Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladoni.4317


I think the best way that people will keep playing and get more people to play GW2 is to make a new battle system (i wont say “like world of warcraft” but the idea is just like that.)
and i think PvP thing (Not WvW) is useless..
Because people during their gameplay want to know that they achieved something and got stronger – for example –
you take lvl 1 character with no gear , and a lvl 80 full gear on WvW – it would be obviously that the lvl 80 will slay that lvl 1 .
PvP makes that feeling go away.. everyone is equal and you don’t feel you make something either if you are lvl 80 and started playing PvP or lvl 1 who just started as well..
The point is – I love to see that i did something with my character.. not to throw that all away when playing on PvP. and WvW is not the only battle system that gear should be the way to win – needs to be arena , points for arena , new gear for arena and for player versus player. that kind of stuff
Sorry if you didn’t understand me correctly and for my poor English.

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


But that is just it, The PvP system is designed to not be about the gear and rely on the skill of the player. I know you weren’t trying to compare WoW with GW2 but take this into consideration.

In wow you can’t tell if your getting better simply because he who has the best gear and more time will always win, that is not inductive of skill.

In GW2 someone just starting out may not beat the guy playing for 5 months but in time he can learn and get better, ergo developing his skill, and not having to worry about weather his gear is better in order to beat the guy.

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladoni.4317


But it need to be changed!
You cant just get into wvw and get leveled up fast from level 1 (unless with zerg)
but on PvP everyone can..
I understand what you think – but to make the game more interesting – need to make other battle system that will be separated – that its not World Versus World (lots of people ) and equal – 2 levels 80 versus 2 levels 80 and all different classes – and the gear thing need to be included – if you didn’t put efforts on game and didnt make Twilight or some kind of weapon – you cant come just like that and kill level 80 full gear!!
Again – need to have new battle system – that will make people more interest about the game and they wont leave until they will finish that as well (!)

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Gear has no basis in this game why are you trying to make it all about Gear?

Legendary weapons are a joke at this time, they have

  • Power
  • Toughness
  • Vitality

Why would you want to take the skill out and replace it with, he who has the best gear wins?

The game is still very much young and I am sure there will be more options in pvp as the game progresses, just not sure why ( if you claim you want interesting ) would you take skill out of the equation and just make it about gear?

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scar.1793


Hey ! Have you heard of WoW?

Arena 2v2 for Guild wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


If I understood it, you want to take your PvE character to a PvP arena, which is not the WvW.
The thing is: this game separates (or at least try) PvP from PvE. When you get to the PvP map, you’ll see that your toon is lvl 80 and well-equiped to fight. There are shops to customize your items, or buy new ones if you want.
This is not a game of “who has best gear wins” like WoW, it gives everyone a chance to fight equally