Game Improvement - Suggestions
Look, I know this HAS already been talked about in the forums, but I don’t want to sit around, find it and then see they still haven’t done anything about it so I’m going to post a NEW forum! Sorry, but don’t troll about that. I’m bringing it to their attention, again. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I get it, you don’t want a healer classes to be needed so EVERYONE can enjoy the game solo or form parties where certain classes aren’t needed. This way everybody can just get all these dps classes together, smash and click buttons, and have a mindless good ol’ time. ^ (The reason you grds and wars have no voke and there is no healing mage and or weapon whatsoever, if you don’t already know that.) Understandable. But, did you know, you’re leaving out players that enjoy that class the MOST?
Probably, which is why I may not be playing this game much longer. Shame too, because other than these two failures, I could see myself playing this game the most, buying a LOT of gem and you would be sure to make a lot more money off me.
Yours Truly,
ALL mmo main healers and tanks <3
I attached a picture of content similar to what I’m asking for. Please make something like it. Hey, maybe even just a little weapon?
Healer/Tank/DPS trinity is Healer/Control/Damage in Guild Wars 2. If you have a look at the classes the Guardian is pretty much the Monk from Guild Wars or the Priest in World of WarCraft.
I run a Guardian, for Healing/Boon I have the following weapons: Staff and Mace/Focus to switch between. Most of the Utility skills have a healing or boon effect for allies as do many of the weapon based skills for Staff, Mace and Focus.
Just a quick look at the weapon skills for a Healing primary role: Mace chain: True Strike-Pure Strike-Faithful Strike (the last heals nearby allies) this is the first attack chain you get equipping a mace the first time. Symbol of Faith: Damage enemies and regenerate allies in the area. Protector’s Strike: Shiled allies, deals damage to foes that strike protected allies, grants protection boon to allies if you’re not struck.
Focus: Ray of Judgement grants regeneration and cures a condition on allies that it’s cast on.
Shield off-hand: Shield of Judgement grants protection to you and 5 allies, Shield of Absorbtion protects against projectiles over an area and can be detonated to heal allies.
Torch’s Cleansing Flame cures conditions on Allies.
Healing breeze: AoE for yourself and Allies.
Trident has 4 of its 5 skills buff or heal allies.
Utility Skills that grant boons or heal: Hallowed Ground, Purging Flames, Merciful Intervention, Hold the Line, Retreat, Save Yourself, Stand Your Ground, Signet of Judgement, Signet of Mercy (active function), Bow of Truth
Two of your three Elites are Healing and support function for allies. Tome of Courage is grants boons and heals, Tome of Wrath grants boons and increases allies’ damage output.
So, I’m not really sure what you’re meaning when you say there’s no Healer class in Guild Wars 2. Nor am I sure what you’re talking about when you say that it’s just a button-mashing mindless DPS-fest, either. I’d say you haven’t tried taking on Champion Bosses, or WvWvW PvP… You don’t last very long with no Control and Healing support from allies and button-mashing there. It’s possible to run Dungeons with Damage-only parties, but again you need to employ strategy or you get dead very very fast…
I think you guys need to rethink release timing for world events, a weekday at 12 PST 3pm EST is impractical for anyone in the US.. A large portion of the player base is either a college student, someone with a full time job, or a high school student. I have class on weekdays at 3pm, hell.. everyone I know at my college who plays is busy at least 2 days a week at 3pm it’s pretty early in the day for a one time event people can only ever experience once..
PS. Region specific world event go-live timing would be feasible.. (large companies do that with complex software implementations all the time)
i have one suggestion/request.. the bl chests (locked) are a fairly common drop item.. i would like to see the keys as a drop also.. only makes sense because some players dont have the resources to go out and buy keys everytime they aquire a collection of chests.. they dont have to be common as the chests but a key here and there like the rarity of the dyes would be nice just to be able to include everyone in the fun of opening a chest.. i have acquired a couple during storyline quests but still one or two throughout the complete leveling of a charracter is kind of disapointing.. but other than that i have no complaints about the game.. i am truly addicted and obsessed with this game.. thank you and cant wait for more updates to unfold.. and expansions to add to the fun..
Free way points
This would be a convenience like we had in gw1 and every single player loved. It feels like a punishment that forces the game away from the community, and makes the game feel like a 9-5 desk job, this simply change would promote the community by allowing us to move across the map more freely to help friends, guild members, and even random players in the community faster and without worrying about costs/gains/rewards and other petty monetary related issues that aren’t necessary and drive the community to ignore fellow players and overall drive people away from the game.
Dungeon Finder
I’m aware this change has been suggested numerous times, and is definitely something the community as a whole STRONGLY desires, it would make it faster/easier for individuals to find parties and even meet others in the community.
Open World Server Guesting/Combined World Servers
One of the issues I’ve had since moving to Gw2 is that 1/3 of my friends are on 1 server, and 1/3 are on another and another 1/3 are on the server I’m on, and server swapping is highly undesirable for ALL of us, but we’d still like to play together in places other than just dungeons and pvp for some we wish to play in the open world or do missions together but because servers are separated we’re unable to I’d like to see some feature which allows us to either join their server, move us to a combined world (like the overflow servers), or otherwise simply allow us to play together, afterall is community not the big thing for this game?
