Change Name Scroll and Appeal

Change Name Scroll and Appeal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dameion.2398


Would be great a Change Name scroll in the game, affordable in the Gem Store, so it can prevent people from Spamming Different Names. Most of the character are not happy of the name they got.. And so do i.. And not seems so difficoult to implement.

I think this is harder to do: make possible to change the appeal of our character like colour of the skins, hair or something. Or maybe sell the hairs/skin’s colours in the gem store.

I suggested this cause none would delete a character just to change the name or the colour of the hair. The other suggestion are already posted in this forum so i wont repeat.

Change Name Scroll and Appeal

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


This has been requested many times. I support it because the surname I randomly chose at char creation does not match my char at all.

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