In GW1 EotN patch, there’s a book called Master Dungeon Guide (a refernce to Dungeon Master Guide, obviously – don’t be surprised if I accidentally call it Dungeon Master Guide in the following, or shorthand it DMG accidentally).
What it does is that it records what dungeons you’ve done as well as give some background information/reference when you’ve completed that dungeon. When the book is complete to a certain point, you get to hand the book in for profit.
The problem in GW1 is that the book ended up being a case of “we do dungeon 9, 11, and 17 fast-like and hand it in for minimal profit” and people grind 3 dungeons. This can be circumvened by making the book only hand-in-able when it’s filled, and you can’t get another book until it’s full and handed in.
This way it reward players immensely for doing all dungeons at least once every “rotation”. It can be for both story mode (A journal on the reformation of Destiny’s Edge and their fate) and exploration mode and their different paths (A guide to the exotic locations of Tyria, written by the player themselves, recording down what they’ve seen).
We don’t need to be punished and have contents that most of us can’t finish without crying like little baby. We need positive encouragements to do other stuffs, if that’s what you want us to do. Want us to do a variety of dungeons? Give us a reason. Please, give us Master Dungeon Guide, tweak it thusly, and reward us. Instead of punishing us for faults not of our own…