(edited by RaGe.9834)
I only have one suggestion….
The dungeon reward system needs to be improved a bit, its hard to not spend more than 10 silver on repairs after a dungeon so it would be more rewarding to get like 50 silver as a reward with the exotic item =)
Recently I have been focusing on the Elementalist quite a bit and i have been thinking of some improvements there could be, for example:
Elementalist Weapon Swapping:
Something that has really put me off playing a Elementalist is not being able to swap weapon sets. All weapon sets have completely different play styles and we are forced to stick with one of them, its unfair when other classes are able to swap when they feel the need and we cant. I know Elementalists have the four different attunements to swap between but surely it will still be easy to use even if we are swapping the weapon.
Elementalists low defense:
I know an Elelementalist is a mage type and mages overall don’t have the best defense, but I find Elementalists have the lowest out of all the three light armoured classes in the game. If I want to do a high damage build to deal out some good hits, when i get hit by a mob (or a player in sPvP ) I can nearly lose all my health in 1-4 hits which personally I find to be very weak. Necromancers and Mesmers on the other hand can survive really well in PvE and sPvP etc.
Another improvement/suggestion I have is to be able to change or dye your hair once you are in game not just in character creation.
Essentially, in the current system, one’s play style does not change past level 10. This means players are playing the exact same characters from levels 10 – 80.
(Note: I picked level 10 because that’s the approximate level when I maxed all my weapon skills)
As well, utility skills add little to no customization aside from very few. Playing a Ranged DPS Ranger, I simply have 2 buffs (Quickening Zephyr and the Bleeding active) with Lightning Reflexes and Rampage as One. However, these skills do nothing to actually change my play style, and many of my attempted “builds” have had a similar feeling. .
This is 100% why me and my friends stopped playing GW2. I played as a warrior so i even had the most options avaliable to me and should have bee the last class to complain about weapon choices, but the fact is i found myself using the almost the same skills in almost the same exact order every time.
Naturally there are some skills for each class that just arent going to be popular or overly useful in 99% of situations and there are those that everyone is going to gravitate towards. This creates a few problems:
a) my character is not unique – find me a warrior that doesnt use crit damage/condition damage build with a rifle.
b) the same problem also applies to utility skills – people are generally going to pick the buffs or the hard CC and theres only handful of the utility skills that just naturally lend themselves to the masses – again not unique
c) repetitive – 7→6→3→2→auto attacks→5 rinse repeat and occasionally heal or use elite skill.
d) once a skill is learned it cannot be improved, it is simply unlocked, then no further progression can be made.
I actually like that ANet has tied skills to weapons (main/off hand) and it wouldnt bother me even keep the method of unlocking new skills the same, just by passively getting last hits on mobs for the first few levels. But to have all my left side skills complete by level 10 and not be able to improve the damage or cooldown or CC timing on any of my skills. Unacceptable. Why not introduce a basic 1-10 (or 1-50 or 1-100) tier system of those skills. I cant play for 70 levels and not get the chance to explore a deep skill tree. Essentially we get 3 utilities (minus heal and elite) to interchange – and most of the best ones are obvious and can be attained by mid 20s – which obviously cant compensate for approx 70 levels worth of no skill tree exploration. Doing this wouldnt cause balancing issues in PvP either, you simply just max everyone out as per usual.
Slightly off topic from your point but still in regards to character progression from 10-80 in addition, the equipment has been far too stale. Lvl 50 armour that aesthetically is identical to lvl 1 armour??? Seriosuly ANet? I cant think of what this acheives? Is the intention to give gamers a sense of nostalgia about their early starting days in Queensdale? I was lucky enough to loot enough cash to buy tier 2 cultural armour which looks amazing, but pre lvl 60 forget about it my character looked no different to lvl 5’s 20’s 40’s 80’s. Again ill bang on about uniqueness and customisation there, but also where is the sense of progress?
Ill refrain from banging on about PvP too much, but again it ties into my point on uniqueness. I had good games where i made lots of kills, but i never really got a sense of my role in a battle or the meta strategy involved in a one on one fight, a 2v2 skirmish or a full blown 8v8 team fight. PvP is undoubtedly a cluster-****. I Spam all skills not on CD, hit dodge whenever possible, drop aoe in central locations, respawn after inevitable being killed by the other team skill spamming me.
Overall I have to say im disappointed because my standards were so high. ANet delivered on many levels including Music, environmental art, skills being tied to weapons, Decent attempt at some dynamic events (some r epic some are repetitive), redcued grindy feel, personal storyline in an MMO, reduced backtracking/NPC quest giving. But to pretty much miss out on 95% of the skill tree exploration, aesthetics and customisation of armour/weapons and building genuine PvP meta-game, for me it is too much missing in what should be the fundamentals for a game of this magnitude and hype.
Its clear the game is immaculately built, but its such a shame more effort wasnt put into the core areas to make them more enjoyable. Its all looks great but its just not fun enough
My suggestions are following:
- Ability to choose if your character will cary equipment like weapons in defferent places. I especialy would like to see one handed sword on the back of my character.
