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Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: TonyD.3756


This is a great game, but it seems like it was developed in a vacuum, without regard to how other games have addressed certain problems plaguing all MMOs.

For example, the game should have a dungeon match making system. I understand the idea behind forcing people to spam chat with LFG, but other very successful games have learned that the better system is a que system that puts groups together. Why go back to an antiquated system?

Bag space is too limited. There is no good reason for this. Maybe you are forcing people to learn how to salvage by giving them no bag space, but this is ridiculous. Bigger bags would make the game less frustrating and better.

Armor is too bland for too long. Unless you buy the skins, the armor looks blasé. This wouldn’t be so bad, except with level adjustments your character never feels like an epic hero. He or she feels more like a simple cog in the machine. So, with bland armor and an Everyman feel, you neither feel nor look awesome. That really is an issue.

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Well, I for once am very happy that there is no dungeon finder. In my book it’s bad for the community and therefor Arena Net learned from the mistakes other games made.

The limited bag space makes sense, since you can get additional slots for games, which you can either purchase via real money or by spending gold. This is a F2P game, there has to be some sort of shop items that generate income.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


DDO has an awesome LFG feature. You can post what profs you are looking for, player level, dungeon level, and a note with any other details. There is a check box that will hide all LFGs a player is not eligible for. A player can immediately join a party (I never do this) or send a tell to the party leader (I always do this)

Screenshot – http://ddowiki.com/images/UI_Social_Grouping.jpg

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: tzko.2370


I dont like LFG tools, they make people join your group by one click. I like it more when people have to communicate and with a LFG-tool that seems to happen less. There is less sense of belonging, it will be more a bunch of strangers rather then a group of people.

Preferably id like to see a world wide LFG channel but one where you have to sign up for by specifing which dungeons and what profession you play. That will be stated in abbreviation in every message you broadcast in that channel. This to avoid worldwide chit chat, or another channel for that.

Its important in mmo’s to get people involved not only with events but also with each other! Communication is the key and I dont think LFG-tool is the solution.

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: neocatzeo.7485


It’s okay you don’t like LFG systems, but here’s the reality of the situation. In a few months you are going to be hurting looking for people to play with.

Right now people wait too long and give up trying to group for dungeons. So people get bored and start playing other games. Realistically we have people waiting upwards of an hour and failing to find a group. So people will move on and they do.

Original Poster:
I agree this is a great game. I didn’t find bag space to be that big of a problem. However yeah gear sucks leveling up. I found almost no variety above level 40 for my ranger. Almost all pirate gear. Below 40 it was the same 3 styles of gear. Also other classes shared those styles and everything in the end looked more generic then I was expecting.

I think WoW goes too far with the LFG system, but the system we have doesn’t go far enough. In fact it’s so bad, the WoW system is actually better, based on the fact that even if you wait an hour, at least you know you’re going to get a group. That’s more then you can say with the system we have here.

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


For example, the game should have a dungeon match making system. I understand the idea behind forcing people to spam chat with LFG, but other very successful games have learned that the better system is a que system that puts groups together. Why go back to an antiquated system?

LFG a la WoW. No.:
* No instant teleport.
* No instant group.

But something that not implies staying in one zone, spamming LFG for an hour.

Bag space is too limited. There is no good reason for this. Maybe you are forcing people to learn how to salvage by giving them no bag space, but this is ridiculous. Bigger bags would make the game less frustrating and better.

I think is ok. This game have the " deposit collectibles" making thinkg a lot easier than other games.. besides, you can sell any item in the BLTC from everywhere ;-) Do you want more than that?

Armor is too bland for too long. Unless you buy the skins, the armor looks blasé. This wouldn’t be so bad, except with level adjustments your character never feels like an epic hero. He or she feels more like a simple cog in the machine. So, with bland armor and an Everyman feel, you neither feel nor look awesome. That really is an issue.

It’s the whole idea of the game :-) Another mmo: Better stats. Here: best goodlooking.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Learn from other games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Link.6157


I also realy would love a party search function. And i mean cross-server. I can already play dungeons with people on other servers so why shouldn’t i be able to seek there as well? If you play on workhours in midweek, it’s just impossible to find people.
Maybe a quick temporary solution is to be able to chat on other servers their map chat.