Add a dungeon token collectible tab.

Add a dungeon token collectible tab.

in Suggestions

Posted by: exionn.8152


it’s great that anet added a rare component tab and a festive material tab in the collectibles bank, all we’re missing now is a dungeon token tab. i have like 3k different tokens scattered in my bank and a dungeon token tab would help

Add a dungeon token collectible tab.

in Suggestions

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


If you right click on dungeon tokens you can see a “deposit collectible” option grayed out. I think the dungeon token tab is coming very very soon

Add a dungeon token collectible tab.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorby.8236


It would be nice indeed, but it wouldn’t solve the main problem. You can at some points accumulate a good amount of tokens, well over 250, and 1 spot wouldn’t be enough. So how many would? I’d like to suggest that the dungeon NPCs sell some form of refined token for 250 normal tokens, and also sell 250 tokens for 1 refined token. Not the most elegant conversion system (I’d still prefer it though), but easy enough and would mean you can potentially stack 250X250=62500 in one stack. If regular and refined tokens had their spots in a collectible tab (a lá tiered materials) that’d be great!

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