Fishing - With Possibilities

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halanna.3927


Fishing. Oh yes, fishing. For me, it’s a staple MMO activity. I love to fish in game. I also like to mine ore I don’t need. I can be odd like that.

But just fishing can add so much more to depth of gameplay.

There can be fishing dailies. If you don’t like to fish, don’t do them.
There can be cooking recipes you can buy with certain fish amounts/kinds.
Fish can be used as currencies for fishing poles, tackle boxes, lures, increase in catching rare fish.
The gem store can sell fishing related items, poles, fishing outfits etc.
Fish can become currency. Like tokens. 500 fish can be traded for laurels, or some other system where they can be currency.
Fish can be populated in the waters in WvW to make something happen, I don’t know, but teams can use it as tactics.
There can be oyster farms where you can harvest oysters for pearls. Pearls can be currency. Pearls can be traded in for other items, traded up.
When fighting underwater fishing recipes can give you underwater specific buffs to fight.
If there is ever personal housing, we can have plaques of fishing trophies for the biggest and best.
There can be fishing achievements.
There can be fishing titles.
There can be food traders who are in desperate need of fish to feed their villagers, and we can trade X fish for X of raspberries, or oranges, or something else.
We can put fish and other stuff in the MF for fish skinned weapons.

Some of these ideas are bad. There are probably some good ideas I can’t think of, but I can really see where fishing has a place in the game.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Yeah I’d like to fish, maybe i’ll hook Bubbles.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Yeah I want to see what kind of spin Anet could come up with to do fishing.

I would not mind going out on a boat like you see at LA with a 10 man party and fishing from the boat and having some big giant sea monster try to sink the boat every hour or so, and everyone has to stop and fight off the monster to continue fishing, and if it sinks the boat, you get washed back on shore or something like that. This way they could have another gold sink for that. They could make this part of the new guild grouping thing coming out in the next patch, after they get fishing in the game of course.

(edited by Gummy.4278)

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jennifer Scarlett.7409

Jennifer Scarlett.7409

Fishing would be fun, good way to have a long conversation with a friend whilst role-playing

When life offers you two paths, take the third road.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: dennie.9237


Fishing, and other “social” hobby will be fun in this game.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrDavidUK.6302


I would love to see fishing in GW2, I use to fish all the time in WoW and found it very nice and relaxing

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yinello.7068


I usually don’t like fishing because most games implement a waiting time during cast rod and catch fish. I admit, I’m very impatient. :P Still I love the idea of an Oyster farm.

Ginni Gruesome, Necromancer of the College of Synergetics

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You can go “fishing” already! :P
Just jump into the water and stab some tuna.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


As this has popped up a few time ill again agree. the more fishing and any other non combat related activities anet can shove into the game the better.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amy.6427


World: Sanctum of Rall
Guild: [FKL]
Main Character: Amanda Lockheart/80/Thief

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

Even a simple implementation would be nice – cast, and you have a 1% chance per second to catch something. You can get lucky and have a bite instantly, or need to fish for a few minutes before you get the bite. I find the “wait bar” where it’s always the same as boring as there is no surprise factor.

Rewards are easy, as it could catch fish for cooking. Throwing in a few specials, like hooking a black lion key or mat bags could make it worthwhile for anyone.

Fishing - With Possibilities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eonel.5624


Very great idea, I just love fishing and hope to see it in this game, it would give it a lot of life and longevity to the game…