- Make classes more like they should be! By that I mean make them behave more like they should! For example I just simply don’t understand why ranger with sword has more agile moves that thief with one! Rangers attacks look realy acrobatic, while thief just makes 2 basic swings and a stab. This is just not enough! Thief should be most agile and spectacular. You can obviously tell that I’m thef player but that’s not the point, the point is that every class has these issues and people who play these classes know that very well!
- Improve weapon skills – I personaly don’t think that’s THAT necessary but I would like to see it in game. By that I mean give us some more skills for each weapon set and ability to choose between them. As thief player it would be most in my style to use S/D combo, but it’s not, so I’m bound to use S/P. I would realy like to see S/D skill like 3-4 hit combo similar to pistol whip, but more acrobatic, mostly same amount or a bit weaker damage and some different conditions on it. Skills that i would get under 3-5 are just not working with each other for me. Just like in previous suggestion, this is refers to every class.
- Fix dynamic combat you were so proud about (no insult intended) – Dynamic combat suffers greatly from bugs. So many times I was out of enemy’s attack range and I got hit, or I rolled away just to stop in place while animation continues and enemies still can hurt me, this is not acceptable!
- Give us option to change account E-mail adress and account name already! Some players want to change this because they changed E-mail adress or they nickname.
Simple thing that would make many happy!
Please add a bank NPC to Fort Trinity and allow dyes being sold on the Trading Post be able to be previewed. Thank you.
My Suggestion is primarily based around Dynamic Events.
Dynamic events are supposed to be enjoyable for smaller, and larger groups.
The Non-Veteran/Champion monsters that waves usually consist of have an obscenely low health-scaling rate compared to the Veteran/Champion monsters.
My Suggestion is:
Increase the amount of health “trash” mobs have, slightly, enough that the people without triggered AoE attacks such as Marks/Traps, have enough time to get off their targetable AoEs and get credit for the kills. (Warriors with Longbows for example)
Make daily events have a “cooldown” rather than resetting at a certain time. I was almost at 100% when the achievement reset. It’s inconvenient for people playing around that hour.
It would be nice if u added a Checkmark option to Auto-Equip Town Clothes when entering town. Having a checkmark will give people the option to have it. And its a simple easy addition to the game that prolly wouldn’t take long to implement.
Thank you for this amazing game! I would love to say a thing that hurts me a bit:
my main character is a human ele, and i found out that the only armors i like are ascalon clergy (and that’s fine), tier 3 sylvati ( i’m human and cannot use it), vigil cloth and whispers cloth, too bad i cannot use them since i choosed the priory
I’m thinking to delete my lvl 80 ele with 100% map just to get at least another of those armor so i’m not forced to wear only the ascalon one.
I really don’t understand why all the female cloths armor looks just gorgeous whilst the male one pardon me but really sucks the same armor set on female is much more detailed and creative whilst on the male is just the opposite.
Do i rally should delete my main character with all the hours and money i spent to make it just to have a nice suitable gear?
Another thing, please PLEASE i beg you put a swap weapon button for ele out of combat only! I’m not asking for it during combat but out of combat please come on!
Thanks you for your attention.
(edited by Aedil.1296)
I would like to suggest to developers to implement some kind of mobile fortifications in-game to help in defense and offense.
The few suggestions are Mobile wicker walls, to help as cover for assaults on towers, keeps (once deployed and built cannot be moved)..
Also it might be nice to implement Tower shields to cover against player ranged weapons (useless vs siege), maybe implement in guild war upgrades ability to make fortified camp… Something like what ancient Romans used to make…. Simple wood walls (damageable by everything but still stalling capping of camp enough for reinforcements maybe to come).
Also I would like to see mobile mortar (not engineer one but keep one, with maybe half the range of it)
Thank you.
Kasumi Yashiro Human Engineer FSP White Dragons Legion (XIII)
Can we please get a stats display on the character select screen?
I’m not asking for the full hero panel, but I’d like to be able to compare stats between my different characters without having to load each up individually.
Trading Post: please add ‘item preview’. Also, why do I have to go back to LA TP every time I buy something. Which leads me to…
Traveling: wp costs, reduce them. repair costs, reduce them.
Rewards: increase quality of dungeon rewards, at least the final chest.
Gem store :some things are overpriced, for instance, why on earth would i give out 700 gems for a costume if its usage is so restricted.
Story: npcs are either too weak or they just dont do anything, i like group oriented stuff but I often rather do story myself.
Minipets: I hate every time i press deposit collectibles the minipets go too…..why? plis change this asap.
Re-trait: just make it so we can re-trait anywhere by just opening the H panel, leave the costs but why do I have to go back to LA every time I want to re-trait…
I have several additional suggestions but I don’t think it is the time for them.
(edited by Ephesus.7291)
I can’t tell you how disappointing it is that I spent $120 today so my son and I could play your game together and because his install finished a few minutes before mine, and the server he picked went to FULL before I could get on I am still sitting here 4 hours later, haven’t played a single minute because if I choose a different server i have to pay you to transfer. What a joke.
It was down to a T in GW1 where u could get costume sets which you could put OVER your armour!
I was about to actually PAY for gems until i realised the only way people would see my sunglasses is if i selected town clothes (ugly) while in a town (doing other things)…
Of the RPG parts to this MMORPG, I’d say clothing is lacking, as is the distribution of social tasks (keg brawl).
