For those uncomfortable with the length of this post, I apologize… I love the clicky sound my keyboard makes when I type. If you don’t want to read all of the background explanation, skip down to the second post to see my suggestion.
ArenaNet created an amazing game, no question about that. At the same time, there are definitely a few issues that they seem not to have anticipated. This is totally understandable, especially considering how different this game aspires to be, and how different the philosophy is that shaped it, compared to previous games in the genre.
One of the major issues I see is that some players really don’t understand or accept ArenaNet’s idea of endgame. It’s quite different from previous games, and requires a completely different gaming mentality to be successful. I think this is very much akin to the problem ArenaNet noticed early on with their dynamic events system. Outside testers who had experience playing previous games in the genre had a very difficult time adjusting to the free-form, open-world approach to questing. They just sat and didn’t know what to do (just like what we’re seeing with a lot of endgame complaints).
ArenaNet addressed this issue during leveling by adding several systems, like the renown hearts, the scouts, etc. Basically, they recognized that some players needed a nudge…a transitional incentive or road sign…to get them acquainted with the more free-form, exploration-based quest system.
I feel like endgame needs the same thing. I think this is an area that ArenaNet did not anticipate, because they may not have fully understood the mindset and culture created by previous games and how powerful and pervasive it was. ArenaNet may not have recognized players’ need to feel a transition of some sort at max level…to have it provide something new. Maybe they just assumed that players would “get it” by the time they were max level and just keep exploring and playing. Clearly that isn’t the case for everyone.
Some players are much more loot-oriented than I think ArenaNet thought they would be. A certain faction in the community is entirely focused on fastest possible acquisition, and is actively bumping their heads on mechanics and systems in the game. Although I think this mindset goes entirely contrary to ArenaNet’s design philosophy, I still think its important that ArenaNet recognize it exists and figure out how to work with it.
Some players at max level are feeling “forced” to stay in one place and farm or grind due to the above loot-focused mentality. They are running into all kinds of issues, including the misunderstood and over-blown DRS issue, the problem of the Orr zones not being all that enjoyable to a lot of players, and the broken events and skill points causing many more headaches and perceived blockages than is necessary.
What is making players feel forced to stick to the max level Orr zones? I think it’s several things. First and foremost are the max-level crafting materials and other items which are ONLY available in those zones. I also think we are fighting an old mentality…players are just used to the idea that when you are max level, you do max level content. You stay in max level zones or instances. There are more reasons, but this is getting way too long already and I think my idea could solve most, if not all, of these issues.