Make mini-games available from the Mists

Make mini-games available from the Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dream.2851


I Know ANet has some pretty fun mini games up it’s sleeve such as Keg Brawling, recent Halloween mini-games (Lunatic inquisition and Reaper’s rumble) and the Hunger Games event from BWE3. I also remember the festivals in GW1 had an amazing variety of mini-arenas, roller-beetle racing and other creative events. I think it would attract a lot of people if these mini-games were made available from the Isle of the Mist (PvP Isle). This could be done with a mini-games “randoms” arena NPC with a map rotation of all the current mini-games built into GW2.

It’s just a shame that the effort ANet has put into these fun mini-games often go unappreciated because there are not enough people playing them. For example, keg brawling matches have all but disappeared because no one spends time in the Norn city. So instead of scattering mini-games around the world and hoping enough people will visit the area just to play it, why not make access to all mini-games available from one place?

Make mini-games available from the Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pochibella.8394


A lot of the problem with minigames is it does not allow you to join as a group or even with one party member. My husband and I rarely get put into the same game, let alone the same team. If we do manage to get the same game, we are on opposing teams.

I think more people would play if you could play WITH your friends. My guild wanted to have a guild keg brawl. Hard to do when you can’t get in the same game.

I understand Anet doesn’t want an organized group beating the snot out of a bunch of pugs. As someone who solos when husband is not home, I agree, I don’t like being rolled. However, give two options to queue or something. Queue alone or queue as group. You may have to wait a little longer if you queue as group.

I don’t know what the solution is. I do love the minigames and I know I would play them more often if my husband and I or my guild could all play together.

Make mini-games available from the Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dream.2851


Good point. I know that I wanted to play the lunatic inquisition with a guildie and had to que and reque to get in to the same match. But I think this could be easily solved by having a similar system to the current hot-join pvp matches. In these matches you can select the server you want to join (making it easy to match up with friends and guildies) or you can just hot-join to a random game.

Make mini-games available from the Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: ReaperSpirit.2593


I think this would be a good idea, it could lead to these mini-games being played more often.
If I want to keg brawl, I don’t really want to go to Hoelbrak, and hope there are players there.
Some sort of browser would make things much simpler. As a bonus, any form of rating could be fun, for
example, having a kegbrawl rating/team rating, a league could form.

Make mini-games available from the Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: GothicMonkey.4753


I love all these suggestions but i noticed the mention of beetle racing.

I really want beetle racing in gw2, that was so much fun in gw1.