Most of my suggestions come from things GW1 has that would be nice for GW2 to also have.
Make Overflows into Districts – Rather than sticking people into Overflows , why not implement districts, like GW1 had? I do not enjoy having to join a party of one of my friends then, “Join in Lions Arch” to be in the same Overflow as they are. If there were districts (or if each Overflow had a number) my friends could just tell me which one they were in, rather than having me join their party and “hop” Overflows.
Festival Hats Keeper/Maker – I have found that I have several different hats that I like to stick on my different characters, but I don’t have enough room to store them all. A Festival Hats Keeper would be nice so that could have my hats saved, then I could just throw them away rather than have a ton of hats taking up my much needed storage space. If I wanted to get a specific hat that I just got rid of, I could just talk to the Festival Hats Maker and voila! I’d have the hat again. Costume Maker would also be nice to have.
More Collection Item Slots – I went to store my very first Glob of Ectoplasm into my collections only to find that it did not have a slot to be put into. Why?? I would very much like to be able to store my Onyx Silvers, Destroyer Fragments, Charged Orbs, Obsidian Shards and Globs of Ectoplasm into my collections instead of stuffing my bank and inventory full till I have no more room to store anything else/more. So, more Collection Item Slots for materials please.
Trading Post Preview – I know that this has been brought up a ton. Being able to preview what an item looks like in the TP would be very nice. I would like to see how an item looks before I buy it (unless it is something like a material, ingredient, etc).
Message of the Day – In GW1, every time you logged on, the current guild message would show up in your chat (if you were in a guild). The guild I am in (I am sure other guilds do this too), use the Message of the Day to update members on information and events that have or will take place in the guild. I have found that there are a lot of members in my guild that either don’t know about the Message of the Day, or don’t think to hit G to check it. I think that if the Message of the Day would pop up in the chat (of the Guild they are representing), like it did in GW1, more members would be aware of what is new in their guild.
- Give Overflows numbers to make it easier for groups of people to get together in the same overflow.
- Have Festival Hats/Costume Makers for saving hats/costumes so that you can destroy them and be able to remake them.
- Add more Collection slots so that people can store Rare Materials such as Ectos.
- Make Item Previewing available in the TP
- Put Message of the Day from the guild a person represents into chat when they log on so that they won’t miss it.
English is not my strong subject, so I hope that everything I wrote makes sense.
Put a timer on last time online for guild roster, ala GW1.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Suggestion: Make Cultural armor tier 3 exotic.
Why on earth is cultural armor tier 3 not exotic from the start??? It do not make sense that the most expensive armor in the game which cost 119 gold to buy is only rare.
Tier 1 & 2 is more understandable as to why its rare, but not tier 3.
please make cultural armor tier 3 exotic asap.
I would like a % counter on all achievement categories, not just for dailies and monthlies.
Also, a way to filter out completed achievement would help greatly to find which ones you have yet to finish without having to filter manually, especially in categories like slayer/explorer where there’s a lot of different achievements
Soulbound Items
Why can’t the item say to which character the item is soulbound? It obviously has this information somewhere because other characters can’t remove them but if I want to know to whom I have to log in and out to find out who it is bound to.
Daily Rewards
I think the daily rewards should be based upon the highest level character on the account, not upon the level of the character I happen to be on when I get the last achievement. Then I can just play on whoever I want all the time, now I got to be careful and check that I don’t finish all of them so that I can change to a level 80 character and beat it on that one.
The merchants that sell gathering tools seem to sell them based on the character buying them instead of the area they’re in, so if I want a copper pickaxe for mining copper in queensdale when trying to get 100% world completion on my level 80 characters I either have to use a mithril pickaxe or go back to a town and buy copper tools.
They should either be dependant on the area or sell all tools that the character can use, so my 80 will se every tool tier, not just mithril and orichalcum.
(edited by Jabos.3491)
i have never been let down by you guys. all through gw1(sense initial NA release of prophecies) to now. i must say though i was extremely frustrated to find out that ALL pvp in gw2 is capture the point based. i do enough of this in pve and when i grew bored with pve i was hoping for a change up in pvp. i despised alliance battles and jade quarry and guild vs guild in gw1. i stayed playing gw1 years after i had stopped playing the rest of it by playing fort aspenwood and random arena. please add kill based pvp. aka whole team dies on opposing side match ends. or kill the npc to end the match based pvp.(like fort aspenwood used to be). as it sits now i have no interest in pvp that is capture point, rinse and repeat ad infinadum. please understand that i post this to you as a hope for future updates and not to whine about current game(which is just amazing and ground breaking; with this one exception)
How about adding “shopping carts” to the traders? What I mean is sets of related stuff. Perhaps one could buy a “bones set” would include 1 bone of each tier (a bone chip, a bone shard, etc.)
Alternately, one could order a “tier 2 set”, which might include venom sac, bone, fang, etc., all from tier 2.
These would be in addition to the current ways of buying/selling stuff.
Daily Rewards
I think the daily rewards should be based upon the highest level character on the account, not upon the level of the character I happen to be on when I get the last achievement. Then I can just play on whoever I want all the time, now I got to be careful and check that I don’t finish all of them so that I can change to a level 80 character and beat it on that one.
