As a GM of a pretty big guild.....

As a GM of a pretty big guild.....

in Suggestions

Posted by: kantochampionred.9456


Kanto from Tactical Response Unit [TRU] of Eredon Terrace here. I know a lot of people come to this forum to make ridiculous suggestions but mine is legitimate. My guild is reaching its max capacity (487 members) and our leader and I need to start cleaning out inactive members to make room for the up coming holiday season. Only problem is, there is no way to check how long it has been since members last logged on. If this could be implemented somehow that would be awesome. Also, an alliance section of the guild page would be another huge plus. One more thing. Please, for the love of god, let the guild message be a little bit longer. Seeing as how I can’t send out mass in game mail to our members without it being blocked as spam, I would love to put just a little more into the guild message. Also having the guild message come up in chat whenever you log in would be great as well.

I know all these things were available in GW1. I would like to see them make a comeback.

This post will probably be lost within all the other posts on here. Just hoping someone from Arena Net spots this.

Thanks for making such a great game. It’s everything I was hoping it would be and more :]

As a GM of a pretty big guild.....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Charismatic Harm.9683

Charismatic Harm.9683

I’ll bump your thread for you and I “+1’d” you as well.

Most of the suggestions you wrote I’ve seen multiple times across dozens of threads. The problem I see is that there hasn’t been any kind of response….not even a “we’re working on it”.

I, too, am a Guild Leader, albeit of a VERY small guild. That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t like to see some things added to make managing a guild easier.

Just bring back some of the things from GW1 and that would be an amazing start:
1. Message of the Day when logging in (Only for the currently represented guild)
2. Last Logged On in the Guild Roster (possibly add Last Represented too)

Those two things alone would be beneficial and were already part of the game in GW1. Why weren’t they carried over? Makes no sense to me.

Guild: Member of Charter Vanguard [CV]
Logic will never win an argument on the forums…..only a sense of entitlement will.