Add a crosshair

Add a crosshair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Litego.4953


I made a script that makes the right mouse button camera view a toggle instead of hold as it is now. Then I moved it to the left windows key and changed left mouse button to skill 1 and right mouse button to skill 2. This makes the game feel more action oriented, which is very nice.

The only problem with this is ground targeted skills, as I use fast cast and don’t know where I’m aiming. I sort of solved this issue by auto moving the mouse to the center of the screen when the windows key is pressed, this makes it easier, but it is still not good enough. A crosshair would be ideal. I know I could draw a crosshair in the middle of the screen on top of the game, but then I’d be forced to play in Windowed or Borderless mode, as I am using nVidia Surround, this is not an option.

The only other way to fix this is if ANet added a Crosshair UI element which could be toggled on (it being off by default), or doing some memory hacking. And I do not know how to do the second one, and I assume it is strictly forbidden and will get me banned, so I’m not even gonna try it.

Of course the best thing would be if there would be added an option to play the game like this with all the features I described from ANet, but I assume that won’t happen, so instead I’ll just ask for a simple crosshair.

Add a crosshair

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edragor.9164


Cross-hair would be nice indeed.
(& ego-perspective would make it even better^^)