I agree on your other ones. This one, though, I would tweak: Have the $$ be based upon the average level of the characters who earned the points. So, if I farmed the points with 1/3 of them done by my lvl 40, 1/2 on my lvl 10, and the remaining 1/6 on my 80, then the cash reward would be 1/3 of whatever the reward would be to my 40, 1/2 of that my 10 would get, and 1/6 of what my 80 would get, all added together.
It’s complicated for us, but it would be a piece of cake for a computer. And, it would prevent the “exploit” of taking your last daily via you lvl 80, just to get the 5k silver.
I can’t tell you how disappointing it is that I spent $120 today so my son and I could play your game together and because his install finished a few minutes before mine, and the server he picked went to FULL before I could get on I am still sitting here 4 hours later, haven’t played a single minute because if I choose a different server i have to pay you to transfer. What a joke.
I believe you get one free server change per week, or something like that. Write and check. Also, see this: “” and the wiki:
Necromancers are punished severely in WvW!
I’m not sure if all that condition damage I put on my armor and weapons even helps! Does that stat even work properly, because I don’t see much if any improvement to my DOT’s?
So here’s my main issue/suggestion. Increase damage per tick from conditions, a lot! At least for bleeds/poison. Why? Because they gave every class it seems the ability to just cure the conditions, or worse, convert them into Boons! This is fine in PVE, but when I want to WvW. Why should my only source of damage be a benefit to the enemy, or just easily curable. I can’t even DOT objects, though my poisons could work like a form of entropy, causing rot, and the same forces that cause a being to bleed, could cause objects to crack… Sadly, bleeds are most of my damage. Tuns of bleeds. Everything just stacks, instead of really doing damage per tick. This really needs to be reversed.
I agree on your other ones. This one, though, I would tweak: Have the $$ be based upon the average level of the characters who earned the points.
It wouldn’t really change what for me is the problem, I just want to be able to do anything on any character, regardless of my daily achievement status. This would just force me to play nothing but my 80s until I have finished the daily, and then move on to the character I actually want to play.
On behalf of the all Polish community, I want to present a few suggestions:
- Add some map with Open-PvP
- Add PK System, or PK Server with"PK Server Rules & Mechanics"
Death Penalty
On a PK game server, the experience lost when you die is increased. If killed by a monster, your experience drops by a random amount between 1% to 3%. However, if killed by another player, you lose between 3% and 5% exp.
PK Maps
Any map that is not directly adjacent to a city is considered an open PVP zone or PVP fields.
Who Can PK
Not all characters can fight other characters. Players can only be attacked or attack other players once they hit level 61.
Gaining Points (PK Points or Karma?)
Each player on server begins with 0 PK points, and can gain and lose them based on killing other players (it is possible to have negative points). In a successful player killing, the killer gains one PK point, and the person killed loses 5 PK points. Two conditions are required for this to happen however:
The killer must not have gained any PK points within the last hour.
Also, the person who is being killed must not have lost PK points in the last hour.
If the killer has already gained points, or the target already lost points in the last hour, the points of both players will not change. It is also impossible to gain Player Killer points by killing the same person more than once in 24h.
Penalty System
When a player kills another player, they are penalized for their actions. If you kill another player, and you gain PK points for the kill, you are muted for 5 minutes. During this time, you cannot talk, use any skills or any items. It is possible to lose points yourself if you are killed while muted.
Mass Murder System
If you kill one person, you’re penalized, but if you kill many, it can be quite advantageous. If a player manages to gain 100 or more PK points, they’re considered a murderer. As a murderer, the following things happen:
Your name will show up in red for everyone to see.
You are given 3 to all stats (5 if you have 400 points).
You are given +10% attack and +10% magical attack.
You gain 10% bonus Discount and 10% bonus Overcharge (to a maximum of 25%).
When a murderer kills a player, they gain the 3% ~ 5% exp that they lose.
A murderer gains double experience from killing monsters (so 4x that of regular servers).
Of course, all these bonuses can be lost if you are somehow knocked back below 100 PK points.
-Add way do do/make duels with others players
Right click choose option duel, other player need to accept duel…simple right?
-PvP Arenas
Is a 1 on 1 duel between two players. Of all the people who came at the competition the system draws two random people who will fighteach others in a duel.
You will need an Arena Ticket in order to enter the competitive version of the instance and earn any reward. Be aware that each of the competitive versions of these instances consumes 1 Arena Ticket, so you will have to choose where you wish to use your one daily entry. You will, however, be able to enter the training version of the arena at any time and as often as you like.
Suggestion for Merchant in Stronghold of Ebonhawke:
Merchant should sell tools that are REQUIRED for that area.
There is a Portobello Mushroom gather in this area which requires (per wiki) a Darksteel or higher Sickle. Yet the merchant in that area sells the lesser Iron and Steel gathering tools. It is my opinion that when you enter an explorable area that the merchants sell the tools that are REQUIRED gathering for that area.
Obviously, I ruined my mushrooms :-(
I have a suggestion.
*Automatically summons your mini. If you have multiple minis in your inventory, it summons the one on the slot that’s closest. (#row → #columns)
Thank you
here is my
WvWvW sugestions
- be able to use all siege weapons (i mean enemies seige to) because why should you not be able to?
