Lets Improve physical skills!

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I will describe what I want physical skills to be like, a berserker charging into battle and smashing everything up, causing as much chaos as possible, punishing anyone who doesn’t use stability or simply zergs up.

Currently the problem with Physical skills is they are on such a long cool-down and really don’t have any synergy with our weapon sets, why does kick push enemies back when we want them near us? Why does an AOE knockback ROOT us and have such a slow animation to boot?!

A lot of these ideas, I admit are from other games i’ve played.


Leaping Kick
(Cooldown: 15 seconds.)
Leap quickly at your foe, kicking them as you land, if you do not hit a target, the cool-down is doubled, this cannot be used in melee range.
Damage: 252
Daze: ¼ s this makes it an interrupt.
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 250-1200

This I admit is originally Force Leap from star wars, i’ve always thought warriors needed a way to gap-close without using greatsword/sword, I really like the other weapons and you just really need a way to do this constantly.

Bull’s Charge
(Cooldown: 20 seconds.)
Charge your foe and Knock down your target if you hit them from behind or from the side.
Damage: 183
Knockdown: 2 s
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 800

This means you cannot simply chain-stun targets anymore, you only knockdown foes as the description says, no more bull’s charge shield back 100b combos, sorry but if you fix this little detail, you can greatly lower the cool-down so its more of a reliable ability.

Original Description Charge your foe and knock down fleeing foes.

(Cooldown: 20s)
Launch nearby foes into the air with a powerful stomp, this reveals targets that are in stealth for 1 second, however it does not stack with other revealed.
Damage: 183
Revealed: 1 s
Launch: 450
Radius: 240
Combo Finisher: Blast

You can now move at a slowed pace while you perform this ability, the cool-down was reduced dramatically because of how much access to stability/interrupts and dodges other classes get, the ability already has a very slow and very easy to see animation, if they do not avoid the stomp, they deserve its power.

Throw bolas
(Cooldown: 10 seconds.)
Throw bolas to immobilize and cripple your foe.
Immobilized: 1 s
Crippled: 4 s
Damage: 161
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 1200

Instead of throwing it near the ground, you throw it a little higher so it does not hit objects so much, the projectile also should be 2x faster.

Heal yourself and cure two conditions.
Healing: 5,560 (1.0)?

I’ve always thought mending should of been a physical skill to begin with, however now that it is if my idea goes into play, the trait that improves physical skills should double its healing and reduce its cool-down by 20%, this is balanced because we have a much higher health pool then other classes, and its a big sacrifice to get the physical cool-down reduction.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


Stomp’s a little OP in this vein, but I do like the concept. I do think the root makes sense though. Maybe just reduce it to 30s, keep the root, and that’s that… after all, if the Engineer can do it.

Otherwise, I love it. Love it all. Especially Bull’s Rush, that’s just brilliant. +1

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighter.5631


hell no i need that charge to 100b!

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dand.8231


hell no i need that charge to 100b!

Nothing that would die to a bulls/100b should smart enough to kill you even without it.

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


It makes no sense to make Mending a physical skill and there’s a simple reason for it:
Physical Training is in the Strength tree.

So all that you would do is make the zerk GS Warriors even stronger, as a lot of them already go 20/20/x/x/x to begin with.

After all, we’re talking about a healing that’s on a 20s cooldown and heals you for a consistent 11,120 and removes 2 conditions.

Also, I think bolas at 10s cooldown for a 1s Immobilize is a bit too strong, especially if coupled with Leg Specialist, a Shield, a Mace or a Hammer.

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


It makes no sense to make Mending a physical skill and there’s a simple reason for it:
Physical Training is in the Strength tree.

So all that you would do is make the zerk GS Warriors even stronger, as a lot of them already go 20/20/x/x/x to begin with.

After all, we’re talking about a healing that’s on a 20s cooldown and heals you for a consistent 11,120 and removes 2 conditions.

Also, I think bolas at 10s cooldown for a 1s Immobilize is a bit too strong, especially if coupled with Leg Specialist, a Shield, a Mace or a Hammer.

You realize that is only about 50% of our HP, trait lines are all being changed and GS warriors are probably getting nerfed? Oooo… 2 conditions.. Consume Conditions removes all of them and heals for each. The developers themselves commented on how poor our healing was.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


how do you get 11120? Either way it would be pretty op I feel the healing it provides along with the CD removal it correct on a 25s CD, seeing that signet is on a 20 second CD (without mastery) and only provides 3k or so, and please don’t argue that the passive regen is enough to make up for 2 conditions being removed. Especially since the removal is before the heal applies meaning things like psn can’t hinder you getting the full effect of the heal, provided that you don’t have more than 1 other condition. Still pretty strong heal as is.
@daecollo, 50% is a giant heal, something more along the lines of what anyone would expect a guardian to be doing. Either way I feel that Healing surge should remain the warriors biggest heal since it is based off of the warriors unique ability.
Also Anet has already stated that the warrior is the most balanced class ATM. I am expecting the biggest rework of a warriors traits to be in the Defense and Tactics lines as they are the most under used and most looked down upon, mainly because they are junk. With the exception of Empowered and leg specialist. Even then every tactics minor trait is about reviving and has no real synergy with any other traits of a warrior besides themselves.
Also I see no reason for great sword to see a big nerf if any at all. The damage it provides is balanced for the risk taken and only really applies to PvE, since a smart player in PvP can just move. With the exception of whirlwind, 100b, blade trail, and rush and all highly telegraphed and fairly easy to avoid. Nerfing gs just doesn’t seem like a move Anet would make. Increasing MoB AI and make more challenging content would be a better mediation if 100b is a problem. Otherwise it is pretty balanced. Also Nerfing it would make warrior completely useless as dps in dungeons, since its spreadsheet numbers would be far lower than other classes. where as it is nearly on par now and is just prefered over other classes because they don’t have to rely on terrible pet AI or other sorts of variables to be seen akittens peek. So really in order to nerf warriors in PvE you would have to change the content provided.

