class for damage in any dungeon, as they probably should be, but buffing them so extreme in this way would probably mean bad news for the rest of the classes haha.

In general when I play a character, I like to focus on stats like Power, Precision, Crit damage, tougness on my gear, but then compensate for the lack of defense with very defensive utility skills and probably either the toughness or vitality trait line. Try looking up some good BALANCED warrior builds people have come up with, and see if you can incorporate some of the effects you were talking about.

On the other hand, I did love the idea of an extra weapon slot. Or another possibility could be allowing warriors to use 2 two-handed weapons at the same time, kind of like a Diablo Barbarian. This would give you some extra skills to try out, but then again, expect to lose out on some survivability if you go this route, unless they allowed a major trait like weapon blocking

You are probably right in everything..
But idea of 80 traits or 3 weapons or no cooldown for adrenaline (or just 5 seconds for example) is for make warrior an unique class.
For example thieves have the invisibility, mesmers have clones, engineers can equip more kits but warrior has nothing “special”. The idea wasnt mean to make it OP, but just to make it a bit competitive.

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


- Give warriors ten traits more, they would be the only class with 80 trait points instead of 70

This one is a no-no for me. If their skills/traits are so lacking that they need 2 more additional traits just to be on the same level, then that just means the skills/traits need some serious re-working.

Staking up more sub-par skills/traits does not change the fact that they are sub-par

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I have a feeling he only said that (the extra 10 points) because 2 traits were just moved up to grandmaster level and now it’s forcing people to chose. W

The no cd for our bursts has been talked about before in some other threads, and I also feel that it’s too strong. Though you could argue it’d work in pvp and that CC/adrenaline maxing builds wouldn’t be op, but for pve/wvw it’s too strong to have constant spam.

As for having 3 weapon slots, while the idea is nice. It’s just a mini copy of the ele’s attunements, but instead of one for healing/protection/damage/cc (please don’t quote me on that my ele’s only lvl 30 and I don’t play him much. I’m just trying to have a broad generalization) we’d have one for CC/damage/mobility. I think giving us all 3 without having to choose also may be a bit strong. Heck even with the burst skills having a cd with 3 weapons you’d still potentially be able to throw 3 down in a row instead of just 2 now.

I guess since I don’t pvp much I don’t know how bad things are there.

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED.4739


Hey guys, I just made a new post about discussing some variability and utility with Burst skills, check it out This could give Warriors some of the uniqueness Biondo and others may be looking for.

A little help for the unlucky warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biondo.2570


Maybe the main thing is protection, would be good on shield and heal skills.