- have a 10 man group or 40 man group for WvWvW because it makes it alot easier to coordinate strategies with a guild group, and see conditions and boons.
- have a options to active traps or marks manually or even choose to not active them when people step on them, would really help in WvWvW and PvP.
- be able to put back or donate supplies to a tower or keep.
- maybe one of the major ones. The commander icon must be earned not bought because it’s not the best thing for a server when a random guy enters and starts acting immature. The icon can be earned by having a rank in WvWvW or being selected by a number of people, maybe like a voting system where people have to vote on a commander. And there must be a certain amount of votes to get the commander.
to have it permanently or not I don’t know but maybe have it for a month or so, I really don’t know
Character suggestions
- this suggestion I don’t have a clue on how to make but as a necromancer you have skills that makes boons to condition on enemies and conditions to boons on allies.
So I’d like to see some way of making it easier to see those conditions or boons so that necromancers can place their wells.
- this have been bothering me for a while. The way people complain on professions being overpower or underpowered. this is something I think is a good thing and maybe make the professions even more different (but keep them balanced in the total aspect) like a thief built as an assassin type where you go in and attack and then go out again, and then be able to kill a player in one or two hits but the consequence would be that the thief would be even more squishier.
and the tank could be built to be able to take more damage but do less damage.
Because what’s the fun in making all the classes similar, so that all the players do the same damage on every hit. the bad circle will be that when you drop the stats on one profession another will be overpowered and then you will have to nerf another profession.
Last thing
- last thing I have and have been discussed a lot in the guild I’m is that the deaths of MMOs is that the companies focus on new content instead of improving the game with stuff the players would like to see. And I really don’t mean this as any kind of threat or anything bad against Arenanet, because I love Guild Wars 2 and I just want to see it even better, if my suggestions can do that.
Thank you for reading this.
Reverse diminishing returns, greater reward for the more diverse amount of events you do.
Dynamic events not completed that day give a greater reward and the more you complete the greater the reward up to a little beyond the current reward from doing level 80 dynamic events but farming the same events would drop this down very quickly to keep people from just farming a single low level event chain once they built it up.
Say two guilds wager a certain amount of influence and then they fight. one guild wins the battle and earns the wager. thought this would be a cool addition i didn’t go into details feel free to add to the discussion
Allow the moving of icons on the weapon skills portion of the action bar
Allow mouse-wheel up and mouse-wheel down to be bound to actions
I don’t know if they will see this but I desperately want a companion/hero system back. The best part of Guild Wars 1 was that I didn’t need other players in order to actually play the game. You can’t complete the end game content without a full party, or at least find a group of random players. While having a full party in GW1 definitely made end game and dungeons easier one could still be highly successful with a full group of heroes. While I don’t necessarily think we need a carbon copy of what we had, having access to at least one hero, of a profession of our choice, could allow a group of two or three to actually complete dungeons.
My friends and I want to keep playing the game to get some dungeon armors but we can’t because there are never other players at these dungeons when we play to complete a party. Sure we could change worlds but we shouldn’t have to. If we could each add one hero we could complete a party and, even if it takes longer and is harder, could still feasibly beat a dungeon. The three of us got lucky and completed the story mode of Caudecus all by ourselves but that is drastically different from Crucible of Eternity or Honor of the Waves explorable mode.
I just think this simple feature would see a lot more players returning to finish what they started and decrease end game frustrations.
*Make it possible to zoom more out on you charactor so you can get at better overview. Is quite annoying sometimes when you are fighting monster or in pvp that you cant get a better view. That way you can also enjoy the environment better.
*I like to have the possiblity to inspect other ppl, so I can see what kind of gear they are using.
*Add a message in chat window when ppl are coming online/offline in the guild. Atm i can only see when ppl is coming online who are on my friendlist. You can make it as a option so ppl can turn it on/off. All in my guild would like that.
That is all for now.
Hope you will read this and considering making a change.
Best regard.
what is the use of white, blue, green items in game? they are not connected, u cant upgrade from blue 80 item + some mats = green 80 item, usually skins are worst than high end gear, stats are lower! at the end u sell them, or salvage them!
this is same in most mmo games, thats the big problem! they need to make really item progression/upgrade, for example:
- u have 3 tiers of items, starting/plain (white), medium/buffed (blue), end game (green)!
- u can only get white from drops or professions or WvW or dungeons, and only these can be sold on TP!
- u need to gather specific material so u can upgrade ur white to blue item, and this can be done if ur right profession, or trough some NPC, or something else
- after that u can upgrade blue to green, and so on…!
- u cant sell any item past whites! economy is still saved cos crafters will make white items and sell them on TP! (different base stats, or skins, …)
- u can have sockets, have gems/runes, similar progression as items
- different dungeons for different white item stats/skins, and different mats upgrades
this is just for u to get idea, how it could be done item progression, where all tiers r connected, and lower items wont get obsolete, economy stays the same, dungeons wont become obsolete, player base is happy, …!
OFC, there must not be huge difference in stats between item tiers, only more epic looks, achievement or prestige!
I have had such a blast with the game so far.
I only have one thing that annoys me and that is player characters fading in and out when I move into a new area.
