Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


I’m not here to speak about damage/heal. I think there is a lot of post about that.

First, excuse my english, grammar corrections are welcome :-)

My ideas:

Being punished for dodging

I’m casting some healing spell, and suddenly the Red circle in the middle, now i have to dodge.
Then I am forced to wait because that “inner” cooldown we get from dodging some one hit-KO attack. Why?

Remove stamina

Instead of that… add some cooldown between every dodge. That would make us think more about when we need to do that move.

Lock waypoints in bosses

Just that. If all members die, start again.

But… add more “survivalism” features:


With some cooldown. Some way to force an enemy to attack you.
There is no Tank. So, getting the attention of some mobs is not always a good idea.
But that could save the life of another people. Use it wisely.


Fast emotes

Some emotes that marks you. For example: “Need help”. That marks you with a “scared” emoticon somewhere.

Why ‘XX Need help’ ?. I’m a necromancer, i have very high survivalism… but there are some times that i cant remove the attentions of an enemy in any way.
Going away, stop attacking, spam Fear.. nothing! They will continue the pursuit till i’m dead. Let me ask for “help” .. then someone can taunt him .

Another: Need heal. Thats marks you with a red cross or something.
Some Professions have AOE heals. Like the necro. If someone ask for that, i could run to his possitions and cast Well of Blood.


Edited: Added more “emotes” ideas.

Why all this? There is no “holy trinity”, so this features will improve comunication between members and group work.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

(edited by marianitten.1247)

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Put a better title… :P hope get some feedback

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I like the emote idea. I have a text macro that calls for help, but someone still has to scour the map to find me.

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I don`t look at it as being punished when your cooldown gets screwed up when in the middle of a cast you need to cancel it or get knocked down. I look at it as either poor programming or just something they take into consideration when writing the code. Nine times out of ten every time this happens it is when you are casting a heal or an elite skill that has a long cast sequence. Then when it interuped for any reason a casting delay it initiated. I personally hate it. Fixing it may take more work to remove since we don`t know how exactly the cooldowns function within the games code. For all I know this is probably something we will have to live with for the duration of the game. Or it could be something they could remedy, IF they wanted to.

I don`t understand your cooldown idea on the dodge. The dodge allready has a cooldown and you only get two of them. You still have to wait to regen stamina to do it again.

You really don`t need emotes either. If people see you taking fire or too much attention they can mouse over you and see your health and know if you need help. Since this is more of an online action game then an mmo, everyone has ways to make surviving better. You just need to survive long enough until the mob decides to go after someone else or it`s cc`d. You would be suprised hiow much damage you can avoid just by running in a circle if you aren`t getting ranged or snared.

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Thanks for the answer!

I don`t understand your cooldown idea on the dodge. The dodge allready has a cooldown and you only get two of them. You still have to wait to regen stamina to do it again.

Yeah, but for me that Cooldown is too much, if you “wasted” stamina doing two dodges in a row, that let you in a very complicated sittuation.

Let’s say that D is Dodge, and _ is time:

Now: DD_______D_______D_______D

My idea: D____D____D____D____D____D____D

This make Dodge more useful, but forces you to think when you need to use it…

You really don`t need emotes either. If people see you taking fire or too much attention they can mouse over you and see your health and know if you need help. Since this is more of an online action game then an mmo, everyone has ways to make surviving better. You just need to survive long enough until the mob decides to go after someone else or it`s cc`d. You would be suprised hiow much damage you can avoid just by running in a circle if you aren`t getting ranged or snared.

Yes, but there is no trinity. It’s all about Support/Control. And there is no way to know if my group is having trouble or not.
How do i know if they already use all theirs CC spells?
How do i know if they have theirs healing spells in cooldown?

health and know if you need help. Since this is more of an online action game then an mmo,

Exactly, but take Diablo 3 for example. There, you cand make that almost every attack heals you. There is no “Healing Spell” .. is all About HP Regen/Skill that gives you HP.
Here, is all about your “Healing speel”. Yes, you can make that some skill gives you health… but is meaningless.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

(edited by marianitten.1247)

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I still don`t understand your dodge theory. We have two dodges. How we use them is completely up to us. They regenerate over time making it an effective cooldown. You can dodge once and allready wait for it to regen while still having another on standby if you need it. Taking one dodge away and making the cooldown a little shorter is a step backwards to me.

I know the game is based on support. But if you see one person trying to get away or avoid damage. That there tells you what you need to do. I was clearing a champion jotun yesterday from an outpost. Another player shows up and we took turns supporting each other with roots and knockdowns the whole fight. Not a single word was said, not a single emote was needed, we finshed it flawlessly. If two complete strangers can manage that, what do we need emotes for?

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adeodatus.7625


I like the dodge the way it is but quick emotes that call attention to you during combat would be helpful.

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taobella.6597


guild war 2 was not focus around having “tanks” in the game so adding taunt would break that conspect.

dodge can be punish 2 ways just as you enter it you can be punished and as it finshs. there 2 frames ^^

Dodging, Fast Emotes and better "No-holy-trinity" group work.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

All of the “punishments” you’re talking about are design decisions made by the Devs. It’s up to you to regulate how you use dodge. If you waste a dodge that’s on you. If you’re casting power and you’re about to get hit it’s up to you to either choose to finish and pull off the power, but get hit, or dodge out of the way and interrupt the power. It’s almost always an issue of timing. Happens to me all the time with rapid shot. The NPC AI isn’t smart enough to know when to hit you, it’s just doing its cycle.

I do like the self marking though for healing and protection as well as a universal ability to taunt. Taunting might be tricky and potentially exploitable, though.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot