Gasmic's Guild Taxes 2.0

Gasmic's Guild Taxes 2.0

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mash Hog.5672

Mash Hog.5672

I’ve been dwelling on this idea for the past few months and this post finally got me to stop being lazy and actually post it because it would be something that I would like to see Arena Net do.

We have an “Increase Gold 5%” buff in the guild upgrades section. This costs a few merits and is pretty cheap to build… but the benefit the guild member receives from this buff is

Instead of the bonus 5% going to the player, it goes directly to the guild bank! This would make it so that the members don’t feel like they’re losing anything and the collective effort of the guild could actually show up when people look at their guild’s bank!

This also fosters a feeling of community when you see all of the guild members working together contributing to a single cause.

Bonus Gold Guild Banners which are placed would provide gold to the guild’s bank.
So when a guild is running an event (My guild hosts Guild Missions with 120+ people showing up to them or Tequatl Raids with the same turnouts) we can ask everyone to interact with our banner; this way they can contribute to the guild without even being part of the guild to thank us for hosting these events. This way we don’t even need to ask for donations!
This would also be a pretty good incentive for guilds to put down hero banners and other kinds of banners because with many of them the +5% gold bonus comes with them!

This will do nothing but promote community building and help guilds fund and organize more expensive projects for the playerbase!


Gasmic > Mic Gazzy
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]