So example; I log in and I’m stood by the bank in Lions Arch. I can see many people also stood around me, awesome. But I look over into the distance and I don’t see anyone else, it looks as if the only people in Lions Arch are the people stood around me. I then go to run over to the Mystic Forge and as I do so I see players fading in out of nothingness. The same happens when I run over to the Jewel-crafting station – as I get there it looks empty, but then after a second or two loads of players materialize out of nowhere.
The must be a way to fix this. I like seeing how populated the game is. I want to be able to stand by the bank in Lions Arch and see people running in and out of the BLT, or milling around the Mystic Forge.
A few suggestion our guild has towards WvW.
Our guild, a good 20+ members, are mostly pure PvP’ers. Pretty much all of us, played DAoC from the start. We are heavily focused on WvW. That being said, as of late, quite a few members have been losing interest in WvW. Its not that they don’t like it, or they aren’t enjoying themselves, its more due to not having a reason to log into WvW. I know, there is always “Server Pride”, but that can only carry people’s interest for so long.
We need something to attract us to log in everyday. Something to keep us wanting to WvW as much as possible. Some type of WvW character progression. Im not sure how hard it would be to add such a feature to the game, but something is needed.
Back in the DAoC days, we were anxious to log in to RvR. To get those RvR points that were needed to get that next Rank or to spend that next RvR Point on a Skill. These ranks werent easy to max out, they took an extremley long time to level which in my opinion is why it kept our interest peaked at all times. Every free moment i had, i wanted to log on, go out and RvR to earn those. In GW2, that feeling is lacking big time. If your sever so happens to be losing by a massive amount of points, what is the reason to go WvW?
Also, another thing i would love to see, is some type of WvW Player Leader Boards. I hate to keep going back to my DAoC days, but its the one game that kept me interested to the fullest. DAoC had The Camelot Herald. It keep track of GuiLd RvR stats, individual Player RvR and other stats.
If GW2 added some type of WvW Ranking, how hard would it be for ANet to add a trackijng system to the game, to allow us to see how our charatres are doing in WvW? I use to log onto that website daily just to see how i did the previous day, and to see how other were doing as well. It was something that encouraged me to log in, and RvR even more!
Im not sure how many others feel this way, but these ideas are something our guild have been talking about in teamspeak for the past few weeks or so, and some of those players that only log in once and awhiel to WvW have even stated if those ideas were in game, it would encourage them to play the game alot more.
Would love to hear your guys/girls thoughts on this.
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry
I have no idea if this has been said before, but I feel that we definitely need some sort up/down-vote system, (yes, I know… reddit) so that the comments that actually bring something to the community gets noticed instead of disappearng into the mists.
An option to have a crosshair appear on-screen where you had your mouse pointer when you hold the right mouse button.
Also an option to “Fast-cast” ground targeted spells on release of the hotkey, instead of when you press it.
Here are my suggestions as a game developer:
- Time zone based server
- based on a 6 hour time zone difference
- makes 4 zones
- restrict people to playing within their zones
- have a couple open ‘international’ servers that can be joined by anyone
- treated as overflow, in that anyone from any server can play in them
- based on a 6 hour time zone difference
- Out-manned buff
- the others had it right, swap this buff with the orbs
- Keep NPCs
- make NPCs stronger when out-manned
- scale NPC strength like with boss events
- more players = stronger NPCs
- not active if 6 or more defenders
- add another worker NPC upgrade
- more workers per depot that repair doors > walls
- worker/siege master at each ‘built in’ siege weapon
- only at cannons and oil
- no man made siege
- no mortars
- Server reset
- on reset, outfit borderland keeps
- cannon and waypoint upgrades completed
- oil already built
- on reset, outfit borderland keeps
This addresses most of the issues I see in WvW. If anyone has anything to add, reply on the topic I am going to paste this too called ‘WvW Suggestion Box’in the WvW Thread
Please make favorites dye section larger. I want to collect dyes but would be a pain later on of the 300 plus available we get 8 favorites. Maybe take it a step further and give us unnamed sections we can label to sort our own dyes like favorite darks. Thanks.
COMPILATION OF ALL PREVIOUS TOP IDEAS (updated/sorted/corrected)
- Preview Armor/Weapon/Dye on the Trading Post – This would save disappointment for those who are buying for cosmetic reasons only to realize they wasted a small fortune on something they dislike the look of.
- Waypoint/PvP costs need readjusting – You have enough money sinks and +3s per teleport? No, no, no! 1.5s should be the max price. The same thing with the PvP repair costs.
- Need a Dueling Mechanic – 100% of players want this. There have been over 50 times when I wanted to test my abilities against another player and vice versa.
- Percentages on Health Bars – This will add more strategy to your combat and lets the player see the damage he is doing.
- View Gear of another player (inspect) – This would make everything more convenient so I don’t have to bug another player about what gear he has.
- Guild Halls – It’s called GUILD Wars isn’t it? We need a place to hangout with our guildies. It can also have some vendors and an internal courtyard or a central “Ring/Arena” where players can duel while others spectate. Simple. PUT IT IN!
- More PvP maps/modes/types – Cap the flag, Team Deathmatch, Free for all, 5v5 3v3 sPvP etc.
- Face to Face trading like GW1 – There have been countless times where face to face trading like GW1 would have been easier, safer and more convenient.
