A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


a) This LESSENS the load on your servers. (less superfluous data being sent back and forth)
b) This LESSENS the strain on players’ nerves by not having to go through 4-6 loading screens.
c) This LESSENS the load on the Lion’s Arch overflow shard, maybe even eliminates the need for it.
d) This ELIMINATES the load caused by travelers in the Heart of the Mists.
d) This IMPROVES population in all the other major towns while disburdening LA.

I literally cannot see a single downside to making ports to any major city cost 0 copper. Trading via a town-channel doesn’t really exist, the Trading Post handles that.
We don’t need ONE overpopulated town and the rest being ghost towns. We don’t need a hundred clumsy loading screens that strain both the servers and our computers’ HDDs. Traveling to any town is already free – as it should be – by taking a longer, loading screen-filled route.

Make traveling costs TO any major town 0 copper. Please, ArenaNet.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: vonBoomslang.8296


Going too far IMO. I’d rather have a nice big “Go Home” button to put me right by my home instance’s door.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


Not going too far by any stretch of the imagination. The Go Home button is utterly flawed because if you want to visit a town that doesn’t belong to your race, you still have to go through 4+ loading screens. For no reason at all and no benefit at all.
I want to stress how utterly pointless the current system is. Traveling origin – Mists – LA south – LA portals – destination -> could be shortened to Origin – Destination while benefiting every player and ArenaNet at the same time.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


I agree on this. I’m against lowering any of the gold sinks, even though I teleport left and right lately, but I still use the mists → LA train, just because I can, and all it does is add two more load screens.

BTW, if you have long loading times like me (my hard drives are old), running north, jumping off the bridge and swimming close enough to the portals will skip the loading screen for the portal waypoint (because you’re already there, just down in the water), saving you a couple seconds.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


Yes, this would be the intelligent approach to the situation… I agree. The mists portal thing is used alot for this purpose and it does cause server load as well as ineffective gameplay mechanics.

Its not gonna happen though. If they did do this.. they’d be losing a gold sink which they desperately seem to need.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


BTW, if you have long loading times like me (my hard drives are old), running north, jumping off the bridge and swimming close enough to the portals will skip the loading screen for the portal waypoint (because you’re already there, just down in the water), saving you a couple seconds.

Nice tip, thanks.

Its not gonna happen though. If they did do this.. they’d be losing a gold sink which they desperately seem to need.

There’s no gold sink going on, as Truga said, all it does it add more loading screens, not money costs. And porting to and in towns should be free anyways. I imagine that Rata Sum for example would become a lot more populated after this change.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sahfur.5612


Rata Sum would be the main town I’d go to if they did this change. Its just organized so perfectly.

I am speaking about the gold sink where players who don’t know they can go into the mists (very few, but they exist) simply teleport to the main towns rather than Lions Arch. It happens.. Arena Net probably considers it more necessary than it actually is.

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zOFsky.5462


Well, I just thought of this. I guess ArenaNet will find perfect soultion. Because its really too much load on servers, they will simply remove teleport to LA from Heart of the Mists. Problem solved. And more gold sink. Haha.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: bwillb.2165


You’d have to pay off an Asura to let you through the waypoint gates for free. Hint: I’m an Asura.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


The porting thing needs to be fixed, period.

All it does it punish the player for being active. If I want to go help a guildie or do a team Dungeon run, I have to pay 3 silver just to get there.

That’s just not cool.

The current system just goes to further encourage solo play, as if there weren’t enough incentive already.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


If three silver is a problem for you, you’re really doing it wrong. At level 80, 30 minutes in orr can net you upwards of 1 gold just from npcing junk and raw silver pulls from mobs. 1 gold is enough to keep teleporting all day unless you’re on a SSD.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: teviko.6049


Here is how to get to Lion’s Arch, free of charge.

Open up your character panel and find the crossed swords.
Click on ‘Go to the Heart of the Mists" button at the top
Go to teh Heart of the Mists.
Run stright over to that glowy portal in front of you.
Load into Lion’s Arch
Select the portal WP and then chose what city you want to go to.

Free, even if it is a few loads in between, but you CAN’T BEAT FREE

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I’d even be happy if they gave us a free portal to our home instance. It would at least get me to a major city and give me an excuse to actually visit my home instance outside of my story.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


We all know about the Mists to LA then capital city thing.

It’s an exploit, it’s stupid, and developers should either close it, or just make travel to capital cities free to save us the load times.

And the argument of “waypoints are not expensive, you’re just poor” sounds like something Mitt Romney would say.

Wake up guys, it’s a gold sink. They out it there to force you to the gem store to convert gems to cash. Just like repairs, just like half the other features in this game.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Edit: Never mind someone posted the answer at same time I posted.

Original: What is this mists portal thing? So far the only way I know of for quick travel are the asura gates in the starter towns and LA and the waypoints. Going to any way point except for from waypoint to waypoint within LA costs coin to do.

(edited by Jia Shen.4217)

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: teviko.6049


@Jia Shen

No, the WPs inside the city areas are free. Its only if you go from a city to a location, or from a location to a city, or form Wp to WP outside cities.

Traders forum to gate central is 0. Anywhere to anywhere inside LA’s is free.

And Heart of teh Mists is the PvP area. Go there, do teh turtorial, go to the heart of the mists and right across from the zone in area is an asura gate. zone through it and you’ll be in LA.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


OR they could just go the opposite way and say that you use the teleport to the mist button they charge you with the waypoint cost to lion’s arch. Same goes obviously for the WvW teleports.

But that would be just mean and not very fun. I would like to see the waypoint cost completely gone. Than I would probably start to use them… ^^

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


Yeah, no waypoint cost, what a novel idea…

Almost like a certain game I remember playing long long ago… what was it called again? Had this cute little girl, no armor repair and an awesome skills set system… Just can’t remember the name… hummmm…

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennaissance.2195


It’s an exploit,

/utter facepalm
There wouldn’t be a physical portal to LA if it was an exploit.

it’s stupid,


and developers should either close it,

Both near impossible (where would characters whose reference point gets lost end up? Imprisoned in the mists) and a kitten approach sure to alienate even more players.

or just make travel to capital cities free to save us the load times.

Exactly what I’m suggesting.

A major solution: Make porting TO any town FREE.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I forgot to add my support of the idea of free waypoint travel to the cities you can portal to in the method described.