Asymmetrical Armor side switching

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: jonnis.2946


I play a Norn with the Heart of Koda chest piece. Id love to use it with the whisperers Glove/Shoulder but I cant, because they are both assigned to my characters right hand, where the Heart of Koda only has a sleeve on the right. I’d love to see some way we could modify these items to swap the side that they are on, which would open up a few more options for cosmetic looks.

Wouldnt mind if this was gem store bought or whatever, just an idea, what do you guys think?


(edited by jonnis.2946)

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The thing is, it is most likely not as simple a matter as just adding a toggle button. After all, the armor on the other side does not exist.

And with it, come a bottle of issues:

  • Being able to copy the asymmetric bits to make a symmetric armor
  • Being able to turn symmetric armor into asymmetric
    • Being able to select between having symmetric or asymmetric, left or right side
  • Should only armor slots with currently asymmetric pieces be allowed this functionality (shoulder and gloves) or should it be extended to boots as well?
    • The ability to toggle your boots?
  • What about being able to mirror the designs on all pieces?

Depending on the answers, you will end up kitten ing off specific demographics of the playerbase and giving your designers and programmers a crapton of stuff to do. After all, there’s an absolutely hilarious amount of different skins in the game.

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keyno.8431


The thing is, it is most likely not as simple a matter as just adding a toggle button. After all, the armor on the other side does not exist.

And with it, come a bottle of issues:

  • Being able to copy the asymmetric bits to make a symmetric armor
  • Being able to turn symmetric armor into asymmetric
    • Being able to select between having symmetric or asymmetric, left or right side
  • Should only armor slots with currently asymmetric pieces be allowed this functionality (shoulder and gloves) or should it be extended to boots as well?
    • The ability to toggle your boots?
  • What about being able to mirror the designs on all pieces?

Depending on the answers, you will end up kitten ing off specific demographics of the playerbase and giving your designers and programmers a crapton of stuff to do. After all, there’s an absolutely hilarious amount of different skins in the game.

I Disagree. This would be pretty straight forward. The developers are obviously good at what they do and as a game deign student this doesn’t seem so daunting a task even for me. Gloves and shoulder parts are normally made for both sides so all that would be required is duplicating and flipping the meshes horizontally and treating them like every other glove or spaulder/mantle/shoulder pad in the game (only for this specific example only one would be allowed to be visible at a time).

I think this would be a good idea for all gloves/shoulders and not too hard to achieve.
Simply offer the option to hide one instead of both.

Customization is Key (my suggestion)

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: jonnis.2946


I literally just meant that the item pieces that are currently asymmetrical on the gloves and shoulders to be able to be used on either side, so that they would fit with other asymettrical gear. Off the top of my head, the medium whisperers Gloves and Shoulder, and Heart of Koda shoulder pieces and the Phoenix light female shoulder are the only ones that actually do this, but I’m sure there are a few more about.

As Keyno said, I can’t imagine the actual work by Anet would be that difficult, as the mesh has already been created. I never asked for them to be copied, or for you to be able to turn symmetric armor asymmetric, but why the hell not? Why not two tick boxes on the right and left of the box to toggle on and off the right and left shoulder.

This I imagine would be more difficult but for now I’d be very happy if they just added the functionality for currently asymmetrical pieces to be used on either side. I cannot think why that would irritate anyone! But my answer to all your statements is a no, to begin with as I feel more could be added.

Why would anyone want to have one boot! That’s madness!

(edited by jonnis.2946)

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Ando? :O
This needs to happen! At the very least switch sides of assymetric gear (Olba’s “suggestions” aren’t that bad either). It’s prevented me from using several pieces if armor, most notable Norn medium T3, why is the bracer on the draw arm and not on the bow arm?!

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

Asymmetrical Armor side switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: jonnis.2946


Hey man, yeah its me =D
I just can’t see it being that difficult to implement and could make a big difference to cosmetic customisation