- Better party group mechanics – How about seeing who is the party leader? Or making someone else leader?
- Add an LFG channel – This would make dungeon party finding faster and easier.
- Option to customize own UI – 99% of players would want this.
- Optimize the camera distance – At the moment the camera’s max distance is a little too close to the character.
- Make dyes ACCOUNT BOUND – There are so many…
… and some are far from cheap… account bound please.
- Dye weapons – PLEEEAAASSSSE!!! Everyone I have spoken with wants this!!! It sucks having a weapon that looks epic but has unmatching or kitten colour(s).
(edited by Tangol.7238)
- We need more EMOTES – Kiss, Charge etc.
- Permanent pet names – Nuff said.
- Mounts – Because it’s just cool and you can also make a ton of money by selling them. They don’t really need to go that much faster than when you are running (5%+ speed) and they can be a level 70+ only feature (or it could be an endgame thing).
- Barber Shop – Either do what u did with GW1 or put in an in-game barber shop where players can mess with hair/facial hair options. If not, a magical guy that allows you to remake your entire characters (without changing race, gender and other permanent characteristics).
- Player Housing – I can not express at how much this would improve your game. It adds more immersion than the other 90% of the game. It could also be another money sink and you could even sell furniture through your gem store.
I would love to make my own house in my home instance and make it like a mini castle with statues along a long hallway with armour on them and red carpet with a massive statue of Zhaitan as my centrepiece. This will get people to play longer and provide another end-game.
- Epic Raids once a week – You could implement epic scale castles, fortresses or zones where players can access once a week as a set time and raid with their guild for some hack and slash mayhem with over 100 enemies and when taken over, can display guild banners or something – or add raiding dungeons (10 man etc).
- First person view – This would add more immersion, get people to explore a lot more and encourage them to take more screenshots.
- Bring back HD screenshots – Current screenshots are terrible looking. HD screenshots were amazing before you took them out in Beta Weekend 3.
- WvWvW Ground/Water Mounts or some sort of buff in speed – Dying and then walking to the battle is so brutal and it feels so boring and grindy… I use run skills and then feel worse when they run out. You could add some sort of ghost horse that runs on land and water.
- Potion making with random cool things – Only +% potions? REALLY!? What about potions that make you the size of a Norn? as small as an Asura? Different race? Opposite gender?… Hell, even a potion that makes clones of yourself would be awesome enough. You people need to learn how to make crafting fun and put in senseless whacky random stuff.
- In-game PING meter like GW1 – Everyone would like to know their ping on the main UI like in a corner you could have a small coloured bubble like GW1.
- Load/Save Traits – This would be one of the best and most used features. Of course you could charge us but it would be nice and convenient. That way we can pay a small fee in-game and change our entire build on the fly to something more suited to the next dungeon boss battle.
- Better targeting system – My character often switches targets or stops attacking when i turn the camera to look at something else and this is annoying because my character will start shooting at a mob that i wasn’t even fighting. Also the auto targeting often targets enemies extremely far away and not enemies that are closer. So my pet runs off and attacks the wrong target. (so maybe enemies closer in range have a higher auto-targeting chance then ones far way)
- In-depth stats – What? No “Magic find percentage” or “Healing Power”?
- Money sink Casino in-game – This would be cool if you had some sort of a Casino in a crazy place reachable ony after completing a tricky jumping puzzle, where you could do mini games for gold and have a tiny chance of winning something worth of value.
- Keybind 3 different things: Loot, Resurrect and Interact – Time after time, I have resurrected a useless NPC instead of looting.
- Fishing mini game – There is lots of water. Lots of fish. A fishing game could be fun.
- Dungeons reworked – I know dungeons are meant to be difficult, but NOT to the point where its ridiculously impossible, not to mention spending hours and hours of just accomplishing one path. Please make it more time friendly and less punishing. I understand its a money sink to draw players to spend and earn less. That’s great as it eliminates the independence of being richer than the other. Just a slight change in the difficulty of the dungeons could make alot of the players happier and less depressed about their failed efforts.
- Better rewarding – Sometimes I feel “mm okay thanks… goes to TP ahh! worths nothing, merchant”. After completing a map we get armors and weapons that we can’t use!
- Mobs tend to stand in one place alot – Sort of ruins the feel seeing 20+ bears standing around doing nothing.
Credits go to Adam Of Awesome.7802 for making the list and to the wonderful GW2 community for posting suggestions
(edited by Tangol.7238)
NEED change some design of culture heary armor for good looking
all i what to say is i realy like some of design of light armor shoes, specialy the high heels, unfortunately the heary armor do not have any design like that (high heels), so i wish the development staffs can change some of heary armor looks to high heels shoes, like change human culture armor tier 3 what it looks, that all i want to say. after all, i realy love this game and i believe you guys created amazing awesome game, realy realy good job XD
best reagrd
Better preview window:
- Why we can’t see animation of weapon? How can I choose the best looking weapon when i can’t see their animations (for example green glass? part in Priory Weapons)
- Weapons hiding under armor, let’s try to find pistol/shield/bow on for example SE medium armor
- Knowing how many color slots you will have in preview item and have a possibility to color every slot separately (I want to know that i can’t colored my shoulder armor as i want becouse it have only 2 color slot for example)