As to op’s other reworked skills they are pretty cheesy, slapping a 20 second CD (16 with aforementioned trait) is pretty overpowered considering now with a 40 second cd on bull’s rush it generally means I’ll kill something doubling that would only get people to cry about warrior even more. Also chain stunning with a warrior is how you win as a warrior. Making it so you can spam CC without much regard is just, bad play. As it stands if you play a chain stun warrior managing your stuns to inhibit the enemys counter abilities is how you gain the upper hand and it makes a difference when playing against good ones vs bad ones that just spam every CC ability they have. Making it so any warrior can just mash buttons and win will just dumb down the skill cap.
Also warriors if specd for chain stunning only really have 1 option for a solid choice in condition removal, which you decided to buff as well.

@Olba, throw bolas as it stands is a 4 second immob on a 20 second CD, which is rather strong actually. Cutting the CD in half for a 1 second immob isn’t that op even with leg specialist it’s only 2 seconds and with that you have to give up 10 trait points and a major trait. Maybe decrease the cripple duration a little but still not that op.

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Actually the developers stated that we were going to have a significant increase in sustain/healing/condition removal and an entire revamp of our burst skill lines so we actually used burst instead of held it in.

We are far from balanced, in fact we are quite weak compared to the other classes, our healing should be significantly higher because we have a more damage threshhold.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dand.8231


@daecollo, 50% is a giant heal, something more along the lines of what anyone would expect a guardian to be doing.

I dont get where you see 50% healing on mending. My mending is worth about 6k, of my 20k healthpool pool. That’s 30%.

Plus, there’s a bit of a catch to that statement, compared to a guardian. You can effectively multiply a classes healing by their ability to mitigate damage to calculate their sustainability.

For example, if a guardian can heal back 6k and maintain protection for an extended time, they’ve taken 33% less damage. Throw in an aegis or 2, and that 6k Guard heal, is now the equiv of an almost 8k War heal. So not only can certain classes heal for more raw numbers, those numbers are effectively multiplied by their other defensive mechanisms as well.

A large part of warrior sustain issues are not JUST the unimpressive raw numbers, it’s the defenses we employ to mitigate, that are lacking.

As an experiment, my Guard friend and I both wearing Knights gear, took turns and GS facetanked a Champ mob. No dodges allowed. Less than 30 seconds in I was on the verge of death. The Guards turn came, and he was able to stand there and maintain himself indefinitely without breaking a sweat.

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

Your cool downs are way too low.

Kick: Bull’s Charge is the Physical gap closer, Kick is already a quick interrupt. You can get that 15 second cool down (ok 16 seconds) if you use the Physical Training trait, which if I assume you plan of focusing on Physical skills, you should be using it

Bull’s Charge: Why would you nerf it like that? It’s fine how it is, 40 seconds for a 2 second knock-down gap closer that does decent damage is fair. And it’s 32 seconds when traited so it’s pretty good.

Stomp: 20 second cool down on an big AoE 1-2 second stun (don’t know the exact numbers for a launch) is a little much, especially since you could bring it down to 16 seconds. It should be reduced but around 45 seconds. Traited it would be 36

Throw Bolas is fine as is. Traited it’s a 16 second cool down 4 second immobilize. It just needs to be made more accurate

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Your cool downs are way too low.

Kick: Bull’s Charge is the Physical gap closer, Kick is already a quick interrupt. You can get that 15 second cool down (ok 16 seconds) if you use the Physical Training trait, which if I assume you plan of focusing on Physical skills, you should be using it

Bull’s Charge: Why would you nerf it like that? It’s fine how it is, 40 seconds for a 2 second knock-down gap closer that does decent damage is fair. And it’s 32 seconds when traited so it’s pretty good.

Stomp: 20 second cool down on an big AoE 1-2 second stun (don’t know the exact numbers for a launch) is a little much, especially since you could bring it down to 16 seconds. It should be reduced but around 45 seconds. Traited it would be 36

Throw Bolas is fine as is. Traited it’s a 16 second cool down 4 second immobilize. It just needs to be made more accurate

stomp is a 60 sec cd attack. the cd is actually a bit much since the attack is very telegraphed

I wish anet reduce stomp cd to 50 seconds untraited

The trait to reduce physical attack cd is too far in the tree. The trait no long make sense ever since the burst percent nerf. I hope anet will move the trait lower in the tree