Fixing Magic Find: Infusions

Fixing Magic Find: Infusions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

After contemplating a long time, I came up with a wonderful idea for magic find and ascended gear!

What if, one we have a full set of Ascended Gear for armor and weapons, Magic Find and similar stats (karma-booster, gold-find, etc…) are segregated into infusions?

What infusions allow you do to do is split “statistical”-boosts from “utility”-boosts. So rather than choosing between Magic Find and Berserker armor, you choose between a Magic Find and Gold Find infusion, and we could use whatever stats we want?

We could use our favorite heaing power gear for example, and decide whether we play open world or dungeons, to use magic find or gold find.

In short: abolish magic find from armor, and give us a Utility infusion slot instead.