Make Favorite Dyes Account Bound

Make Favorite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Over in one of the many threads about account bound dyes vs soulbound dyes (with well thought out pros & cons for both.) the topic came up making your favorite dyes account bound, rather than making them all account bound. I thought this was a snazzy idea that deserved it’s own topic.

I think it is a nice compromise between Zomg which char gets this colour?? and keeping the dye economy going.

Make Favorite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: ajlee.2607


This. I spent £8.50 on loads of dyes and got some nice ones on my Thief and then decided I didn’t like Thief. I want to be able to use my dyes on all characters (including the elusive Abyss Dye I looted ;D).


Make Favorite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216


If we can’t have them all account bound, this would work too, though I’d prefer the whole palette were account bound on use.