First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


To this day Im am disappointed about how there is no first person view option in Guild Wars 2, when it has first of all: Become the standard of most MMo’s, is key essential for bringing a community together through the use of Machinimas(Most popular MMO’s became popular because of Machinimas), is really needed for most if not all jumping puzzles and that with out a first person perspective, one cannot fully enjoy and appreciate the gorgeous environments that was so beautifully crafted by the artists of this game.

Now I understand that Collins is completely against first person view “as the player looses the appreciation for his or her character”, I have to say, with the amount of customization and cut scenes that are in this game, the fact that we cannot have a first person view because we have to “appreciate” our character more, is a little bit obnoxious. Don’t you think?

(edited by Steven.9803)

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: supashang.7805


I 100% agree with this. Bring back first person view.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Well i would not use it myself. but i dont see why not add this.

People then can simple decide if they want or not.

Maybe a PvP player on the other hand , got a reason to think this is bad.

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First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voonith.2561


I would only use it to better view scenery and other characters’ armor, but I’d still use it. I believe that both this and the extended camera zoom should be permanent additions that players have the option of whether or not to use.

All’s fair in love and Wuv.
[ART] Gate of Madness

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: OneTyper.7045


To this day Im am disappointed about how there is no first person view option in Guild Wars 2, when it is first of all: Become the standard of most MMo’s, is key essential for bringing a community together through the use of Machinimas

Really agree with this, The game could be a source of good machinima, so first person view, free camera and possibly a video recorder integrated in the future (just to avoid using fraps or others, could be a good addition.

Being a designer (and photography/music production enthusiast) I would appreciate to be able at least to make interesting compositions (starting with Rule of thirds?) for some wallpapers of my characters, maybe a little trailer, if I get time.

Just look at what Skyrim has generated

(edited by OneTyper.7045)

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Yes, I need this really bad on my end…

I am glad to see other people agree.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: judeobscure.2537


first person view would be FRICKING SWEET

its hard to remember we’re alive for the first time
its hard to remember we’re alive for the last time

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anchoku.8142



One of the most irritating bugs in this game is the third person PoV. While it is fine for open areas, fighting on an airship for the story conclusion was just aweful, to name just one example. Another example is in the jumping puzzles. Please add a first person PoV toggle on the keyboard, somewhere.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Agreed, just because I won’t use it doesn’t means someone else won’t and it doesn’t subtract from my experience if it were to be implemented but it does potentially subtract from someone else’s if it were not to be implemented.
So this is a feature which does not take away from anyone but adds to some. I see no reason why not.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


I kinda would like to move my screen, and place my character towards the bottom on the screen just a bit…

having the character in the dead center of the screen prevents me from seeing the pretty buildings and sky… besides I don’t need that much space to see if someone behind me, comeon!

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


As long as I am not forced to use it. My character is too cool looking to hide.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trip.2140


Support this 100%. Can’t understand why we don’t have it – please add it.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edgar.8732


Yeah, I think FPV should totally exist as optional thing to appreciate the views. Or just make the maximum zoom “inside” the character

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I can’t count how many times this has been suggested already.

I can only think a few reasons why they didn’t add this yet:
- Getting too close to things has performance/image quality issues.
- They want first person to be like games like The Elder Scrolls series, showing hands, and they were not able do make it look the way the want it.
- Camera problems.

All I really want is a way to se things up close without my character on screen covering them, to read signs and such. And to to able to take clean screenshots.

GW1 has a first person view that wasn’t perfect, but it did the job. They should bring at least that back. I don’t need to see my hands in first person or be able to fight. I just want to b able to put the game in first person for some things.

No exceptions!

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: psyloken.6972


Agreed, would be cool. SPECIALLY for the those awesome screen shots of the scenery or looking at other toons (Roleplay screenshot) or just making GW2 fan movies!

“If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near.” ~Sun Tzu

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: nullcore.3495


This has definitely been near the top of my wishlist since launch.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


Thanks for the support guys!

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


I was about to film or for machinima. Without the first person view mode, I am forced to sit behind a wall and /sleep my char to film.

I don’t understand why we need character to be included. What is the point? Isn’t the same for filming other people characters minus my own because I am the camera man?

Honestly, this is very limiting!

We need First Person View! Please! I guess you don’t want GW2 to be part of Machinima right? You don’t want us to help promote your game to grow a bigger community?

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –

(edited by DJRiful.3749)

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Chaotic Sun.7410

The Chaotic Sun.7410

Machinima would be especially grateful for a first person view, especially if there is no good way of applying a “camera” function, which would be insanely useful. So yeah just bumping this thread don’t mine me.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narcemus.1348


100% yes. I love photography in this, and every GW game, but it is hard to get that perfect picture while working around your character asleep on the ground to get him out of the view. Please make it so we can zoom in (without hands) and take the beautiful background screenshot we want in this game!

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


Not sure how it would work here, but hell. I’d never use it, but if the rest of the community desires it, who am I to say no.

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razor.9872


Combat with a thief or ranger would be crazy in first-person view. How would you even see anything? But still, it would be an intriguing thing to try.

NSPride <3

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


I, too, would like to see a first-person view available. One of the first things I did in the game was to zoom all the way in, expecting to go into first-person view so that I could look around the environment. Without it, I have to mess around with the camera to try and see things I would like to see. Looking at other players is annoying because of this as well. Instead of just walking up to them and looking in first-person, I have to get behind them and try to get my camera in the right locations, from the right angles.

It’s really just a QoL issue and I’d love to see it.

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: holyoneTwo.9642


This game looks amazing – the visuals are stunning – I really would appreciate a 1st person mode as currently the character model obscures my view! Please add this option – if your concerned about it being misused – assign it to an oscure keyboard shortcut or somesuch! Thanks

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Epilog.2168


Why make this thread lol? go play call of duty..

First Person View(Arenanet Read This Please)

in Suggestions

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


Why make this thread lol? go play call of duty..

This is where you’re wrong about RPG. First Person View is appreciated to have in RPG (Role Playing). We’re not truely a roll-play but we do love to film and make comedies, cinematography, photography and etc. out of RPG where we can have each person with their own character to emote.

You are obviously new to MMO. WoW 6-7 years ago has it day one ( ).

I guess you have no idea what is Machinima, read here →

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –