#Abridged, Fort Aspenwood!

#Abridged, Fort Aspenwood!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


So, Fort Aspenwood was my favorite forms of PvP in the original Guild Wars, and I was hoping that you might bring it back…

I put together a concept for a map similar to Fort Aspenwood, but with twists incorporated directly from the new Guild Wars 2 combat style. I did my best to try to match the teams equally, while leaving room for more than just one mode of combat.
This is the idea I have, and I would loooveeee to see something even remotely similar to this in the future.

I know there is a lot, but please bear with me. I bolded each section so that you can skip through things that do not interest you.

This is my final draft:Be sure to look at the map provided below as you read!


  • -Length, 20 minutes.
    *-5/5 Players.

    -Teams swap roles on Defender defeat, or after the 20 minutes elapse and the defenders are victorious.


  • Defending Team:
    5 Courtyard.
    4 Tower
    5 Fort(Main) Npcs
    I am not sure what would be what for the npc classes etc, but the Main npcs would be 2 Soldiers, 2 Casters and a Lord, exactly the same as other structured pvp.

Attacking Team:

  • (10) at start. Yes, the attacking team gets extra attackers at the start because the defenders have walls that must be broken down in order to win.
    (4) Tower.
    3 per squad, (9)
    6 For courtyard
    3 for Halls
    1 Legendary Defender

Perhaps the squad classes could be randomized, to help the game feel more unique and provide a less predictable pace of battle.
14/14 Npcs total.
19 characters present, in total.

  • All npcs, for both teams, are relivable when defeated, as long as that team owns the related hold-point.

The Attack/Defend fronts:

  • The Courtyard:
    -Heavily fortified, 5 defending Npcs, and possibly your defending team; allows for a strong defense.
    -Supplies are located close to the gates, allowing for easier gate repairs.
    -Large open space. Not as easy to use AoE, but more mobility to dodge and evade.
    -If captured by the Attacking team, it provides a slightly nastier ground for their attack, as they can potentially have 6 npcs occupying the courtyard.
  • The Halls:
    -Great place for AoE, to infiltrate the enemy base, or suprise solo invaders.
    - Very susiceptible to AoE. Chances are, you will enjoy demolishing your enemies in these tight walkways, or become trapped, victim to it’s narrow passages.
    -Little to no defense, with the exception of whether of not the Defending team is in possession of the Tower.
    -Supplies require a greater travel distance in order to repair the gates.
    -There are several choke points that can be used to prevent or hinder enemy movement for both parties. These Halls can easily deter attackers, as defenders can an attackers alike can set traps or spike targets with ease.
    -The Halls were left forgotten for a reason, they contain several deadly traps that can injure Attackers and Defenders alike. You can use this to your advantage as a defender, by pinning your foes against flame traps.

(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)

#Abridged, Fort Aspenwood!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


Game start:

  • All Hold-Points are owned by the Defenders.
  • At the start of the game, the attackers get two squads of 5 npcs. Each squad will go on a separate route. One will go to the Courtyard, the other will go the the Halls. Your party can either follow one squad, or split in two and lead two smaller attack fronts. These 10 Npcs cannot be revived, and do not respawn. After 5 minutes of being defeated, these npcs will be removed from the game.




  • -Taking the tower spawns 4 Npcs. A spotter and 3 warriors. The spotter will survey around the tower/fight anything within his standard combat range.(
    *-Enemies coming into his tower-range, will alert the 3 Warriors; they will gain 10s of swiftness and rush to defend the tower(Swiftness can only trigger every 30 seconds),regardless of where they currently are or if they are already in combat.


  • -If the defending team regains control of the tower, new npcs will spawn at the tower to replace any defeated previous tower-npcs. These npcs can be revived, but do not replenish over time on their own.
    -Regaining control of this tower does not remove existing enemy tower-npcs from the game. Rather, all remaining enemy tower-npcs will run to the tower(without swiftness) and attempt to recapture it. The remaining enemy tower-npcs are no longer relivable and will be removed from gameplay shortly after death.


  • -If the attacking team gains control of the tower, new npcs will spawn at the tower and protect it, exactly the same as it’s default function.
    -Additionally, Squad 1 will spawn/be sent from the Main Camp to attack the Outer Orange Gate and secure the Courtyard. These Npcs will not advance past the courtyard. These npcs can be revived and any downed npcs replenish after being in a downed state for a total length of 5 minutes. Each time these npcs respawn, they will have to run from the main camp, to the fort. These npcs will fight any encountered hostile players on the way to the fort.


  • Gates have nearby levers that must be pulled in order to open it.
    While the gate is open, enemies may also enter. So be sure to close it!


  • -Inside the fort, there are two rooms containing SupplyCrates. Supply Crates can only be interacted with only by Defending players. Upon interacting with the Supply Crates, a bundle item titled “Supplies” is placed in the character’s arms. Supplies can be manually carried to each door and used to repair it.
    -If you die while carrying the supplies, a teammate has 10 seconds to pick up your dropped supplies, OR an enemy player may pick up the dropped supplies, and therefore remove that bundle from gameplay.
    -Supply Crates have an endless supply of Supplies, but a character can only hold 10 Supplies at a time.

    -Fully rebuilding a gate requires 20 supplies.


  • ABOUT: Although the Hold-Point for the Courtyard, is indeed, in the Courtyard, the Supplies need to repair the Orange Gates is located in a nearby Storage Room.


  • -While you own the courtyard, 5 npcs will spawn(or have spawned) that will protect the area.
    -These npcs can be revived if downed, and respawn every 5 minutes.


  • -Capturing the Courtyard will spawn 3 npcs that will travel from the Main Base, to the Courtyard an defend it. These npcs can be revived but disappear if you lose the Hold-Point.

The Halls:

  • ABOUT: The Halls contain various traps to prevent ward off, and eventually kill friend or foes alike. It is a hostile place like this, that infiltrators love to take advantage of!
    -The Halls contain an out of the way room with Supply Crates for defending players.


  • -There are no npcs to protect the Halls.


  • -Capturing the Halls spawns 3 npcs at the Main Base that will walk to the fort supply room and defend it.Traps in the Halls will be disabled from the moment the npcs pass through the Outer Orange Purple Gate until all of the npcs reach the Supply Room. Once inside, traps will resume normal function.
    “Hmmm, there has to be a trick to turning these traps off, even if just for a little while…”
    “Ah! Here we go!”
    “Hurry, before they turn back on! I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in being Charr-Broiled!”
    —Upon reaching the supply room.
    “Sorry, but if you want to go any further, you are going to travel alone.”
    “Traps are one thing… but who knows what else they have inside this cursed fort!”
  • Escorting the npcs to the supply room will minimize the amount of traps that you face on your way to the interior portion of the enemy fort.


(edited by LanceHavenbay.2067)

#Abridged, Fort Aspenwood!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067
